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Trust The Devil (The Devil's Riders Book 3)

Page 11

by Joanna Blake

  Little did he know, they were making two.

  Chapter 35


  “Here, honey let me get that.”

  Sally smiled shyly and let Donnie take the box from her arms. They were packing up her house. Not that she had much, but what she had, she didn’t want to lose.

  She’d already left so much behind the first time she ran.

  And now that she was thinking about performing again… well, she definitely wanted her costumes and all her guitars to come with her.

  Donnie was so encouraging. He’d even started plans to build out the attic into a recording studio for her. He believed in her, even when she didn’t believe in herself.

  And he really, really liked to listen to her sing.

  She reached down to get a stack of music magazines from the coffee table. That’s when she felt it.

  Somebody was behind her. She smirked as his hand came to rest on her waist. She knew he wanted his hands a little to the left and a couple inches lower.

  Donnie was a gentleman. He was far too polite to flat out grab her ass.

  Well, not out of the blue anyway.

  He was good about not spooking her. Maybe, just maybe, she wouldn’t be so jumpy in time.

  His hand squeezed her and she stood, turning to face him. He looked a little flushed in the lazy afternoon light.

  “So I was thinking…”

  She knew exactly what he was thinking, but she decided to play dumb. She wanted to make him blush a little more.

  “Hmm hmm?”

  “Well, everyone will be over later to help us move and then mom’s making dinner so…”


  “So we won’t be able to be together until late. Really late.”

  “But we’re together right now, Donnie.”

  She fluttered her eyelashes with him as he swallowed. He really was too cute. He was trying to be polite. But the huge bulge in his jeans made it pretty clear what he was really after.

  “Alone together. We won’t have any privacy.”

  “What do we need privacy for, Donnie?”

  He stared at her, clearly wondering if she was daft. She took mercy on him and set the magazines down.

  “Can you help me with something?”

  “Uh huh.”

  He looked crestfallen as she took his hand and led him into the bedroom. The bottom sheet was still on it, she’d been planning to wash all her sheets before packing them away.

  He stared at the bed, then back at her.

  “I was hoping you would help me.”

  “Of course.”

  “I wanted to make one last memory of this house. Sort of wash it clean, you know?”

  “What kind of memory?”

  She smiled shyly and stepped closer.

  “A naked one.”

  He didn’t smile. He didn’t move for a heartbeat. And then Sally was staring at the ceiling, bouncing gently on the bed as Donnie started peeling his clothes off.

  She hadn’t realized he could move that fast.

  He knelt at her feet and stared at her as he pulled her cute little cowboy boots off. One and then the other. He reached for her jeans, tugging them open and then down off her legs. Then he pulled her thighs apart and started kissing his way up her body.

  He got distracted a few times, but he was kissing her breasts about ten minutes later. He could not seem to get past her chest without moaning incoherently as he fondled and licked them.

  It was another twenty minutes before he slid his gorgeous cock inside her.


  “Hmmm… Yes, Donnie?”

  “All you ever have to do is ask.”


  “For naked times.”


  He grinned and then moaned as he slid in and out of her slick heat.

  “Or stand there looking cute. Or just breathing.”

  “Hmmm… Breathing?”

  “Yes, baby- oh God, sweetheart you feel so good- hmmmfff- all you have to do…”

  He moaned as she started to climax all over him. He held her hips in place as he scooped his hips, getting deeper with every thrust.

  “Is breathe.”

  Chapter 36


  Two years later

  Sally strummed her guitar and prepared to play the wedding march. Well, as well as she could with her swollen belly getting in the way. She sighed dreamily, knowing she was going to start crying soon. The baby made her do that a lot.

  She liked watching her wedding ring sparkle as her fingers danced over the strings. It still felt new to her, even though they’d gotten married a year and a half ago.

  She had never known she could be this happy.

  She looked up and saw Donnie watching her from the front row. He was on the groom’s side with the rest of the Spawns. Sally had joked that she was going to sit on Kaylie’s side during the ceremony.

  He had not found that amusing.

  The church was packed. It was full of bikers and regular folk, all in their Sunday best. Which for the bikers meant… well, it was still a lot of leather.

  Any minute now Kaylie would be walking through that door in a white dress. She had made Devlin wait after all. Funny that Sally had beat her to the alter.

  Sally wasn't the only one.

  She looked around the church and picked out the large man with wild dark hair holding two squirming toddlers. One adorable little girl with bright red hair was under one enormous arm and an equally adorable little boy with dark hair was tucked under the other.

  Janet had gotten pregnant around the time everything happened. When Donnie rescued her. Of course, when he told the story, it was her rescuing him.

  Sally blinked, the tears threatening to fall again. She was feeling so emotional. She started to thrum and watched Jack watch Janet as she appeared in open church doorway.


  Jack was staring slack jawed at his wife as she walked down the aisle. Sally didn’t blame him. Janet was a beautiful bridesmaid in a long soft blue silk dress.

  It was a good thing too since none of them had gotten a chance to see Janet in her wedding dress. In fact, no one had known about their wedding until after the fact.

  That was mostly just because they had snuck off to Vegas almost two years ago. Less than three months later Janet had announced she was pregnant. She was the first of them to give birth, but she definitely would not be the last.

  Sally had a feeling there were lots of babies on the way. Not just her own.

  Sally loved those kids. Good thing too, since she was their God Mother along with Kaylie. They'd broken with tradition and given the twins two of each. Two God Mothers and two God Fathers.

  They really were a family now.

  Mae was there, already in tears. In true form she was wearing a bright purple dress and an enormous hat. Her niece Becky sat beside her.

