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The Heir Of Westfall [The Alurian Chronicles Book 1]

Page 27

by Christopher W. Wilcox, Sr.

  "Because you are not of the Forest Folk, we have keyed some mithrail talismans to permit your passage through the Veil. The pendant Lady Bethany wears was keyed to the Veil as it was created. Do not remove these talismans while inside the Veil or you might be seen as intruders. You may sense some warmth from the talismans as you pass through the Veil itself; this is to warn you of its proximity."

  "Beth, take my hand and come with me,” Rory said. He led her into the Veil. Arianna guided the king and Duke Richard along the path after each had placed their mithrail talismans around their necks and against their skin.

  Bethany looked around as they passed through the Veil. Her mithrail pendant had indeed warmed slightly as they walked along, but not unpleasantly so. The path was bordered by a great many flowers, some varieties of which she had never seen, and butterflies danced in the light that fell through the trees, which were far larger than any she had ever beheld. After a while, the talisman began to cool to its normal temperature and she knew they had passed through the Veil. She gave Rory's hand a final squeeze and let go.

  Arianna said, “I am sure the rigors of your trip have made you all tired and stiff. Prince Rorrick, why don't you take the king and your grandfather to the hot springs nearby so they may refresh themselves? I will take Lady Bethany to another, for I am quite sure she would prefer to bathe separately rather than with a mixed group."

  Rory smiled at the look that passed over Bethany's face as she realized how close she had come to having to do just that. While she would have enjoyed bathing with Rory, having the king and the duke present would have been more than she could have handled. “That is a fine idea, Arianna. Sire, Grandfather, if you will come with me, please? Beth, I will see you soon."

  * * * *

  The Fair Folk had all agreed to permit the three outsider guests to have some privacy, and the springs were empty when they arrived. Rory said, “It is the custom to bathe in the highest pool, which is quite warm and relaxing, first. Between the heat and the rejuvenating waters, it will take away any stiffness and aches you may feel from the ride from Westfell. Afterwards, we can move to the cooler middle pool or the much colder one if you prefer. I personally find the bottom pool a bit too chill, but it is a great way to recover from too much ale the night before,” he added, then laughed at the memory. “Just drop your clothes on the bench and they will be taken away to be cleaned and readied for when you depart from the Veil. Suitable clothes will be provided throughout your stay.” As he spoke, he began removing his own clothes, as well as his weapons and mithrail shirt.

  King William paused to admire the shining mail. “Such a magnificent work of art! And it saved your life from that assassin in Aluria, did it not?"

  "Yes, sire. His blade would have pierced my heart but bent against the mail instead. It was also the mithrail shine that held back the caliph's desert patrol long enough for us to establish a dialogue.” Now nude, Rory strode to the edge of the pool and dove in, swimming to one of the niches built into the side.

  He was soon joined by the king while his grandfather slowly stepped into the hot pool rather than dove. Once they were all seated in the niches, Rory said, “You will find baskets of sweet sand mixed with some herbs near at hand. Use as much as you like to scrub away the dust from travel. Then relax and let the spring soak away your aches."

  The three bathed and then lay back in the water to soak. Duke Richard said, “Ah, this feels so good on my old bones. Hard riding makes me feel my years, Rory. Too bad we don't have something like this at Westfell."

  Rory smiled. “But we do, Grandfather. There is a hot spring under the keep and I had the pixies create such a pool in an unused chamber within the lower levels. Once you return, just ask one of them to show you the way."

  "We do? That is excellent!” The old man sighed happily.

  "Rory,” King William said, “do the Fair Folk really bathe together in these pools?"

  "Yes, sire, they do. It comes as a bit of a shock, especially when you are as young and as inexperienced as I was, but you soon realize it is really quite natural and enjoyable. It is only our cultural conditioning which makes it awkward for us."

  King William sighed. “We could really enjoy living here. Tell me, lad, how does it make you feel, suddenly becoming the heir to all this as well as Westfell?"

