Book Read Free

Only Yours

Page 9

by C. Shell

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said all that,” I whisper softly.

  Without saying another word, he grasps my hand and links our fingers together. A tingle of desire shoots through me and I quickly push it back down. Taking a sharp left off the main road, we pass through a beautifully crafted wrought iron gated fence and down a long private road. The road winds, down and around, coming out to the most stunning home and view I have ever seen.

  This is no little home. This place is huge.

  Stepping out of the car, I can’t hide my excitement as I stare up at the two and a half story, south-facing, seaside villa. While James retrieves our bags, Daemon leads me to the rear of the house, showing me the various manicured gardens, private-heated pool, wooden terrace, and the magnificent ocean that sits a mere ten meters from the backdoor.

  My toes tingle with a need to run through the warm golden sand. I love the ocean and have always found it to be very calming. It is a place I normally frequent when life gets to hectic and I need to find some peace. After my break-up with Gary, Sasha and I went and stayed a week in Galveston. We rented a small beach-side condo and spent our days sunning on the sand and our nights at one of the many local bars down on the strand. Our gulf in Galveston doesn’t hold a candle to the beautiful water and the rolling waves I see here. It’s mesmerizing.

  Standing at my back, Daemon pulls me to his chest as we both gaze out across the water. I lean back into him, the walls around my heart weakening in his embrace. At times like this, he feels likes like a drug I won’t ever be able to overcome. My own personal version of crack.

  Leaning over, he brushes a soft kiss on the shell of my ear. I steady myself, expecting him to take full advantage of the moment. I mean, who wouldn’t? Everything around us screams romance. The view itself is enough to make a girl want to scream ‘take me now’.

  Daemon doesn’t do that.

  To my disbelief and utter disappointment, he breaks away and turns ready to head back to the house. Immediately, my body mourns his warmth. I don’t know how much more of his retreats I can take. Girls might not be able to get blue balls, but that does not mean we don’t get needy or irritated over being let down time and time again. Girls have needs too, and mine are screaming at me to make him to drop the teasing and fuck me senseless. The next time he starts something with me, he better be prepared to finish it, or I plan on taking matters into my own hands.

  “Come,” Daemon says, cupping my elbow and leading me back towards the house. “Let me show you the rest of the house. I think you will like your room and once you get your bags unpacked, you can meet me out on the terrace for some lunch.”

  The interior of the house is just as ridiculously nice as the outside. Each of the four bedrooms has floor to ceiling windows that makes everything seem light and airy. I can’t wait to wake-up each morning with the sun kissing my face and the sea breeze fanning my body. The whole house is decorated in sensual deep browns and a bright-white that makes each room look large and elegant. It doesn’t pass my notice that Daemon’s room is right across from mine. One whole part of the house is just for us. James’s room is in a completely different wing with the in-house chef and maid. I would bet my life savings on that not being a coincidence.

  “What do you think?” Daemon asks, ending the tour.

  We causally walk back towards my room as we talk. I’m dying to try out the rain shower in my in-suite and get changed out of yesterday’s clothes. I glance down at my wrinkled shirt and grimace. I’m a mess and I doubt I smell all that lovely after being on a plane for over half a day.

  “As if you had to ask,” I laugh. “It’s all spectacular. Did you notice that carved wood hutch in the dining room? I think a solid piece like that would be great for your office.”

  He laughs. “Always in work mode, Ms. Dawson. I’ll make a call to the real estate agent tomorrow and see if I can find out where it was purchased. I’m sure it was done locally.”

  I smile. “Thank you.”

  “Now, hurry and get unpacked and changed. Lunch will be served on the terrace in thirty minutes,” Daemon says, motioning to my suit case sitting on the bed.

  I start to protest. I want more time to enjoy my little sanctuary, but my rumbling stomach, stops the words from leaving my lips. Food first, exploring later.

  Closing the door behind him, I take in a deep breath. I glance around my room, liking everything I see. There are so many details I passed over during my brief tour. Whoever designed this place knew exactly what they were doing. All the small details, such as the engraved peacock that appears on the outside of every door handle and knob, is pleasing to the eye.

