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Twice as Dark: Two Novels of Horror

Page 46

by Glen Krisch

  Mr. Freakshow filled the window. The moonlight now shied away from him, leaving his body surrounded by gravid blackness. Kevin still couldn't move. Tears dribbled down his cheeks and left cool trails in their wake.

  "It's not too awful. You see, I absorb the knowledge of those around me. They leak information like your daddy's blood pouring from his gut. And these," Mr. Freakshow said, showing him a full view of his whip-scarred forearms, "I no longer have to worry about. Ever since I was released from you, boy, you've no longer been able to torment me. No longer can you fight me, shackle me, lash out at me with your hatred for me. Every time you would close your eyes and willfully oppose me, you would whip me like some wayward animal. Times have changed. And I will have my revenge."

  Kevin closed his eyes, squeezed away his tears and tried to wake up from this nightmare.

  "Oh, Kevin, you can't wake up. You're already awake. Well, almost. More like, halfway awake. That's why you can't move. When you fall asleep your body is paralyzed to prevent you from harming your poor fragile body."

  No… Kevin fought as hard as he could to move a single muscle. Sweat dotted his brow from his effort.

  "You can see me, yes, but I remain in my confining cage, but that won't last--it won't last another twenty-four hours. I'm just visiting to let you in on a little secret. Do you want to know my little secret, and hold it dear and close to your heart? You have to promise not to tell anyone. Things can get messy if you do. Your mom is a beautiful woman. It wouldn't take much for me to want to taste her flesh, to wipe away the pooling blood from her exposed bones, to collect her naked skull to mount on my throne. Her skull would ideally accent the end of my armrest, her empty eye sockets unblinking and glorious. Your grammy, she's a whole different story, I'm afraid. I would have to prod and probe. Gnaw some of her gamy flesh, pull off her scalp like a swim cap, you know, to find that inner beauty of which you humans always speak. That might take more time, and she might suffer, that poor old blind bitch, and you know I would give you a front row seat for the whole spectacle.

  "That's why no one can know I'm here. You don't want me to hurt your family, do you, Kevin? Do you understand what I'm saying?"

  The beast crawled onto the bed, his muscled weight pressing the bedsprings flat with a squeak. He placed his hands on either side of Kevin's head, bringing his face within inches of his. Mr. Freakshow's thick claws ripped into the fitted sheet of the bed. Kevin was willing his legs to fly up and strike the Freak from his bed, but he couldn't even twitch his nose.

  "Do me a favor, blink twice if you understand the importance of silence when dealing with this situation," Mr. Freakshow said, giving Kevin an unpleasant view inside the monster's mouth. His gums were swollen black and his teeth jutted from them at crooked angles, looking like shattered bone. Slick worms slithered through the festering gaps between his teeth. Kevin's throat involuntarily clenched to ward off his gorge.

  Kevin blinked once. He clenched his eyes shut a second time and paused a heartbeat or two. When he opened them again, the beast was still pressing down on his paralyzed body, his stench cloying in his nostrils.

  "Okay. Good, we have an agreement. My secret, Kevin, is so simple, yet so very important." He placed his broad palm against Kevin's chest, spreading his fingers wide enough to rest in either of the boy's armpits.

  The pressure increased on Kevin's chest, and he could sense the enormous force Mr. Freakshow held in his powerful upper body. He was having difficulty inhaling; his lungs could only expand so much now.

  "I need you. More accurately, Kevin, I need your heart. I need to drain your pumping heart-blood down my gullet. Then and only then will I be free." He pressed his fingers against Kevin's chest, propping his curved claws directly over his heart.

  Kevin barely heard the beast with all the blood pulsing through his ears. His mind raged against the weight on top of him, and in the distance, so far away it couldn't be a part of him, Kevin felt his hand twitch. One solitary twitch. Not much of a defensive blow, but at least he did something. He focused on his finger bones, then the network of fragile hand bones and their connection to his wrist, and could feel the memory of their last movement. A muscle memory. Kevin stared at Mr. Freakshow, while tensing his fingers.

