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Final Sharp Turn (Sharp Turn Saga #3)

Page 4

by Faye Byrd

  “But you know that’s only legally, right?” she asks, grabbing my hand and twining our fingers.

  “I do know,” I reply, bringing her fingers to my lips and kissing them lightly. “As I said, it was my issue.”

  “Should we speak with the attorney and see what our options are?” she asks, pushing closer, her blue eyes soft.

  I palm her cheek, my hand sliding into her hair, and pull her in for a quick kiss. When I lean back, I give her a sly grin. “I love that you’d be willing to do that, but I think I’ve worked it out on my own. Let’s revisit this conversation in a few days. Yeah?”

  “A few days?” she repeats, straddling my waist and pinning my arms beside my head. “Why not now?” She nips at my chest, obviously unconcerned with her own question.

  I groan as she wraps her lips around my nipple. “Because now we have other things to take care of.”

  Before the sun has fully risen, little pouncing feet interrupt my sleep. “Get up, get up,” Blake says jumping up and down.

  “Yeah, we gots to go see Mickey,” Cam agrees from the side of the bed.

  I rub my fingers to clear my eyes. “Okay, dudes, we’re up. Go pick out something to wear today while Mama and I get dressed.”

  “Okay, we be quick,” Blake says, climbing off to join Cam on the floor. “Let’s go, brother!” Their feet thunder against the carpet as they race from the room.

  A giggle sounds from underneath the cover, and I lift it to peek at Easton hiding beneath. “You know they can’t pick their own clothes, don’t you?”

  I slide down beside her and recover both our heads. “I know.” I peck her luscious lips. “I was just buying us a couple of minutes so I could do this.”

  Taking my time, I explore every inch of her mouth while my hands roam up her back and under the T-shirt she’s wearing. A moan builds deep in her throat, and my mind screams at me to stop. Our boys are up and ready to hit Epcot.

  I pull away and press my forehead to hers, panting heavily.

  “I love you,” she says, her eyes burning into mine.

  All I can do is groan. “God, baby, I love you so fucking much.” I kiss her again. I can’t stop myself. Anticipation is bubbling in my veins. Today is the day, and my body recognizes it. When I pull away this time, I leave the bed altogether. “Let me go take care of the boys. You get up and get dressed.” With a wink, I turn and leave before I get us caught.

  It doesn’t take long before we’ve had breakfast and are on the way to Epcot. We realize that Cam won’t be able to handle running around all day so we intend to pack in as much as we can before he gets tired. After that, we’ll retire to our resort for the evening.

  After the boys have rested, we can always find something low-key to do for the evening. It’s a win/win for a couple of three-year-olds. I doubt there’s much more that could make them happier.

  Our day is spent exploring Epcot, and while there aren’t many rides they can go on, there are plenty of interactive adventures to be had and so much to see. Just the energy of Disney is enough to keep the boys content.

  When Cam starts showing signs of fatigue, we begin the trek to our resort. He’s barely able to keep his eyes open by the time we arrive. I gingerly pick him up and tote him the rest of the way to our villa.

  As I lay him down, Blake quietly crawls into the bed beside him. “I had fun today, Daddy,” he says sleepily.

  “I know, dude, take a nap. There’s still stuff to do when you get up,” I say with a wink. With a soft kiss to both their sleepy heads, I get up and make my way back to the living room.

  Easton’s sitting on the couch, and I join her with a sigh. “I think I’m going to run to the souvenir shops and see what I can find. I’d like to bring something home for everyone.”

  The stars are aligning, and I smirk. “Sounds perfect. I’ll figure out something for dinner.”

  “We can always go back out when the boys are up from their nap,” she suggests as she stands.

  “Yeah, I’ll take a look and decide on something,” I say, acting like it isn’t a big deal, but it is. Everything is falling perfectly into place, and by the time she returns, I’ll have everything ready for the most important moment of our lives.

  As she grabs her purse, I stand to see her out. Walking over, I pull her into my arms and wiggle my brows. “I’m not so sure this was a good idea. Maybe we could use this time a little more wisely.”

