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Twice as Dark: Two Novels of Horror

Page 27

by Glen Krisch

  Jane looked at Cooper, but neither said anything. They entered, each taking a seat at the low table. Two cider filled wooden mugs were at the table. When Cooper touched the wood, steam poured over its rim. Neither drank.

  "Time's almost gone. You know that, don't you?" Greta said directly to Jane. "You wouldn't be here otherwise."

  There was no need to explain the reason for their late night visit. "I just need to know. I can't leave a stone unturned."

  "I suppose, since I haven't seen you since you were a girl, I must be the last stone for you to consider." Greta turned away, peering through the wooden slates of the small kitchen window. She appeared to be gathering herself, while at the same time, checking the neighboring vale. "Your boy, he's in trouble."

  Jane was going to say something, but held her tongue.

  "There are dark forces at play--"

  Jane cut in, "Greta, please. If you know anything, you have to tell me. He's my son. What if Arlen were in danger? You'd want to know, wouldn't you?"

  Greta joined them at the table. Her eyes glistened with emotion. "Why of course I'd want to know. But we're all in trouble, not just your boy. There are reasons I live like this, in this damnable tree like some mad monkey. But I'm not crazy. No, no, I'm trapped here. Trapped by fate. I wanted to leave Coal Hollow and be done with it when Arlen was born. But I couldn't do that, even with my son's best interests at heart. I had to stay--we both did. Because we all play a part in this. If I had left, evil would have continued unabated."

  "What evil, Greta?"

  "First off, Janie-girl, you know what I'm telling you. You can't live in Coal Hollow a lifetime and not know. It's the Underground. The evil is underground. But it strays. Sometimes it strays to the surface; sometimes the evil of above drifts below, too. But when it does surfaces, it will at times take along innocence when it returns to its lair."

  "They took my boy?"

  "In Jimmy's case, he stumbled upon it. It was an accident; but sometimes accidents have unforgiving consequences."

  Seeing pain etched in Jane's face, Cooper chimed in, "I know we've come unannounced, Greta, but if you know anything about Jimmy's whereabouts and how we can bring him home, you need to tell us, straightaway. In plain and simple langue. Drop the hyperbole; no more talk of 'evil and dark forces.' That doesn't help the situation."

  Greta didn't look at him, didn't even acknowledge him. Instead, she gazed at Jane with mounting intensity.

  At long last, Jane broke under her glare. "I know. Well, I've heard stories. The Underground is a place where men venture who soon become beasts. That's what my grandma once said." Her voice was soft, but thick in her throat. "Less human than animal."

  "Depraved, yes. Indeed." Greta nodded, knowing she'd finally gotten through.

  "Why didn't you tell me?" Jane looked miserable, as if she'd just gone through a physical trauma that began without certainty of her survival. Her face was gaunt, and she appeared a decade older than her thirty-two years.

  "Oh, dear, I would've if it would've done any good. I had a right mind to follow those kids home after their recent visit and try to get through to you as well. I could've told you the day before Jimmy went missing. Or when you came asking about your marriage prospects all those years ago. I could have been done with it by whispering to your newborn ear. At no other time would you have listened. Not with open ears and understanding. Not until now."

  A crash from outside halted their conversation, a slight pounding against the clapboards. Cooper thought a bird might have made an unwise flight path directly into the wall of Greta's home, perhaps a crow or barn owl, but an accompanying sound did away with that notion: the lively rush of rapidly expanding flame.

  "We need to go now." Greta's voice trembled. "If it's not too late already."

  Flames burned just outside the kitchen window. Greta stepped back. Heat pulsed from the window as the fire fed on the treehouse. Cooper went to the far side of the little home and looked out the small window by the kitchen table. A single row of torches marched through the tall brush toward the treehouse.

  "What is it? Who's doing this?" Jane shouted, grabbing Greta's arm as the three of them rushed for the door.

  Greta didn't answer right away, but Cooper knew.

  Sometimes evil strays to the surface to steal away innocence.

