Book Read Free

Only Yours

Page 6

by C. Shell

  His smile makes my stomach tighten into one very large uncomfortable knot. “Well of course, Ms. Dawson, I can’t expect you to wonder the streets of Spain alone. What type of man do you take me for?” I roll my eyes, not daring to answer that in front of Cherie.

  “Anyways, I want to help you search for right pieces we will be needing. Me being there will save so much time and keep you from having to call or email me every time for approval.”

  Oh please, what a crock of shit. I arch a brow. “Why would I need your approval, Mr. Scott? Don’t you trust my taste and expertise enough to pick out things I know you will like?”

  He shrugs and moves to sit back into his seat. “It has nothing to do with trust or your expertise, Kelly. We all know I treasure them both, but in the contract I signed with your company, it states that I must approve all changes and products before they can be bought or ordered. As I stated before I am too busy to be on the phone or computer with you all day, so I am doing everyone a favor, and making this easy by going with you.”

  “Why Spain?”

  The man smirks, clearly amused with himself. “I owe that idea to you Kelly. You once told me stories about Spain’s beautiful craftsmanship and intricate wood designs. You sold me on the idea, and now, you and I get to make it a reality.”

  His wistful voice is not lost on me. How am I going to survive two weeks along in a faraway, country with this man? From what I hear, Spain is beautiful, cultured, and very romantic. Running away together and pretending our problems don’t exist is not going to solve anything.

  Cherie calls out my name, gaining my attention once again. I blush bright red. I totally forgot she was here. He has that kind of control over me. When he is around, no one else exists, but him.

  I look around her office, deciding that my best option for now, is to ignore the irritating man beside me. From the disgusted look on Cherie’s face, she doesn’t seem too happy with Daemon either. Not getting anywhere with him, I try my hand with her. Surely she can see what a horrifically bad idea this is.

  “What about my other clients and the projects I’m working on? If I up and leave them for two weeks, not only will we it put me behind on getting their work done, but they could call us out on their contracts and walk. That would kill my reputation and the companies’ as well.”

  She gives Daemon a withering glare. This is a side of Cherie I don’t see very often and I must say I am impressed. Cherie has doesn’t just have claws, she has talons. I would hate to be the one on her bad side.

  “Mr. Scott has already spoken with the board members and gained permission for your leave. They were going to allow some of the other designers take up your accounts while you are away, but I talked them down. I will handling them myself until you return. You don’t deserve to have your work manipulated by those vultures and I knew you would never relax knowing either Maxine or Georgia had their hands on your work. I promise to make sure your visions come to life.”

  I squeeze my eyes shut. Pressing my fingers against my temple, I try to ease the headache threatening to take over. “I can’t believe this is all happening,” I breathe out. “Thank you, Cherie. Thanks for everything.” My eyes meet hers and I try to convey with one hard look all the things I can’t say out-loud. I owe her so much. After she has to deal with Mrs. Danish, and her non-stop changes and demands, she might regret agreeing to all this.

  She give a small snort and smiles. “Don’t thank me yet, there is more.”

  My face blanches and I groan. “Let’s get this over with. I am done with surprises, so just lay it all on me.”

  I exhale loudly as she began speaking. “Simons & Cash tried to take care of your flight & hotel accommodations, but it seems Mr. Scott has already done so. You will be traveling on his jet with him and staying at a villa he’s rented.” Cherie stops and clears her throat. Lowering her voice she continues. “I’m not going to lie and act as if I am ok with any of this. Kelly, if you want to stay in a hotel by yourself tell me now, and I will make it sure it happens. Your well-being comes first. I will not stand-by and let you be forced into something you are not ready to handle.”

  My mouth drops open. I’m not shocked by the villa or jet, but her words and the venom behind them is a surprise. Daemon taking charge and ordering everyone else around is nothing new, it’s his way of doing business, but hearing Cherie stand up to him for me, makes me smile. I never expected, nor do I want, her sticking out her neck for me, especially knowing that the board members are now involved. She might have had a small part in all this, but I escalated it into one full out shit storm. It’s now my burden to tow, not hers, or anyone else’s.