  "To be honest, sire, I'm not sure how I feel about it. It was just a little over a year ago that I went from being a no-name foundling to Heir of Westfell. It never occurred to me that being the son of Prince Brightblade might one day involve me in the succession here. I'm concerned whether this will present a conflict in your eyes regarding Westfell and Aluria,” Rory replied honestly.

  King William replied, “We have been considering that same point since the news of King Alaric's death. The Great Forest and the Fair Folk are outside the realm, even though they reside within the boundaries of Westfell. The longevity of the Fair Folk and their limited interaction with men has meant this issue has never arisen before. Let us ask you this. Would you have any problem swearing your fealty to the realm of Aluria, with the caveat that such an action would not impact your responsibilities to the Veil and its inhabitants?"

  Rory thought for a moment, weighing the question. “Sire, as long as my duties between the Realm and the Veil never come into conflict, I would have no problem with such an oath."

  "And if they did conflict?” King William pressed him.

  "Then I would have to follow my heart, Your Majesty, and support the path toward the greater good."

  "An honest answer, and a good one. Our concerns are eased and your status with Westfell remains unchanged. Would that we were as assured of the loyalty of all our liegemen as we are of yours."

  * * * *

  Arianna led Bethany to another secluded pool and invited her to undress and bathe. As Bethany removed her trousers and shirt, Arianna said, “I was under the impression that the ladies of the realm wore heavy dresses with all sorts of underskirts and things."

  Bethany laughed. “We do, but one cannot ride a horse at a fast pace in such an outfit. And while I found the clothes as the Caliph's Gift to be too revealing, I did revel in the freedom of movement they presented.” At Arianna's questioning look, Bethany explained about her kidnapping and time as a slave in the desert of Solange.

  Arianna shuddered. “How horrible. I mean both your time as a slave and the idea of a place of all sand and heat, with no green trees and flowing water. I cannot conceive of such a place."

  After bathing, the two women settled back in the pool to soak. Bethany had been looking at Arianna from under her eyelashes, examining the elven woman. Finally, she declared, “You're her, aren't you? You're the woman who taught Rory all those delicious ways to make a woman find pleasure."

  "Yes, I am. Will this be a problem for you?"

  "No, I am quite secure in his love. If anything, I am grateful to you. He's a wonderful husband and lover."

  Arianna smiled. “Yes, he was. I would like to be your friend, Bethany. I know you will spend much of your time within the Veil in the years to come as Rory honors both his duties to the realm and the Veil."

  "I would like that, too, Arianna. I knew someday I would meet you, but I never imagined it would be soaking in a pool of hot water."

  "Bethany, I need your advice about something."

  "My advice? What kind of advice could I possibly offer a mage?"

  "More has changed within the Veil than Rory yet realizes. Some of those changes affect Rory directly, such as his elevation to prince, but others may affect him indirectly, as well."

  "What are you trying to say, Arianna?"

  "When Alaric died and Brightblade was crowned, he was in great turmoil and grief. Never in his lifetime had he needed me so much, and it was for this, that I was born. I am now King Brightblade's wife and queen."

  "If you worry how Rory will react, you can put such worries aside. He will be pleased for you both and wish you happiness. The man does not know how to d
o otherwise."

  * * * *

  Rory was the first to leave the pool, drying himself with one of the thick towels stockpiled for just that purpose. As he expected, a set of richly appointed silks were there for him. No longer were his silks predominantly dark green; they were now mostly silver with a dark green trim of embroidered evergreens. The Westfell colors adorned the silks to be worn by the duke, while the king's were scarlet trimmed in gold.

  King William ran his hand down the silk shirt and said, “Now we understand why you felt some compromise was necessary between these and the outside."

  "It was not just complying with convention, sire. Can you imagine what it would have done to the cost of silk?"

  "It would have been outrageous.” King William laughed. “When we return to Aluria, do you think we might take some of these with us? We look forward to seeing the queen's reaction to the real thing."