  Greta shrugged away from Jane's grip. "You can't leave this woman's side, Mr. Cooper," she said, then turned back to Jane. "You need to stay with Mr. Cooper. You will find your answers if you don't stray from his side. You'll be safe; that's as clear as day in my visions. You hurry down those steps, make your way North through my field. There's good covering ground in that direction, which will give you time. I need to take care of this, end it now. They want to scare me off. But I won't let them hurt you two. Now go. Off with you." Greta patted Jane's hand, squeezed Cooper's shoulder, then ushered them out the door.

  "Greta, you're coming with us. The fire. It's spreading."

  "Don't you worry. They won't let anything happen to me. They just want to scare me is all," Greta repeated. Her tired expression belied her words.

  "Who are they?"

  "The undead."

  Greta closed the door on them, terminating the conversation. Fire spread across a third of the home, licking along the ancient tree branches, wilting the moisture from its leaves before they also caught fire. Smoke twirled along a gust of wind, enveloping Cooper and Jane as they nearly tumbled down the spiral steps.

  "She's not going to make it out," Jane said.

  Cooper didn't respond. The row of torches was closing on the house. They didn't even have a second to dawdle. He took Jane's hand and pulled hard as they made a break for the nearest gap in the surrounding brush. Together, they bound through the undergrowth as it tore at their clothes and skin.

  They ran. Blood pulsed through their ears, but it seemed the sounds of the destruction they left behind only intensified--the flames overtaking the treehouse, timbers crumpling, upending, crashing to the forest floor. And voices, none-too-distant, closing in on the ruins, reveling in the destruction, basking in the warm glow of their hapless victim.

  After a tense ten minutes, Cooper eased their pace. They caught their breath, tasting smoke on their tongues, smelling it in their hair. "They killed her. There's no way she got out in time. Why didn't she come with us. Why, Ted?"

  "They--whoever 'they' is--didn't kill Greta. She let them kill her."

  Behind them, the fire glowed over the treetops. Cooper saw how recklessly they'd trampled the grass during their escape. They might as well have painted a line of arrows in the bent blades to indicate their direction.

  "Did they see us?" Jane asked the question before Cooper could.

  "I don't know, but I'm guessing they were coming if we were there or not."

  "Who are they? What did Greta mean, undead? The dead can't do that. The dead can't start fires and destroy, because, damn it, their dead!" Their slow progress screeched to a halt. "Ted, what aren't you telling me?"

  "Greta knew what she was talking about. About Jimmy and the Underground. She knew we could escape safely if we headed north through her field."

  "How can you be so sure?"

  "Well, first of all, just over the next ridge is a meek runnel of a creek, and at the top of the next hill past the creek sits my house. She knew what she was talking about. We just need to figure out how that helps us find Jimmy."

  They stepped across the meek runnel of a creek, the grass lining the shore lush and green, becoming sparse not more than twenty feet beyond. Cooper realized they were still holding hands long after it was practical for them to do so. It was a comfortable thing, a warm reassurance during such an disturbing night.

  "You must be a wealthier man than you let on earlier tonight."

  "What do you mean?"

  "Your houselights are on."

  The house was indeed alight, the two facing windows on the ground floor bright and wide-eyed, the upper floors awash in an umbe
r of flame. It appeared as if the grand celebration of the day had assembled at Cooper's house instead of Jane's. But the house was empty. Essentially.

  "Let me explain." He guided her by hand up the porch steps. He opened the front door, but when they stepped inside, the lights warming the house all went out. The entryway was dark and cold. No hint of a lantern's lingering warmth.

  "That's odd," Jane said, looking around.

  "Not from what I've seen." He closed the door behind them.

  "You must have some draft," she said, chuckling nervously.

  "No, I have guests. Or more precisely, I'm a guest in this house."

  "Are you going to buy furnishings, or just sleep on the floor?" she said, pointing at his nest of blankets. He felt exposed having her see his bedding, as if she would instantly know the dreams he experienced while sleeping there.

  "Eventually, I hope to restore the house to its original state. Period furniture, fresh paint, and the like."