  The screeching of Daemon’s chair sliding across the wood floor cuts through the deafening silence. “Enough,” he shouts, drawing both of our attentions. Standing tall, with his muscles flexed tightly beneath his suit, and a scowl gracing his sculptured face, he looks dangerous and down-right beautiful. Slowly shaking his head, he drags a hand across the back of his neck, and lets out a deep troubled sigh.

  “There is no room for discussion in this Cherie,” he punctuates, stabbing a finger down on her desk. Lowering his arms he braces them on each side of her desk. “On behalf of my company, I have made my demands, and with or without your approval, I plan to see them through.”

  He shoots me a determined look that has my heart beating wildly once again. My body really needs to get in sync with my mind and understand the danger this man poses. Two weeks together with Daemon with no interruptions, could be the death to my sanity. At the same time, I can’t have Cherie getting herself in trouble over me. Daemon is my problem to deal with, not hers.

  Lucky Me!

  “Enough of this,” I shout, pressing my lips together in a thin line. I can feel my temper beginning to slip, and take a moment to get it under control. The room has once again gone deathly silent. I’m happy for the small reprieve. I ignore Daemon as he takes his seat beside me once again. I don’t need to look at him to know or feel the anger rolling off him in waves. He knows he’s won. He always does.

  “We leave tonight,” he says, clipping out each word. He points towards the odd pyramid of luggage I saw when I first came in. “That is your luggage. No need to pack. Each is already filled with an assortment of new work and casual clothing, shoes, accessories, and a bag of your favorite toiletries. There is enough clothing to cover the entire trip and then some.”

  Holy Shit.

  My mouth hangs open. I shake my head at him as my cheeks heat. He is such a pompous ass. At every turn I take, there he is trying once again, to control of every aspect of my life.

  I stand, no longer able to sit and be still. Not able to control my fury, I turn towards him and shove a finger in his chest. I’m feeling extraordinarily brave at the moment. Due to his solid chest muscles, my small finger doesn’t make a dent.

  “Daemon,” I begin in what could almost be called a growl. That is also the only work I manage to squeeze out, before he startles me, by taking my finger in his hand and pressing it against his warm lips. I really miss those lips. I watch mesmerized as his tongue darts out and wets the pad of my skin. All my nerve endings are awakened by his touch. I shiver as a chill skirts down my spine. The kiss is brief, but it does a number on my frazzled mind.

  While staring up at him in bewilderment, Daemon drops my hand and continues on about his pre-arranged plans. “I’ve already spoken with Sasha. She and Trey she will watch over Dimples while you’re away. Since you will be leaving straight from work to go to the airport, I will have Trey retrieve your car and return it to your home this afternoon.” He seems satisfied with himself as he leans back on his heels and shoves his hands deep into his pockets. Shooting me a daring smirk, he asks, “Any questions, Kelly?”

  “Only one,” I mumble, then quickly shake my head, “No. Make that two questions,” I correct.

  His mouth sets into a hard line. I take that as my cue to ask away, so I do. “First of all,” I begin, motioning towards the b
anquet of food set up against the side walls, “What is up with all the food? I assume this is your doing since we don’t normally cater to clients in Cherie’s office.” From where I’m sitting I can see bowls of fruit, varieties of muffins and rolls, thick bacon, and what looks to be some type of salmon with bagels. There is are a few more containers, but they have silver warming tins covering them, so I can’t tell what’s in them.

  Cherie lets out a harsh laugh. “My office looks like a three ring circus. I think it’s fitting considering what’s happening, don’t you?”

  Daemon shoots her a scolding look that would have most people backtracking and stumbling to correct themselves. She seems completely unfazed by it. If anything, I think Cherie is as put out with the man, as I am. After all the hoops he keeps making her jump through, I don’t blame her.

