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Into the Fire [The Royal Wolves 2] (Siren Publishing Allure)

Page 21

by Honor James

  She nodded and sighed. “You are right. Then we will touch and love often, Miklos. It might not be today or tomorrow when the scent is gone, but if you think we can make it go down to almost nothing, I say that we take full advantage and love and touch often.”

  “It will one day, love,” he promised her softly kissing her gently before he pulled her into his arms again. “I love you, Harker, and, while I hate how you were changed I am glad that you are Wolf now.” His heart would never recover though. He’d been terrified the whole time and he was still damned jumpy where she was concerned.

  “I’m glad, too. One day when I am able to actually walk and run in Wolf form, I would very much love to go running with you in our Wolf form, to run with our pack and be one with them, if that will be all right.”

  Nodding he smiled. “Of course, love, we can do that,” he told her softly. “But running with the pack will be something that will wait for a little while. You have to be very sure of your other form and of how the pack sees you before we do. If not then you might be taken down by one of them and harmed.” He left it at that not wanting to explain that sometimes the unmated males tested their limits.

  “Right, definitely don’t want that.” She felt as if he were holding something back but she wouldn’t press him. He would tell her what he needed to when it was time. She knew it. “So how do we get them used to who I am in that form, Miklos? Do we shift and have only some around at a time, or what?”

  “Sort of,” he told her with a smile. “You’ll shift and I’ll stay as I am as we introduce a few at a time letting you play with those that are mated. After a time we’ll let the unmated males close but under the same restrictions,” he said, stroking her cheek gently.

  “Oh.” She frowned. “Oh.” And then blushed. “You mean the unmated ones would want to…” Oh god, it had to be wrong. “Really? Even though I am mated with you they would try to?” She was blushing, couldn’t believe it because she had to be wrong.

  “It’s always a possibility,” he said honestly. “It is wrong and they know it, but you are a female and you’ll be going into heat soon enough, your first, you lucky woman,” he told her keeping his face straight. “It will last two to three days and will be interesting,” Miklos added trying to find words to properly describe it without laughing and getting smacked. “They will know when you are in heat and they will go with their instincts and try to accommodate you. It won’t be as bad when you are not in heat, but with the need clawing at you you’ll be hard pressed to push them away.”

  She frowned. “So you mean that I will soon be an unstoppable sex-crazed maniac who will want nothing more than sex, sex, and more sex?” She shivered. “Dear god that sounds heavenly.” She laughed. “But you’re right, I don’t think that I would want to have to test their limits, so yes, we should for sure arrange to be alone while I am in heat, alone and you need to have lots of rest beforehand and lots of vitamins.”

  Snorting at that he burst out laughing. “Oh honey, I’m more than ready for you, but I’ve heard stories and after this morning I’m almost sure it’ll be true.” He paused until she poked him to get him to continue. “You’ll need to fend for yourself after you come down from your non-stop sexathon. Apparently I may not be moving or even coherent for a few days.”

  “Are you kidding?” she asked and smiled. “If you don’t think that you want to do it…” She shrugged. “I’m sure that we can possibly arrange for you to have vacation and I can fend for myself here at home.” She was teasing of course.

  Growling at her he bit her earlobe, hard. “Stop teasing your mate, woman,” he ordered softly before sucking on her soft skin. “I will be here and fine, but you have to swear that if you kill me with our lovemaking I get a hero’s funeral.”

  “You will have anything that you want, darling.” She patted his chest. “And I won’t kill you with our lovemaking.” But she would hope to try. “It will be fun learning our limits though, don’t you think?” She then pulled back. “Wait, how many times will I go into heat over our lifetime?”

  “A lot,” he said gleefully. “In the first year you’ll go into heat once a month and then for the next five years it’ll be once every four months and then after that twice a year you’ll go into full heat.” Stroking her hair back he smiled at her. “The first year is the roughest for the female apparently, especially if it isn’t in your early twenties. I figure you’re just fine,” he said, praying for a few brownie points.