  Then there was a pain Kevin had never felt before. A pain so swift and sharp he nearly passed out. It was Mr. Freakshow stabbing his fingers into Kevin's chest, through the soft muscle and cartilage of his upper ribs. The pain brought sweat streaming down his face. Suddenly, electricity bolted through his arm as if a hatpin had stabbed him. With the electricity came movement.

  I am moving my arm!

  More control; electricity danced over his skin, allowing Kevin to move his extremities.

  Mr. Freakshow plunged his claws wrist-deep in Kevin's chest, even as the boy's entire body quivered with pain. In one triumphant second, Kevin regained complete control over his body. He riled against his attacker while his blood was seeping into the sheet and the mattress below. He clenched his fingers into a fist and threw a punch at Mr. Freakshow.

  But Mr. Freakshow was gone. At the moment his knuckles should have connected with the Freak's face, he disappeared.

  Kevin was awake. Fully awake this time.

  He jumped from bed and looked in every corner of the room and then under his bed and in the closet. He checked the lock on the window, and when everything seemed clear, he sat down on his bed.

  What just happened?

  His first instinct was to run to get his mom.

  But what if it were true? Everything Mr. Freakshow said about hurting his family. No, he couldn't seek the comfort and reassurance of his mom. What he had just experienced couldn't have been a dream. He remembered every detail of the grisly encounter, and none of it was fading like it always did. Even so, his shirt was intact, and his chest was not bloody and broken.

  If it had been a dream, then what Dr. Bennett said had been a lie. He said once he took his nightmare away, it was gone for good. Kevin didn't know what to think or do. He rolled onto his side on the bed and curled up with a pillow.

  As he pondered his dream, his fingers absently toyed with a rip in the sheet. He quickly sat upright, ready to call out for help, but he held back his panic when Mr. Freakshow's words returned to him. He felt the monster's claw marks in the fabric and knew he couldn't say a word to his family. Kevin didn't know what he was going to do, but whatever it was, he would have to act alone.

  Mr. Freakshow cursed himself for his foolishness and stalked about his cage feeling the weakness brought on by his efforts. His wings hung limply at his sides and his shoulders slumped from the grave internal purging of his energy stores.

  Going to the boy had been a test. Even Mr. Freakshow didn't know the limits of his power, but it was a worthy venture considering the knowledge learned during the excursion. He established the fact that he still had a connection with the boy, a connection that would hopefully prove invaluable when he escaped this hellhole. If he still had a foothold within the boy, he was still a part of him. He would be able to discern his location and intentions.

  And in a way, he was topping off the boy's fear. Of all the collected dreams, he alone knew his dreamer's fear led to his own strength. One more fright before he escaped, one more fright to add to his own strength.

  Once he found the boy, he would dig his claws into his chest. He would spread his delicate breastbone, and pull out his engorged heart and consume it, gleefully relishing every drop of blood. Then the Freak would be free. Immortal. The thought of stealing his freedom from the boy sent a chill of excitement through the exposed ridges of his spine. He would be free and it would be soon.

  He shouldn't have wasted his energies on the humans, but he couldn't help his enthusiasm. The whole display of the their reflections… that was merely for the simple pleasure of observing the humans' herd instinct--their trampling and reviling of the weak of their kind, to witness their boundless frailty. They were little more than sentient pests, these clamor
ing maggots; they had neither fangs to tear with, nor wings to glide upon. As the crowds had grown denser, he knew he had to do something to show his audience what they looked like from his perspective. The whole series of events made him laugh. While they gawped and hooted at the Freak, he simply pointed a mirror at them and revealed the truth. Their reaction was predictable and brought a brief levity to his confinement.

  Once he escaped and killed the boy, it would be like looking into a mirror and finding his own salvation. But for now, he needed rest. He would need all of his reserves to make his escape. Once free of this degrading internment, he couldn't afford any vulnerability.

