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Forbidden Love (Stone Pack Book 1)

Page 2

by Harper Phoenix


  I stand to the side of the dance floor—Howard on my right, Brad my left—watching the females pumping and grinding, getting their groove on. Brad’s head bobs to the baseline and Howard’s foot taps along with it. They look relaxed, but I know damn well they know where all the threats are, all the exits and all the best strategies to protect me and their pack. I know that one wrong move and they’ll have my back. I never had to worry about that.

  Kristen was hanging around, annoying as always. I’m scanning the room for a willing woman to sink my dick into for the night, when I’m taken by a female scent floating through the air, filling my nose like a fucking assault, stopping me mid-thought. I shake my head trying to clear it, but fucking hell it’s fine, and it's calling out to me like a fucking sirens call.

  I’m scanning the space for its source but moving forward my buddy puts his hand out to stop me. My frustration flares. I need to find the source of that scent. It’s consuming me already. I need to find that female. I move forward on impulse. Irritated at the hand still pushing against my chest, I glare into Howard’s eyes, and he removes his hand. Good call. I make my way through the crowd, toward the scent driving me. I know there are eyes on my back, watching my every move, but I don’t care. Bingo. I see her. She’s fucking beautiful. Black jeans cover her long legs, a pert ass, and a red top that screams fuck me, which shows off a pair of amazing tits—like flesh coloured hills wrapped up like a motherfucking gift. I watch as she stands from her seat and glides toward the bar. I shake my head trying to shake the feeling that’s come over me. My dick’s throbbing to its own beat in my jeans as I watch her make her way through the crowd. I’m going to cut her off at the dance floor. And then… I don’t fucking know what I’m going to do. I just need…

  In a split second, she’s on the floor, and some cock-sucking fucker has his paws all over her. I have to dial it back a notch before I kill the bastard. I wade through the crowd, clearing a path so I can get to her. Pulling her up, I shove the prick back down. He is fucking lucky. The pure need to hold her outweighs everything else.


  I’m drunk. Yep. As soon as I try and walk on these stupid heels, I almost face plant. Come on Devon, one foot, now the other. That’s it,—you’ve got this. I push my way through the masses on the dance floor, trying and failing to get to the bar, past women dancing around their purses and men with arms like Stretch Armstrong, touching wherever they can reach. I’m groped and pinched and getting seriously pissed off. This is the problem with men, and why I have issues keeping my secret. A human woman would slap their hand away and be overpowered by them. Me, I could lay the asshole out cold with a good swing, and that there lies the problem. I’m curvy but slender, keeping myself in good shape, and I shouldn’t be any match for a man bigger and broader than me. So I have to hold back. I growl low in frustration as I push a wandering hand from my tit. I’m having trouble enough walking straight without this idiot mauling me.

  ‘Seriously?’ I glare at the idiot who’s still insistent on groping me—like I would find that sexy.

  ‘Come on, gorguuusss, you know you want a bit of this.’ He slurs and thrusts his hips while he grabs his cock. Uurgh. I roll my eyes, praying for patience as I shove him a little harder than I should. As the idiot goes down, he grabs for my wrist to keep himself upright, and the weight of him, along with my already drunk ass on stupidly high heels, takes me to ground with him. We fall in a heap, and I hit my head on the floor. But before my brain even registers the pain, I’m being hauled up by strong arms, and my nose is being assaulted with an amazing scent. A scent that sends heat pooling between my legs. My face is mashed up into his neck, and he is sooo divine. I could die happy right now. I hear him growl out something and it takes a minute to register. I step back in his arms, and I can only stare as I take in my saviour. Tall, dark hair and beautiful piercing green eyes—a five o clock shadow covering his jaw, and eyelashes any sane woman would pay a fortune for. I’m pulled into his side as his face morphs into anger, directed at the idiot still on the floor.

  ‘No. Means. Fucking. NO. Dipshit,’ he growls out through gritted teeth. His eyes, like saucers glaring at him. The idiot’s mouth is flapping like a goldfish out of water, and his hands are outstretched trying to ward him off. I giggle. I can’t help it.

  ‘I didn’t know she was taken, man. I’m sorry, I don't want any trouble.’

  I would normally kick his ass and tell him he has no right even if I am single, but when I open my mouth to speak, dark and handsome’s grip on my wrist tightens, and his eyes widen as he glares me into silence.

