Teaching What Really Happened: How to Avoid the Tyranny of Textbooks and Get Students Excited About Doing History

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Teaching What Really Happened: How to Avoid the Tyranny of Textbooks and Get Students Excited About Doing History Page 34

by James W. Loewen

  teacher expectations and, 45–47

  white supremacy and, 5, 6, 16–17, 75–76, 150, 182, 193–195, 200–204, 207

  writing history and, 93–94

  Agee, James, 65, 220 n. 40

  Age of Gunpowder Empires, The (McNeill), 139

  Alabama, 183

  Alexander v. Holmes, 74

  Alexie, Sherman, 136

  Almo massacre (Idaho), 68–70

  America: Pathways to the Present (Cayton et al.), 215 n. 1, 234–235 n. 11

  American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 167

  American Council of Trustees and Alumni, 7

  American exceptionalism, 13–14, 138–139

  American Indian Movement, 150

  Americanization, 88

  American Journey, The (Appleby et al.), 215 n. 1, 234–235 n. 11

  American Library Association (ALA), 5–6, 85

  American Memory project, 82

  American Pageant, The (Kennedy et al.), 15, 20, 33, 81, 116, 184, 215 n. 1, 234–235 n. 11

  Americans, The (Danzer et al.), 79, 215 n. 1, 234–235 n. 11

  Anand, Bernadette, 101

  Anderson, Geoffrey M., 227 n. 28

  Anderson Valley High School (Boonville, California), 101

  Angelou, Maya, 154

  Anthropology, 104, 116, 118

  Antiracism, 171

  Appleby, Joyce, 215 n. 1, 234–235 n. 11

  APUSH (Advanced Placement in U.S. History), 20, 32–34, 37, 62–63, 210

  Archaeology, 104, 105–109

  Arnold, Thomas K., 222 n. 8

  Astronomy, 111

  Au, Wayne, 18

  Australia, 106

  Aztecs, 125

  Azug, Robert, 235 n. 3

  Bach, J. S., 161

  Bailey, Thomas A., 15, 215 n. 1, 215 n. 23, 234–235 n. 11

  Ball, Edward, 173

  Banks, C. A. M., x

  Banks, James A., ix–xiii, 220 n. 36

  Baraka, Amiri, 218 n. 10

  Barlowe, Avram, 41

  Baseball, 99, 189–190

  Bataillon, Marcel, 232 n. 20

  Benjamin, Caren, 214 n. 10

  Benjamin, Jules, 89, 223 n. 13

  Benjamin, Thomas, 232 n. 21

  Bennett, Lerone, 86–87, 207, 222 n. 9

  Benning, Henry L., 181

  Bergmann, Leola, 198, 236 n. 14

  Bering land bridge controversy, 103–109, 110, 225 n. 7

  Berlin, Ira, 174, 232 n. 16

  Bertelson, David, 232 n. 18

  Best of History websites, 41

  Bettersworth, John K., 3–6, 194, 213–214 n. 4–5, 236 n. 10

  Beyond the Textbook (Kobrin), 18

  Biddle, Nicholas, 22

  Bigelow, Bill, 18

  Birth of a Nation (movie), 186

  Black Africans and Native Americans (Forbes), 107

  Black English, 44–45, 218 n. 10, 219 n. 21

  Black History Month, 161–162 “Black is Beautiful” movement, 46–47

  Black Power U.S.A. (Bennett), 86, 207

  Blacks. See African Americans

  Blassingame, John, 174

  Blaut, James, 139

  Bleeding Kansas, 78

  Blumenbach, J. F., 201–202

  Bolivar, Simon, 171

  Bolton, Reginald Pelton, 229–230 n. 7

