Book Read Free

Only Yours

Page 11

by C. Shell

  Out of spite, I took several photos of our villa, the city, and our surrounding are and sent them to Sasha and Tony. My returned texts made me laugh out loud. I really miss my friends.

  Sasha: You lucky bitch. If I wasn’t so mad at your demon cat right now, I might be happy for you. I thought only dogs destroyed shoes. Where did Daemon find this little terror?

  Tony: No way! We are so going back there as a group. Are the girls there hot? I bet they are. Miss you baby girl. Come home soon and tell Daemon, he and I need to have a talk when you get back. I wish I known before you left the shit he was pulling on you. Be strong, baby girl.

  While Devon works hard in the kitchen making our dinner, I pour myself a glass of wine and join James out on the terrace. The sky is so clear and cloudless tonight you can practically see hundreds of stars dancing in the sky. Sliding into a chair next to his, my smile slips a little when I see his brows pulled together.

  “Everything okay, James?”

  His eyes dart up, and a smile pulls at his lips. “Oh, hi Kelly. You startled me. How are you liking Spain?”

  “It’s beautiful,” I answer, pulling my feet up in the chair and hugging my legs to my chest. “You seemed a million miles away when I came up. Is everything okay?”

  James laughs, and the sound of it calms me. “My anniversary is coming up and I have no idea what to get my wife. Normally she gives me hints to go off of, but not this time. After all these years, she is making me figure out something on my own. I’m not doing well coming up with a gift.”

  I reach for my wine and taking a large sip while I think. “How long have you been married?”

  He smiles, a twinkle lighting up his eyes. “This will be our twenty-eighth anniversary.”

  My hand shoots up to my mouth in surprise. “Wow. That is amazing, James. Congratulations.”

  He hesitates and then shrugs. “I’m know I am a very lucky man. Jill, is an amazing wife and the nicest person I have ever met. I feel horrible that I can’t think of a single thing to get her. I know her as well as I know my own self, and yet, I have no idea what she might want.”

  “Take her on a vacation or an outing,” I suggest, shooting him a look. “I don’t know your history with her, but take her someplace that means something to each of you. Women like gifts that are sentimental, so make sure it’s meaningful.”

  James is quiet for several long beats before his head shoots up and his smile beams larger than I have ever seen it. “Thank you, Kelly,” he says, practically bouncing in his seat.

  “I take it you thought of a place?” I giggle.

  “Yes,” he nods enthusiastically. Reaching forward, he places a kiss on top of my head. “You’re a peach, darling. A true peach. I have plans that need to be secured. Have a great night and I will see you in the morning.”

  I let out a laugh, watching him dart back into the house. Feeling the hair on the back of my neck stand up in warning, I turn around to find Daemon standing behind me. I search his gaze, wondering long he has been standing there, and how much he overheard.

  My eyes rove over his attire. His hair is messy from his hands repeatedly running through it. Tonight he is wearing a simple blue tee shirt over a pair of low-slung jeans. Casual or not, he still looks down-right sexy.

  “You into eavesdropping now?” I ask with an arched brow.

  “No, my love,” he says shaking his head. He steps up, taking the seat James just vacated. I swallow hard, seeing the seriousness on his face. “Thank you for helping out James,” he says, his voice heavy with emotion.

  “I didn’t do much.”

  A grin curves up the corners of his mouth. “You did enough.”

  I smile back at him. I feel on edge with him being so near. It is hard to stay mad at him when he is being so charming. With just a smile he has me melting into a puddle of need. It’s really hard to remember his lies, and the hurt he has caused me, when he smiles at me that way.

  I sit back deep into my chair and let out a deep sigh. Once again, Daemon has given me a peak at his inner self. I swear he has more layers then an onion. Whenever I feel like I have peeled the last one away, I find several more laying in wait.

  Chapter 14

  Yesterday set a pattern that has carried over for the rest of the week. We shop in the mornings, stop for lunch, then Daemon retires in his office for the afternoon, while I work on my tan and catch up with my friends.

  I’m feeling very spoiled.

