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Caribbean Escape with the Tycoon

Page 8

by Rosanna Battigelli

  She had rent to pay. And now that she was back on her own, she might even have to look for a new place...or move back in with her mom and stepdad.

  Not that she didn’t love them, but it would be hard after five years of independence in her own space.

  “I’ll take these amethyst earrings, dear,” a woman said close by. “I think they’ll match my violet gown perfectly for the gala.”

  Chanelle turned and saw a sixty-something woman sporting a smart pixie cut with side-swept bangs that suited her silver-gray hair. She was wearing turquoise palazzo pants and a sleeveless ivory chiffon top. She had removed her turquoise earrings to try the amethyst ones against her ears. On the third finger of her left hand, an enormous diamond sparkled under the ceiling lights.

  The woman’s open handbag slipped off the counter, spilling some of its contents. Chanelle quickly bent down to retrieve what she could and handed the items to the woman, who gazed across at her with a grateful smile. “Thanks for your help.”

  “My pleasure,” she replied, startled by the crystal clarity of the woman’s blue eyes.

  Chanelle was about to stand up, too, but a flash on the floor under the counter caught her eye. It was a photo of a child, encased in a plastic folder. A boy with the same arresting blue eyes as the woman.

  And the president of Zodiac Cruises.

  Something fluttered in Chanelle’s chest as she stood up and handed the photo of the little boy she had tried to rescue yesterday to his grandmother. Vance Kingston’s mother...

  No wonder Chanelle had sensed something familiar about her.

  After the woman left, Chanelle returned to the jewelry display to look at the ruby earrings. A new voice was telling her, Relax and have fun. Live a little. You deserve it!

  Foolish or not, Chanelle listened to the voice. Which, she realized as she walked away with her little velvet box tucked away in a Zodiac Cruises gift bag, was the voice of Vance Kingston.

  * * *

  Vance looked over the series of sketches he had been working on for the last hour. There were at least a dozen variations of the logo he was designing for the new cruise line in the Zodiac fleet, its first ship scheduled to launch the following year. His father had initiated the project, and now it was in his hands.

  He had to come up with a new name as well, and he had jotted down a half dozen possibilities, including Nebula Cruises, What’s Your Sign? Cruises and Stellar Cruises. None of them quite clicked for him, though. He pursed his lips. The logos all had one thing in common—undulating waves. Once he decided on a name, he’d connect the letters with the waves in a flowing forward motion. And maybe add the profile of a sea goddess...

  Vance turned to a new page and started another sketch. It was neither a logo nor a name. It was a face with sculpted cheekbones and full, curving lips. Eyes framed with long, feathery lashes. And thick waves of hair cascading down to the shoulder lines.

  He took a green and a gold pencil and added color to the eyes. He set his pencils down and took a long, hard look at the result.

  Chanelle Robinson was staring back at him...

  Time to take a break, he told himself, shaking his head in wonder.

  * * *

  Vance greeted the art representative at her desk and strolled through the gallery, noticing the new paintings that had been added. Vance enjoyed perusing each one, familiar with many of the artists. He was looking forward to the champagne art auction and wondered if Chanelle planned to attend.

  He stopped when he came to the Enchantment painting and looked at it thoughtfully.

  “It’s getting some attention,” the art rep said as she joined him.

  “Oh?” Vance’s eyebrows lifted. “Did someone ask about it, Stephanie?”

  “A young lady kept going back to it. She must have stared at it for a good ten minutes.” Stephanie smiled at Vance. “She was obviously enchanted by it.”

  Vance’s mouth curved. “But not enchanted enough to buy it,” he chuckled.

  “Well, perhaps she might consider it at the auction on gala night, Vance. I gave her a card.”

  “Was she one of our regular cruisers?” Stephanie had been with the Aquarius since it launched, and she had become familiar with returning customers, especially the art patrons.

