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Paranormal Academy Book 1: Magic 101

Page 13

by Jody Morse

  There was a third zapping sound—and, this time, the bird released its grip on me as it began to fall through the sky, lifelessly.

  A mixture of relief and panic both began to spread through me. I was relieved that the bird had let me go, but it was a long way to the ground. Was this fall going to kill me?

  I hoped that whatever my paranormal race was, it would allow me to survive this fall.

  I was about five feet above the concrete walkway when my body froze in slow motion. I watched as the raven shifter’s limp body hit hard against the ground, but I just stayed there, floating in the air.

  Then I began to slowly descend towards the ground, inch by inch, until I was softly lowered to the concrete, feet away from the dead raven.

  Brushing off the backs of my bare legs, I stood up… and found myself standing face-to-face with Kaden.

  “Y-you saved me?” I asked, my voice merely a whisper.

  He nodded.

  “But… how? Why? I thought you said the ravens were too dangerous to fight off.”

  “They are dangerous,” he said matter-of-factly. “But I saw it snatch you. I wasn’t about to just let it kill you. I had this idea to stun it with magic. We aren’t supposed to perform stunning spells on campus, but I figured it was worth it. If they want to kick me out of this school, then let him.” His steel blue eyes locked on mine. “You’re worth it.”

  My heart raced at his words. I could tell they were genuine.

  “Thank you, Kaden. I mean it. You saved my life. I owe you… well, everything.”

  “You owe me nothing, Juliana. Really. I just did the right thing. I wouldn’t have been able to live with myself if something had happened to you and I hadn’t at least tried to stop it. I’m just so glad it worked. They really are powerful creatures, often immune to magic.” He looked like he wanted to say something more, but he didn’t. “I should really be going. I need to meet with Headmaster Crane I’m just glad you’re okay.”

  “Thanks,” I replied with a smile.

  I watched as he walked away from me then, heading towards the tower that housed Headmaster Crane's office. Staring at Kaden’s back, I wondered one thing.

  If raven shifters were powerful enough to be immune to magic, how was Kaden strong enough to kill them?

  What, exactly, was this guy who I had fallen so hard for?


  “Damn. That was definitely a near brush with death,” Draia said, munching on a Swedish Fish after I’d shared what had happened to me. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”

  “I’m glad, too. But how have you only been here for, like, three days and already you’ve had more excitement than I have in years at this school?” Ambur complained, sounding jealous.

  “Trust me. I’d trade with you if I could. I hope to never encounter one of those raven shifters again.” I shuddered at just the thought of the bird that had nearly killed me.

  “The next thing we know, you’re going to be lighting the school on fire with that affinity of yours,” Draia said.

  “Actually, about that.” I wasn’t sure if it was just the emotions of the night or what, but I suddenly had the urge to share what had happened between Avery and I. “I may have broken a school rule.”

  “You little rebel.” Ambur leaned forward. “Tell us more.”

  “I may have kissed a professor,” I whispered, afraid that one of the other students would hear us, even though I sincerely doubted that. The TV from the girls’ lounge area was turned up super loud, no doubt droning out our voices.

  “You didn’t,” Draia said. “Professor Tate?”

  I just stared back at them and smiled guiltily.

  “Girl, you need to be careful. You don’t want to get kicked out.” Draia paused. “How was it, though?”

  “Well, technically, I didn’t kiss him. He kissed me,” I informed her. “And I couldn’t tell you how it was, because our kiss was interrupted.”

  “By who?” Ambur’s eyes widened.


  “Your kiss was interrupted by fire?” Ambur stared back at me, obviously confused.

  “So, when we kissed, sparks flew. Actual freaking sparks. I could feel my lips get really hot, and sparks went all over the room,” I explained. “The next thing, I knew, he ran out of the room and he’s been on a temporary leave of absence ever since.”

  “Do you think he’s gone because of you? Because of the kiss?” Draia asked.