  “I thought you might be hungry. You never give yourself enough time to eat before work, and then by lunchtime, you’re starving. I thought this might help. It’s all your favorites.”

  I hate that he knows me so well. It is yet another reminder of how close we had become before everything went to hell. I’m locked in an internal debate over whether or not to give into my grumbling stomach, or ignore it and refuse to eat. That plan might have worked, if my traitorous stomach wasn’t being so loud. I wouldn’t be surprised if Charity can hear it all the way down the hall. It’s the bacons fault. It smells too damn good to ignore.

  I try and ignore his self-assured smile as I make myself a small plate. He really brought in all my favorites, including a huge bowl of nothing but cantaloupe and watermelon. I love fresh fruit.

  Plopping back down in my seat, I take a few bites, savoring the contrasting textures and the slew of flavors meshing together. I swear my mouth is having its own sort of orgasm. At least some part of my body is getting a happy ending. Licking the cantaloupe juice off my fingertips, I glance up at Daemon, and ask my second question.

  “Who is the quiet man that has been standing watch over us this entire time? I didn’t take you as someone who needed security or a full-time butler. What gives?”

  Taking a step back. Daemon motions for the gentleman to come closer. Once he does I am surprised to find that he is younger than I first thought, probably late forty’s instead of fifties, the short brown hair covering his head is just beginning to grey at the edges. His eyes seem kind with small laugh lines creasing the corners. He body although short is clearly muscular and well cared for.

  “Kelly, I would like you to meet, James Dixon.”

  James thrusts his hand out and I easily take it. “It is nice to meet you James,” I say softly, before shooting Daemon another questioning look.

  The bastard laughs. “James is here to help you. He is somewhat of a jack of all spades. He will be accompanying us on our trip and will act as your shadow when I can’t be with you.

  “What do you mean ‘he’s my shadow’?” I ask softly.

  “Exactly as it sounds. There will be times when I have work to tend to and can’t escort you through the city. Not every place there is safe, Kelly,” he chides as though I am an errand child being difficult. “James will act as your driver, personal assistant, and can step in and help with anything else you might need. I’ve known him a long time and trust him fully.”

  I gape at him. “You’re insane,” I sputter, exasperated.

  I can feel the blood in my veins start to boil. I wave my hands around like a lunatic, gesturing towards James. I’m sure the poor man is wondering what horrible deed he did to get stuck with a crazed woman like me.

  “I don’t need a baby-sitter Daemon, and I sure as hell don’t need to take a trip to Spain with you. This is absurd on so many levels. You’ve made your point already so just drop all of this. I can order quality furniture from Spain without having to go there with you. Haven’t you ever heard of the internet?”

  By the time I finish, I’m practically screaming. I feel so out of control. My body is shaking with every labored breath I take. I hate how easily he turns me inside-out and upside-down. No man should be able to crawl under my skin the way he does. It’s not right, and it if I am being completely honest, it scares the hell out of me.

  With narrowed, dark green eyes, he pins me in place. He is way too quiet and that worries me more than him yelling back at me. I actually prefer the yelling. Yelling means he is rattled and moving off of instinct. Silence is so much worse. Silence means that he is thinking and planning his next move. I am all out of moves. It’s not even noon yet and I am already mentally and physically exhausted. My taunt, stressed-out muscles feel like they’ve gone ten rounds with a prized fighter and lost every one.

  Reaching into a brief case by his chair, he pulls out a check and lays it on the desk in front of Cherie. She picks it up and studies it, a small smile flittering on her lips. I can’t tell what the sum of the check is, but it has to be large to catch Cheri’s attention. “This should cover Kelly’s services for the next two weeks and any inconvenience her being away will cause the company.”

  Tucking his coat and briefcase under his arm, he walks over and whispers something into James’s ear. James listens attentively to whatever is being said and nods his head accordingly. As Daemon as he heads for the door, James stays in his spot, making no shift to follow him.

  My eyes widen with worry. Why isn’t James going with him? Surely he isn’t staying behind to keep an eye on me. This is beyond belief. He wouldn’t do that...right?