  My most favorite thing about this room is the bed. The supple, snow white, chenille bedding is a stark contrast to the dark mahogany bed posts and hand-scrapped teak wood flooring. It all looks luxurious, and yet simple and clean.

  Opening my bags, I go over everything Daemon bought me. Knowing him, he had an assistant handle all the shopping, but the thought that he had a say in it that makes me giddy. I’m still amazed that he got all my sizes right. He’s the first man who I’ve ever known who paid attention to such things.

  I hang up all the good stuff, while placing my unmentionables in the drawers provided. It does not escape my notice the vast amount of skimpy thongs, silky bras, and barely there lingerie that was also purchased. Due to the sparse amount of time I’ve been given, I keep my shower to a minimal.

  Throwing on a sleeveless black cotton knee-length dress, I pair it with some silver wedge shoes, and pull my hair back into a low braid. Digging through my toiletry bag, I pull out the essentials and get to work. I keep my make-up to a minimal with just a stroke of mascara, a smudge of blush, and a swipe of lip gloss to keep my parched lips moist. Taking one look in the mirror, I am happy with the outcome. My style is seamless and natural. Just like my surroundings.

  Bouncing out the double French doors, I make my way across the terrace. Even with my quick shower, I am still managed to arrive five minutes late. It couldn’t be helped. After leaving my room, I ended up going back to plug in my phone. It died sometime during the flight, and I wanted to send Tony and Sasha a quick text letting them know I made it okay, and would try and call them later tonight. It was the right thing to do. If either of them were thousands of miles away, I would expect them to do the same.

  Friends before bros... right?

  I skid to a stop in front of Daemon and gawk at the lavish expanse of food set before me. The entire banquet table is covered with food and I even spy a small carving station at the end. I’m in heaven. I’m not surprised when I spot a few of my favorite dishes. Leave it to Daemon to go the extra mile to impress.

  A man who looks to be in his late fifties, who I assume is the cook, based on the chef hat topping his head, pops out of a side door, bringing with him a tray full of drinks.

  “This all looks amazing.” I say giving him an approving smile.

  “You’re late,” Daemon murmurs, standing to help me into the chair next to him.

  I bust out laughing. I can’t help it, he is being so ridiculous. “Are you seriously mad at me for being five minutes late?” I lean in close to him. Lowering my voice, I whisper.” Are you going to punish me, Daemon?”

  The scowl on his face morphs to one full of dark promises. My stomach clenches in response and food is now the last thing on my mind. Peering at him under my lashes, I see his wicked grin.

  “I can think several things I would love to do to you, but I think they would qualify as pleasure and not punishment.” Smirking, he motions to the chair beside him. “I am starving. Sit,” Daemon commands. “Davon has fixed a wonderful meal for us and it would be rude to let it go to waste.”

  I roll my eyes, not understanding why he is becoming Mr. Moody all of a sudden. I like fun Daemon so much better. Upon sitting, Davon begins serving what could easily be considered a three course meal. Most of the dishes I have never heard of, but they all look very yummy. If we eat like this
at every meal, than I need to either find a local gym fast or start jogging on the beach every morning.

  “This is good, I murmur, taking another bite of my roasted lamb. This is the first time I have ever had lamb, and I must say, I am a fan. It’s really good and tender.

  Knowing how Daemon worries about me not eating enough, I do my best to eat my fair share. With the mood he is in, I don’t feel like rocking the boat. Between the beautiful weather and gorgeous scenery surrounding us, I want to enjoy the rest of the day, and that includes not picking a fight with, Mr. Moody.

  I rub at my bare arms, wishing I had thought to bring a light cardigan down with me. Even with the sun shining high overhead, the breeze blowing around us is cool enough to cause a slight chill when you’re in the shade.

  “So what are your plans for the rest of the day?” I ask, giving him a cautious glance.

  Setting down his fork, his expression turns somber. “I have a few bids that I need to look over and some calls that need to be returned. I will be busy for most of the afternoon.” Daemon leans over and places a kiss on my forehead. “I thought maybe you and I could take a swim later this evening after dinner. Would you like that?”