  ‘Well, now you fucking know!’ He prods the idiot in the ribs with his foot before he drags me off. Like he owns my ass. He stops his dragging and turns to face me. Something shifts in the air as I stare, incapable of anything else. His piercing green eyes stare back, as he looks through me like he sees my soul. The pull between us is intense. His face is impassive, but he exudes power. I can feel his will settling over me, like a hidden force. Even at my full height and on killer heels he still towers over me. His eyes are so intense as the muscle in his jaw twitches. It’s impossible to take my eyes off him, but I refuse to be taken in. By sheer force of will my stubbornness takes over, and even if I want to kick my own ass for doing it, I pull away from his grip. He follows and as I get to the bar his arms encase me, pinning me to the wooden panels. My back to his front, I can still feel that energy thrumming between us. Can feel his hot breath on the back of my neck as he stoops to speak in my ear.

  ‘Why’d you run?’

  My breath hitches, as his voice flows over me like silk on my skin, making my body sizzle. Heat rushes to my vagina, and it turns into the Niagara Falls as my body betrays me.

  My nose drinks in his arousing scent. He presses himself up against me, and I can feel the hard contours of his body, and the unmistakable hardness of his cock, which is currently nestled against my ass. It sends a shiver through my entire body, leaving goosebumps in its wake, and exciting me further.

  ‘I know you’re aroused; I can smell it.’

  Jesus Christ, my body melts with pure heat. Any hotter and I will just be a gushing vagina on the floor. I need to get the hell away.

  In a bid to get free, I press myself further into the bar, trying my best to escape his huge-ass cock. I don’t want to speak because I can’t form a sentence in my head, let alone formulate the actual words. Then he rolls his hips, pressing himself into me further, at the very moment the bartender asks for my order. On a squeak, I do my best to answer fluidly, and I order some test tube shots in various flavours, which are currently the shot of the hour. My mouth is suddenly as dry as toilet paper. I turn into him, my hands full, with the intention of walking away. His body language screams sex, and I want to scream ‘Please fuck me,’ right back, but I’ll be damned if this arrogant bastard—no matter how he affects me or how hot he is—is getting any satisfaction from me. He bends his knees in order to draw my eyes to his. I hold my chin in the air and face him. Can he tell I want to rip off all my clothes a lay myself out like a turkey on Thanksgiving? I feel a tremble at my knees—he makes me want to submit. To lie on the ground and be taken. There is an air about him, and a power he yields over me. I need to snap the hell out of this and get a move on.

  ‘Excuse me, please,’ I mutter with a lot less vehemence than I intended. It is a pathetic effort, and I know it. His brows knit together in confusion. I try to move his arm with my elbow, but he’s a solid wall of muscle, and I soon realise no one will move him unless he expressly wants it. I pull the stopper from a test tube with my teeth, and I drink it down, desperate for some courage, some will, to deny him. God, I wanted to deny him, Right?

  ‘Come with me.’

  It isn’t a question. He takes the shots from one hand and replaces it with his, lacing our fingers. A feeling of electricity and warmth spreads from where we touch. With no choice but to follow, I go with him. Tugging at his hand, I try to get free
as he draws me through the crowd, to the corner where Maiya is sitting with her friends. What the hell? He puts the shots on the table and gestures for me to do the same. I do. Maiya is looking at me expectantly from the far end of the table, but all I can do is gape. With no clue what is going on. None.

  ‘She’ll be fine. I’ll get her home safely,’ he tells her. I try to release his hand, but his grip just tightens until I think the circulation will be cut off if I don’t stop struggling. So I give up, and he pulls me along behind him.

  We leave the club and walk a short way. He doesn’t speak to me at all. It’s unnerving, but I also feel exhilarated. There’s a need—a hunger that I’ve never experienced before. I want to be ravished right there, he affects me in such a way. God damn it! He may be sexy as hell, but there is no way I will be used like that. Never. Not ever—even if I want him. Really, really want him.

  He stops suddenly and pulls me into the doorway of a closed building. With my back up against the wall, he releases my hand and places a bottle of water into it. Where the hell did that come from? ‘Drink that.’

  ‘No, I will not’ I snap, clenching my hands into fists. I feel excited at denying his command. He throws his head back and laughs. It’s such a sexy sound, and it sends waves of heat directly to my core. It’s a deep baritone sound that comes right from his gut, and when he laughs his eyes light up, and I can see his perfectly chiselled face smiling in the light from a street lamp nearby. He uncaps the drink and sips a small amount before offering it to me again. This time, I take it and take a drink.

  ‘Finish it. You’re drunk. You need it.’

