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Clue and the Sea Dragon (The Clue Taylor Series Book 2)

Page 16

by Wendie Nordgren

  Coco Bear cocked an ear at him, hunched his back, and complied.

  “Oh, Coco Bear. Come on, boy. Let’s get you home.”

  Fergus was red in the face. “Clue, I swear. If I didn’t feel so bad about you being taken off of my ship….”

  I flipped him off and kept walking. Coco Bear made his way slowly down the ramp, along the wooden dock, and across the gravel to the transport. The cold wind ruffled his fur. Once he had climbed inside, I buried my fingers in the fur around his face and kissed him between his eyes. Then, I closed the door and drove until we were out of town. I pulled over on the side of the road, parked, and crawled into the backseat with Tadashi. I took the blue collar off of his neck. He shimmered into his human form. I held onto him and allowed the deep wracking sobs I had been holding in to escape. Gently, Tadashi held me and spoke soft soothing words of nonsense.

  Soft “woofs” and scratches sounded at the door moments before Dorian opened it and began driving us home. “Your female is disobedient. Now, the food I ordered for her will be cold.”

  I heard Tadashi’s answer but didn’t understand it because I was falling asleep. When I woke, I was curled against Tadashi’s chest in the back seat of the transport. It was dark, and the windows were cracked.

  “Where are we?”

  “The parking garage. I didn’t wish to wake you. Are you alright?”

  I nodded and moved my hand over his bruised chest and shoulder. “I thought I’d lost you.”

  “Never.” Tadashi pulled on a pair of pajama bottoms that Dorian must have brought him, and together we made it up to his room. Together, we showered, had dinner in bed, and slept.

  Panic seized my heart when I woke up alone. I ran from the bedroom and main room stopping short when I saw Tadashi seated on one of the red couches while Dr. Benjamin checked his arm. More calmly, I sat in a chair across from them.

  Dr. Benjamin said, “Looks good. You know what you can handle.” He looked between us with what seemed like mild disapproval. “Miss Taylor, how are you feeling?” he asked with an emphasis on the form of address.

  “I’m okay.”

  “Well, then, send for me should you have need. I’ll see myself out.”

  After he had gone, I asked, “What had him all weird?’

  Tadashi smiled. “It’s nothing.”

  “Tell me.”

  “Most of Scorpius is conservative in its views about pre-marital behaviors. Even with your engagement ring and your father’s blessing, it may seem to some that I am taking advantage of you.”

  “You’re joking.”

  “I am not.”

  Dorian stepped from the lift. “The ship has been sighted. Dress, and we will await Lord Tanaka’s news.”

  Eager to see Winks, I changed into jeans, a long cream sweater, boots, and a dark-green hooded coat that reached my thighs. Tadashi dressed in a similar but more masculine fashion. Dorian drove us to the docks where we waited in the warm transport. After the ship was secure and a wide ramp had been lowered, we got out. Dorian cleared a path for us through the crowd that eagerly awaited news. I searched for Winks. When I spotted him, he looked so tired. I went to him and hugged him around his waist.

  “I’m so glad you’re okay.”

  “Everything is fine. As soon as the Black Bounty entered Umibozu’s territory into the global positioning system, we sailed out. Umibozu has a new home. Mr. Tavora’s men created an entrance to the cave where Snappy was trapped. Then, Snappy, the Sirens, and Mr. Tavora, who happens to be a small grey sea dragon, herded Umibozu to the new habitat. No one goes there, he can hide in the cave, and there’s plenty of fish,” Winks explained.

  “How are Snappy, Palena, and her Sirens?”

  “Tired but okay. Mr. Tavora says Snappy may remain in his sea dragon form for quite some time. That’s okay. I’ve grown fond of him. He can stay with us.”

  Snappy thumped his tail against the deck. I walked over to him and hugged his neck. “What was your role in all of this?” I asked my father as I returned to him. Winks shuffled his feet and readjusted his arms around me. “Daddy?”

  “Colwyn transported crews inside of the cave to plant charges. The men are loyal. They will not reveal our natures to outsiders. Do not fear,” Lord Tanaka said.

  “I’m glad you’re home safely,” I said quietly.