  She giggles and swats me on the chest. “Do you ever get enough?”

  “Of you?” I ask. “Never.” I punctuate it with a searing kiss.

  When I release her, she stands with an uncertain look on her face. “Maybe you’re right.”

  “No, baby, you go. We have plenty time for that later.” I turn her toward the door and send her on her way with a swat on her cute little ass.

  After I’m sure she’s gone, I pick up the room phone to order a dinner that will knock her socks off. Once that’s all taken care of, I set about making sure the ring is in my pocket and at the ready.

  The boys nap for almost two, excruciating hours and when they wake, I gather them together so we can go over the plan one more time. “Okay, dudes, you understand what you’re supposed to do? It’s just like you’ve done before. When you hear me bring it up, you speak.”

  “Yeah, we know, Daddy,” Blake says, as if I’m annoying him.

  “And then we get up and go play, right?” Cam asks.

  I blow out a breath and give him a nod. “That’s exactly what you do, but just come in here and start the movie, okay? That way we can call you in … if she says yes.”

  Blake rolls his eyes. “She’s gonna say yes, Daddy. Mamas and daddies ‘posed to be married.”

  Cam nods along. “And you love her.”

  I smile at their naivety. “I do love her and both of you, very much.”

  I’ve decided on several different tactics. The dinner and the kids, along with more of my words. The ones that convince her I’m worth spending the rest of her life with. The ones that express how much she means to me. The ones that promise I’ll cherish her every moment of forever.

  Everything’s set, and now we wait anxiously for her arrival. Me, sweating bullets, and the boys so excited they’re barely able to keep still.

  “Dudes,” I say, holding up my hands. “You’ve got to chill, be cool about it. Okay? Mama is going to know something’s up if you can’t stay still. Go run around the room a few times and burn off some of that energy before she gets back.”

  They waste no time in following my suggestion, and Easton wouldn’t approve, but it’s for a good cause. I want everything to be perfect and hyperactive boys will only make her suspicious.

  I have to laugh at the situation, or I’ll drive myself crazy. Little does she know, but every single person on her gift list is arriving here tomorrow. I only hope their journey is made worthwhile by Easton accepting my proposal … tonight.

  Taking a deep breath, I blow it out slowly, as the anticipation is making me jittery. There’s no reason to worry anymore. It’s time, and she’ll either think I’m the sweetest fucker ever … or the craziest.

  By the time she enters a little while later, the room has calmed, and the boys have burned off their excess excitement. I hold my breath as they run to her and pray the whole time they won’t blurt everything before it’s time. Luckily, they don’t. Now my worry switches to whether they’ll miss their mark at dinner.

  I approach where she’s standing and take the gift bags from her hands. “Hey,” she says before giving me a kiss on the lips. “Something smells good.”

  “I ordered dinner,” I respond, sitting the bags on the side table. “Did you get all of your shopping done?”

  She rolls her eyes. “Does a girl ever get all her shopping done? Let me run and change clothes, and I’ll be ready to eat.”

  “We’ll be waiting for you.” I wink and turn to hurdle the boys to the dining area.

  After I have them settled at the table, I st
art bringing out dinner. “All right, dudes, show time. You remember what to do?”

  “Yes, Daddy.” Blake sighs, propping his chin on his arm.

  “We got it,” Cam chimes, shaking his head.

  “Okay, I’m counting on you two.” I ruffle their hair and take my seat while we all anxiously await Easton’s arrival.

  It doesn’t take long before she’s breezing back into the room. She’s changed into sweats and a T-shirt―one of mine, actually―and has her hair pulled back from her face, her makeup removed. She couldn’t be any more beautiful.

  I watch her the whole time. As she enters my sight line, makes herself something to drink and all the way until she takes her seat. I can’t take my eyes away from her, knowing very soon this is going to go amazingly right or amazingly wrong.

  “What?” she asks, noticing my stare.

  I have to shake myself out of my stupor in order to answer. “Nothing. You’re beautiful.”

  She gives me a breathtaking smile and then turns her focus on the food I’ve set out on the table. “Trystan, are these like those amazing pork chops you made at home?”

