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Caribbean Escape with the Tycoon

Page 16

by Rosanna Battigelli

  “I don’t want to dance with you,” she hissed in his ear.


  CHANELLE FELT VANCE’S body tense up. She hadn’t meant to sound so rude, but the words had escaped before she could think of another way to give him the message.

  “Why not, Chanelle?” he said, with genuine curiosity in his voice.

  Chanelle was taken aback. She didn’t know what she had expected him to say, but she certainly hadn’t expected him to ask her to explain. Now she had to answer. And there was no point mincing words. She turned to meet his gaze. “I—I don’t want to dance with someone who...who makes me want more...when I can’t have more.” Chanelle felt her neck prickle with heat at the intensity in his eyes. They had some kind of magnetic pull that kept her from looking away. And to make it worse, the musicians started performing “Stairway to Heaven.” The string lights suddenly dimmed, and Vance drew her closer.

  “What makes you think you can’t have more, Chanelle?” he murmured against her ear as he initiated the slow dance. “You’ve got your facts wrong.”

  Chanelle’s heart was jumping hurdles. “But the cruise will be ending in two days...” She felt his lips brush against her earlobe and rest there as they danced. The touch made her nerve endings sizzle and her body shiver at the same time.

  “Chanelle, let me say what I wanted to tell you at Coral Haven. You’re an enchantress—who looks absolutely stunning in purple, I must say—and someone whom I’d like to continue to see even after the cruise ends.”

  Chanelle froze and as Vance’s words sank in, her feet and arms feeling woozy. The couples dancing around her became blurred, and the music seemed to pulsate right through her body. And then she felt Vance’s arms tighten around her, and her arms rose of their own accord and wrapped themselves around his neck. Her cheek grazed his chin, and when their eyes met, it felt like nobody was on deck except them and the music was playing for them alone.

  Vance’s gaze was intoxicating, and when he pulled her tightly against him, she marveled at how her body fit right into his. They slow danced for what seemed like forever, and when the song finally came to an end, Vance nuzzled her earlobe again and whispered, “Chanelle, do you believe me?”

  She opened her eyes with a start, and as some of the couples dispersed, she saw Mariah walking up to them. She broke away awkwardly from Vance.

  “Hey, you two,” she smiled. “We’re heading back to our stateroom. Adrien’s starting to nod off. But don’t stop dancing on our account. Good night, Chanelle. Good night, Sir Vancelot. Don’t drink too much champagne...”

  As they left, there was an announcement that the art auction would begin after the next mix of songs, and the champagne would start to flow. At the beginning of a classic rock song that everyone started singing to, Vance lifted an eyebrow. “Stay or go?”

  “Go,” she told him. “I want to end the evening on a quiet note.”

  “It’s quiet in my stateroom.”

  Chanelle felt a moment of panic. She was at a total loss as to what to do next. Here she was, having just danced as close as two people could possibly get, and she couldn’t seem to process Vance’s words that she was someone he’d like to see after the cruise, let alone his invitation to go to his room.

  He had asked her if she believed him. Maybe...a little...

  There was no doubt in her mind that there was chemistry between them.

  Incredible chemistry.

  But he hadn’t said I’m in love with you or I want to spend the rest of my life with you. He had just said she was someone he’d like to continue to see...

  And there was no guarantee that came with the Vance Kingston package, the guarantee that he wouldn’t leave her in the future. Just like her father and Parker had done...

  Chanelle’s mind filled with doubts.

  Maybe they had both been swept away by their physical attraction to each other...and that was the extent of it.

  “Chanelle, you’re frowning. Are you okay?”

  “I—I’m just tired,” she said.

  She was tired of exhausting herself by trying to analyze Vance’s every word or action.

  She knew that this was part of her highly sensitive nature, and sometimes—many times—she wished she could just sail along in life without her brain getting twisted up in knots about everything.

  What was wrong with her? She was sure most women would jump at the invitation to join Vance in his stateroom.

  “Chanelle, if you’re too tired, can you just come to my room for a few minutes? There’s something I’ve been designing for Zodiac Cruises, and I’d love to get your input.” Vance’s eyebrows lifted as she waited for his response.

  Chanelle searched his eyes and saw nothing but earnestness in them.

  But what if—?

  No! She wasn’t going to let her doubts control her this time. She was just going to allow herself to sail along for once. Vance’s words popped back in her mind: You’re stronger than you think.

  Yes, she was strong enough to handle anything the future had in store for her. But it had taken a little help from Vance to remind her of her inner strength. Her sense of self. She needn’t be fearful of anyone abandoning her anymore, least of all herself. She was a Sagittarian, wasn’t she? Vance had called her that enough times to make her come to the realization that she had power over her life, her choices, her loves...

  And no one could ever take that away from her.

  “Sure,” she said decisively. “I can spare a few minutes.”