  I glare at him and purse my lips. ‘I am not drunk!’

  ‘Yes you are. Now finish it, or you’ll wake up with a shitty head tomorrow.’

  ‘Sorry, dad.’

  He laughs again. ‘I’m sure as fuck your dad wouldn’t have you pressed up against a wall ready to…’ He stops and shakes his head. ‘Who are you?’ His voice is a tease to my ears, making me melt more with each word. But I am not giving in to him.

  ‘Who the hell are you more like? And what’s wrong with you? Ever heard of a chat up line? Or maybe asking a girl to dance?’

  He looks at me as if I’ve slapped him. Which only spurs on my belligerent onslaught. ‘I mean, who walks up to someone and is all…’ I do my best impersonation of him, ‘I can tell you’re aroused I can smell it.’

  ‘You are, and I can,’ he says a little abashed. ‘You wanna go back to dance?’

  I snort back a laugh. Making him smile.

  ‘I need to be inside of you.’

  ‘Excuse me! Back the hell up.’ I shove at his chest and am met with two solid pecks. A little growl escapes him. Under my touch, I feel the warmth of his skin and that electricity zinging through my veins. His scent emanates stronger with his arousal. He doesn’t budge.

  That fact that he’s a werewolf was evident as soon as he got close to me in the club, but this is all new to me, and scary. I’ve only ever known my dad. I’d never mixed with any other wolves.

  Before I can give it any more thought, his lips crash over mine, and I fall in.

  The need to fuck her is overwhelming. I lick at her lips, willing her to open for me—she does. My dick is solid as I fuck her mouth with my tongue—slipping in and out, her mouth moulding to mine. I swallow her moan as I slide my greedy hands around her waist and up her back, wanting to feel her—touch her everywhere. I hold the nape of her neck, tilting her head to exactly where I want it. Unable to resist, I glide my free hand to cup her ass and squeeze. Fuck me, what a sexy ass it is. The feel of her under my hands is incredible. I want to take her right here in the doorway. Lifting her into my arms, I deepen the kiss. Fuck, she tastes so good. The hint of apple and mint lingers on her tongue. Her scent is delicate and soft while screaming passion and heat. Her hands go to my hair, and she grips me, holding on, while the kiss deepens still, becoming almost aggressive. She likes it rough. Noted. I’m about ready to cream my pants when everything comes to a screeching halt because she bites my fucking lip. Hard. Not a sexy nip. No, a back the fuck off now, before I kick you in the balls, type bite. She draws blood, and then she shoves me away or at least she tries to. I drop her to her feet and back up a step, trying to rid my head of the horny haze I’m in.

  ‘Back off,’ she warns, panting. I hold my hands up in surrender and prop myself up against the wall to the side of her. Shit, moving away from her wasn’t easy. I’m so fucking hard, and my body needs to do some catching up to my brain. My dick is eager and willing, but my brain screams too fast, idiot. I can’t speak, so I just hold my hands up while I catch my breath. Where the fuck did she come from? Why is she here? How is she here, and I didn’t know?

  ‘I need to get back to my room, it’s late.’ She straightens herself out, and then she walks right past me. Fuck me and my impatience. Fuck. As gently as I can I take hold of her elbow, she stops but doesn’t turn to face me. Shit, I really don’t want her to go.

  ‘I’ll walk you back.’ Was that even my voice? I sound like I’ve had a forty a day habit all my life. I can almost see the cogs turning as she thinks about it, and I’m half expecting her to refuse. She doesn’t though. Thank fuck. Because she didn’t have a choice. I was taking her, whether she liked it or not.

  I walk her back to her room without any problems, following her earlier scent, which still lingers. I can’t help but stare at her. I take in those big brown eyes, her full and now swollen lips as her tongue slips out unconsciously, and her hair as the breeze blows a stray strand into her face. I’m desperate to run it behind her ear, but I stop myself—instead, I rake my hand through my own hair, giving it a tug at the roots. What the fuck has gotten into me. Where did she come from? Coming at me like a fucking steam train, knocking the shit outta me. I never chase females or women for that matter. I’ve never needed to and wouldn’t even if I did. They come to me, giving up what I need, and I never let them stick around afterwards either.

  ‘Do you live on campus too?’ she asks pulling me from my thoughts.


  I caught him staring at me as I asked, no hint on his face of the arrogant prick who’d picked me up at the club. His mask had fallen away. But no sooner had I noticed, the shutter came back down. That tenderness I thought I saw quickly disappeared.