  I smirk. “They may or may not be.”

  “I’m not sure even Disney chefs have anything on you,” she says, giving me a wink as she leans over and spears one with her fork.

  I stand to fill the boys’ plates, and while Easton finishes her own, I cut the pork into bite-size pieces for each of them. When I return to my seat, I notice Easton’s eyes are glued to me, watching my every move.

  “What is it?” I ask, tilting my head.

  “Nothing,” she answers with a contented smile. “You’re beautiful.”

  I gaze at her, seeing not only her outer beauty but her inner beauty as well. Easton has one of the kindest souls of anyone I’ve ever met, and I’m the lucky fucker who has a chance to make her mine. I won’t mess this up.

  Conversation through dinner ranges from how much fun we had today to where we’re going tomorrow. Just light and carefree banter. I’m a bundle of nerves as each bite brings me closer and closer to the moment of truth.

  When we’re almost done, I clear my throat. It’s now or never. “Did I tell you I spoke with Katherine on Monday?”

  “I don’t think so,” Easton says, taking a sip of her water and placing it back on the table. “Is there anything wrong?”

  “Not at all. She just wanted to let us know she’ll be going out of the country for two weeks soon.” I pause and wipe my napkin over my lips. “She’s getting married.”

  “What?” Easton’s eyes are wide as she sets her fork on her plate. “She hasn’t been dating him for very long, has she?”

  I place my glass of lemonade on the table. “I think she said four months.”

  “Wow, that seems fast,” Easton says, and then adds a shrug. “To each their own, I suppose.”

  I chuckle uneasily. “I guess when you know, you know.”

  “My friend Steven, his parents are married,” Cam says, finally jumping into the conversation.

  “So are Unca Coop and Aunt Kari. They love each other a whole lots,” Blake adds, spreading his arms out wide.

  “Mama and Daddy love each other that much, too.” Cam sits, nodding his head at Blake.

  Both Easton and I are sitting there, our heads volleying back and forth, attentive to the conversation being held between the two of them.

  “I know they do,” Blake agrees with a nod.

  “Yep, they gettin’ married, too,” Cam adds, and his eyes cut to mine.

  “Shh, you not ‘posed to say nothin’,” Blake says, putting his finger over his lips.

  “What?” Cam holds up his hands all innocently and shit. I couldn’t have paid them to do a better job. “Daddy said he wants to marry her.”

  Easton, who’s been listening keenly to their conversation, snaps her eyes to me. Only this time, I don’t look down or act unsure. I stare back at her, confident and proud, hoping she can see my very soul.

  In my periphery, I notice the boys quietly shush each other and tiptoe out of the room a little more dramatically than necessary. Easton’s eyes never leave mine, though. They’re burning through me, questioning.

  She opens her mouth, but no words escape. I scoot my seat closer to hers and reach up to brush my thumb against her lips. “Shh, don’t say anything, baby. Let me do the talking right now, okay?”

  She nods, keeping her eyes glued to mine.

  I move my thumb and replace it with my lips for a brief, but important kiss. A kiss I hope resonates throughout her whole body the way it does to mine.

  When I pull back, I take her hands. “Easton, I know I fucked up before when Cam put me on the spot, but not this time. This time, I mean it. I want to marry you. I want to share my future with you. I want to have more babies with you.” I pause and take a deep breath. “And I want our boys to become our boys … legally. I want everything with you, and I want it as soon as you’ll give it to me.”

  Tears fill her eyes, but I rush to stand and pull the ring from my pocket. I drop to my knees before her, opening the box and holding it out in front of me.

  “Easton, will you marry me … Saturday, here, at Disney?”

  4 One Lane Road


  My jaw drops and wetness burns in my eyes. I’m unable to take in the jewelry in his hand as I can’t take my eyes away from his. They’re burning into me with so much emotion that I’m caught. I don’t want to look anywhere else.

  He’s serious.

  This man, this amazing man, wants me to marry him. And not only to marry him but for it to happen in two days. It’s almost too much to process, but as I try, he’s patient. Waiting for my response, steadfast and sure.

