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Empire Rising Box Set

Page 26

by D. J. Holmes

  James contacted the Governor and passed on the latest developments, informing him that their plan was still the best chance they had. Now all they had to do was wait.

  The crew were able to occupy themselves during the initial stages of the destroyer’s approach by watching the unfolding chase between the British forces lead by Voyager and the fleeing Chinese ships. A collective groan escaped from the bridge crew as the Chinese ships all disappeared twenty seconds before the British missiles reached them. They had been able to jump away just in time. With that drama over, everyone’s attention was focused on the lone Chinese destroyer.

  A further fifty minutes later and James’ prayers were answered. The Chinese destroyer had started to decelerate to come to rest at her maximum missile range. Without wasting any time, she fired five missiles after the fleeing colony ship and boosted away, making for the shortest route to the edge of the mass shadow. The Chinese’s Captain’s actions had assured that if he wanted to come back for another salvo he would be guaranteeing the British warships caught him. Hopefully, that would mean James only had to deal with the one salvo heading for them.

  Fired from maximum range and towards a target fleeing the opposite direction it would take the missiles over thirty minutes to catch them. A long time for the bridge crew on board Drake to watch nervously as almost certain death approached. Ten minutes out James keyed his console to open a ship wide channel.

  “All hands, this is the Captain. By now you all know what we face. We have five missiles coming for us seeking to reign down death and destruction. Beside us are almost forty thousand civilians. We didn’t ask to be their protectors but that is where we find ourselves. I’m not going to lie, none of us may be walking away from this but if we die we will die knowing we have done the duty of a British warship.” Pausing to regain control of his emotions James continued to put on a brave face, dismissing thoughts of Christine. “If any of you have yet to transmit your personal messages to Voyager do so now, the Chinese missiles are less than ten minutes away. It has been a pleasure commanding all of you. Commander Somerville out.”

  As he finished he saluted, knowing that many of the crew were watching his last words to them on holo displays throughout the ship. As he looked up James saw that the entire bridge crew was standing to attention saluting him back, Gupta included. Momentarily at a loss for words, James simply motioned them all back to their seats. “Thank you everyone, I know you will all do your duty.” Inwardly, James felt ashamed. He thought his crew had deserved the words he had given them but he knew how close he had come to running away and he knew his real motive for staying. He didn’t deserve their respect and it shamed him. Still, he thought to himself, we are in it now. There is nothing to do but put on a brave face and live up to everyone’s expectations.

  At five minutes out, it became clear two missiles were targeted at the two supply ships. That left three for Drake and the colony ship to handle.

  At three minutes out, the missiles all went into evasive attack patterns and switched on their ECM to confuse the defensive fire that was about to try and swat them out of space.

  Two minutes and thirty seconds out, the colony ship and the two supply ships opened fire with their point defense plasma cannons. The unmanned supply ships ignored the missiles targeted at them and sought to protect the colony ship. Of the five missiles aimed at the colony ship one was hit and exploded.

  The next thirty seconds were the longest in James life. Drake could drop out of stealth and open fire with her point defense plasma cannons but the plan called for her to wait.

  At two minutes out, Drake went to full power. She immediately began to launch AM missiles and open up with all her plasma cannons. At the same time her ECM went to full power.

  The remaining two missiles targeted at the colony ship seemed to pause for a moment as their targeting sensors tried to burn through the ECM and identify the new target. In those vital seconds one was knocked out by Drake’s defensive fire. Yet the last one came on.

  Thirty seconds from impact James knew they weren’t going to get the last one. He almost couldn’t believe the next words that came out of his mouth. “Navigation, move us directly in front of the colony ship. Put us between them and the last missile,” he ordered.

  As time slowed down, James thought it strange that even so close to death he was still able to appreciate how Sub Lieutenant Thirlwall immediately obeyed his final orders, even though it sealed her own doom. He then looked over to Gupta to see that she was still fully focused on overseeing the point defenses. The look of determination in her eyes showed she had no thought for what was about to happen, she was focused on the here and now. All across the bridge James watched as his crew were calmly doing everything they could to aid in the defense of the colony ship. Still, it’s not enough, James thought as time suddenly seemed to speed up again and the missile came crashing in.

  Just as the missile was about to impact Sub Lieutenant Thirlwall managed to interpose Drake between the missile and the helpless colony ship. The sudden merging of the two targets and the ECM from Drake confused the missile enough to cause it to over shoot the colony ship before exploding. The shockwave, however, still washed over Drake. On a larger warship such a hit could be brushed off but on a small exploration frigate it was devastating. On the bridge James was flung into the back of his command chair and everything went dark as the thermonuclear explosion burnt off Drake’s valstronium armor and tore into her inner hull. Crumpled and without power she tumbled away from the colony ship.