  I knew the moment I started to dread the day we have to return home, that I was in trouble. Besides a few stolen kisses, Daemon has been on his best behavior. Honesty, he has been too good. Being with him every day has played havoc on my mind... and my body. I’m starting to feel riled up again and wouldn’t mind a repeat performance from our first night by the pool.

  In order to keep my legs shut and my mind empty, I have tried to stay out of his way as much as possible, but he is not making it easy on me. Every time I start to relax, he finds a way to touch me. It is never anything much, but I think that is his point. Any touch from Daemon is lethal.

  Today we are heading into the city to meet with, Raul Dominguez. He is the gentleman who crafted the wood hutch in the dining room that I am dying to get my hands on. We have managed to purchase all but a few last items and accessories needed for Daemon’s office. Nailing down this hutch piece today is imperative.

  Taking one last sip of my coffee, I re-apply my lipstick, smooth out my curls, and head downstairs to meet up with James and Daemon. Not finding anyone in any of the first floor rooms, I head outside. I finally find the two of them standing beside the rental car with their heads close together in what appears to be a private conversation. I blanch, not knowing if I should head back inside and let them finish, or interrupt, and let them know I’m ready.

  Before I have a chance to decide, Daemon glances up and I freeze in place. My legs turn to mush, and in that moment, he is all I can see. I don’t remember walking to him. Standing in front of him, my heart wreaks havoc on my chest, beating against it with a heavy rhythm. As if knowing the effect he is having on me, a smile steals his face.

  “Good morning, Tulip,” he breathes.

  “Hi,” I answer, embarrassed at how soft and breathy my voice sounds.

  Hearing the car start up, I am drawn out of my reverie. Turning my head to hide the flush creeping up my neck, I duck into car and turn all the a/c vents towards my face. I let out a happy sigh as the cool air works its magic.

  We drive to Marbella in a comfortable silence. Passing through the inner city, we weave our way into the older parts of downtown, and eventually stop in front of a beautiful two-story cathedral style brick building.

  Pulling me out of the car, Daemon reaches for my hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze. I shiver. I think I am becoming addicted to his touch. It grounds me and makes me feel whole. Taking a shaky breath, I follow him up the sidewalk and through a set of double glass doors.

  As we enter the building, my mouth drops, and my panties get wet for a whole new reason. This place is amazing. I swear, if I could describe my own person heaven, if would look a lot like this. One whole half of the store is filled with unique hand-crafted furniture of all kind. Every piece is different, and most are done in a variety of different types of wood. It is all very beautiful. Whoever carved all the details in them is a true craftsman.

  Smiling, I move forward and head towards the back half of the store, curious as to what other treasures it might hold. Daemon, grips my hand, causing me to halt.

  “What are your doing?” I ask, frustrated by his lack of excitement.

  He frowns. “I can see that you are excited, but please don’t run off. The realtor said the back half of this place is Raul’s personal shop. It is where he does his work. I am not sure how he would feel about you walking though it without his permission.”

  I pout, feeling like a little girl that just got her hands slapped for misbehaving. I really hate it when he does that. I open my mouth to tel
l him what he can do with his ‘helpful advice’, when I hear a deep masculine voice speak.

  “Your friend is free to look around my shop. In fact, I would be open to giving her a personal tour. Would you like that, Chiquita?”

  I freeze and glace around, trying to decipher where the owner to that sinfully, deep voice is hiding. Daemon stiffens beside me, drawing me closer to him. I try and push him off, but he has become hard as stone, and refuses to yield. As if a veil is lifted, Raul moves forward and is instantly in standing before us.

  In my mind I had him pictured as an older, slightly short plump fellow with greying hair and deep set eyes. I don’t know why, but that is how I thought a craftsman of his level would look like. Raul looks nothing like that. He appears to be in his early thirties, tall and lean, with broad shoulders, shiny black hair, and gorgeous deep chocolate eyes. Did I mention, his accent is swoon worthy?

  He is a complete hotty.