  Bond, Lloyd, 57

  Book of Lists, The (Wallechinsky), 139

  Boorstin, Daniel, 14, 22–24, 88, 215 n. 1, 215 n. 21, 223 n. 12, 234–235 n. 11

  Borinski, Ernst, 220 n. 32

  Botany, 104

  Boyer, Paul, 215 n. 1, 221 n. 14, 234–235 n. 11

  Brainstorming, 89

  Bright, Charles, 224 n. 25

  Brinkley, Alan, 215 n. 1, 234–235 n. 11

  Brodkin, Karen, 203, 236 n. 22

  Broonzy, Big Bill, 46

  Brophy, Jere, 219 n. 17

  Brown, John, 71–72, 75, 191, 194, 206, 215 n. 2, 231 n. 6

  Brown v. Board of Education, 3, 205

  Bry, Theodore de, 90

  Bryan, William Jennings, 185

  BS (Bad Sociology) history, 4, 7

  Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show, 70

  Bush, George W., 25, 27, 50

  Butterfield, Herbert, 113

  Byrd, James, Jr., 215 n. 25

  Cacciola, Scott, 220 n. 34

  California, 38, 101, 195–196, 199–200

  Carson, Rachel, 12–13

  Casas, Bartolomé de las, 113, 171, 226 n. 20, 232 n. 20

  Cass Lake-Bena High School (Minnesota), 100

  Catholic Church, 130

  Catholic University, 157, 158

  Causation, in history, 11–12, 25

  Cayton, Andrew, 215 n. 1, 234–235 n. 11

  Census information, ix–x, 97–98, 214 n. 12

  Center for Survey Research, 7

  Cesari, J., x

  China, 125, 132, 133, 135, 227 n. 1

  Chinese Americans, 45, 89, 90, 195–196

  Christianity, 130, 227–228 n. 4

  Chronological ethnocentrism, 113–121

  costs of, 116–121

  defined, 113

  as form of presentism, 114

  impact of, 120–121

  primitive to civilized trend, 114–116

  as rationale for imperialism, 113–114

  Civil Liberties Act (1988), 15

  Civil Rights Movement, 71–76, 80–81, 93, 101, 110, 150, 199, 204–206, 221 n. 15

  Civil War, 2–4, 20, 26–27, 71–72, 78–79, 161, 162, 166. See also Reconstruction; Slavery; Southern secession

  black soldiers in, 194–195, 198

  Southern secession, 175–188

  Clark, William, 12–13, 147–148

  Clarke, Robin, 227 n. 24

  Class Divided, A (PBS video), 64–65

  Class size, 216 n. 4

  Clay, Cassius, 173

  Clayton, Elias, 16

  Cleveland, Grover, 186

  Clift, V. A., 231 n. 4

  Clinton, Bill, 20

  Clothing, 144, 146, 170–171

  Clovis people, 107–108

  Cody, Robert Tree, 136

  Coffin, Levi, 173

  Cognitive dissonance, 71–76, 136, 164, 194

  Cohen, Lizabeth, 215 n. 1, 230 n. 16, 234–235 n. 11

  Cold War, 20

  Cole, Nancy S., 56–57

  Coles, Edward, 173

  College Board, 57

  Columbus, Christopher, 23, 35, 66, 68, 108, 112–113, 128–136, 144, 152, 154, 202, 210, 215 n. 2, 225 n. 1

  Common knowledge

  cultural bias and, 50–51

  social class and, 55–56

  Community libraries, 97, 98

  Community newspapers, 97

  Compartmentalization, 111

  Congressional Cemetery (Washington, D.C.), 94

  Conley, Dalton, 158, 231 n. 2

  Content analysis, 80–82

  Crabtree, Charlotte, 214 n. 13

  Credibility, 84–87, 104–105

  Critical thinking, 12, 38–41, 46–47, 51, 85–86. See also Doing history; Historiography