  Chapter 20 – Second Chance

  Every naval officer aspires to command their own warship. This is without exception. Yet only the very best will ever rise above their colleagues and attain the rank of Captain.

  -Excerpt from Empire’s Rising, 3002 AD

  17th April 2465 AD, HMS Drake, New Stockholm system

  Slowly James became aware of a drum beating somewhere in the distance. It began to come closer and closer until eventually it felt like it was being held right up to his head. With an effort he tried to open his eyes. At first nothing happened but then, suddenly, they opened and piercing light flooded his vision. The pain was unbearable and instinctively he moved his hand to cover his eyes. In his groggy state, he misjudged the distance and ended up whacking himself in the face, sending the drum beat in his head firing off at an increased pace.

  Noticing the movement, Doctor Wilson came over to stand by his patient’s bed. “I see you are awake Captain. You’ll have to take things slowly for the next few hours; you have received a nasty concussion. I had to put you into a temporary coma in order to stop your brain from swelling too much.”

  Concern coursed through James. How long had he been out? Drake needed him. Try as he might he couldn’t get his mouth to form the words. All Doctor Wilson heard was “Hl on.”

  Having already anticipated the Captain’s first question Wilson was able to decipher the mumble. “You’ve been out for just under twenty hours, Captain. You don’t need to worry, Lieutenant Gupta has everything under control.”

  James tried to mull that over but the thumping in his head was still growing in intensity. “M hd, pan.” He managed to croak.

  This time the doctor had to pause for a second before understanding. “Yes, you’re going to be in some pain for the next day or so but now that you are awake I can start to give you something for it, hold on.”

  A few moments later the doctor returned and pressed one of his instruments to James’ neck. Almost immediately the drumming in his head receded considerably and he felt the rest of his body begin to relax too. After working his jaw back and forth a number of times, he finally felt confident enough to try his next question. “H.. how bad?”

  Wilson considered whether to answer this question right away or to wait until James was at least back on his feet. After a lengthy pause that only served to deepen James’ fears he decided the Commander deserved to know. “Personnel wise we were very lucky, only six dead. Drake on the oth
er hand wasn’t. The missile that detonated off our bow crumpled the forward twenty percent of the ship. We lost the forward missile tube along with our store of recon drones. Gupta says our point defense has been reduced by sixty percent and the damage to our forward section means we won’t be able to hide from anyone. There was also damage to the forward plasma cannon and one of our fission reactors has had to be shut down. In short, it looks like Drake will be spending a lengthy time in a repair dock sir.”

  Relieved at the light causalities, James still felt a pang of pain for Drake. He had come to love her as his own and now his own had been almost turned into a wreck. “The colony ship?” He asked next.

  This time Wilson broke into a smile. “The colony ship survived sir. There were a lot of shaken up colonists but the final missile exploded far enough away that it only damaged the ship’s engines.”

  “And the Chinese destroyer?”

  “Gone sir, after what she tried to do to us and the Swedes, Voyager and her consorts tore her to shreds, they didn’t give them any quarter.”

  Lying back in relief, James cracked a small smile himself. He had done it, and against the odds, he had even survived himself. It was almost unbelievable. At the end he had been resigned to his fate.

  After the moment passed, he tried to sit up again. Drake needed him, she may be heavily damaged but she was still his ship. They needed to get back to Excalibur and then to Britannia for repairs. That was his duty.

  This time he opened his eyes slowly and allowed them to get used to the light of sickbay. Looking around he noticed he was alone with the doctor. “Where is everyone else?” he asked. If there were that many dead there should have been plenty of injuries too.

  “Because of the damage Drake took, all our injured have been moved to the destroyer Janice or to the Swedish colony ship. Lieutenant Gupta insisted that you would want to remain on board,” replied the doctor.

  Relieved that the others were being well taken care of, James tried to swing his legs around in the bed to stand up. As he did he lost his balance and almost fell off the bed. If wasn’t for Wilson’s strong arms he would have.

  “I do have experience treating stubborn patients Captain. Lieutenant Gupta is doing a fine job. She’ll manage without you for another few hours. This will put you to sleep, when you wake up you should be ready to resume your duties.” Before James could complain, Wilson had thumbed a new command into his medical device and pressed it to James’ neck again. Within seconds James was asleep.


  Two days later and James was back where he knew he belonged, sitting on Drake’s command chair. The repairs had been going well. With the destroyer Janice’s help, both Drake and the Swedish Colony ship had been made shift space worthy and were about to make the jump to Excalibur. After reviewing the repairs Gupta had been doing while he was in sickbay, James had had to admit to himself she had probably organized things better than he could. Once back on his feet, he had joined her and together they had thrown themselves into the repairs. Finally, he felt like they were a real team.