  * * *

  Vance led Chanelle toward the sliding doors leading to the elevator lobby. The gala was in full swing. The captain and some of his crew were drawing a lot of attention, so Vance knew his absence wouldn’t be obvious. The guests were drinking, dancing and having fun, and they would be happy about another photo opportunity with a handsome man in uniform. Or three. The art auction would begin shortly, then more music, followed by an unexpected surprise: a spectacular display of fireworks. Mariah and his mother would be watching from their balcony, and maybe Adrien would be, too, if he was still awake.

  As he and Chanelle approached his stateroom, Vance felt his stomach contract with anticipation. He had thought long and hard about how to tell Chanelle about his feelings. About how he couldn’t imagine her stepping off the ship and never seeing her again. About how he couldn’t stop thinking about her, and how she had inspired him...

  And now, he finally had the opportunity to show her. As he swiped his card against the door plate, he glanced at Chanelle. She was holding her clutch purse and looking down, biting her lip. Was she having second thoughts? His heart hammered softly. She was the kindest, most sensitive woman he had ever met. And the only one who had managed to break through the defenses around his heart. The heart that was finally ready to let someone in.

  With any luck, he’d convince her tonight that they belonged together. For life.


  CHANELLE SAT DOWN on the edge of the couch and watched as Vance strode over to his desk. She wondered if what he was designing had something to do with his plans for Zodiac’s new cruise line. His announcement that the latter would cater to social service organizations, offering their employees a special discount for a Zodiac R&R Cruise, had jolted her.

  In a good way. How could she fault him or his company for being sensitive to people like her?

  And when Vance had added that Zodiac Cruises wanted to support those who supported others, Chanelle had felt a stirring in her chest, pretty sure that he had been looking right at her. And then moments later a gentleman had appeared and asked her to dance...

  Chanelle hadn’t really been in the mood, but her nagging inner voice had reminded her about her intention of enjoying herself tonight.

  She sat back on the couch now and tapped her fingers on the cream-colored leather hand rest. The sky’s
earlier brilliance had faded to dusky blues and pinks, with fading ribbons of gold and magenta. She tried to stifle a yawn.

  “Hey, don’t fall asleep yet,” Vance chuckled, sitting beside her. “First I’d like your two cents about my design.”

  “Sorry, it’s been a day.”

  “You are tired.” He gazed at her for a moment and added softly, “This won’t take long.”

  Chanelle looked at the sketch pad in his hands. “Does this design have something to do with your new cruise line?”

  Vance’s eyes crinkled as he smiled. “It sure does.”

  “That’s a great idea to offer special packages to service organizations.” She had to give him that.

  “Thanks. I’ve been working on the idea of a new line for months now,” he murmured. “But I was stuck on the purpose behind the line. I wanted to find a new angle, and I did...because of you, Chanelle.”

  Her eyes widened, and her heart started a gentle drumming. “Wh—what do you mean?”

  “You made me see what can happen to a dedicated employee in your line of work. How important your job is, and how you give your all to help others. People like you need to be rewarded, not get to the point where they burn out. But sometimes burnout happens, to social workers, teachers, nurses, etcetera.” He tapped her gently on the arm. “So that became my angle. Supporting those who support others.”

  Chanelle watched Vance open up his sketchbook and prop it up so she could see what he had done. She gave a soft gasp at the first drawing. Of her. Her thoughts swirled, and she couldn’t bring herself to look up from the page. As he turned the next few pages slowly, the drumming in her heart became magnified. She saw a series of rough sketches with variations on the new name for the R&R cruise line. And then he turned to the last page with a finished sketch.

  Chanelle’s heart stopped.

  She saw two intertwined Cs in the words Chanelle Cruises, with each C extended to represent waves in the sea and an archer’s arrow zooming upward. She stared at it for a few moments, and when she looked up, Vance’s face was blurred. She wiped her eyes and saw that his eyes had misted also. And then Chanelle remembered what she had thought earlier, that Vance hadn’t told her he was in love with her or that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. No, he hadn’t told her.

  But he had just shown her.

  Chanelle gazed at him in wonder.

  Was she dreaming? She must be dreaming...

  Vance closed the sketchbook and placed it on the coffee table. She felt immobilized as he reached over to grab something leaning against his side of the couch. He turned it toward her and she gasped. It was the painting she had admired in the art gallery. Enchantment.

  She was speechless as Vance stood up and propped it against the back of the couch.

  “Is that...” Her gaze dropped to the initials, and her eyes widened. “Did you—”

  “Yes, it’s one of mine.” He gave her a sheepish smile. “The art rep mentioned that a guest was admiring it. And she noticed your name on your lanyard.” His blue eyes gleamed. “It was going to be in the art auction, but I replaced it with another painting when we returned on the ship. I wanted you to have this one.”

  She gasped as he suddenly dropped to one knee.

  “I have fallen under the spell of your enchantment, my lady,” he said huskily, taking her hand and kissing it. “Will you do me the great honor of bestowing me with your hand?”

  “You already have it, Sir Vancelot,” she murmured with a soft laugh.

  “I was speaking of your hand in marriage, my haloed beauty.” He grinned, caressing her hair with his other hand. “In anticipation—and hope—of your positive response, I have begun to design your engagement ring...but in the meantime, I hope this humble handmade gift will suffice.”