  “The timing seems too strange for it to only be a coincidence,” I replied with a nod. “But he told Professor Ryan to work with me one-on-one until he returns and is able to work with me again.”

  “Professor Ryan is weird,” Ambur commented. “I would really hate to be you.”

  “So, I’m not the only one who feels it then,” I replied.

  “Not at all,” Draia said. “I’m not sure what it is, but that woman gives me really bad vibes.”

  “I don’t think she likes me, but I’m not sure why.” I paused. “I just keep wondering, though. What makes sparks fly when you kiss someone? It must have happened for some reason.”

  “I’ve never heard of it happening,” Draia replied, shaking her head. “I can try and ask my Sorcery professor tomorrow. He’s probably the smartest professor on this campus.”

  “Thank you. I would appreciate that.”

  “What if Professor Tate is her soulmate?” Ambur asked.

  “It would make a lot of sense.” Draia glanced over at me. “Soulmates are real, by the way, even though they are rare. We usually have some sort of sign once we’ve found them.”

  “A sign like sparks flying,” I pieced together.

  “Precisely,” she agreed.

  I paused. “There’s someone else who thinks I could be his soulmate. Well, his werewolf mate, anyway.”

  “Who?” Ambur stared at me with raised eyebrows.

  “Brett,” I whispered.

  “Uh, what about Everly?” she asked. “Not that I’d be opposed to seeing the two of them break up. He can do much better than her bitchy ass.”

  I shrugged. “He thinks that if I’m a werewolf—which is a really big if, at this point—I could be his mate.”

  “Wow. So, Kaden saved your life from the raven shifter. Sparks flew when Professor Tate kissed you. Which, kissing you meant he was breaking the rules, to begin with. And Brett thinks you might be his mate.” Draia paused. “And I thought my love life was complicated.”

  “Speaking of, have you decided if you want to go to the dance with Marcus yet?” Ambur pressed.

  “Yeah. I think I’m going to go with him,” Draia replied.

  “I knew it! I totally saw that one coming from a mile away.”

  Draia rolled her eyes. “I mean, I figured, what else am I going to do? Just sit in my dorm room? And Marcus is complicated enough that I definitely don’t need to be getting involved with other guys from this school.”

  “Mmhmm,” Ambur replied. “Admit it. You’re just in love with him.”

  Draia rolled her eyes again, but this time, she was blushing.

  “Now we just need to find you a date to the dance,” Ambur said, glancing over at me. “But obviously, you have options.”

  I snorted. “No, I don’t. One of my so-called options could get fired for being seen with me. Brett has a girlfriend, who—in case you’ve forgotten—has threatened me about staying away from her boyfriend.”

  “Well, that leaves you with one option,” Draia said. “The one who just saved your life.”

  “I’m pretty sure he has a girlfriend,” I informed them. “I always see him talking to this blonde girl.”

  “She could just be a friend,” Ambur suggested.

  “I doubt it. Guys with girlfriends seem to be drawn to me.” And me to them, I thought to myself. “But it’s okay, I’m cool with going to the dance solo. I’ll just be a fifth wheel.”

  At that moment, there was a light knock at the door, and a pixie slipped in through the crack.

She hovered over me and then, with a laugh, dropped an envelope into my lap. With a small wave, the pixie flitted back across the room and out the door crack.

  “Well, that’s strange,” Ambur commented. “It’s rare for us to get pixie deliveries at night.”

  I tore the envelope open and pulled out the sheet of paper that was tucked neatly inside.

  “What is it?” Draia asked as I read through the words written on the paper.


  I need to have a word with you first thing tomorrow morning. Please come to my office before classes begin.

  See you then,

  Headmaster Crane

  “Headmaster Crane wants to see me before classes tomorrow morning,” I murmured.

  “Again? I feel like you’ve met with him more times in the past three days than I have the entire time I’ve been here,” Ambur commented.