  Lord Tanaka stared at Tadashi and then met Dorian’s eyes. “Colwyn, perhaps you might allow Clue to take you and Snappy home? You are very tired, aren’t you?”

  “Very. Clue, baby girl, do you mind?”

  Winks, Snappy, and I walked over to the side of the boat and around a cabin where curious eyes could not see. We held hands and each placed a hand on Snappy. Then, I concentrated on being home and slipped. We rematerialized in front of the fireplace. Winks kissed my forehead and started a fire.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The next couple of days were quiet and boring. I stayed home. Tadashi spent each night with me in my room. I learned that while Okami could be hurt, they also healed quickly. Someone buzzed for entry, so I slipped from my room to the front door. I palmed the door and checked who it was before opening it.

  “Hey, Yago. What’s up?”

  He dipped his head and smiled at me. “Colwyn wants a bed built. Here I am. Can you hold the door open?”


  After a few trips, Yago had pieces of wood and a tool box scattered across the living room. “I already measured, pre-cut, and painted to his specifications. Hello, sir,” Yago said with a dip of his head to Snappy, who had shrunk down to a manageable five-foot-long sea dragon size.

  I sat on the floor next to Snappy and watched. An hour or so later, Yago had constructed a very low bed that resembled a couch except for the elaborated headboard that had been carved to resemble crashing waves. Yago had even painted it blue and white. “Wow! It’s really pretty.”

  “Thank you. I’ll go pick up the mattress and be back in a jiffy.”

  I sat on the couch and watched the fire. Snappy climbed up and rested his head on my lap. I ran my hands over his blue scales and twin fin-like cranial ridges. That was how Winks found us. “Baby girl, I need you to go pick out some things. I need to be here when the furniture arrives.”

  “What furniture?”

  “A table and stuff. Don’t you remember?”


  Winks handed me a list. “Try Farm Supply,” he said as he gave me a credit chip.

  I put on my jacket, frolicking dolphin helmet, and grabbed my hover board. It was cold. Winks wanted big food and water bowls for Snappy. I wandered around the store until I found two large, white, round plasti-glass bowls that were supposed to be used for plants. Also, I found a large collar and leash set made of black braided leather. I had a nametag made that read, “Snappy, 888 Honjo Street, Scorpius.”

  Lord Tanaka had suggested that whenever Snappy left the house that unsuspecting visitors to the city would be less frightened if he were on a leash. They didn’t need to know that he could tear through the collar like waste paper and transform into a mighty sea dragon the size of an apartment building. A young man had been following me around the store. Each time I made a selection, he took it to the counter. I paid and asked to have everything delivered.

  When I got home, loud male laughter greeted me. Gregory and Cosmo were helping Winks move the dining table to the living room. They put it in a spot a little behind the couch. “We need a rug under this or something,” Winks said.

  “Well, where have you two been?” I asked. “You just disappeared and abandoned us.”

  Cosmo grinned at me. “See? I told you she’d miss us.”

  “That you did,” Gregory said.

  “Well?” I asked.

  “I had some things to take care of. Also, I convinced Gregory to move to Scorpius. Dorado is hazardous at the moment. After what happened with Umibozu, he can get more followers for the Goddess of the Ocean Waves here.”

  I thought and met Gregory’s eyes. �
��Yes, I agree. Palena is good, and in order to protect us she needs us.”

  “I told Gregory he could stay here for a while. He and Cosmo can share a room,” Winks said.

  I worried they had other motives. “Look. I don’t want to lead either of you to think….”

  “Relax, Clue. They understand.”

  Someone buzzed for entry, so I went to answer it while they moved the chairs. Without thinking, I opened the door before checking to see who was there. I screamed and jumped back. I fell on my butt and scooted away as fast as I could. Liam put his hand out to keep the door from closing. Snappy had moved with blurring speed to place himself between us. With his arm healed, he could move incredibly fast.

  Winks appeared at the entrance way. “What do you want, Liam?”

  Tadashi had insisted that I tell him, Winks, Lord Tanaka, and Dorian everything. Mr. Julian had visited filling them all in on the rest. I felt hands on my arms as Cosmo and Gregory helped me up. My heart pounded. I struggled to breathe. I flinched when Liam thrust out his hand. Winks took whatever it was. Liam stared at me, gave a bow, and left. Winks closed the door.