  As I sit, too stunned to reply, concern settles in his gaze. Concern for me. The woman who holds his heart in her hands in this very moment.

  Does he not know? Does he not realize that he owns me? That I want it all and I want it with him? Today, tomorrow, next year, whenever … and apparently that’s in two days.

  I slowly reach forward and run my finger along his strong jaw. He holds steady, awaiting my answer. An answer I intend to give. With careful tenderness, I lean closer, eyes locked, the zap and hum between us intensifying.

  “Yes,” I whisper, then louder, firmer. “Yes.”

  His face transforms with my words.

  From hope to shock to overwhelming joy.

  He stands, pulling me with him and lifts me, spinning and spinning, holding me tighter. “Yes?” he asks. “You said yes?”

  I laugh and nod, burying my face in his neck. “Yes!”

  “Dudes, she said yes!” he yells, pausing us where we have the perfect view of their little faces as they watch us carefully. They run toward us, whooping and dancing.

  “Told you, Daddy,” Blake says, giving Trystan the thumbs up.

  “Uh, huh, she loves you,” Cam adds, nodding his head as if he knew the outcome long ago.

  When Trystan’s green eyes focus back on me, they’re bright and glassy, so overfilled with emotion he can barely hold back. He buries his face in my shoulder and shudders before sighing deeply and lifting his head. His love is burning brightly from every pore.

  “I know, dudes, you told me.” He winks at me, and I can’t wait to hear this story. My boys, who are so good at spilling secrets, apparently kept one from me and played their part to perfection.

  Reluctant for this moment to pass, but ready to get answers, I lift a brow to Trystan. “So, do I get to wear that pretty ring or was it just a prop?”

  He throws his head back and laughs, long and hard. When he’s done, he presses his lips to mine so firmly that my mind goes fuzzy for a second, lost in the feel of him. “I love you so f … freaking much, you know that?”

  “I sure hope so since you did just ask me to marry you … in two days?” Even though that’s what I heard, it’s still hard to grasp. “How―”

  He kisses me again, interrupting my words, and eases my feet to the floo
r, the contact between our bodies electric. “I’ll explain it all, baby, but first”―he drops to his knees again―“will you accept my ring?”

  For the first time, my focus goes to the piece of jewelry, and it’s stunning. It has a platinum band with a huge, princess cut diamond as the star and tiny baguettes lining either side.

  I drop down before him. “Please,” I whisper, holding out my shaky left hand.

  Both boys are quiet now, standing close, eyes on the ring as Trystan slides it on my finger. “That’s it, now you married,” Blake announces, throwing up his hands like everything’s taken care of.

  “Nu, uh,” Cam says, shaking his head. “They gots to have a weddin’ like Unca Weston did.”

  “Huh?” Blake asks, looking at Cam like he’s speaking another language.

  “Yeah, I went there,” Cam explains, his little expression so serious. “I hadda wear a suit.”

  “You gots to wear a suit, Mama?” Blake asks, using his hands to turn my face toward him.

  “Let’s go have a seat, and we’ll explain it, no I’ll explain it to all of you,” Trystan says, giving me a wink as he helps me to stand. We settle in close on the sofa while Trystan sits on the edge of the coffee table, facing us.

  For Blake’s benefit, Trystan starts by explaining what getting married truly means, or at least what a wedding is. Then he goes on to inform us that we will have our wedding Saturday here at Disney World.

  The boys cheer over the news and take it all in stride, just happy to hear that their parents are getting married, without being able to fully grasp what it truly means. I know they don’t understand completely, but this is actually perfect. As they grow and learn, they’ll never remember what it was like to be without each other or either of us.

  I sit in awe of Trystan and his determination, secretly planning a wedding, at Disney World no less, and leaving it up to chance that I’d agree.

  But he knows.

  He has to know.

  There was never a chance I’d say no.

  This man, this family, is everything to me. When I commit, I do so fully, and he’s owned me since that day in my office when he so blatantly opened my eyes. There was never any going back after that moment, it was only the beginning.


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