  "You may have all the garments you wish, sire. I would also suggest some gowns for Her Majesty, as well. She will enjoy the feel of the silks against her skin, especially as her condition advances."

  King William groaned. “As long as we have waited for an heir, we must confess that we are not looking forward to having a baby in the chambers."

  Duke Richard laughed. “You will change that tune the first time you hold your child, sire. At that moment, you will know that whatever comes will be worth it."

  Rory asked, “Are either of you hungry?"

  When they both nodded, Rory said, “Great! I know just the spot to get some really good food and drink. Wait until you try the ale here in the Veil. I should warn you that it will spoil you for the ale outside!"

  * * * *

  Bethany smoothed the flowing silk kaftan across her body, reveling in the sheer sensuality of the feel of the fabric against her skin. “These are so beautiful and yet so comfortable. I love the way the Westfell colors are reversed, with the dark green on the silver."

  "This color pattern is not that of Westfell, Bethany. These are the colors of the royal house of the Forest. Rory will now be wearing the same colors. Only Duke Westfell will be in Westfell green, while the King of Aluria will wear his own colors."

  "Oh! I keep forgetting the real reason why we are here. Rory had promised that we would come to the Veil once we were married and for a moment, I had put aside the rest."

  The sudden rumble of Bethany's stomach made Arianna laugh. “It appears your stomach has not forgotten its own needs. I imagine that is where we will also find the men. Shall we?"

  * * * *

  Rory recognized the significance of the colors of Arianna's kaftan immediately and he took her hands, saying “Congratulations! I am pleased for both you and my father. You will be good for one another."

  Bethany laughed. “I told you that would be his reaction.” She turned to King William and Duke Richard to explain. “Arianna has wed King Brightblade and is now queen here in the Veil."

  As congratulations and best wishes were extended, Rory looked at his wife. The colors of her kaftan matched his, and he loved the way it clung to her when she moved. The caliph had it all wrong, Rory decided. Nothing was as exciting as a woman concealed and yet at the same time revealed; gossamer outfits left no room for imagination. Judging from the king's appreciative glances at both Bethany and Arianna, he also approved of this style of dress.

  Rory glanced up just as his father entered the dining area, clad in the same colors and wearing the gold band and emerald of his office. Rory stood and clasped forearms with the new King of the Forest, a silent communion passing between them that surpassed words. “Father, may I present to you my wife, Lady Bethany."

  "We've met, Rory, almost a year ago in Westfell, remember? Of course, I wasn't given much chance to speak with you then, was I, Bethany? It is indeed a pleasure to welcome you into the family.” He pulled her gently into an embrace and then kissed her forehead. “I gather, son, that you are aware I have taken Arianna as my queen."

  Rory laughed. “Somehow, Father, I doubt it was truly your decision alone. I seem to recall that Queen Arianna has a very strong mind of her own, and the will to back it up."

  King Brightblade grinned. “She had always told me that the day would come when I would need her very much, and on that day, she would be mine forever. When word reached us of King Alaric's death, I was overcome with grief. I reached out and found her by my side, where she will stay forever."

  Rory laid his hands on the joined hands of the king and queen, and said, “For whatever it's worth, you have a son's blessing."

  Arianna laid her other hand atop Rory's and said, “Thank you. That means more to us than you know."

  King Brightblade turned and said, “King William, it is indeed an unexpected pleasure to greet you within the Veil. We thank you for coming."

  "We would not stay away once we heard the news. You must know that the realm had nothing to do with your father's murder."

  "We will speak about that later,” King Brightblade said. “Duke Richard of Westfell, well met, sir. Your visit here is long overdue."

  "I am honored to be permitted inside the Veil, Your Majesty. All Westfell shares your grief and outrage."

  "We must attend a brief ceremony now that you have all had a chance to be refreshed and fed. Tomorrow will be soon enough to speak about the future between our peoples. I would ask that both King William and Duke Richard accompany us and serve as witnesses."

