Dreaming America
1. Norma H. Gurba, Images of America: Lancaster (Charleston: Arcadia Publishers, 2005), 7, 11.
2. “1876–1910: The Beginning,” City of Lancaster website. http://www.cityoflancasterca.org/index.aspx?page=219
3. Ibid.
4. Gurba, p. 49.
5. Mike Davis, City of Quartz: Excavating the Future in Los Angeles (New York: Verso, 1991), 3–6.
6. Matt J. Albert, “Up Above,” http://www.mattjalbert.com/radical-urban-theory/AntelopeValley/06.html.
7. Google Public Data from Department of Labor Services. Data is not seasonally adjusted. http://www.google.com/publicdata/explore?ds=z1ebjpgk2654c1_&met_y=unemployment_rate&idim=city:CT067800&fdim_y=seasonality:U&dl=en&hl=en&q=lancaster+california+unemployment+rate#!ctype=l&strail=false&bcs=d&nselm=h&met_y=unemployment_rate&fdim_y=seasonality:U&scale_y=lin&ind_y=false&rdim=country&idim=city:CT067800&ifdim=country&hl=en_US&dl=en&ind=false.
8. Jennifer Medina, “Subsidies and Suspicion,” New York Times, August 10, 2011, http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/11/us/11housing.html.
9. California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, Monthly Report of Population as of Midnight September 30, 2007.
10. Gideon Rubin, “Tilton Calls for Prison Reform; Lancaster Lockup is Overcrowded,” Los Angeles Daily News, March 3, 2007.
11. “Authorities Investigating Gang-related Riots at LA Detention Center for Illegal Immigrants,” Associated Press, April 24, 2008.
12. Tracy Manzer, “Camp Challenger: Giving Structure to Felony Offenders,” Press-Telegram, May 21, 2008, http://www.presstelegram.com/general-news/20080521/camp-challenger-giving-structure-to-felony-offenders.
13. “Landmark Federal Class-Action Lawsuit Charges Los Angeles County with Failure to Educate Youth in Probation Camps,” American Civil Liberties Union, press release, January 12, 2010, https://www.aclu.org/racial-justice/landmark-federal-class-action-lawsuit-charges-los-angeles-county-failure-educate-yout.
14. Kenneth E. Hartman, “The Recession Behind Bars,” New York Times, September 5, 2009, http://www.nytimes.com/2009/09/06/opinion/06hartman.html.
15. Aarti Kohli, Peter L. Markowitz, and Lisa Chavez. “Secure Communities by the Numbers: An Analysis of Demographics and Due Process,” the Chief Justice Earl Warren Institute on Law and Social Policy, University of California, Berkeley Law School, research report, October 2011, https://www.law.berkeley.edu/files/Secure_Communities_by_the_Numbers.pdf. Jacqueline Stevens, “U.S. Government Unlawfully Detaining and Deporting U.S. Citizens as Aliens,” Virginia Journal of Social Policy and the Law 18:3 (Spring 2011), http://jacquelinestevens.org/StevensVSP18.32011.pdf.
16. Seth Freed Wessler, Shattered Families: The Perilous Intersection of Immigration Enforcement and the Child Welfare System, Applied Research Center, November 2011, 5, http://www.raceforward.org/research/reports/shattered-families.
17. Stevens, “U.S. Government Unlawfully Detaining,” 618–624.
18. Vargas was speaking specifically of green-card applicants filing for a visa under a family clause—as the spouse, parent, child, or sibling of a citizen. Data for factoid on Mexican Americans from “But Where Is the Back of the Line?,” Asian Law Caucus Infographic, produced March 25, 2013, http://www.asianlawcaucus.org/sites/asian-law-caucus/files/INFOGRAPHIC%20-%20Back%20of%20the%20Line-01%20(1).jpg
19. Robert S. Gonzales, “Learning to Be Illegal: Undocumented Youth and Shifting Legal Contexts in the Transition to Adulthood.” American Sociological Review 76:4 (2011), 602–619, http://www.asanet.org/images/journals/docs/pdf/asr/Aug11ASRFeature.pdf.