  Cultural anthropology, 104

  Cultural bias

  common knowledge and, 50–51

  standardized tests and, 51–54

  Cultural racism, 152–153

  Curry, John Steuart, 72, 191

  Dangerous Minds (movie), 62

  Danzer, Gerald A., 215 n. 1, 234–235 n. 11

  Darling-Hammond, Linda, 220 n. 36

  Davidson, James, 18

  Davis, Jefferson, 78–79, 183

  Davis, William C., 182, 188, 234 n. 10

  Dawes Act (1887), 81

  Deloria, Vine, 122

  De Priest, Oscar, 205

  DeVore, Irven, 120, 227 n. 31

  Deyle, Steven, 175, 232–233 n. 1

  Dialect, 151

  Dialogue with the Past (Whitman), 101

  Diamond, Jared, 127, 139, 228 n. 9

  Diffusion, 23, 107, 110, 132–133

igital History, 174

  Dillon, S., ix

  Divine, Robert, 215 n. 2

  Document-Based Questions (DBQ), 32–33

  Doing history, 39, 83–102

  credibility in, 84–87, 104–105

  to critique history, 83–87

  student guides, 89

  verstehende and, 87, 146

  writing a paper in, 87–101

  Dorans, Neil J., 219 n. 23

  Dorris, Michael, 141

  Douglas, Stephen A., 79, 187, 233–234 n. 4–5

  Douglas, William O., 159

  Douglass, Frederick, 35–36, 174, 232 n. 16

  Dred Scott decision, 175, 178, 233 n. 3–4

  D’Souza, Dinesh, 219 n. 21

  DuBois, Ellen, 82

  Duke, David, 152

  Duke, Lynne, 232 n. 24

  Dumenil, Lynn, 82

  Dunbar, Paul Laurence, 162

  Dyson, Michael Eric, 218 n. 10

  Eastern Origins of Western Civilisation, The (Hobson), 139

  Eastern Roman Empire, 125

  Eaton, Susan, 59, 220 n. 31

  Eck, Diana L., x

  Edmonston, Charles, 170

  Edmonston-Alston House (Charleston, South Carolina), 170

  Education, defined, 153

  Educational Testing Service (ETS), 37, 50–58, 128

  Egypt, 109–110, 124–125, 126, 127, 164

  Eight Eurocentric Historians (Blaut), 139

  Elliott, Jane, 64–65

  Emancipation Proclamation (Lincoln), 78–79, 186–187, 194

  Epidemiology, 104, 112

  Equal Rights Amendment, 95

  Erickson, Clark, 108

  Erickson, H. Lynn, 21, 215–216 n. 3

  Escott, Paul, 166–167, 174

  Ethnicity. See also names of specific ethnic groups

  standardized tests and, 50–51

  white ethnic groups, 200–204

  Ethnocentrism, 137–138, 163

  American exceptionalism and, 14

  chronological, 113–121

  defined, 13

  reducing, 13

  Eugenics, 201

  Eurocentrism, 136–137, 139

  Louisiana Purchase and, 147–149

  syncretism and, 23, 132–136, 137–139, 143

  European dominance, 123–140

  Columbus and, 128–136

  explaining civilization, 127–128

  ideological results of, 136–137

  questions concerning, 123–124

  survey of world history, 124–126

  world voyages and flat earth myth, 128–136

  Evolution, 112

  Farley, Reynolds, 235 n. 6

  Faulkner, William, 42

  Faust, Drew Gilpin, 234 n. 8

  Fernandez-Armesto, Felipe, 125, 228 n. 6

  Festinger, Leon, 71–75, 221 n. 5, 231 n. 12

  Field Foundation, 50

  Fields, Barbara J., 44, 218 n. 9

  Field trips, 94

  Fifteenth Amendment, 75, 178, 193

  Figlio, David N., 44–45, 47, 218 n. 12

  File folder phenomenon, 43

  Finch, James, 229–230 n. 7

  Firestorm hypothesis, 108

  First Amendment, 5–6

  Flat earth myth, 128–131

  Florida, 183

  Folkways (Sumner), 193–194

  Foner, Eric, 76, 82, 86–87, 207–208, 221 n. 9, 222 n. 9

  Football, 198

  Forbes, Jack, 107, 226 n. 10

  Fourteenth Amendment, 178, 193, 195

  France, 125, 147–149

  Francis, Peter, Jr., 229–230 n. 7

  Franklin, John Hope, 82

  Freund, David M. P., 236 n. 24

  Friede, Juan, 232 n. 20

  Frister, Robert A., 235 n. 2

  From Slavery to Freedom (Franklin & Moss), 82

  From Sundown to Sunup (Rawick), 173

  Gagnon, Paul, 14, 215 n. 22

  Gallagher, Michael, 221 n. 12

  Garraty, John A., 221 n. 12

  Garrison, William Lloyd, 71


  names and, 156–157

  standardized tests and, 54

  student achievement and, 43, 49, 54

  Genetics, 104, 107–108

  Georgia, 181, 183

  Germany, 125, 205

  Gess, Denise, 223 n. 22

  Gettysburg Address (Lincoln), 187

  Gifted and talented programs, 44

  Gilded Age, 197

  Giovanni, Nikki, 218 n. 10

  Giraldi, Giovanni Battista, 163

  Give Me Liberty (Foner), 82

  Glottochronology, 104