  She snorted and shook her head. “Maybe you should schedule some vacation time because if I am going to be insatiable”—she frowned—“I will have to rearrange my firehouse time, too, because that would just seriously be bad, going to work and being all hot and horny, surrounded by fifteen to twenty men twenty-four hours a day, yeah, not going to happen.”

  Growling at her description Miklos agreed but was having a hell of a time coming up with words that wouldn’t sound worse than the growl. “You’ll definitely have to look into that,” he said and applauded himself for not sounding like a cave dweller.

  “I won’t do anything that will make you uncomfortable, you know that, right?” She cocked her head to the side and watched him. “And that’s how it would be. I work with usually twenty other men which is why I said I will take time off when I’m in heat. I refuse to put my friends through that, myself through that.” She touched his cheek. “But more than anything I refuse to put you through that.”

  “I know, honey,” he said, still cheering himself on for being all modern male. “I trust you, love, and I know you’ll do whatever is necessary, Harker,” he murmured pressing a kiss to her cheek before grabbing his mug. “Are you going to keep sniffing things or do you want coffee now?” he asked her moving to the pot.

  “Coffee now sounds very good.” Just for giggles, however, she leaned in and sniffed him once more. “Sorry, I so had to do that.” She was laughing a little because of the look on his face. It made her happy to see him happy.

  Growling softly he shook his head. “That could get you into trouble, love, especially if you sniff random people on the streets. Humans really hate to be reminded that they are on the low end of the food chain,” he pointed out pouring himself a fresh cup and pouring her a cup of the coffee. Passing over the cup he sipped at his own. “Just commenting, darling.” He grinned at her.

  “I don’t want to sniff random people, just you.” She took the coffee and inhaled the aroma. “You are the only one who I’m interested in smelling, or smelling like for that matter.” She cradled the coffee and slowly drank of it. “Such a good coffeemaker that is why I’m keeping you on.”

  Snorting at her he moved past her toward the living room. “If that’s all you’re keeping me for then we may need to have words, darling.” Sitting on the couch he stuck his feet up on the table as he cradled his own cup.

  She was all smiles as she came back to him. “Well you see I think I will keep you around for more than just your coffee. I will keep you around because you are handsome, witty, strong, charming, and perfect.” She sat down at his side and leaned into him. “And you make a hell of a cup of coffee.”

  Rolling his eyes Miklos shifted and wrapped an arm around her shoulders to hold her close. “It’s a good thing I love you, Harker. You can be a little hard on a man’s ego, darling.” Kissing her temple gently he breathed her in. “How are you doing, love, any aftereffects?” he asked, rubbing her arm as he sat soaking in her presence.

  “I feel good, I am all hot and bothered like crazy. I am hornier than I think I ever have been.” She shrugged. “It’s an odd feeling, to be able to smell you and smell my desire, too. How are you able to keep yourself straight?”

  Snorting coffee Miklos coughed and choked for a moment as he tried not to laugh. The coffee burned in his lungs but he just couldn’t seem to stop. Leaning forward he hacked for a moment before sucking in air. “Oh lord,” he muttered sitting back and coughing a couple more times.

  “You learn,” he managed
to wheeze out before coughing again. “Once you learn what the scents are it’s like hearing music. You filter out what annoys you so that you don’t even notice it. But if it’s something you like you open yourself to it fully,” he explained coughing once more.

  She grinned and nodded. “I really like the way it smells, when you and I come together, I love how it smells and I really, really want to smell that often.” She grinned. “I want to taste you, feel you, and touch you.” Her voice was a low needy growl.

  Miklos didn’t make the mistake of trying to drink any more of his coffee, not while she was in this mood. It would be deadly to his damned health. “You know, love, we’re in the privacy of our home. You are allowed to act out anything you want when you want here. You don’t need to ask permission to jump my bones. I’m male. I’m always more than willing to let you do whatever you want. Just don’t spill the coffee on me or we’ll have to deal with burns,” he warned quickly when she twitched slightly as though to take him up on his word.

