Jacobs, Harriet, 173
Jacobson, Lenore, 47–49, 59, 63, 67, 218 n. 16
Jacobson, Matthew, 236 n. 23
Japanese Americans, 15–16, 76, 205
Jefferson, Thomas, 38, 147, 155–157, 164, 170, 181, 231 n. 1
Jockeys, 190
Johnson, Andrew, 195, 198
Johnson, LouAnne, 62, 220 n. 37
Johnson, Lyndon, 33
Johnson, Paul, 82
Jubilee (Walker), 86
Kain, John, 159
Karp, Stan, 18
Keen, Benjamin, 232 n. 20
Keeping the Struggle Alive (Anand), 101, 208
Keller, Helen, 12–13, 36
Kelley, Brooks Mather, 14, 22–24, 88, 215 n. 1, 215 n. 21, 223 n. 12, 234–235 n. 11
Kemble, Fanny, 168
Kendall, J. S., 21, 215–216 n. 3
Kennedy, David M., 215 n. 1, 215 n. 23, 234–235 n. 11
Kerry, John, 27, 50
Khmer Legacies, 101
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 230 n. 16
Kip, Lawrence, 143
Kobrin, David, 18
Korean War, 20, 93, 96, 210
Kyvig, David F., 102
LaFeber, Richard, 33–34
Lafferty, R. A., 237 n. 3
Lamb, Robert K., 102
Langfelder, Ossie, 224–225 n. 32
Language diversity, ix–x Latinos. See Hispanic Americans
Lectures, 209
Leder, Gilah, 218 n. 15
Lee, Richard, 120, 227 n. 31
Lee, Robert E., 183, 186
Lester, Julius, 173
Levey, Judith, 231 n. 11
Leviathan, The (Hobbes), 118
Levitt, William, 152
Levitt & Sons, 152
Lewis, Meriwether, 12–13, 147–148
Lewis, Michael, 220 n. 34
Liberia, 198
Library of Congress, 41, 82, 84, 165, 200–201
Lies Across America (Loewen), 68–70, 83–84, 93, 103, 117, 174, 187–188
Lies My Teacher Told Me (Loewen), xii, 1, 12, 18, 30–31, 33–34, 38, 77–78, 131, 133–136, 149, 187, 214 n. 9
Lies My Teacher Told Me About Christopher Columbus (Loewen), 130
Lincoln, Abraham, 27, 38, 80, 83, 100, 145, 157, 161, 176, 179, 182, 184–187, 198, 229 n. 5, 233–234 n. 5
Littell, McDougal, 79, 234–235 n. 11
Litwack, Leon, 236 n. 12
Liuzzo, Viola, 71
Local history, 93–95, 102
Lodge, Henry Cabot, 196
Loewen, James W., xi–xii, 18, 174, 187–188, 208, 219 n. 22, 219 n. 24, 221 n. 4, 224 n. 23, 228 n. 11, 235 n. 7, 237 n. 2
Loewen et al. v. Turnipseed et al., 5–6
Logan, John A., 233–234 n. 5, 235 n. 6
Logan, Rayford, 235 n. 1
Lost Cause, The (Davis), 188
Louisiana, 183
Louisiana Purchase, 147–149
Louv, Richard, 227 n. 30
Love, Kim, 216 n. 10
Lovejoy, Elijah, 173
Lovejoy, Owen, 173
Low, W. A., 231 n. 4
Lutz, William, 223 n. 22
Lynchings, 5, 6, 16–17
Lytle, Mark, 18
Macaulay, Thomas, 113
Madsen, Brigham, 69–70, 221 n. 2
Maizlish, Stephen, 235 n. 3
Mann, Charles C., 108, 226 n. 14
Many Thousand Gone (Berlin), 174
Martin, Calvin, 229 n. 2
Martin, P., ix
Marty, Myron A., 102
Marx, Karl, 50
Maryland, 101
Marzano, R. J., 21, 215–216 n. 3
Mason, Otis, 200
Mathematics, 54, 59, 133
Mathews, Jay, 220 n. 36
Mayans, 125, 126
Mbuti people, 118–119
McCarthyism, 20
McGhie, Isaac, 16
McKinley, William, 196
McMurtry, Larry, 70, 221 n. 3
McNeill, William H., 139
McPherson, James, 215 n. 1, 234–235 n. 11
Means, Russell, 120, 227 n. 32
Mecca, 125
Mellon, Andrew, 39
Memorization, 21, 32, 34
Mentors, 92–93
Merwick, Donna, 229–230 n. 7
Mexican Americans, 17
Midgley, E., ix
Miller Analogies Test, 51
Minds Stayed on Freedom (R.O.C.C.), 101, 208
Minnesota, 100, 231 n. 18
Mintz, Steven, 174