  His first inspection of the ship had been surreal. Not only had he been unable to venture forward past the port missile tube due to the damage, there had also been a lot of missing faces. James had been dismayed to learn that Sub Lieutenant Shannon had been among the six dead. She had manned navigation and so he had worked closely with her over the last two years as they plotted out Drake’s survey routes. As well as the fatalities, twenty crew members had been injured seriously enough to warrant being moved. Eight had been taken to the destroyer Janice while the others were aboard the colony ship. That left James with only forty personnel under his command. The gaps were obvious.

  James suspected the injured on board the colony ship would be having an exhausting trip back to Earth. Already the crew still aboard Drake had been inundated with messages of thanks from the thousands of colonists aboard the colony ship. At least they could ignore the messages. Those members of Drake’s crew who had to travel all the way back to Earth among the colonists wouldn’t be getting a moment of privacy.

  Tapping on his console, he made a note to send a message to them. It wouldn’t do for them to try and take advantage of the situation. They would need to be on their best behavior. Sub Lieutenant Fisher was also among the injured aboard the colony ship. He would miss her the most but once she got back to Earth she would have the chance to take her Lieutenant’s exam and finally get her promotion. Typing a personal message for her reminding her to keep Drake’s crew members under control, James then opened her personnel report. He spent the next few minutes updating it and gave his recommendation that she be immediately assigned to a combat role after she passed her exam.

  As he completed the recommendation, James’ thoughts were interrupted by Sub Lieutenant Graham who was manning the COMS station. “Captain, both the colony ship and Janice report that they are ready to jump. Janice says that we have the privilege of giving the order to jump.”

  “Very well,” James acknowledged. As the senior Captain Janice’s commanding officer should be the one to order the ships to jump but he was giving Drake the honor out of respect. “Navigation, are we ready to jump?” James asked.

  “Yes sir, our jump capacitors are fully charged,” came the reply.

  “Ok, COMS, order our ships to jump in three, two, one, jump.”

  As always, the slight flicker in the inertial dampeners indicated that Drake had jumped into shift space. Happy the jump had been successful James began to review the repair plans for the next few days. It would only take three hours for them to reach Excalibur and then another nine to enter orbit. When he had last been at Excalibur, almost two months ago, a number of construction ships from Admiral’s Cunningham’s fleet had begun to build a small repair and resupply facility. It would not be able to handle all of Drake’s requirements but it could provide what Drake needed to get back to Britannia. James intended to have a full list of their needs ready as soon as they reached Excalibur so they could pick up what they needed and be on their way in good time. He wanted to see Drake back in working order as soon as he could make it happen.

  After finishing his list of requirements, James began to work on his battle report. He had not had time to work on it since he had left sickbay. All his efforts had been given over to getting Drake and the colony ship ready to depart as soon as possible but Commodore West would be expecting a full report.

  When the navigation officer announced they were coming up to Excalibur James was surprised by how quickly the time had passed. He had been lost in his thoughts reliving the battle. Writing the report had given him a chance to reflect on the life he had nearly lost. Between Christine, his growing love for the navy and his quest to rebuild his family name he had a lot to live for. He had nearly lost it all. Even though he knew they had saved almost forty thousand colonists he wasn’t sure he would make the same decision again. He had acted in the heat of the moment, not considering the implications of his actions when he had given the final order to close with the colony ship. As he thought about it he wasn’t sure that he was prepared to risk his future with Christine so easily. Still, now he had a second chance to make sure he got the things he wanted out of life.

  As Drake exited shift space on the edge of the Excalibur system the bridge crew were on full alert. Within seconds the ships passive sensors were flooded with lots of data. “Tactical, what have you got?” James asked.

  “Our gravimetric sensors are picking up a number of ships maneuvering around the system sir. They all appear to be following typical routes for system pickets. Around the planet itself, our passives have picked up a number electromagnetic radiation sources. The computer has identified Commodore West’s heavy cruiser Avenger and Rear Admiral Jensen’s Valkyrie. There are also at least another fifteen warships in orbit.”

  “Thank you Sub Lieutenant Becket,” James responded. There were more ships in orbit around Excalibur than he had expected but if there had been a fight at V17 then it
was likely some of the damaged ships were here affecting repairs. Satisfied there were no hostile threats in the system James stood to retire to his office. “Becket, you have the bridge,” he said as he turned and walked out.


  James waited patiently as he sat in the adjacent room to Rear Admiral Jensen’s office aboard HMS Valkyrie. As Drake had made her way to settle into orbit around Excalibur, he had been surprised to get a summons to appear on board Valkyrie. Strictly speaking he was still under Commodore West’s command even though he would have to take Drake back to Britannia. Yet here he was. After only ten minutes, the Admiral’s aide appeared at the door and ushered him in before leaving James alone with the Rear Admiral.


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