  My eyes light up and I nod vigorously. “I would love that.”

  “Good,” he says, his smile reaching his eyes the first time since I’ve sat down. “James and Devon will be around all afternoon. If you need anything, feel free to call on them, or come to my office and find me. I want you to relax and enjoy yourself today.”

  Pushing away his plate, Daemon stands and disappears from the terrace. I stay and drink the rest of my wine while enjoying the feel of the sun on my shoulders. Clearing my own plate, I head back to room with the intent of changing into my swim-suite and going to check out the ocean.


  Lounging on a towel with my shades cast over my eyes, I let my body soak up the sun while my mind drifts. I promised myself I would relax this afternoon and not think about Daemon anymore, but every time I close my eyes, my mind conjures up an image of him.

  It’s a damn fine image too.

  Disgusted with my internal mussing, I grab my bag from beside my towel and search for my phone. Pushing my sunglasses on top of my head, I glanced down at my phone and typed out a message to Tony and Sasha.

  Me: Hey guys. Either of you around to talk?

  Despite the time difference, my phone dinged right back with a message. Sasha was the first to respond but Tony was not far behind. Knowing Sasha’s type of clients, she probably slept with the phone nestled in her hand.

  Sasha: Hey baby girl, how is Spain?

  Me: Beautiful, warm, and frustrating. I need help! It’s getting harder to stay mad at Daemon and keep my distance. Remind me again why no sex with him is the way to go?

  Tony: Because the man dicked you over. Be strong darling.

  Sasha: Did you bring your vibrator with you?

  Me: Really, Sasha? No. Daemon had my bags packed for me and he obviously did not think I would be needing that. A vibrator does not solve everything.

  Sasha: It does if you use it right.

  Tony: Enough. I love you too like sisters, so no more talk about you using a vibrator. I think you scared me. Anyways, do I have a reason to kick Daemon’s ass yet or not?

  Me: No! In fact he has been pretty great, which is making everything worse. It’s easier to hate him when he is being a dick.

  Sasha: Trey says hi.

  Me: Oh. Did I interrupt something? Where you two being nasty. I hope so. Someone needs to be getting lucky since I’m not. I miss getting lucky. I need to get laid. Would it be wrong to sleep with Daemon? I really want to.

  Tony: You two are pathetic. I thought guys were the ones who had sex on the brain all the time. Stop talking about sex. Tiffany broke up with me so I am in the same dry spell as you Kelly. We can be frustrated, horny friends together. Wait... that sounded really wrong.

  Sasha: lol. That was funny. I can’t keep up with your daily girlfriends. You go through them too fast. You need to fix that Tony. That is sad. I hate to end this fun chat with my two favorite beasties, but I have a big trial tomorrow and I need some sleep.

  Me: Fine. I miss you two. Bye

  Tony: Peace bitches

  Checking the clock on my phone, I groan. So much for my chance to relax. It’s almost time for me to meet back up with Daemon for our night of dinner and swimming. Throwing my things back into my bag, I shift the sand off my towel, and head back to my room to get ready.

  Wiggling on a pink sundress over my bikini, I slip on my flip-flops and race down the hallway and flight of steps to meet Daemon out by the pool. My body is still lax and nimble after my day of lying around in a sun and drinking mimosas. I try not to remind myself that I am getting paid to do this. It just seems really wrong. No one should get paid to drink and work on their tan.

  Skidding to a stop by the back door, I skim my hands down the front of my dress, and step out onto the back patio. The red and pink rays from the setting sun dance off the water, making everything around us seem rose-tinted and dream-like.

  Walking nervously across pool landing, I slow my steps as I near the table. Daemon is leaning against it, his back is to me, while he talks on his phone. I can’t make-out everything he is saying, but I get the gist that has to do with work. Something about spreadsheets, numbers, and orders that need to be turned in.