Mississippi, 2–6, 9–10, 12, 29, 45–46, 73, 74, 101, 181, 183
Mississippi (Bettersworth), 3–6, 213–214 n. 4
Mississippi (Loewen & Sallis), xii, 4–6
Mississippi Chinese, The (Loewen), 210–211
Mississippi State University, 4
Mitchell, Margaret, 84–87, 151–152, 222 n. 7
Model minority stereotype, 45
Model towns, 75
Moguls, 125
Mohan, Geoffrey, 230 n. 16
Montesinos, Antonio de, 113, 232 n. 20
Montesquieu, 163, 231 n. 10
Moore, Robert B., 213–214 n. 4, 217 n. 16
Mosby, John Singleton, 182, 234 n. 9
Moss, Alfred A., 82
Moy, Rebecca L., 33
Multicultural education
defined, x
dimensions of, x–xi
key goal for, x
National Association of Multicultural Education (NAME), 1, 37
need for, ix
Murphy, Isaac, 190
Murr, Andrew, 108, 226 n. 12
My Bondage and My Freedom, 174
Nadir of race relations, 75–76, 189–208
contemporary relevance of, 189–192
defined, 44, 189
end of, 204–206
Gone with the Wind (Mitchell) and, 84–87
historical background of, 194–195
impact of, 206
implications of, 206–207
Index of Dissimilarity (D) and, 190–192, 235 n. 4
onset of, 192–194
presentism and, 109–110
slavery and, 169–170. See also Slavery
student examination of, 197–200
in textbooks, 77–78
underlying causes of, 195–197
whites becoming white during, 200–204
Names, importance of, 44–45, 154, 156–157, 199, 218 n. 11, 231 n. 18
Nash, J., 227 n. 31
National Archives, 41, 98
National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), 7, 214 n. 9–10
National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME), 1, 37
National Commission on Excellence in Education, 213 n. 2
National Council for History Education, 37, 213 n. 1
National Council for the Social Studies, 1, 37, 213 n. 1
National Football League (NFL), 198
National History Day, 90–91, 98–100
Nationalism, racial, 26, 161, 162
National Park Service, 187, 230 n. 10
Native Americans, 17, 20, 21, 26, 29, 40, 78, 80–81, 86, 88, 90, 93, 207
Almo massacre (Idaho), 68–70
Bering land bridge controversy, 103–109, 110, 225 n. 7
chronological ethnocentrism and, 113–114, 116, 117, 120
Columbus and, 35, 112–113, 128–129, 133–136, 154
Louisiana Purchase and, 147–149
slavery and, 112–113, 149, 163, 171–173
syncretism and, 133–136, 143
Thanksgiving and, 149–150
$24 myth and, 65, 141–154
Wounded Knee Massacre (South Dakota), 193
Natural disasters, 93–94
Nearby History (Kyvig & Marty), 102
Negro History Week, 161–162
New Deal, 39
New Guinea, 127
New Hampshire, 78–80
New Jersey, 177–178
Newspapers, 97, 104, 198
New York Historical Society, 16
Nimoy, Leonard, 131
No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), 66
North Carolina Baptist Hospital, 112
Norton, Mary Beth, 82
Novels, 211
Ogbu, John, 43–44, 218 n. 8
Oklahoma, 193
Okoye, Felix, 231 n. 10
Olson, Steve, 225 n. 7
Organization of American Historians, 37
Osceola, 173
O’Shea, David, 214 n. 13
Ostend Manifesto, 78
Ottoman Empire, 125
Palin, Sarah, 227 n. 22
Palmer, R. R., 124, 126, 228 n. 5
Parent Academy, 91–93
Passing of the Great Race (Grant), 197
Passion for the Past, A (Percoco), 18
People and a Nation, A (Norton), 82