  “No, this was a first-timer,” she told him. A few guests entered the gallery, and she turned toward them.

  “Did you happen to catch her name?” Vance said as casually as he could.

  Stephanie looked back. “I spotted her first name on her lanyard. It was different; it reminded me of Chantilly lace.” She laughed. “Chantelle. No, Chanelle.” She walked over and welcomed the guests, and Vance turned back to gaze at the painting.

  Enchantment. Why had this painting caught Chanelle’s attention? he mused. His gaze swooped over the stars and the waves of blue and indigo before landing on the initials in the bottom right-hand corner. SV. His mouth lifted at one corner. He had done this painting while he was working on his masters of fine art degree, and not wanting his father to denigrate it on the rare occasions when he came home, Vance had chosen not to sign it with his own name. He had to thank his sister for giving him the nickname Sir Vancelot...


  CHANELLE PUT ON a light robe and drew the tie around her waist. She had returned to her stateroom feeling overwhelmed at bumping into Vance’s mother—and overheated after spending time in the shop—and had immediately taken a refreshing shower.

  She inhaled and exhaled deeply, feeling much more relaxed now, and headed to the balcony. She could stare at the water for ages, watching the cerulean waves change to turquoise and turquoise to cobalt blue. The sun was adding magic to the scene, making the water’s surface shimmer with glittering diamonds.

  In the next few weeks, she hoped it would be clearer to her what direction to take as far as her job was concerned. This cruise would hopefully give both her body and mind a rest, and then she could decide if she could handle continuing in the same line of work, or if she seriously needed to consider a change of some kind.

  But now she didn’t really want to think about it. She just wanted to enjoy the glorious view of sky and sea.

  Chanelle went back inside and stretched out on top of the bed. She checked the time on her phone. Plenty of time to relax before dinner.

  She reached for the daily cruise guide, and while she was checking out the featured events of the day, the daily horoscope caught her eye. She couldn’t help skimming the page until her gaze landed on her sign.

  Sagittarius, you’re in for some surprises. With your ruler Jupiter in retrograde, your inner world is transitioning and spinning you to a higher consciousness. Don’t fight it; let yourself enjoy your burgeoning awareness. You may have felt the universe is not on your side after some personal and work upsets, but take heart, Sag. If you stay focused on what’s in front of you, what’s to come won’t be problematic. Go with the flow, Archer, and that arrow will land where it needs to...

  Chanelle frowned. It was so eerie how much the words could be applied to her situation. And then she scoffed at herself. Parts of the description could apply to tons of people, no matter what their sign was.

  Despite her skepticism, she couldn’t help reading the horoscope for Vance.

  The stars will collaborate to help a business matter come to fruition. Complicated family issues will untangle, and with Uranus guiding you, you will be able to see clearer when it comes to matters of the heart. Concessions may need to be made, and your compliance with the forces of the universe will result in a shower of positive changes.

  Chanelle set down the guide and let her gaze drift to the ceiling. Could Vance, despite his calm and collected exterior, have some personal issues of his own he was dealing with? A woman who was waiting for him to ease up at work and shower her with more of his attention?

  She shook her head. What wa
s she doing conjuring up possibilities around Vance and his relationships?

  Time to get back to reality.

  She picked up the guide again. A glance at the time confirmed that she had a few free hours before dinner. Did she really want to spend them lying down on her bed? She was on a spectacular cruise ship and before she knew it, it would be over...

  She might as well enjoy every delicious bit of it.

  Chanelle perused the activities listed for the afternoon: a tour of the ship kitchens, a magic show featuring a Las Vegas regular, an art class with a high-profile artist, a wine-tasting class, Latin dancing or belly-dancing instruction, a rock-climbing wall, a pool volleyball tournament, a ’70s disco party and a dozen other choices.