  With a small strand of energy, Mr. Freakshow reached out to the boy. He subtly came upon the boy and wormed into his mind, finding the root of himself still imbedded within him. The Freak closed his eyes and slowly pried open the tightly folded seed he occupied in the boy's mind. He could see through his innocent eyes, see him flitting about his bed, fearful of returning to sleep. To gain consolation and to feel closer to his quarry, the Freak eased into a comfortable stasis just shy of the boy's awareness. He was an unseen voyeur lurking behind the boy's eyelids. The Freak rested and waited for just the right time to make his move.

  Furious with the Grand Opening of Lucidity, Gage had given Maury the menial task of clearing the museum of straggling customers. Lucidity had been open for a total of two hours.

  Who would've thought there would be a stampede?

  The police promised a swift investigation. A pair of officers were still conducting interviews in the foyer. No charges were immediately filed after Gage insured the museum wouldn't reopen until the conclusion of the investigation. At least no one was permanently injured. Maury searched the corners of the museum, feeling like he was being punished for something he hadn't done.

  To leave something to look forward to, he didn't visit Juliet's area until the end of his inspection. When he entered the narrow hall of the Nightmare Wing to see Juliet, he was surprised to see Sophie Marigold. She clutched her sketchpad under her arm and greeted him with her welcoming smile.

  "Some night," Sophie said.

  "The Grand Opening didn't go exactly as planned, no. I'm afraid I'm going to have to chase you out now. Mr. Gage has decided we should close until we can regroup, if that is at all possible."

  "That's too bad. Can I come back tomorrow? I'm working on sketches for a new mural Nolan wanted painted in the Nightmare Wing."

  "I don't know. With all the craziness tonight, I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't want anyone around for at least a little while. You know, to let the dust settle."

  "How could that creature have come from that boy's mind?" Sophie asked, indicating Mr. Freakshow's nearby enclosure. The glass was cleaned of the woman's blood who had suffered a broken nose in the rush to get away.

  "I don't know, Sophie. I thought he would be our star. I guess the world wasn't ready for this."

  "I better go then before you call the cops on me."

  "I would never do that."

  "Just teasing. I should go, regardless. I can see you want to see your new friend anyway."

  "What…?" Maury looked at Juliet for the first time since coming across Sophie. The dream-woman looked like she had been expecting him. "Oh no, I'm just making sure the museum is empty."

  "It's okay, Maury. You can like her if you want. She won't bite. Some dreams will if you get too close, but not Juliet. She's like you and me. Dreamers."

  Maury sighed as if resigned to the fact that he was interested in the dream behind the glass. He wouldn't fully accept it though. Something inside him was fighting the urge to let loose and feel emotions as freely as Juliet did.

  "You might learn something from her."

  "All right, Sophie, I really need to lock up."

  "I know, I know," Sophie said, shuffling away from Maury. She paused before returning to his side. She carefully tore a sketch from her sketchpad. "Why don't you take this?"

  Maury took the thick sheet of drawing paper. Sophie waved to Juliet as she left the Nightmare Wing. Juliet returned the wave and watched with affection as the old woman left. He was alone with the dreams.

  Maury was momentarily speechless. The sketch was of Juliet. Sophie had captured the delicate beauty of the dream-woman. Her soft lips, the gentle curl of her auburn hair. The crazed energy she gave off like sunlight.

  He looked at Juliet and could do nothing more than stare. A slight updraft swirled her hair. Low white clouds hovered around her legs. He remembered the night when his lips touched her forehead. She had said she was like him. That's why she had a habit of blowing her brains out. That's why she smiled the whole time the dream-rainwater poured through the hole in her skull. Because she was just like him.

  Can she see my violent past just by looking into my eyes?

  "Out of all the people to see me today, why are you so interesting?" Juliet asked. Maury didn't see her telltale gun, or the hint that her mood might suddenly plummet. Not since the moment he deflected the gunshot off her skull. Every time he saw her, she seemed more human, more normal and stable. "You don't like your suit."