People’s History of the United States, A (Zinn), 82
Percoco, James, 17, 18, 94
Perry, Elisabeth, 215 n. 1
Peru, 133
Pfeiffer, Michelle, 62
Philippines, 14, 196, 205
Physical anthropology, 104
Pierce, Franklin W., 78–80, 84
Pinker, Steven, 226 n. 19
Plains Indian culture, 143–144
Plains Indian Wars, 195
Plessy v. Ferguson, 186
Poling, Jerry, 236 n. 19
Portugal, 14
Poverty, 59, 60
Presentism, 109–121
chronological ethnocentrism as form of, 113–121
conclusions about, 112–113
defined, 109
Native Americans and, 109–110
preexisting views and, 110–112
religion and, 110–112
Primary sources, 90–91
Principals, support from, 30–32, 67
Progressive Policy Institute, x
PSAT, 50
Pueblo revolt (1680), 143
Pyramids, 109–110, 125
Pyron, Darden A., 90, 222 n. 6, 230 n. 15
Quizzes, 209
Race. See also Nadir of race relations; names of specific ethnic groups
ability grouping and, 62–63
home ownership and, 158–159
racial nationalism, 26, 161, 162
racial types, 201–202
student achievement and, 43, 49, 59
Racial nationalism, 26, 161, 162
Racism. See also Nadir of race relations
decline of, 204–206
defined, 151
lynchings and, 5, 6, 16–17
recognizing, 207
slavery and, 159, 162–165. See also Slavery
types of, 152–153
Rankin, John, 173
Rawick, George, 173, 232 n. 17
Reconstruction, 2–4, 20, 26–27, 65, 75–76, 84–87, 93, 222 n. 9
Reconstruction (Foner), 86, 90, 207–208
Red Earth, White Lies (Deloria), 122
Reeb, James, 71
Reed, Elaine W., 223 n. 20
Reed, James A., 128
Reed, Linda, 215 n. 1
presentism and, 110–112
religious diversity, ix–x
Research corner, 92
Rethinking Our Classrooms (Au et al.), 18
Rhode Island, 67
Rise of the American Nation, 71, 81
Risley, Todd, 60, 220 n. 33
Ritter, Malcolm, 225 n. 7
Roberts, S., ix
Robinson, Jackie, 99, 189–190, 205–206
Robinson, Rowland, 173
Roman Empire, 125, 126
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 39, 62, 75
Roosevelt, Theodore, 100–101
Rosenbaum, James, 59–61, 220 n. 35, 224 n. 27
Rosenthal, Robert, 47–49, 59, 63, 67, 218 n. 16
Rosenthal effect, 47–49, 59, 218 n. 16
Rothstein, Richard, 214 n. 10
Rudert, Eileen, 219 n. 22
Ruttenber, E. M., 229–230 n. 7
Sallis, Charles, xii, 5, 235 n. 7
Santayana, George, 11, 214 n. 14
SAT, 50–58, 128, 152, 219 n. 21, 219 n. 25
Sawyer, Richard L., 217 n. 1
Scaffolding, 89
Scappini, Robert A., 102
Schagen, Peter, 145
Schmitt, Alicia P., 219 n. 23
Schoenburg, Bernard, 224–225 n. 32
Schultz, Kevin, 230 n. 16
Schwerner, Michael, 71
Scott, Dred, 175, 178, 233 n. 3–4
Scott, Winfield, 221 n. 13
Seale, Doris, 154
Secession. See Southern secession
Secondary sources, 90–91
Sectionalism, 26–27
Segregation, xii, 44, 75, 93, 99–101, 152, 190–192, 199–200, 203–205, 235 n. 4
Selden, Mark, 16, 215 n. 23
Self-esteem, 58
Self-fulfilling prophecy, 47
Shakespeare, William, 9, 163
Shorto, Russell, 145, 229 n. 4, 229–230 n. 7
Silence, 46–47
Simms, Willie, 190
Singer, Aaron, 221 n. 12
Singletary, Michelle, 231 n. 4
Singleton, Teresa, 168
Skin color, 45–46, 218 n. 14
Slapin, Beverly, 154
Slatin, Gerald, 42–43, 217 n. 3, 217 n. 5
Slave Community, The (Blassingame), 174