  Chanelle began to reread the list, the times and the locations. She didn’t really feel up to doing anything that required dressing up; after all, she’d be doing that for Canada Night. But she really should consider doing something a little out of her element. After all, what would be the likelihood of her going on another cruise any time soon? She might as well try something new. And exciting...

  As she skimmed down the list, her gaze landed on something that she had missed. The Sky Promenade. It was an extensive course of colorful horizontal rope ladders that were suspended a hundred feet above the skating rink on the top deck, connecting to rope bridges, slopes and descents that had to be navigated by walking while wearing a safety harness.

  Chanelle flicked on to the TV channel that featured videos of all the day’s events. As the Sky Promenade video started, she gave a little shiver. Heights had always made her feel a little queasy, and this activity would require a stomach of steel, looking down between the ropes to the crystal-clear surface of the ice rink.

  There was no way she could do that. No. Way.

  She’d be terrified, even knowing that she’d be wearing a safety harness. The motion of the ropes along with the bird’s-eye view of the sea on the periphery would throw her off balance with her first step. She clicked off the remote. There had to be something else she could try that wasn’t so scary.

  Chanelle leaped off the bed and changed into a pair of purple leggings and a thigh-length fuchsia T-shirt before tying her hair up in a ponytail. She’d do something outdoors, she decided, but something less extreme. Perhaps she could try the rock-climbing wall...

  * * *

  Vance’s cell phone buzzed, making him start. It was Mariah, reminding him that he’d promised to take Adrien swimming. He checked the time. He’d also planned a quick meeting with the director of environmental operations later in the afternoon for an update on her latest initiative. He smirked. He was supposed to be taking a break from work while on the cruise, but he was realizing just how hard it was to break an established habit...

  And after the meeting, he would join Mariah, Adrien and his mother for dinner in the Galaxy Café. Tonight was Canada Night on the ship. The theater would be featuring Canadian singers and comedians, and the Galaxy Café would be serving a signature dish and dessert from every province. There would be wine from the vineyards of the Okanagan Valley in British Columbia and Ontario’s Niagara region, cheeses from Quebec, seafood from off the Pacific and Atlantic coasts, organic breads from the Prairies, and more. And sweets galore, like Nanaimo bars, butter tarts and tarte au sucre, three of his favorites.

  Those who wanted to experience a Canadian winter would have the option of skating on an outdoor ice rink located on the top deck on the opposite side of the Constellation Club. It would be lit up after dark, and there would be blowers blowing in soft imitation snowflakes. And there would be hot chocolate stations and beaver tail pastries made and served on the spot. It couldn’t get more Canadian than that.

  Vance smiled. The deep-fried pastry, shaped like a beaver tail and topped with anything from cinnamon and sugar to whipped cream and hazelnut chocolate spread, was something he always enjoyed after skating on Ottawa’s Rideau Canal, one of Canada’s iconic landmarks. There were thousands of skaters and always a line for the beaver tails.

  As he changed into swim trunks and a white cotton T-shirt, Vance couldn’t help wondering what Chanelle was doing now, and where she would be dining this evening.

  Playing volleyball with Adrien in the pool gave Vance a feeling of lightness that he hadn’t felt in a long time. Along with a twinge of guilt. He had neglected his godfather duties these past months, and he had missed this. Having fun with a kid. A special kid, who had stolen his heart from the moment Vance had seen his pink and puckered little face in the hospital.

  Mariah had asked him if he would be the child’s godfather.

  “Hell, yes,” he had blurted, and then, more cautiously, “Does that mean I have to change diapers?”

  “That’s part of the deal, Sir Vancelot,” she had replied with a shake of her head. “Don’t worry, we’ll have you practicing on a regular basis. You’ll be a pro by the time you have one or nine of your own.” Vance had feigned looking horrified, and Mariah and her husband, Chris, had burst out laughing.

  Mariah had been true to her word. Adrien had gotten used to Vance being around from the very beginning, and whenever Chris was out of town on business—which was often, since he was the head of a mining engineering company that had projects all over the globe—Vance had gladly stepped up his godfather duties.