  Harker put her coffee down and rose from the chair. It was sent scraping across the floor as she approached him. “Will I always feel this raw and needy, Miklos?” Because honestly, she wasn’t so sure she could be upset if she would, not if he was always around her.

  Watching her with cautious eyes Miklos shook his head. “No, but there will be days that are a hundred times worse, that will be when you’re in heat. Other days you’ll likely belt me if I want a kiss,” he teased with a grin putting his cup aside. “But usually you’ll just be yourself, Harker. You still are fundamentally, now you’re just a little bit more.”

  Her hand rested on his chest and she grinned up at him. “I don’t think I would ever belt you if you wanted a kiss. However, I can see many, many exhausting days after we have gone through my first heat.” If it burned more than it did now, they were both in a world of trouble.

  Her hand moved down his body until she was able to touch his cock, fondle and cradle him in her hands. “I need you, in here, in the kitchen I want you.” She squeezed his cock enough to make his eyes flood with passion, but not enough to hurt him at all.

  Growling softly he moved toward her, backing her up as she was determined to hold onto him. Cupping her ass once she was pinned to the counter he lifted her up, forcing her to release him. Sitting her down he kissed her hard as his hands moved over her body. “What do you want, Harker?” he asked, his tone deep with need for his mate.

  “I want you inside of me, Miklos. I want to walk into this kitchen and all I can think, all I can see and smell is us.” She growled softly and nodded before she lowered her head and bit his shoulder lightly. “I want you to fuck me, Miklos.” She growled.

  Shivering at her touch Miklos nuzzled her neck gently just before he slid her back off the counter, turned her around to press her hands to it, and proceeded to do just as she’d asked of him. Stripping off his jeans he pulled the shirt she was wearing aside and, sliding a hand over her to ensure she was ready, he slid into her wet pussy without any lead-up.

  She pushed back on him with a sigh of pleasure. “Yes.” It was a growl more than words. She widened her stance as she began to buck back and into him, her hands shifting their hold on the marble.

  Holding onto her waist Miklos pulled out and then slid in hard and fast, pressing into her as far as he could. Growling softly he found a rhythm that seemed to please his mate and just took her, bending over to scrape his teeth lightly up and down her back, his hands stroking her body.

  Harker pushed back as hard as he pressed forward. “Yes!” she cried out. “God, Miklos!” she screamed as her orgasm came over her. Clenching and holding his cock tight inside of her he knew she was silently demanding his release as well.

  Cupping her breasts with his hands he held her to him as he took her roughly and, on the relaxation of her orgasm, he came, taking them both over the edge together. Whispering her name into her ear as he shuddered his release Miklos rubbed his cheek to her shoulder and just held on for dear life.

  She was positive she waved at St. Peter as she and Miklos floated past the pearly gates in their trip to Heaven and back. Her knees were shaking and legs threatening to give out when she finally whispered, “I can’t stand anymore, Miklos. We need to go to the floor before I fall.”

  Chuckling softly he nipped at her shoulder before wrapping his arms fully around her and picking her up. He moved them to the sofa, easing down to sit while his body finished filling her with his semen. His hands stroked slowly over her body. “So, are we enjoying Wolf sex better than just plain human sex, my sweet?” he asked in a curious tone.

  “You know, you were perfect before but now…” She shivered as she felt another splash of his seed into her body and had to bite back the moan. “Now, Miklos, you are…” She hated to say this but it was the truth. “You are a god.” He was perfect. She never believed that sex could be so incredible, so intense, and so pleasurable, but now that she knew, she was never letting go of these feelings that only he could give her.

  Bursting out laughing at her, he hugged her against him and nuzzled her shoulder. “Just remember that when I piss you off next, love,” he teased. “Damn,” he said suddenly and snapped his fingers. “Why is it I never have the tape recorder with me when I need it?” he asked when she turned questioning eyes his way.