  ‘No, we live just outside of town.’

  ‘We?’ I suddenly feel insanely jealous. As if I have any right to be. He doesn’t answer, and my mind is left reeling. You’ve literally just met the guy. Jeez, get a grip.

  ‘What’s your name?’ he counters ignoring my question completely.

  Pouting about the whole ‘we’ situation, I think about giving him a fake name.

  ‘Devon,’ I go with the truth. He offers me his hand.


  It suits him. It sounds masculine and powerful, both of which ooze from him like he wears them as cologne. He’s commanding, and he makes me want to submit and obey. Both of which are crazy and never going to happen. We have a silent, almost uncomfortable, journey in the elevator, and then I’m digging my key out of my purse to unlock my door. I stumble, still inebriated. He takes my purse, hands me the key, and leans up against the wall, radiating sexiness, watching as I push the key into the lock. Get your head straight, damn it.

  ‘Thanks,’ I stutter out like an idiot. His brows rise in question. ‘For bringing me back.’


  I smile that awkward smile when you don’t really know what else to say. My brain is drink-addled and firing off all sorts of scenarios in my head—like being taken up against this door or having his head between my legs while he eats out at Niagara Falls. Not at all helpful in the slightest because let’s face it, I don’t want to talk. I want him to fuck me right there in the hall.

  ‘Bye, Jared,’ I mutter, quickly pushing the door open and almost falling in. I brave looking back as I close it. I think he wants to say something and even wait for a beat of a second, bu
t he turns away and leaves. ‘Argh!’ I stamp my foot in frustration. I need to get a vibrator for times like this.

  Falling onto the bed, I stare at the ceiling—all of my energy sapped from that passionate mouth fucking he gave me. He made my body do and feel things I’d never experienced before. Now that he’s gone, there is a throbbing ache left behind. My pulse is beating a staccato in my clit as if punishing me for walking away from him. I’m breathing deeply to calm myself, and hell if I can’t still smell him—it’s as if he never left, his scent lingering all over me. The need for him is still coursing through me, and it’s left me feeling cold and lonely now he’s gone. Annoyed at myself, I decide the best thing is a shower. I gather my things to take in, and I change into my robe. A rapping on the door makes me jump. I know who I’m going to find there. But I can’t stop myself. I open the door.

  He stands, filling the frame, his arms wide, and his hands gripping the frame at both sides. Jesus Christ, he is HOT. Our eyes meet and something passes between us, the electricity purring through the small space separating us. My nipples harden with every hitched breath. I want him—need him at that moment. I have no idea why my body reacts to him in the way it does, but the desire for him is almost painful. Fuck it. I’m past caring. The whys are irrelevant, what is important at this moment is me being under him. I need him. Now.

  As if reading my mind, he growls, and comes at me, picking me up with his perfectly sculpted arms, his fingers splaying and cupping my ass. My legs instinctually wrap around his waist, and our mouths meet, crashing together like waves on a beach. He skilfully closes and locks the door without missing a beat. He has me on the bed, beneath him in a matter of seconds. His fingers tantalising as they move up and down the back of my thighs and then back to my ass. He sits back on his haunches, arousal written all over his face, and he pulls the belt on my robe like he’s unwrapping a gift. It falls open, leaving nothing to the imagination. I lay bare in front of him. His eyes greedily take everything in. He takes my nipple between his finger and thumb and squeezes, making me whimper as he brings his mouth down on mine. He rains down kisses along my jaw, my throat, and along my collarbone, leaving a sensation of fire in their wake until he reaches the swollen peak and sucks my nipple into his mouth. OH MY GOD. He encases it with warmth as his tongue flicks, and his teeth graze it, tugging. A long moan slips from my lips, rivalling any porn star. He feels so good. Shamelessly I arch into him. I can feel the hardness of his cock, and I want it. I need him inside me. He expertly takes the other nipple in his mouth, leaving no part untouched. His arms wrap around me so I am pressed into his hard body. My brain seems to be shorting, all the sensations I’m feeling, overloading it. Abruptly I am left feeling cold and wanting. Again. He stands, covering me before adjusting himself in his jeans. I realise through my sex-addled haze that Maiya is in the hall, rummaging through her bag. Embarrassed, I tie the belt of my robe tight, shaking my head in an attempt to clear the fog. What was I thinking? I don’t know where to look when Maiya finally gets the door open. Jared’s eyes never leave mine, even as Maiya moves around him, I can feel them boring a hole into me, as I avoid his gaze.


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