  “Chiquita?” Daemon asks, wrapping an arm around my waist in a possessive manner. “Her name is Kelly, and mine is Daemon Scott. Thank you for the tour offer, but we came to look at a particular hutch you made last year. We have an appointment.”

  “Oh, Lord,” I grumble under my breath.

  The testosterone these two are throwing off is enough to make me dizzy. Ignoring the way they keep sizing each other up, I squirm out of Daemon’s hold, and turn back around to look at the furniture.

  “The villa we are staying at has a hutch I want. From what I hear, you made it,” I say, grabbing Raul’s attention. “It’s exquisite. Judging by all the other furniture here, I’m assuming all your work is original.”

  “It is,” he says stepping towards me. “I hate to disappoint you, but I never make any two pieces the same.” Standing beside me now, he leans in and brushes a stray stand of hair behind my ear. My face heats. This is not good. Raul is openly flirting with me in front of, Daemon.

  What the hell do I do now?

  I don’t need to turn around to know Daemon has moved and now stands at my back. I can feel him. Heat and fury roll off of him in thick waves, and it calls to me. I incline my head towards him. His jaw is clenched so tight I’m amazed he hasn’t broken a tooth yet. Raul on the other hand seems perfectly at ease. He seems to be enjoying the show. I shake my head in irritation at them both.

  “If you two could please stop your pissing competition for a one second, I would like to see what other hutches are available.” Pulling out the photo Daemon took last night of the hutch, I pass it to Raul. “Do you have anything similar to this?”

  He studies the picture intently, rubbing at the small stubble shadowing his face. “For you Chiquita, anything,” he says, giving me a ruthful smile. Taking my hand, he pulls me behind him as he begins to walk. “Follow me. I’ll show you.”

  “Thank you,” I sputter, feeling my cheeks heat once again.

  Behind me I can hear Daemon growl out a few choice words, which does nothing to stop my widening smile. It’s sort of refreshing to see his feathers ruffled for once. Not that I want him to unleash on Raul or anything, but I’m flattered to see him getting all jealous over me.

  He really does care.

  We spend the next hour going through different designs until we finally find one we can both agree on. While Daemon pays for the purchase and works out the delivery details, I go over my list once again, checking to see what few items we still need to find. All the big things have been acquired, which only leaves me to find accessories and fabrics.

  Hearing Daemon approach, I put away my iPhone, and stand ready to leave. Seeing Raul right on his heels, I smile – kind of- and mutter, “It was a pleasure meeting your Raul. Your work is truly a gift. Thank you for your time.”

  Moving around Daemon, he shoves his hand out and I take it, ready to shake and say good-bye. Instead of shaking my hand, he brings it to his lips, pressing a soft, lingering kiss upon it. His eyes bore into my own, letting me know his interest in me is genuine.

  “Till we meet again, Chiquita.”

  I clear my throat, trying to dispel the tension filling the air. I am not available. I mean, yes Daemon and I are in some weird half-in-half-out kind of relationship right now, but I am definitely not looking to replace him anytime soon. That being said, I can’t deny that Raul makes little butterflies take flight in my tummy when turns on the charm, and he is definitely skilled in the charming department. He knows exactly how to impress a girl.

  Not giving me a chance to respond, Daemon grips my arm hard, and drags me towards the door. I bite back a groan. I am so tired of being pushed around. One day he is hot and the next day he is cold. His mood swings are giving me a permanent headache.

  Stepping outside, I wretch away from his hold. Turning to face him, I unleash on him. “What the fuck is your problem?”

  He is in my face in a flash. “I don’t know what you mean,” he says glaring daggers at me. “Everything is fine with me. What is your problem, Chiquita?”

  I blanch at his mounting anger. I’ve never seen him this mad before. Pushing past him, I head for the car. This is not a scene I want to happen here. If he wants to fight, then so be it, but I’m not doing it here on the sidewalk for all the world to see.

  Tucking back into the car, I sit and wait. It doesn’t take long for Daemon to slide in next to me. Slamming the door shut, he guns the engine, and takes off. A ball of anger settles deep in my stomach. We travel in complete silence. The tension between us mounts with each mile we gain. By the time we make it back to the villa, I’m fuming.