20. Yahaira Carrillo, “DREAM Now Letters: Yahaira Carrillo,” Citizen Orange Blog, July 21, 2010, http://www.citizenorange.com/orange/2010/07/dream-now-letters-yahai-ra-carr.html.
21. Tania Unzueta, “Netroots Nation Closing Session,” C-SPAN, June 18, 2011, http://www.c-spanvideo.org/program/Nation6.
22. The images can be seen at http://juliosalgado83.tumblr.com/archive. See also Steve Pavey and Marco Saavedra, Shadows then Light (Lexington, Kentucky: One Horizon Institute, 2012); Culturestrike, http://www.culturestrike.net.
The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
Abdollahi, Mohammad
Abrahamson, Katie
“Abyss, The” (WalkingStick)
Acconci, Vito
Acosta, Curtis
Black market and
blacks employed in
lifestyle marketing
market segmentation and
television and
affirmative action
Affirmative Discrimination (Glazer)
Africans, The
“After Identity, What?” (Thomas)
Alcaraz, Lalo
Algus, Mitchell
Alim, H. Samy
Alinsky, Saul
Alkhateeb, Firad
Almaraz, Carlos
Alston, Charles
Alterman, Eric
Ambinder, Marc
American Dilemma, An (Myrdal)
American exceptionalism
American Indians
American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)
Amos, Emma
Anaya, Rudolfo
Anderson, Carl
Andre, Carl
Andrews, Benny
Antoni, Janine
Anzaldúa, Gloria
Appiah, Kwame Anthony
“April 4th, 1968” (Smith)
Arcade Fire
Archuleta, Margaret
Arenas, Orlando
Armstrong, Robb
Arpaio, Joe
Arriola, Gus
Art & Auction
Art in America
Artists Space
Art Workers’ Coalition (AWC)
Ashhurst, Carmen
Asian American artists
Asia Society
Atwater, Harvey LeRoy “Lee”
Audacity to Win, The (Plouffe)
Auster, Lawrence
Austin, Paul
“Autobiography: Water/Ancestors/Middle Passage/Family Ghosts” Pindell
Avalos, David
Avgikos, Jan
Ayler, Albert
Baca, Judy
Bacharach, Burt
Backer, Bill
Badu, Erykah
Bai, Matt
Bail, Jon-Paul
Baldessari, John
Baldwin, James
Bambara, Karma Bene
Bambara, Toni Cade
Banaji, Mahzarin R.
Bangs, Lester
Baraka, Amina
Baraka, Amiri
Baraka, Ras
Basement Workshop
Basquiat, Jean-Michel
Bauer, Raymond
Bearden, Romare
Beatty, Paul
Beatty, Warren
Beck, Glenn
Becker, Gary
Becker, Jo
Belcher, Cornell
Bell, Darrin
Bell Curve theory
Benetton, Giuliana
Benetton, Luciano
Benjamin, Rich
Benton, Thomas Hart
Berdahl, Robert M.
Berger, John
Berger, Maurice
Berlanga, Mary Helen
Bernal, Antonio
Bernard, James
Bernstein, Richard
Berssenbrugge, Mei Mei
Bertalan, Olivia
Bhabha, Homi
Biggers, Jeff
Biggers, Sanford
/> Billingsley, Ray
Billops, Camille
Birth of a Nation
Bischoff, Kendra
Black Arts
Black Boy (Wright)
Blackburn, Bob
Black Emergency Cultural Coalition (BECC)
Black Entertainment Television (BET)
Black Panther Party
Black Power
Black World
Blank, Carla
Blood, Paul
Bloom, Allan
Bobo, Lawrence
Bogado, Aura
Bonilla-Silva, Eduardo
Booker, Cory
Boondocks, The
Boston Tea Party
Bowart, Walter
Bradford, Mark S.