  Gone with the Wind (Mitchell), 84–87, 151, 171

  Gone with the Wind (movie), 85–86, 90, 186

  Good, Thomas, 219 n. 17

  Goodheart, Adam, 221 n. 7

  Goodman, Andrew, 71

  Gordon-Reed, Annette, 231 n. 1

  Grade point average (GPA), 52, 56

  Graduate Record Examination (GRE), 50, 58

  Graham, Joseph, 229–230 n. 7

  Grand Canyon (IMAX documentary), 144–145

  Grant, Madison, 197, 236 n. 13

  Grant, Ulysses S., 235 n. 8

  Great Depression, 39, 62, 198

  Greeley, Horace, 187

  Grimké sisters, 173

  Gross, Ruth B., 232 n. 19

  Grumet, Robert S., 229–230 n. 7

  Guns, Germs, and Steel (Diamond), 127, 139

  Haines, Francis, 229 n. 3

  Haiti, 132, 144

  Hakim, Joy, 82

  Hammurabi, 124

  Harney, Lindsay, 99–100, 224–225 n. 32

  Harris, William, 231 n. 11

  Harrison, Benjamin, 193, 198

  Hart, Betty, 60, 220 n. 33

  Harvard University, 2, 47–48, 49–50, 58, 63

  Harvey, Dale, 42–43, 217 n. 3, 217 n. 5

  Havilland, Olivia de, 85–86, 90, 222 n. 8

  Hawthorne effect, 48, 63

  Hayes, Rutherford B., 192

  Hegel, Georg W. F., 11, 214 n. 15

  Helping Your Child Learn History, 92

  Hemings, Sally, 155–157, 231 n. 1

  Henry of Portugal, 132

  Hielscher, Gebhard, 215 n. 23

  Hilton, Paris, 115

  Hindley, Geoffrey, 227 n. 24

  Hispanic Americans, 207

  cultural bias and, 53–54

  teacher expectations and, 45–47

  Hispaniola, 132

  Historiography, 12–13, 17, 68–82, 211

  cognitive dissonance and, 71–76

  content analysis in, 80–82

  defined, 68

  incorrect information and, 68–70

  questioning myths, 78–80

  studying bad history, 76–80


  bringing students along, 38–41

  causation in, 11–12, 25

  class participation and, 34–35

  contemporary relevance of, 25–28

  critique of. See Historiography

  deep thinking and, 23–25

  doing. See Doing history; Historiography

  importance to society, 15–17

  importance to students, 10–15, 34–36

  key topics in, 19–23, 40, 88

  principal role and, 30–32, 67

  questioning myths in, 78–80

  reasons to teach “as usual,” 32–36

  skills needed for, 28–30

  social studies versus, 1, 29, 213 n. 1

  student attitudes toward, 10, 33–34

  support for teachers, 30–32, 36–38

  as tool of liberation or oppression, 65–66

  History Channel, 224 n. 30

  History Matters, 41

  History News Network, 41

  History of the American People, A (Johnson), 82

  History of the United States, A (Boorstin & Kelley), 14, 22, 23–24, 88, 215 n. 1, 234–235 n. 11

  History of US, A (Hakim), 82

p; Historyteacher.net, 37–38

  Hitler, Adolf, 205

  Hobbes, Thomas, 118, 227 n. 25

  Hobson, John M., 139

  Holland, Paul W., 219 n. 23

  Holt American Nation (Boyer), 24–25, 79, 81, 183, 215 n. 1, 234–235 n. 11

  Holy Roman Empire, 125

  Home ownership, 152, 158–159

  Hoover, Herbert, 39

  Horses, 143

  Horton, James Oliver, 187

  Horvat, Andrew, 215 n. 23

  Houser, Alan, 136

  Hulser, Kathleen, 215 n. 24

  Human genetics, 104, 107–108

  Humanities Net (h-net), 37

  IB (International Baccalaureate), 62

  Idaho, 68–70

  If You Grew Up with George Washington, 170–171

  Ignatiev, Noel, 236 n. 22

  Illinois, 38–39, 60–61, 99–100

  Immigration, ix, 88, 89, 103–122, 195–196

  archaeological issues, 105–109

  Bering land bridge controversy, 103–109, 110, 225 n. 7

  chronological ethnocentrism and, 113–121

  presentism and, 109–121

  white ethnic groups, 200–204

  Imperialism, 113–114, 196–197, 205

  Incas, 125

  Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl (Jacobs), 173

  Income gap, 158

  Index of Dissimilarity (D), 190–192, 235 n. 4

  India, 133, 164, 205

  Individual racism, 152

  In Relentless Pursuit of an Education, 101, 208

  Institutional racism, 152

  Internet, 84, 94, 97–98, 104–105

  Interviews, 95–97

  Iowa eye-color experiment, 64–65

  IQ, 43, 47–49, 51, 58, 60, 63

  Iraq, 25–26, 127

  Irving, Washington, 129

  Isabella, Queen, 128–129

  Islam, x, 125, 126, 132, 135

  Italy, 125

  Jackson, Andrew, 22, 38, 170

  Jackson, Elmer, 16

  Jackson, Kenneth T., 229–230 n. 7, 230 n. 16


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