  The Okami pack watched Liam as he completed the mission he had been given. His continued existence depended on his behavior. The pack had hunted Liam down in Dorado. The Okami had taken one of the serpent demon’s fangs as punishment for his disrespect of his mated pack members. The three wolves howled making the serpent demon flinch as it entered its transport.

  My face felt simultaneously hot and cold.

  “Cosmo, take her to the couch,” Winks said. Cosmo picked me up. I heard the click of Snappy’s claws as he followed us.

  “I’ll get you a cup of tea,” Gregory said quietly.

  I tried really hard not to, but I ended up on Winks’ lap crying against his neck. I didn’t cry for long just enough to be embarrassed. “It’s okay, baby girl. You’re okay. Drink your tea.” He pushed me from his lap and onto the couch. Winks opened the box Liam had handed to him. In it was my GPS bracelet. There was also a letter. Winks read, “Miss Taylor, I apologize for interfering in your relationship. If you change your mind, I would keep you as my wife. In reparation, I have gifted you the speedboat and purchased you a berth at the Scorpius Marina. Sincerely, Liam.”

  “Interfering with my relationship?” I spluttered. “He…he…he tried to kill Tadashi. I thought he had.”

  Winks put his hands to my cheeks. “Hey. It’s all over.” He stared into my eyes until I calmed down. Then, he kissed my forehead. When the door signaled again, I almost jumped out of my skin. Winks went to answer it, and Cosmo and Gregory sat to either side of me.

  “What happened to you while we were gone?” Gregory asked.

  I shook my head. “I don’t want to think about it,” I said as I gave his hand a squeeze. I couldn’t believe that Liam had summed up the extent of what he had done to Tadashi and me as interfering with our relationship, but then I began to wonder where I had heard that phrase before.

  “Okay,” Gregory said in his deep soft voice.

  “Oh, good job, Clue. Snappy, come here and see what Clue got for you.” Snappy’s claws clicked on the wooden floor as he walked to the kitchen to investigate. Winks came back into the living room and picked up my GPS band. “I’m going to check this for tampering and reprogram the door buzzer. Stay with her,” he said to the guys.

  The next time someone signaled for entry, it sounded like waves crashing upon the shore. “Well, that’s pretty,” I said.

  Before any of us could get up, Winks had popped in front of the door to let delivery men and Yago inside. “It wasn’t ready yet, so I waited,” Yago explained. He placed a big white cushion onto the bedframe he had made for Snappy.

  “Perfect!” Winks complimented him. “Can you wait around for a bit?”

  “Sure,” Yago said.

  Snappy walked over to his bed and touched it with his tongue. Then, he climbed onto it, stretched out, and thumped his tail in approval. While the delivery men worked, I tried to remain inconspicuous on the couch as I sipped tea, ate cookies, and watched the fire. Once they were gone, Winks showed us everything. The large oval dining table seated eight. There would be no more sitting on the counter to eat for me. Two comfortable white chairs were in the living room. Upstairs, a new bunkbed with adult-sized mattresses was in Cosmo’s room. In my room against the diagonal wall of my bathroom, was a large desk with a big rectangular mirror backing and attached shelves. The shelves were larger at the floor and tapered growing smaller at the top where a narrow piece of wood on top connected the shelves together on each side and formed the top frame of the mirror. The highest shelves were about as wide as my hand. It was really pretty. A chair of matching wood with a white padded seat was in front of the desk.

  “I thought you could use it to study, do girly stuff, or put things on it,” Winks said with a shrug.

  “Thank you, Daddy.” I moved my shell game onto it along with my spyglass.

  When Tadashi arrived later that night, he brought dinner from the Wisteria with him. I told him about Liam’s visit. “At least he can communicate in writing,” Tadashi said. I waited for him to say more, but he didn’t.

  The next morning at breakfast, Winks called a family meeting. “We have a big responsibility, and his name is Snappy. I discovered this morning the importance of taking him out for walks. There is an empty lot a few blocks down Honjo. I bought it. Snappy will tap his foot twice as a sign he has to go. Show ‘em.” Snappy blinked and then tapped his claws for us. “Be sure to put the leash on him when you take him out.”