Brandon-Croft, Barbara
“Breaks, The” (Capistran)
Breitbart, Andrew
Brenson, Michael
Brewer, Jan
Bridwell, E. Nelson
Brockman Gallery
Bronson, Po
Brother Bootsie
“Brown and Proud/Todos Somos Arizona” (Cervantes)
Brownback, Sam
Brownstein, Ron
Brown v. Board of Education
Bruchac, Joe
Bryant, Anita
Buchanan, Pat
Buchloh, Benjamin
Bullock, Henry Allen
Bush, George H. W.
Bush, George W.
Cabrera, Margarita
Caen, Herb
California State Prison
Camarillo, Albert
Campbell, E. Simms
Campaign against Violence
Camus, Albert
Caniff, Milton
Can’t Stop Won’t Stop (Chang)
Capistran, Juan
capitalist realism
capitalist romanticism
Carmichael, Stokely
Carrey, Jim
Carter, Jimmy
Casey, Susan
Cashin, Sheryll
Castelli, Leo
Celler, Emanuel
Census of 2000
Cervantes, Melanie
Cha, Xavier
Chambers, Jason
Chan, Paul
Chandler, John
Chang, Alexandra
“Channel 11” (Newkirk)
Chao, Manu
Chappelle, Dave
Charles, Michael Ray
Charles, Ray
Chase-Riboud, Barbara
Chavez, Cesar
Cheney, Lynne
Chicano Art: Resistance and Affirmation (CARA)
Chicano artists
Chideya, Farai
Chin, Frank
Chinese Revolutionary Artists’ Club
Chiu, Melissa
Chu, Ken
Cianci, Buddy
City of Quartz (Davis)
Civil Rights Act
civil rights movement
Clairemont, Dave
Clairemont, Shannon
Clandestino (Chao)
Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order, The (Huntington)
Clark, Kenneth
Clark, Leilani
Clark, Mamie
Clarke, John Henrik
Clay, Tom
Clemente, Rosa
Clinton, Bill
Clinton, George
Clinton, Hillary
Closing of the American Mind, The (Bloom)
Cloward, Richard
Coates, Ta-Nehisi
Cohen, Cathy
Cohen, Dorothy
Colbert, Stephen
Cole, Lydia
Color Purple, The (Walker)
Wee Pals
Conal, Robbie
Conjure (Reed)
Connerly, Ward
Conwill, Kinshasha Holman
Coogler, Ryan
Cooper, Anderson
Corey, Angela
Cornell University
Cosby, Bill
Cotter, Holland
Crenshaw, Kimberlé
Crimp, Douglas
Cropper, Steve
Crump, Benjamin
Cruz, Victor Hernández
cultural generation gap
multiculturalism, see multiculturalism
“Culture War” (Arcade Fire)
“Culture War within the Culture Wars, The: Race” (Wallace)
culture wars
Cunningham, Scott
D’Amato, Alfonse
Danto, Arthur
Davis, Alonzo
Davis, Angela
Davis, Benjamin
Davis, Billy
Davis, Dale
Davis, Mike
Davis, Stuart
Davis, Thulani
Dean, Howard
Debt: The First 5,000 Years (Graeber)
Decade Show, The
“Decolonize Wall Street” (Yerena, Lopez, and Arenas)
DeGregory, Lane
De Kooning, Willem
de la Loza, Sandra
Della Femina, Jerry
Deloria, Philip J.
Deloria, Vine, Jr.
Democratic Party
Dent, Harry
Devos, Thierry
diCorcia, Philip-Lorca
“Die” (Ringgold)
Dignidad Rebelde
Diller, Barry
Dinky Fellas
Disfarmer, Mike
Disney, Walt
Dobbs House
Donald, see Newman, Donald
Doty, Robert
Douglass, Frederick
Downey, Robert, Sr.
Dream Defenders
Driskell, David
D’Souza, Dinesh
DuBois, W. E. B.