  “It would be inadmissible as evidence.” She laughed and nodded. “Yep, it wouldn’t hold up in court being it was coerced while I was under the influence.” She grinned and looked at him with a nod. “I love you, too, Miklos.” God she loved being here with him, like this. No pressures, no worries, just them.

  As his body relaxed and, as he slid from her heat, he lifted her, turning her in his lap to face him more. “I’m sure I could come up with something that is admissible,” he murmured softly. Kissing the end of her nose he breathed her in slowly. “I love you, Harker, but we need to get moving or I’ll have to tie you down and have my wicked way with you until you beg for respite. Much as that thought excites me we should act like humans for a time and deal with real life.”

  “You are right, Miklos.” Touching his lips she grinned. “Although the thought of being tied up…” She shivered. “Yes, we need to get up and go now, Miklos, like right now or we won’t ever make it out our front door and then your brothers will come looking for you and thinking I have killed you or something. Yes, love, we should go.”

  Smiling he helped her to her feet and then chased her to the bathroom scooping her up and setting her into the shower stall before following. Turning on the water he lifted his chin so it slid down his face before moving back and shaking it off.

  She laughed as she watched the purely canine move and shook her head. “You are more wolfie I think than even you know.” And she wasn’t complaining at all. Reaching out she touched his thigh gently, fingers lightly going over where he had the previous injury before turning to give him her back. “How does my back look? It only twinges now.” The intense pain from her injury was gone, and now only itched, burned slightly, and twinged, like she said.

  “Woof,” he teased as he wiped a hand down his face before looking at her back. Gently he ran a hand over the skin. “It’s looking a hell of a lot better than it did, love.” Tracing the scar that was still there he grinned at her shiver. “It’s nice and pink and healing beautifully. You may still have a mark for a while, or you may have a slight dimpling for the rest of your life since it had started to heal before your change. But even if you do, you’d have to know where it was to find it or under just the right lighting conditions,” he said. “Which reminds me, I should teach you how to change voluntarily later and how to deal with all your new senses, too.”

  Chapter 28

  “I don’t care if I scar. I just wanted to know how it was looking.” When she turned she gave him a cocked look. “Oh god, you mean I have to change again?” All she recalled of the change was pain, incredible and intense pain and then a feeling of inadequacy as she wasn’t even able to walk on
her own legs. “No, Miklos, I don’t think I can do that again.” She gulped.

  Shaking his head slowly he kissed her shoulder. “I should have said, ‘I should teach you to shift,’” he murmured against her skin. “I’m sorry, love, I know it was hard on you.” And he hated that fact. “But shifting forms is something you need to learn to do and it is not painful. It’s a little odd in the beginning, the sensations bizarre, but in time it’s second nature and beautiful in its own way. But the other reason to teach you to shift is so that you learn your body’s responses to certain stress factors and learn how to control your Wolf’s automatic response to protect you.”

  “You mean like bite first and ask questions later?” she asked and looked up with a nod. “All right, but only you okay, Miklos? I don’t want our wolves around for this. Just you and I, promise me?” Until she was certain what her Wolf would or wouldn’t do, she didn’t want to chance her family, and Miklos she trusted to keep himself safe from her.

  “We’ll move the furniture in our living room and practice inside,” he promised her softly. “We’ll see what triggers the Wolf and we’ll get you to learn the feeling of the Wolf clawing to the surface and then you’ll learn how to push her back unless it’s really necessary. Just remember, if you let her out while dressed, you’ll end up naked as you shift back.”

  “Check, always remove clothes beforehand. No one gets a free show.” She winked at him and nodded. “I like the idea of moving the furniture around. I know that I am going overboard just wanting it to be us, but I just need it, okay?”

  “It’s fine, Harker,” he assured her softly touching her cheek. “I don’t want you around them before you are fully in control of your abilities. Trust me, it would not end well for them at all,” he added with a steely note underscoring his voice.


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