  Several loud pops filled the air. “Come with me, Chanelle,” he said urgently. He led her to the balcony, and as they stood at the railing, they heard a whizzing sound and more popping as the sky sparkled with the most dazzling fireworks display Chanelle had ever seen.

  They watched for a few minutes and then Vance turned her toward him and, wrapping his arms tightly around her, kissed her thoroughly, sending sparks to every last inch of her body. When he released her, his eyes pierced hers, reflecting the flashes in the sky.

  “Do you believe me, Chanelle?” he said huskily, repeating the question she hadn’t answered earlier. “And will you—”

  “I do,” she breathed, and reached up to show him with her own kiss.

  Vance gave a moan of pleasure. “I almost forgot to add,” he said, while brushing soft kisses along her neck, “Zodiac Cruises will be in need of a director of children’s activities. Someone who loves kids and can plan year-round events that are fun and safe.” He paused to gaze deeply into her eyes. “I must warn you, though. Job hours vary and may require some night shifts...and plenty of cruising.”

  Chanelle felt a sudden flutter in her gut. Was she actually ready to leave her small-town world and take such a leap? To a new city, new job and, most important of all, a new relationship? Her gaze melded with his. What she saw in the depths of Vance’s ocean-blue eyes was a bright promise...

  Yes, she was quite ready to take that leap.

  “I’ll cruise with you anywhere and everywhere,” she sighed, slipping her hand underneath his shirt to caress his back. She felt him shiver as her fingers brushed over his Aquarius tattoo.

  “I love you, my Sagittarian angel,” he murmured against her ear as the boom in the sky intensified. Without waiting for her to answer, he scooped her up in his arms and carried her to his bed, where Chanelle knew the fireworks were only just beginning...

  * * *

  If you enjoyed this story, check out these other great reads from Rosanna Battigelli

  Captivated by Her Italian Boss

  Swept Away by the Enigmatic Tycoon

  Both available now!

  Keep reading for an excerpt from The Prince and the Wedding Planner by Jennifer Faye.


  Be swept away by glamorous and heartfelt love stories.

  Emotion and intimacy simmer in international locales—experience the rush of falling in love!


  The Prince and the Wedding Planner

  by Jennifer Faye


  February, Tuscany, Italy

  THIS WAS A living nightmare.

  Bianca creaked open the door to her parents’ bedroom. She peered inside, just like she used to do when she was a little girl. She paused as though waiting to be bid entrance. That would never happen.

  Bianca tentatively stepped into the room, her gaze hungrily taking in her surroundings. The bed was made just as her mother left it each morning. There was still an indentation on her father’s pillow as though his head had just been there—as though he would return to it that evening.

  But that wasn’t to be the case.

  Her parents had died. The acknowledgment made her heart clench. One minute they’d been vibrant and active. In the next moment, they’d died in a horrific vehicle accident.

  They hadn’t been going anywhere special. It hadn’t been a special day. It had been a perfectly ordinary day on a perfectly ordinary ride to the city to do some ordinary shopping. And yet it had ended with extraordinarily horrific results.

  The backs of Bianca’s eyes burned with unshed tears. She blinked repeatedly and sniffled. She had to pull herself together. Falling apart now wouldn’t help anyone.

  The funeral had just concluded and the will was to be read shortly. Everything was being pushed into fast forward as the vineyard had to be maintained. Springtime would soon be here and work would kick into high gear. Without someone in charge, the Barto Vineyard would suffer—her father’s legacy would languish. His precious prize-
winning grapes would wither on the vine.

  The family’s attorney thought with the vineyard at stake, it was reason enough to push her and her two siblings to read the will today of all days—while she was still wearing her black dress from the funeral, while the estate was still filled with mourners that had come to pay their respects.

  All Bianca wanted to do that day was remember her parents—to bask in the love that lived within the walls of this vast villa. She pushed the door closed before stepping further into the bedroom. It was here, within her parents’ suite of rooms, she felt closest to them.

  It was here that her mother showed her how to put on makeup for the first time. It was here that her father had told her she could go away to university in the UK. Bianca walked around the spacious room, running her fingers over her mother’s elaborately carved dresser with the huge mirror suspended above it.

  She picked up her mother’s silver hairbrush and noticed the few long dark strands of hair tangled around the bristles. The last of her mother. Tears clouded Bianca’s vision as she thought of never seeing her parents ever again. It still seemed so utterly inconceivable.

  She kept walking around the room, her fingers tracing over all the things, that until just days ago, her parents had touched—had used. The thought tugged on her heart strings. How could they be here one moment and then gone the next?

  Bianca pressed a shaky hand to her mouth, holding back a wave of emotion that threatened to drown her in unbearable sorrow. She struggled to make sense of it. Why had they been stolen away when they were still so vital—still so needed? When she still didn’t have their approval—their blessing for the choice she’d made about her path in life.

  Knock. Knock.

  “Bianca, are you in there?” It was her brother’s voice.

  “Yes.” She’d been found too soon.


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