  * * * *

  King Brightblade and Queen Arianna led the group deeper within the Veil in a direction Rory had not explored on his previous visit. They entered a vast clearing surrounded by towering trees. Within this place, all sound was hushed and the center was illuminated by a shaft of sunlight. Also present were hundreds of the fey of every variety; sprites and pixies, wood and water nymphs, and elven folk of every kind. A small group of dwarves were standing off to one side and King William and Duke Richard were directed to stand near them. Rory and Bethany were led to the center and bid to kneel before King Brightblade.

  "We have gathered here today to witness the elevation of Lord Rorrick, son of Brightblade and Lady Abigail of Westfell, to the position of Crown Prince of the Forest. Are there any present who challenge his fitness?” asked one of the Master Mages present.

  "I speak for Lord Rorrick,” came a voice from the back.

  "What say you, Winterstar of the Forest, head of the Elven Rangers?"

  "Lord Rorrick is a cunning and skillful warrior who is ruthless to his enemies, yet seeks to preserve life whenever possible. The death of a single warrior, even in earnest battle, is one death too many for him. The rangers support his elevation,” Winterstar said.

  "I speak for Lord Rorrick,” came yet another voice, far closer.

  "What say you, Queen Arianna?"

  "Lord Rorrick is a Master Mage, perhaps the greatest of us all in his use and understanding of the Forces of Life. He can sense the presence of evil from afar, and risks his own life to put an end to the suffering caused by the Forces of the Dark. The mages support his elevation,” Queen Arianna replied.

  King Brightblade stepped forward and placed a circlet of mithrail around Rory's brow, centering the oval emerald on his forehead. A similar circlet with a smaller emerald was placed around Bethany's forehead. “Arise, Crown Prince Rorrick and Princess Bethany. Let your people greet you."

  They turned and the hush of the forest was broken by the great cheer that rose from the assembled multitude. Tears of pride ran unnoticed down Duke Richard's face as he grasped Rory's hand and hugged Bethany. Even King William was touched by the evident love the fey had for Rory.

  The coronation feast lasted well into the night. King William and Duke Richard had been taken to a new place prepared especially for them; a shelter built on the ground for them to stay in. Although the structure was temporary, it was outfitted in grand style as befitting their ranks and position outside the Veil.

  Swiftstalker turned to Rory and said, “The hiakehla you used before is yours n
ow, my Prince. It is my wedding gift to you. Well, actually, it is Elona's gift."

  "How can I turn you out of your home, Uncle? Where will you sleep?"

  Swiftstalker laughed, gazing across the way at a particularly attractive woman with long blonde hair. “Don't worry about me, lad. I have made other arrangements.” He kissed Bethany's hand and bid her a good night, then walked off to join the blonde.

  Bethany laughed. “He's incorrigible, but I must admit that I love him for it. The world will not be the same when Swiftstalker stops prowling among the ladies."

  "Come, my Princess, let me show you our new home,” Rory said.

  * * * *

  Much later, her head resting on Rory's bare chest, Bethany said, “It is hard to believe that just a short year ago, we met for the first time in the hall at Westfell. So much has happened since that night. I dreamed for months about that first kiss we shared, you know, and what might come later, but never did I imagine all of this."

  "Neither did I. I seem to recall accidentally brushing my hand across your skin and feeling as if I had committed an unpardonable offense. Yet the memory of that first touch haunted my dreams that night, as did the more intimate moments that came later."

  "Arianna and I talked about you this afternoon, you know,” Bethany teased him a little. “I thanked her for teaching you so well."

  Rory stroked her hip as he said, “Don't give her all the credit, my love. You taught me how much more it can be when there is love involved."

  Chapter 29

  The council garden was filled. King Brightblade and Queen Arianna sat in the center, with Crown Prince Rorrick and Princess Bethany on one side and Winterstar and Windwalker, the master mage who had presided over the coronation the day before, on the other. Also present were several of the other mages and many of the warriors. As invited guests, King William and Duke Richard were also present.


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