  When Daemon reaches me he stops. Tucking a finger under my chin, he tilts my head back and stares into my eyes. I cross my arms and glare at him. This has gone too far. He has gone too far.

  He smiles at me, but the smile does not reach his eyes. He is so damn close. The smell of his cologne wraps around me, pulling me in, and promising wonderful, dirty things. I instantly feel my nipples pull tight. If I leaned in just a smidgen, his chest would be pressed against mine. I rake an unsteady hand through my hair, trying to banish such thoughts.

  God, I am such a mess.

  He leans forward, pressing a light kiss to my forehead. “Play nice, Tulip. I’ll have a car sent here at five o’clock to pick you both up for the airport.”

  “No way. He is not staying,” I protest. “Daemon-“

  He glares at me.

  My argument lands on deaf ears. Shaking his head in amusement, he flashes me a devilish smile, and slips out the door. I want to scream in defiance and call him every name in the book as he retreats, but in doing so, everyone in the office will also hear me. I can’t cause a scene and not have everyone talking about it.

  Dirty Bastard!

  Chapter 7

  For the last hour I have been trying to type up a design proposal to send to Mr. Givens for the remodel on his Victorian home in The Heights area. Normally I could finish this within twenty to thirty minutes max. Not today. Besides my nerves being frayed, my mind is reeling from what lies ahead for the next few week. Not to mention, my new personal assistant is sitting across from me watching everything I do with a smile plastered to his face. I have to assume the smile is fake. Nothing that has happened today is smile worthy. I mean, he was practically ordered to follow me around like a puppy.

  Who would smile happily about that?

  I hit the save button on my computer, groan, and slam down the top of my laptop. “I’ll be here all day at this rate,” I mumble under my breath. Palming my eyes, I lightly rub at them, wishing I could somehow erase this day and start anew. If I could, I would pack a small bag, grab Dimples, and I’d run away and hide for as long as it took for Daemon to forget my name and everything about me.

  I silently laugh at the absurdity of that idea. The truth is that Daemon is not my only problem. It’s also me. I could be living clear across the world, and years from now, I would still be thinking about him. Remembering the way his touch turns my body into a live wire, the feel of his lips on mine, and the way his cock magically hits every nerve ending within me, as he slowly fucks me hours on end. Nope. The
re is definitely no easy way to run away from all that.

  “Are you okay Ms. Dawson?” James softly asks, from his seat in front of me.

  “No,” I sigh, pulling my hands away from my face.

  I give him a small smile, not wanting him to know he is part of the problem. It’s not his fault his boss has a few screws loose. “I am certainty not okay James, but I don’t have time to keep dwelling on all the bad. I have a lunch date I need to get to. Will you be okay by yourself here or do I need to call Daemon and have him send a car for you?”

  Standing, I reach behind my desk and retrieve my purse that I keep stashed on a hook. When I turn back around, I’m surprised to find James already standing and waiting by the doorway. He’s got crazy ninja skills. I never heard him move.

  Remembering my phone, I open my desk drawer and dig around, searching through a bottle of Tylenol, several hair ties, and multiple tubes of lip gloss, until I finally spot it hiding beneath my favorite paperback copy of E L James’s book Fifty Shades of Grey. I swear that book changed my life. It’s one of the many reasons I finally took the chance and found the courage to leave Gary. Reading about the impressive orgasms the characters in that book enjoyed made me realize it’s possible to miss something you’ve never had.

  Heading past James and out my door, I stop by Charity’s desk and let her know I will be out for the next hour or two. She nods her head but once again, refuses to look my way. I have never expected much from Charity, mostly because I know I would be sorely disappointed, but her non-chalant attitude is pushing me over the edge. She chose the wrong day to push my buttons.

  I slam my hands down onto her desk, inches from where she continues to type. The sound echoes within the quiet hallway, earning her attention, and a few others near-by. I am not big on confrontations, but enough is enough.


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