Dukakis, Michael
Dunbar, Cynthia
Duncan, Carol
Dupnik, Clarence
Durbin, Richard
East Village Other
Eastwood, Clint
Ebtekar, Ala
Edley, Christopher
Edsall, Mary
Edsall, Thomas
Ehrenreich, Barbara
Eisner, Mike
Ellison, Ralph
Invisible Man
“End of White America, The?” (Hsu)
English, Darby
English, Ron
Escalante, Juan
Ethics of Identity, The (Appiah)
Fairey, Shepard
Andre the Giant campaign of
“Obama HOPE” poster of
Family Circus
Farber, Jerry
Farm Security Administration (FSA)
Farrakhan, Louis
Fauntroy, Walter
Fear of Flying (Jong)
Federal Art Project
Ferlinghetti, Lawrence
Fessel, Andrew
Fine, Elsa Honig
Fire Next Time, The (Baldwin)
Fisher, Mark
Ford, Richard Thompson
Forman, Tyrone
Fox, Howard N.
Fox TV
Foxx, Jamie
Francese, Peter
Franklin, Aretha
Franklin, John Hope
Fraser, Andrea
Frazier, Joe
Free-lance Pallbearers, The (Reed)
Frey, William
Friedman, Ann
Frohnmayer, John
Frost, Robert
Fruitvale Station
Fukuyama, Francis
br /> Fullilove, Mindy Thompson
Fulton, Sybrina
Fury, Gran
Fusco, Coco
Gabor, Harvey
Galeano, Eduardo
Gallagher, Ellen
Gamboa, Harry, Jr.
Garcia, Mannie
Garcia, Rupert
Gaspar de Alba, Alicia
Gates, Henry Louis, Jr.
Gaye, Marvin
Gee, Yun
George, Phil
Gerbner, George
Ghent, Henri
Gibson, D. Parke
Gibson, Eric
Gillon, Daniel
Gilroy, Paul
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader
Giovanni, Nikki
Giuliani, Rudy
Glaeser, Edward
Glazer, Nathan
“Globalization of Markets, The” (Levitt)
Glueck, Grace
Godzilla Asian American Art Netwok
Goldberg, David Theo
Golden, Thelma
Goldin, Nan
Goldstein, Richard
Goldwater, Barry
Golub, Leon
Gómez-Peña, Guillermo
Gonzales, Corky
Gonzales, Robert S.
Gonzales-Day, Ken
Gonzalez, Marie
Gonzalez, Rita
Goode Bryant, Lina
Grace, Trudy
Graeber, David
Graham, Lindsey
Grant, Oscar
Green, Brandy
Greenberg, Clement
Greenspan, Alan
Gregory, Dick
Grier, David Alan
Griffith, D. W.
Griffith, Michael
Grijalva, Adelita
Grijalva, Raúl
Grutter v. Bollinger
Guerrier, Adler
Guerrilla Girls
Gurza, Agustin
Guy, John
Haacke, Hans
Haddad, Natalie
Hagedorn, Jessica
Hammons, David
Hanhardt, John
Hardt, Michael
Haring, Keith
Harithas, James
Harlem Globetrotters
Harlem Renaissance
Harrington, Michael
Harrington, Oliver
Harris, John
Harris, Kira Lynn
Hart, Philip
Hartman, Kenneth E.
Hatch, Orrin
Hawkins, Yusuf
Helms, Jesse
Hearst, Willaim Randolph
Heartney, Eleanor
Hemphill, Essex
Hendrix, Jimi
Henry, Janet
“Here Today, Gone Tomorrow? Some Plots for a Dismantling” (Lipton)
Heritage Foundation
Hernández, Ester
Hernandez, Gina
Hernstein, Richard
Herriman, George
Herron, Willie
Heston, Charlton
Higa, Karin
Hill, Gary
Himes, Chester
Who We Be : The Colorization of America (9781466854659) Page 48