  Incredulously, Cosmo said, “You bought a vacant lot so Snappy would have a place to potty?”

  “Yes, be glad you didn’t witness my motivation. I thought we could clean the place up, put a decorative fence around it, add a sand corner for the cats, a few benches, and call it a pet park,” Winks said. I smiled brightly at the idea. “Baby girl, take him down there for me.”

  I dressed in my outerwear, got the leash, and held the door open for Snappy. The sea dragon had me walking at a brisk pace. He tugged his leash out of my hand at the lot and tromped off into the tall weeds to do his thing. I was freezing when he came back to me.

  When I got to work, Mr. Tavora had me running errands for an hour. When he finally let me sit down to warm up, Fergus walked in. “What are you doing here?”

  Blue eyes flashed at me in anger. “I came to get paid. I’ve got bills to pay and additional boat repairs to make.” Fergus went into Mr. Tavora’s office.

  I pointedly ignored him when he left.

  Cora tried to cheer me up by helping her look at pictures of wedding dresses. She had forced me to help her create a plasti-file full of ideas.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The next few days were blissfully boring. Since his sailors had stopped going missing and his ships were no longer sinking, Mr. Tavora had been in a great mood. Cora and I were sitting together at her desk playing a guessing game on a data pad to pass the time when Mr. Tavora walked over to us.

  “Ladies, you have both been working diligently for me throughout this crisis. Today, I have a little reward planned for you. The two of you will be spending the remainder of the day at the Salon. Rory will serve as your driver today.”

  “Oh! Thank you, Mr. Tavora!” Cora said with a huge excited smile.

  “Yes, sir. Thank you so much,” I said. This was going to suck. Momma subjected me to this kind of crap constantly while I was growing up. For Cora’s sake, I played along.

  The plucking, filing, clipping, scrubbing, and painting that occurred from head to toe was annoying. I was planning my escape moments before being led into the steam room. Its relaxing warmth caused me to postpone my departure. The massage that followed was almost as good as what I could get from Tadashi for free. Once the ladies at the Salon were done, Momma would have cried tears of joy at the sight of me. It had been weeks previous to Momma’s passing since all of my fingernails had been even. Cora was glowing with happiness.

  Rather than driving us home, Rory pulled to a stop in front of the Wisteria. Ivan was waiting just inside of the lobby and rushed out to open Cora’s door. “Come on, Clue,” Cora prompted.

  “Okay, Tadashi may as well see me like this.” A light freezing rain had begun to fall which spurred me inside. The Wisteria had been transformed into a sparkling winter palace. Snowflake decorations and white lights sparkled. Huge arrangements of white flowers arranged with dark green foliage covered tabletops. “Wow!” I was even more surprised to find Winks waiting inside for me with a huge smile on his face.

  “Come with me, baby girl.”

  Cora kissed Ivan. “See you in a little while,” she said as she followed us into the lift.

  Winks placed my hand on his arm and walked us down a hallway. “You look beautiful, Clue.”

  “Thanks. What’s going on?”

  “You’ll see,” Cora said.

  Winks tapped at a door. Mrs. Stone opened it. She had a beautiful smile on her sweet face. “Come in! Come in!” Mrs. Stone was wearing a pretty light blue dress with a matching jacket. She even had on make-up.

  “Mrs. Stone, you look beautiful,” I said. “What’s going on?”

  “What’s going on is that I’ve been stubborn and selfish. Can you forgive me?” Winks asked.

  “You’ve done nothing that needs forgiving, Daddy,” I said puzzled.

  Winks hugged me. “I love you. I’ll be right outside, baby girl.”

  Mrs. Stone took my hand and urged me forward. I noticed Nadia struggling with a big garment bag.

  “Nadia, hey!”

  “Hey, sugar. Take your clothes off.” I raised my eyebrows at her.

  “Yes, and you should go pee now,” Mrs. Stone added.

  “What is going on?”

  Nadia unfastened the bag showing me a long shimmering white wedding gown decorated with white and blue pearls. My eyes flashed to Cora’s. It was the dress I had ogled while helping her with her plasti-file of wedding ideas. The pieces began to fall into place.

  “Winks is throwing his beloved daughter the biggest fanciest wedding party Scorpius has ever seen,” Nadia told me.


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