  "It makes me feel claustrophobic." He noticed how tight his tie felt on his neck. He loosened it while trying to place her lyrical accent. He wondered if it originated in the non-dreaming world or was just a fabrication of her dreamer. "So… where are you from?" he asked as if he had just met her in a bar.

  She laughed. Her joy was contagious and soon Maury couldn't help but join her.

  "Do you know you are a dream?"

  "Of course I do. Do you know you are a human?"


  "Yes, I know who dreamed of me. A delightful woman from Milwaukee named Barbara."

  Maury marveled over Juliet's self-perception. "I've met Barbara, and she's not a delightful person. She's actually rather gloomy."

  "Well, even so, she created me. She is, in a way, my parent. I should respect that."

  "I never thought of it in that context."

  Juliet sat on the park bench, the clouds parting at her presence, and Maury continued the conversation with her. He felt like he was talking to any woman, that is, if he had any practical experience talking to women. She asked him about the city, about the things he liked, about his favorite foods. He asked her reciprocal questions, and not long into their conversation, Maury realized she was more than just a physical embodiment of a dream. She was a real person, albeit a slightly flighty person. She had a tendency to speak in a sing-songy cadence, and with her melodic accent, it made for a hypnotic combination.

  He didn't know how long he stood outside her enclosure, learning more about this dream-woman. He remembered he was supposed to be making sure the museum was empty. Then he had a meeting with Nolan Gage later on. Maury glanced at his watch. "I need to get going."

  "Too bad." Juliet frowned. A smile filtered through her frown. Her eyes glistened.

  "Can I come back and talk to you?" Maury asked, as if he needed her permission.

  "Why don't you come here," she said mischievously.

  "I have to…" Maury stammered. "I just… what do you mean?"

  "Come here," she said nodding toward the access door in the corner of the room.

  Maury looked around--Sophie was obviously gone--and the rest of the museum was, for the most part, empty. He hurried his keys from his pocket before he could have second thoughts. He opened the door and she was in his arms before he had the door closed. Her lips enveloped his, and he clumsily kissed her in return. She pulled off his Cubs cap and ran her fingers through his patchy swaths of hair. He self-consciously pulled away from her touch.

  "It's okay. I like how you are." Juliet took his disfigured hand and kissed each fingertip, continuing along the path of his deformity, pulling away his clothes as she went. She kissed every inch of his disfigurement, and even if he shouldn't have been able to feel the gentle pressure of her lips through the nerveless tissue, somehow he did. Like the warmth of swallowed brandy on his ski

  The sight of the enclosure glass and the open hallway beyond still distracted Maury. As if reading his thoughts, Juliet funneled the low white clouds at the glass until they collected like tumbleweeds, giving them all the privacy they needed.

  Chapter 14

  His dress shirt wrinkled, and his discarded tie forgotten, Maury left Juliet's enclosure with mixed feelings bandying about his brain. He had never been with a woman before tonight, and had never actually come close. It confused him to think of her. He had never felt this way before. The fact he had to leave her behind and seal her up inside that confining area like a penned animal… he felt like more of an animal for turning the key to keep her there. It wasn't possible to let her out. What exactly would that accomplish? Would he run off with her, go into hiding from Nolan Gage's far-reaching influence?

  He imagined looking through a big picture window to a cozy living room. Their living room. He saw himself with a trade journal on his lap, Juliet sitting on a sofa across the room from him. On the floor, a child, indiscernible in age or sex (because Maury had never imagined ever having a woman to share his years with, let alone having a child with her), crawled around an oval area rug that covered the floor in front of the blazing screened-in fireplace. His imagined self looked up from the crawling child to see Juliet with a handgun in her hand, her smile unwavering. She lifted the gun ever so closer to her head and…

  Maury turned the corner at the top of the stairs, reentering the Nightmare Wing. He had absently wandered through the museum since leaving Juliet, making sure the place was empty. But he couldn't stay away from her. He had to see her again.


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