  He felt strangely at ease considering what they had just been through. The burning tree, the marching row of torch-bearers cutting across the open field. He felt like he should be hospitable, perhaps offer a cup of tea as he had to Jacob and Ellie. Relax a bit. Maybe continue on with the general flow of their earlier conversation.

  But then Jane jerked her head aside as if a fat spider had plopped down on her shoulder. She jerked her head the other way, and Cooper could see the fear in her eyes.

  He felt it too. A cold caress against his cheek. An invisible fingernail rasping through his five o'clock shadow.

  Pressure, cold and bracing.

  "Back to what I said earlier, I'm a guest in this house, regardless if the property title says otherwise."

  With a jarring abruptness, Eunice Blankenship appeared between them. She appeared as the young, righteous and vibrant woman of her youth.

  You need to hurry.

  Cooper heard Eunice's voice in his head, and from her reaction, so had Jane. She was backing away from the apparition, reaching behind her for the doorknob.

  NO, the reverend said, also inside their heads, a heady timbre that was nearly a shout. He appeared behind Jane, and he placed a hand on her shoulder. She jumped away as if the spirit had inappropriately goosed her.

  "Ted… what's going on?"

  "As I said, a guest."

  As was his penchant, the reverend's ethereal body diminished to nothing. A cold wisp of air rushed by as he whipped through the entryway. A lacy curtain pulled aside, held there by an invisible hand.

  There's not much time, the reverend said, looking out the window Cooper had just check for security.

  "What do you mean?" Cooper asked the open air, then turned to Eunice. "What's happening?"

  Eunice's body took on a more corporeal form, as if a dial had turned, sending additional energy surging through her body. She aged rapidly as the details of her face became more clear. Wrinkles creased her face, her skin sagged, her eyes dimmed, dirtying with cataracts. She extended her hand, touching Cooper's forearm. Her touch was as cold as the frigid reaches of Hank Calder's icehouse. Her lips moved, and a sound came from her throat, and it was a real voice. "NOW," she said. Quavering, and ancient, but real nonetheless. "Come with me!"

  The lacy curtain fell and settled as Horace Blankenship abandoned his lookout position. Once again, an icy wind whipped by. Jane, while as frightened as ever, no longer seemed set on rushing out the front door and away from these unsettled spirits. The reverend threw the basement door open. Cooper assumed his spirit then went down the steps, but then a coercive hand pressed between his shoulder blades. His feet began to move, and standing next to him, so did Jane's.

  "They're here," Eunice said.

  A moment later something heavy slammed into the front door, while both front windows crumbled at once, leaving jagged shards clinging to weathered frames. Arms darted through the gaps, flailing, reaching, limbs slick with dark blood and something more vile. Another crash snapped Cooper's attention back to the door. The impact nearly forced it from its hinges. Time was fleeting; the door wouldn't hold much longer.

  Something wriggled partway through one of the broken windows. It was a horrible sight, this creature with its pus-flesh seeping with decay, its maniacal eyes panning the entryway. Its eyes found Cooper's. It struggled through the opening, shredding its skin, losing a finger that was sheared off by a long, bladelike shard of glass. It didn't seem to notice.

  The remains of the man wore overalls. His torso was tree trunk thick. A rancid odor swept over Cooper. One last push from the spirit of Reverend Blankenship ushered him down the steps. Side by side with Jane, they took the steps two at a time.

  The tumult of crazed activity upstairs shook the basement's ceiling. Dust and flakes of mortar rained down from above.

  "What are those things?" Jane held his hand.

  Cooper had never seen such unfettered fear so close before. For some reason, he thought of Jane's husband, Dwight. The trenches changed him. He'd come home fragile, fractured inside.

  Can fear stain a person's soul?

  "Cooper, come on. Snap out of it."

  Dazed, he heard voices, could feel the destruction reverberating from above, but somehow he couldn't move from the spot at the bottom of the stairs. He looked around, saw Jane's face welling with tears, overflowing, tracing jagged streaks down her cheeks. His eyes drifted past, to the mirror hanging on the wall at the bottom of the stairs. The mirror angled so you could see upstairs as well as your own reflection.