  I nodded, but the truth was that all I could seem to do was worry about what the Headmaster wanted to talk to me about.

  What if he had gotten wind of my kiss with Avery?

  Chapter 18

  I didn’t sleep at all that night. My mind was too busy going through all of the worst possible what if’s.

  What if Avery—or someone else—had told Headmaster Crane about our kiss?

  What if the entire reason he was calling me to his office was to expel me?

  What if that kiss—that one single, incredibly complicated kiss—had cost me my future at the Academy?

  I couldn’t bear the thought. As attracted as I was to Avery, the truth was that it wasn’t exactly my smartest move.

  Then again, who was I kidding? He had kissed me. He was the one who had put both of our futures at stake. And as badly as I had wanted to kiss him, as attracted as I was to him… I wanted to be at the Academy more.

  I had only been here for a few days, but it already was the closest thing to home I had found since my grandma had died. I still had so much to learn: what my paranormal race was, what magical abilities I was capable of, what made my family bloodlines so powerful. The last thing I wanted was to leave, but I knew the choice wasn’t my own. If Headmaster Crane knew about the kiss, there was a good chance I was about to get kicked out.

  I would stick with my story… with the truth. Avery had initiated the kiss. It hadn’t been my choice. That was what had happened, no matter how much chemistry I had felt between us.

  As I walked to the Headmaster’s office after breakfast, I made an effort to clear my mind. I still didn’t know what Headmaster Crane’s paranormal race was, but I couldn’t allow myself to think about the kiss in his office knowing there was a chance he might be able to read my mind.

  But it was going to be really, really hard not to think about it.

  When I reached his office, the door was open. I glanced inside the room and saw that Headmaster Crane was sitting at his desk.

  I cleared my throat to get his attention, and he glanced up at me.

  “Juliana, please come inside and close the door behind you.”

  Close the door behind you? That sounded so… secretive. Like something you would say to someone who you were about to expel.

  Shutting the door, I took a few steps further into the room.

  Headmaster Crane motioned to the chair across from his desk. “Please have a seat.”

  I sat down, nervously, and smoothed out my plaid skirt. “What is this about?”

  “I heard what happened. It’s horrible. Disgusting.” He shook his head, and I thought I noticed anger flash through his eyes. “I can’t even believe it.”

  What was he talking about?

  “I’m sorry. W-what happened?” I asked him.

  “You don’t have to play dumb, Juliana. Kaden isn’t in any trouble,” Headmaster Crane said. “He told me all about the raven shifter that tried to kill you and the spell he used to stun it.”

  “Oh.” That was what he had called me into his office over.

  “The question I have is why this happened. Why did this raven shifter target you?” he asked.

  “I figured it was just because I was the only one outside at the time.” I paused for a moment. “I wasn’t out past curfew, though. Just for the record.”

  “I know you weren’t. And I’m afraid that I’m not convinced that this attack was only random.” He sighed. “I’ve never been one to sugarcoat things, so I’m just going to be honest with you. I think the raven shifter tried to attack you for a reason.”

  “What reason would that be?” I questioned.

  “Raven shifters exist on flesh, but they prefer the flesh of powerful paranormal beings. They’re able to absorb the magical powers of the paranormal beings they eat,” he explained. “Knowing how powerful your bloodline is, it seems logical that the raven shifter chose you, specifically, in hopes of becoming more powerful.”

  “Oh” I swallowed hard.

  “I fear that another raven shifter will try to attack you again, which is the reason I called you here today.” His eyes met mine. “Your life is in danger, Juliana. I think it’s necessary for us to assign a security guard to you.”

  “A security guard?” I just stared at him with wide eyes.

  “In fact, I have already personally chosen a security guard for you. I believe that he will keep you safer than anyone else at this Academy is capable of. He should be arriving here any minute now.”

  As if on cue, there was a knock on the door.

  “Please come in,” Headmaster Crane called.