  Flinging open the car door, I rush out and run into the house. I don’t t bother slamming the door, I hear him close behind me. Ignoring the heavy steps gaining ground on me, I don’t stop until I am in my bedroom. I want what is about to be said between us done in private. I respect James and Devon too much to include them in our battle.

  Stopping as I reach the bed, he advances on me, eating up all the space between us. Pushing against me, he bends down, and gets in my face. “You don’t get to me mad at me this time, Kelly. You liked him didn’t you,” he yells. I can’t believe the way you were eye fucking him. You were practically dry humping his leg by the time we left,” he growls, pointing a finger into my chest.

  “Oh, please,” I laugh. Reaching for his finger, I twist it, not enough to break it, but hard enough to get a reaction. Howling in pain, he reaches an arm around my waist and hoists me up in the air. I don’t have a moment to prepare before I am slammed down on the bed.

  “You mother fucker,” I screech as my body bounces from the impact.

  I lay there staring up at him. My mind reels wounding how this will all end. He moves closer and places his arms out, efficiently boxing me in. I think he is afraid I will run away from him. Not a chance. I have things that need to be said, and now is as perfect any to get it all off my chest.

  “I didn’t hump Raul’s leg. Yes, he flirted with me. I liked it. So what?” I shout. “Other men might find me attractive, but that doesn’t mean I want them.”

  His eyes darken. “Who do you want, Kelly?”

  I shake my head. “It doesn’t matter anymore.” His lips jerk up in the corner. “Don’t you dare smirk at me,” I yell.

  His smirk grows larger. “Talk to me, Tulip. Tell me who you want.” His raspy voice rolls over me, sending tingles across my exposed flesh.

  “I really want to hate you,” I scream. Why does he have to keep pushing me on this? Its hurts so much to admit how much his betrayal has affected me. Knowledge is power, and he doesn’t need any more power.

  “I know you do,” he whispers. “But...” he prompts.

  I let out a long sigh as I lay there staring up at him. Everything is weighing on my chest. All the lies, half-truths, and cover-ups swarm my mind. But, there is more. As much as I try and run from it, I can’t deny the love between us. Daemon cherishes me, he trusts me, and opens up to me about his past and aspirations. He also fights for me. He fights for us. I blink, taking a long moment to le
t it all sink in.

  “But,” I begin, locking my eyes with his. I pause, knowing that what I am about to say will change everything.

  “But, I love you. Lord help me. I still love you above all of it. I don’t like us being apart. I miss your arms wrapped around me at night and waking up curled against you in the mornings. I miss you something awful, and although it might be wrong, I need you in my life.”

  In a blink of an eye, he is on me. Tearing at each other’s clothes, we strip and pull until we are both naked and laying skin on skin. His mouth slams down on mine. Wrapping my arms around him, I pull him closer to me, grinding my hips into his. His tongue battles with mine, sweeping in and causing a moan to rip from my throat.

  Slipping his hands between us, he palms my breasts. My nipples harden on contact and I push my breasts further into his hands, wanting more. I moan as he rolls my nipples between his fingers. I wear he has magical fingers.

  “I will never be able to get enough of you,” Daemon groans.

  “Promise?” I ask, nibbling on the corner of his mouth.

  “Promise,” he rasps, taking my mouth once again. The kiss is demanding and passionate. I sigh and grind my body against his hardened erection. My need for him drives me crazy, making my pussy wet, and my body ache.

  When two fingers slip inside me, a shudder rocks through me. I am drunk with desire for him. “I need you,” I groan, riding his fingers with vigor. No matter how much he gives me, it is not enough. “Please, Daemon,” I beg. “I need you inside me. Now.”

  His eyes burn with intensity as he repositions our bodies. Spreading me wide, he enters me in one fluid motion. My eyes roll back in my head as a scream is pulled from my throat. He fills me perfectly. Fully seated inside me, he stills and cups my head in his hands. I blink my eyes open and gasp at the blinding passion and love staring back at me.


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