Slavery, 23–25, 38–39, 80, 84–87, 100, 132, 155–174, 207. See also Civil War; Reconstruction; Southern secession
contemporary relevance of, 155–159
Dred Scott decision, 175, 178, 233 n. 3–4
meta-conversation on, 159–162
Native American, 112–113, 149, 163, 171–173
as penal system, 172
problems in teaching history of, 170–173
problems of slave life, 165–170
racism and, 159, 162–165
Slavery Remembered (Escott), 174
Slaves in the Family (Ball), 173
Sloan, Irving J., 216 n. 6
Small, Herbert, 200–201, 236 n. 20
Smith, Orma, 5–6
Smith College, 85, 152
Smithsonian Institution, 200–201
Social class, 62–63
home ownership and, 152, 158–159
names and, 156–157
standardized tests and, 50–51, 54–56, 59
student achievement and, 8–9, 42–47, 49
teacher expectations and, 42–47, 60–61
Social Darwinism, 194, 197, 201
Social studies, history versus, 1, 29, 213 n. 1
Social Studies School Service, 31–32
basic idea of, 8
BS (Bad Sociology) history, 4, 7
importance to students, 12
socialization process and, 153
soclexia and, 7–9
Soclexia, 7–9
Soto, Hernando de, 117
South Carolina, 170, 175–181, 183, 184–185, 188
South Carolina (Wallace), 188
South Dakota, 193
Southern Daughter (Pyron), 90
Southern secession, 175–188, 198
genesis of problem, 186–187, 233–234 n. 5
myths concerning, 175–179
teaching against the myth, 179–183
textbook treatments of, 183–186
Southerton, Simon G., 226 n. 16
Spanish American War (1898), 196
Spears, Britney, 115
Staab, Amanda, 99–100, 224–225 n. 32
Stampp, Kenneth M., 236 n. 12
Standardized tests, 32
cultural bias in, 51–54
multiple-choice questions and, 66–67
social class and, 50–51, 54–56, 59
teacher expectations and, 49–59, 64
“twig” history and, 19–21, 32–33, 66–67
Standards, 21, 28–30
Stanford, Dennis, 108
p; Star Trek IV (movie), 130–131
Stengel, Marc, 216 n. 9
Stephens, Alexander, 181–183
Stevens, Thaddeus, 173
Storylines, 89–90, 92, 223 n. 14
Strange Career of Jim Crow, The (Vann Woodward), 208
Student’s Guide to History, A (Benjamin), 89
Stults, Brian, 235 n. 6
Suárez-Orozco, C., ix
Suárez-Orozco, M. M., ix Suburbs, 152, 158–159
Sullivan, Louis H., 121, 227 n. 33
Sumner, Charles, 173
Sumner, William Graham, 193–195, 236 n. 9
Sundown towns, xii, 93, 99–100, 192, 203–205, 208, 215 n. 26, 216 n. 10
Sundown Towns (Loewen), xii, 93, 208
Syncretism, 23, 132–136, 137–139, 143
Taft, William Howard, 196
Taney, Roger, 233 n. 3–4
Teacher expectations, 42–67
internalizing, 56–58
racial characteristics and, 42–47
research on, 47–49, 59
socioeconomic characteristics and, 42–47, 60–61
standardized tests and, 49–59, 64
student self-expectations and, 64
teacher creation of, 60–67
tracking and, 60–62
Teaching American History (Barlowe), 41
Teaching American History program, 36–37
Teaching by students, 209–211
Temela, Nalenik, 136
Test of Language Development, 60
Texas, 180, 215 n. 25
Textbooks, 19–41
alternative, 80–81, 236 n. 15
American exceptionalism in, 13–14
authors of, 12
college versus high school, 215 n. 2
critical thinking and, 38–41
Teaching What Really Happened: How to Avoid the Tyranny of Textbooks and Get Students Excited About Doing History Page 35