  Enjoying double-scoop ice cream cones after their swim, Vance felt a contentment that had eluded him after his father had died. He realized that a part of him—maybe a big part of him—had shut down. The part that was all about the enjoyment of simple things, like splashing around a pool and having a cone with his nephew.

  But he was determined to change his routine of the past nine months. He would spend more time with Adrien.

  And maybe it was time to make some other changes, too...

  Vance felt a thrumming in his chest as an image of Chanelle broke through his thoughts.

  A coil of desire skimmed through his veins at the memory of her lying on the chaise lounge with that mint-green swimsuit clinging to her body like a second skin.

  Yes, he needed to make some changes.

  Starting with bringing Adrien back and then seeing if he could find Chanelle.

  * * *

  A flash of pink and purple caught his eye as he leaped up the open stairway to the top deck. From this center point, he could see a number of people clambering up the rock-climbing wall, and a line of others waiting for their turn. The pink and purple lady at the end of the line had auburn hair tied up in a ponytail.

  Could it be Chanelle?

  She turned slightly, and Vance’s pulse leaped. It was her. He strode toward her, a strange wave of happiness washing over him. He had decided on a whim to start looking for Chanelle on the top deck and work his way down. Maybe this was a sign...

  “Hey, miss,” he called, just steps behind her.

  She whirled around, her ponytail flicking him sharply across the chin. “Oh, sorry,” she said, her eyes widening. “Didn’t mean to strike, but you kinda crept up on me.”

  “There you go, insinuating that I’m a creep again,” he said, smiling at her crookedly.

  Chanelle’s eyelashes fluttered, and her mouth opened defensively. “And there you go, putting words in my mouth again.”

  An electric tingle radiated through Vance at the teasing tone of her words. He gazed at her wordlessly for a few moments, unable to draw his eyes away from the gleaming hazel green of hers.

  Finally the line shifted as another rock climber began his ascent. “So is this your first time?” he said, gesturing toward the wall.

  “Yes, I’ve mustered up the courage to try something new on this cruise,” she said with a chuckle. “I considered the Sky Promenade, but after watching the video, I decided to leave that to the daredevils.”

  “Hmm.” He surveyed her thoughtfully. “Are you afraid of heights?”

�Well...” She turned to scan the extensive series of ropes positioned above the skating rink at one far end of the ship. “I’m afraid that with my luck, I’ll be the one whose safety harness breaks.”

  “Not gonna happen,” he said, shaking his head. “I think, Miss Robinson, that there are some trust issues here that we have to deal with.” The line moved forward again, leaving two more people waiting in front of Chanelle. “Come on, let me show you that you can do this. Conquer your fear, put your trust in the universe...”

  “The universe isn’t going to catch me if I fall,” she retorted.

  “But I will.” He heard the words jump out of his mouth. “Look, Chanelle, you don’t even have to worry about me catching you, because you won’t fall. Safety is our number-one priority onboard this ship. Trust me.”

  Vance saw her forehead crease. “Okay, here’s the deal. I haven’t actually tried the rope walk myself. And to tell you the truth,” he murmured, leaning forward as if to share a secret he didn’t want anyone to hear, “I’m not exactly crazy about heights. I’m a water guy, remember?” He patted himself on the back, where he had the Aquarius symbol tattooed. “So how about we both try something new and scary together?”

  Chanelle was gaping at him as if he were delusional. “You’ve got to be kidding.” She was momentarily distracted as the person in front of her went to get fitted with her safety harness. She turned back to Vance. “You’re not kidding.”

  Vance grinned. “Come on, Chanelle. It’s now or never. If you can do this, you can do anything.”

  Chanelle blinked at him. Then her gaze shifted upward to the Sky Promenade.

  She took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, her eyes meeting his again. “Fine,” she declared. “Lead the way!”

  * * *


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