  Not wanting to disturb him. I slip off my shoes, and move to sit on the edge of the pool. Pulling my dress up to my knees to keep it dry, I dip my toes into the water. The cool water feels amazing. I move my legs up and down, making small ripples bounce back and forth between my feet. I still can’t get over how quiet it is around here. Besides a few birds chirping, the sound of the waves crashing in, and the occasional plane zooming overhead, there are no other sounds to distract you from beauty around us.

  It really is perfect.

  “I love you in pink,” Daemon says, startling me from my thoughts.

  I blush. “Thanks, I say, daring to glance up and meet his eyes. “You don’t look so bad yourself.”

  Shielding my eyes from the setting sun, I take a moment and admire the man standing before me. Does he ever look bad? I swear, a hurricane could blow through here, and he would come out of it still looking as sexy as ever. I mean it. Every time I see him he looks down-right edible. Even after my night from hell at the Charity function, when he forced his way into my home the next morning, wearing wrinkled clothing and crazy hair, he still looked good.

  It’s not fair.

  I watch as he flicks off his man sandals. Pushing them to the side, he takes a seat beside me. Dipping his feet in the pool, he leans back and sighs. He seems much more content and happier than he was earlier today. I don’t know why, but I’m starting to feel a little nervous. Maybe it is the tropical ambiance or maybe it has more to do with the fact that we are alone. I take a deep breath, willing my hands to stop shaking. My heart is beating so fast I’m sure he can hear it.

  “Did you get all your work done today?” I ask hesitantly. After the call he just had I am not sure if work is a good topic or not, but I’m at a loss on what else to talk about.

  “Most of it,” he says, giving me a panty dropping grin. “I had Davon put us together a small meal. Join me,” Rising up, he extends his hand to me. Swallowing past my jittery nerves, I accept it. As always, his touch warms me, sending tendrils of desire straight to my womb.

  We make our way to the other side of the pool where a picnic is already set up on a small table. An abundance of blankets and colorful pillows are set out around it for us to sit on and use. It all seems very romantic and sweet. The exact opposite of what I am feeling right now.

  “Where is James?” I ask, glancing around.

  When I ran through the house earlier, everyone seemed to have disappeared. All the lights were off downstairs and no voices could be heard. I assumed they were eating with us, but the table before us is set for only two.

�He and Devon went into town for a little while. They won’t be joining us tonight.”

  I narrow my eyes. “And why is that?” I ask, rolling my shoulders back. I should have known he would pull something like this. It has not even been a full day and he is already trying to trap me into having a romantic dinner with him.

  Ignoring my distain, he sits down and begins pulling out an assortment of fruit, cheeses, and crackers from a wicker basket. I am torn as what to do. Do I sit down and enjoy this time together with him, or do I throw a fit and lock myself in my room? I hate decisions.

  “Please sit,” Daemon says, drawing my eyes back to his. His eyes hold mine steady, drawing me into their depths, and making me wish for things I have not wished for since everything between us fell apart.

  Against my better judgment, I join him on the blanket. Grabbing a pillow, I prop it behind me and pull my legs up under me to get comfortable. The food looks delectable. Not waiting for an invitation, I dig in.

  “James said you stayed out by the ocean most of the day.”

  “I did. The water here is amazing. You must not think very highly of our gulf coast after vacationing here.”

  He laughs, moving closer to me. He touches the top of my shoulder, his fingers grazing back and forth against my sensitive skin. “You got some sun today,” he murmurs.

  My breath hitches as I notice the dark desire swirling in his eyes. God, I want him. I barely recognize the wanton hussy I have become. I swore after Gary, I would be a strong woman who takes what she wants, and accepts nothing less than the best, and yet, after a few days of withdrawal from Daemon’s embrace, I am practically begging for any scrap he will give me.

  I pull away and reach for a strawberry, I take a smile bite before I speak. “It is wonderful here. I can see why you choice this place.”

  “I love coming here. Trey used to come with me, but he is more of a city boy and prefers to vacation in busier places like Paris and Madrid. I like the quiet.”

  My heart stalls for a second. In the past two days I have learned more about Daemon than I ever thought I would.


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