  The door opened, and Brett stepped into the room. His dark eyes landed on mine, bringing back the memory of the conversation we’d had the night before.

  I quickly looked away as the realization hit me. Brett was my new bodyguard.

  “Juliana, you’ve already been acquainted with Brett Summers,” Headmaster Crane said. “I have hand-selected him to be your security guard. He will escort you to and from your classes, to your dorm room, to the cafeteria, and anywhere else you go throughout the day. He will go everywhere with you.”

  “Won’t that interfere with his own classes?” I questioned, hoping that would make the Headmaster rethink his decision to assign Brett to me.

  “Brett will be excused for any lateness he may accrue as a result of him guarding you.”

  “Oh.” I frowned. “I don’t think this is necessary.”

  “It’s more necessary than you realize. Brett will remain your security guard at least until we figure out your paranormal race.”

  “So, he’ll be my security guard for a week then.” I was pretty sure I could survive a week of this.

  “He will remain your security guard for at least a week,” the Headmaster corrected. “Once we have determined your paranormal race, we will reevaluate your need for a security guard. Until then, Brett will go everywhere with you.”

  “Okay.” I didn’t bother to argue the issue any further. I knew there was no way out of this. I was going to be stuck with Brett following me everywhere I went, whether I liked it or not.

  “If there’s anything else either of you need, please don’t hesitate to let me know.” The Headmaster paused and then glanced over at me. “Do you wish to try guessing my paranormal race again?”

  I hesitated. I’d already guessed that he was a witch. “I think you might be a fairy.”

  “Wrong.” His lips slid into a smile. “You have one more guess. Use it wisely.” He winked. “You two had better hurry up and get to class.”

  Rising to my feet, I headed out of his office, with Brett following close behind me. I supposed I had better get used to it. It was going to be that way for the indefinite future.

  Once we were in the hallway, I turned to him. “Do you know what the Headmaster’s paranormal race is?”

  “Yes. I’m the only student who has ever guessed it correctly,” he replied.

  “Care to share?” I asked.

  “If I tell you, he’ll probably figure it out. I’ve been sworn to secrecy.”

  “Why is it such a b
ig secret?” I questioned. “I get making us guess, but why do we only get three chances and then, if we don’t figure it out, never get to learn the answer?”

  He shrugged. “He just prefers for it to remain a mystery.”

  I couldn’t help but think that it made the Headmaster seem shady as hell.

  “He’s really not shady,” Brett said quietly.

  I had nearly forgotten he could read my mind. “Okay, I need to know something. Since you are apparently going to be attached at my hip from now on… Is there a way to keep you out of my thoughts?”

  “Why? Too busy daydreaming about me all the time?” Brett asked flirtatiously.

  “You wish.” I rolled my eyes at him.

  “Yeah. All you need to do is think about how you don’t want me listening in on all of them. It’s not always full-proof, but that mental block is usually enough to keep a werewolf out.”

  As we headed out of the building and towards the House of Mage, I glanced over at Brett. “So, how do you feel about being my security guard?”

  “Honestly? I’m glad he picked me.” His dark eyes shifted over to meet mine. “I’ll do everything in my power to protect you, Juliana. You have my word.”

  He seemed so… genuine. I believed that he really did mean it.

  “How is Everly going to feel about you being my security guard?” I questioned.

  “She can’t get mad at either of us. The Headmaster assigned me to you. We didn’t ask for this. We didn’t choose this.” He glanced over at me. “Even though I would have volunteered, if I knew the job was up for grabs.”

  I tried to hide the smile that tugged at my lips.

  “Besides, werewolves—and other shifters—are known to become security guards. If she didn’t want to be with someone who would one day get an assignment like this one, she should have dated someone from another paranormal race.”

  “Why do werewolves and other shifters become security guards, anyway?” I questioned.

  “We’re strong… powerful.”

  “So are the other paranormal races,” I replied, thinking about Kaden had saved my life the night before.


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