  He saw the white-illumined spirits of the Blankenships, just over his shoulder. The impatience in their faces was considerable. Then Eunice stepped away from her husband's side. In the reflection, Eunice gripped his cheeks with both hands. Her icy touch quaked through his facial muscles and down the nape of his neck. The ghost's body became entirely corporeal, appearing as it had in her final state--ancient and stooped, kindness still warming her eyes. Then a rift appeared at the crest of her forehead just below her hairline. It widened, spreading as wide as an axe's blade. Thick blood flowed from the opening, down her face, and as Eunice revisited the final moments before her last breath, she gained an immortal strength that rippled through her flesh. Her grip on his face tightened. She reeled back with her left hand, then let loose with a teeth-jangling slap across his cheek.

  Cooper came close to falling to the dirt floor. But he didn't. Instead, he snapped out of it. Eunice began to fade, her energies sapped, the resilience he normally saw in her face flagging along with it. She looked defeated.

  "Cooper, please? What do we do?"

  For some reason, he smiled. "Come with me."

  He took her hand and they went down the hallway, around a corner, and into a small room.

  "Now where? That window's too small for us to get through." A wedge of wane moonlight cut across the floor. Its glow found their faces, casting them in somber blue.

  "Here." He left her side, went to the far wall, rapped it with his knuckles. He ran his fingers along the surface until he found the right spot, pulled out and to the side, and the secret panel opened up.

  "What's that?"

  "A hiding place. Created for the Underground. The real Underground."

  He crawled into the opening, reaching out in the near dark, searching. Just as he had figured, the bricked up wall five feet into the opening was a hastily constructed thing. He felt around until he found a gap at the top of the wall, a small rift where the ground had shifted and the stones had sunk over the years. He jammed his fingers through the opening, then pressed as hard as he could against the wall. Stones scraped one another, and then the topmost one fell into the tunnel.

  The sounds from upstairs came in ever-increasing volume and intensity. The monsters (that's what they are, right? Cooper thought, monsters?) had gathered in the entryway. Stomping feet clomped in every direction as they searched the house.

  One of their pursuers had seen their escape into the basement. It didn't take them long to find the stairway and tru
ndle down in a wild clamor.

  Cooper had succeeded in prying away a number of stones, pushing some ahead, pulling some toward himself.

  "Quick," he called out to Jane. "Get in here and pull that panel closed behind you."

  She did as he requested, and after a moment of panic as she fought to fit the panel square in its opening, they were alone in the lightless tunnel, the sound of the approaching undead momentarily quieted.

  "I can't… I can't do this. I just can't go on. I need to get out of here, I need to see my family. They need me."

  The undead filing into the basement quickly deduced that their quarry would not go quietly. Growls of rage came from the small room they had just exited.

  "Jane, we need to move. There's no other choice. They'll tear us apart if we don't get moving now. It won't take them long to realize we're in this tunnel. They know about this tunnel. They've been through this tunnel, and I'm pretty sure they are the ones who tried to wall it up so no one would find the entry point to their lair."

  "I can't. I can't do it anymore."

  He reached out in the dark, found her hand, squeezed it. Speaking with his lips an inch from her ear, "This is a tunnel that served a purpose during the Underground Railroad, but it also leads to the Underground, the corrupt Underground. Greta gave her life to send us on this path. She sent us to my house. She was trying to help us; for whatever reason she didn't or couldn't outright tell us what to do. But, Jane, Jimmy is in the Underground. They have him, and if we take this tunnel, we'll find him. We can set him free."

  His words struck to her core. He couldn't see her, but could feel a change go through her. She took a deep breath and pushed him on the shoulder. "Let's go then. Let's get my boy."


  Arlen Polk's gopher hole resembled more a trash heap than a furry animal's living space. Trash was strewn alongside mounds of broken rock where Arlen sorted the precious coal from the worthless slag. He'd staked a canvas tent near the gopher hole where he could rest and eat meals packed by his mom. But now, forty feet below, Arlen toiled as he always had, sweating a mindless salty lather, humming to fill the empty space.


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