  She worked regularly at Mae's now that Sally was back to singing full time. Well, she had been performing before 'the bump' came along.

  She smiled when she noticed that Whisky Beard was staring longingly at Becky again. He looked miserable. Just like he always did when he stared at the pretty young girl.

  Becky was just out of high school and fiercely independent. She was not the sort to let a man tell her what to do, even if she had confessed to Sally that she thought Mike was ‘really cute.’

  Sally almost laughed. And so it goes…

  The church grew quiet as the doors finally opened. Sally began playing her march as Kaylie drifted down the aisle in a simple white strapless dress that hugged her enviable figure like a glove. The soft white offset her golden coloring to perfection.

  She looked like a fairytale princess, but not a haughty one. A real one. The wreath of tiny white daisies in her hair completed the picture. Kaylie's mother was the one walking her down the aisle in a pretty dark blue dress and jacket.

  Mrs. Thomas squeezed her daughters hand and went to sit i
n the front row.

  Tears filled Sally's eyes again as Devlin and Kaylie held hands and faced the preacher. She knew first hand how much this meant to them.

  Especially poor Devlin who had been chomping gat the bit to marry Kaylie for years by now. Even longer, if you considered how long he’d had to wait to even date her. It was adorable how eager he was. He’d even gotten Jack and Donnie to help renovate his house over the past year, so everything would be perfect when Kaylie finally moved in.

  Sally had a feeling Devlin was going to keep Kaylie home, and in bed, as much as possible for the next few months. She smiled softly to herself, knowing that Kaylie would be the next to fall pregnant, whether she knew it or not.

  "Do you, Devlin McRae, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold until death do you part?"

  Devlin's voice was clear and strong as he answered.

  "I do."

  "And do you Kaylie Thomas, take this man to be your husband, to have and to hold until death do you part?"

  "I do."

  "Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride!"

  And he did.


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  Pincushion Press

  Pheonyx Rising

  Stud Farm: Part One


  I gnawed on the toothpick, shredding it slowly. The sun was beating down on my hat. I leaned on the fence, staring at the outrageously beautiful girl on the horse.

  Jesus Christ, I could use a smoke.

  But I'd quit last year, and I wasn't giving in now, no matter how tense I was. And I was plenty tense.

  It was day one of a new job. A new rider. And what a rider she was.

  The horse in the ring skittered to the side, on edge as she ran through her routine. That move would have thrown a lesser horsewoman.

  But she was not a lesser rider.

  Pheonyx Delancey just tossed her long red hair over her shoulder and grinned as she put the horse through his paces.

  I cursed under my breath at her arrogance. Of course, I'd heard of her. Heard of all the Delanceys.

  I'd even seen her photo a handful of times, though I'd never seen the young lady in person. She had only been active a year or so, but she already had a reputation as one of the best riders in the country. Possibly the world.

  I knew it.

  She clearly knew it too.

  But that didn't mean she was a pleasure to work with. Spoiled and haughty, and born with a silver spoon in her mouth and custom boots on her cute little feet.

  She had swagger alright. And talent. But she was taking needless risks as she experimented with wild variations on standard moves. You were supposed to do that on a pommel horse, not the real deal.

  The woman was going to get herself killed! I resisted the urge to spit. I'd given up chaw a couple years before I stopped smoking the hand rolled tobacco that had been my constant companion since high school.

  But lord almighty, I could tell already that this woman was going to drive me to drink and to smoke.

  Yep, I could already tell that she was going to be a handful.

  Never mind the way that her worn-in jeans hugged a perfectly grabable behind. A behind that would stop high-speed traffic. She had high round tits that bounced deliciously each time she landed on the saddle. And her long legs wrapped around that horse in a way that made my cock twitch and my pulse pound.

  That long, silky red hair of hers just added to the already over-the-top feminine package. Her face was classically beautiful. Huge blue eyes, a pert nose, pouty lips that were sexy as hell and a stubborn little chin that somehow didn't detract one bit from her exceptional good looks.

  She was a beauty, alright. And she knew it. Born to one of the most prestigious equestrian families in the world, she'd had it easy her whole life.

  But she wasn't just a rich girl or a reckless athlete. She wasn't a flirt or a player either, from what I'd heard around. She was something even worse.

  Pheonyx Delancey was a star.

  And now she was my responsibility. I rubbed my eyes, wondering why the hell I had taken the job. I'd even signed the contract.

  I squinted, trying to sort out what I'd been thinking at the time.

  Oh right, I'd been drunk.

  I was not a hard drinker, but I had my moments with the bottle. It was one of those moments, and her sweet talking manager slash attorney slash old family friend who got me into this mess. I shook my head.

  JJ Ross.

  I was going whump that old sonofabitch the next time I laid eyes on him. The old bastard was up to something, of that I was certain. He was overly fond of the girl, and saw her as a daughter figure, since her own daddy had passed away young.

  I snorted.

  Granddaughter was more like it.

  At any rate, he'd been paying and I'd been drinking and here we were. Her, red headed and wild on a horse. Me, standing here trying to ignore the way her body moved around the aforementioned horse. JJ, probably sucking on a cigar and selling horses or timeshares or land.

  Swamp land.

  Pheonyx slid off the horse without using the block and walked it to the stables. I watched, transfixed again by the shape of her heart shaped ass. It was criminal to give a redheaded woman curves like that.

  It was too much for a mortal man to bear.

  I sighed and heaved myself off the fence.

  "Guess you better go introduce yourself, Clint. You moron."

  I ambled towards the stables in her wake.


  The nerve of the man!

  The cowboy with the blue bedroom eyes had actually followed me into the stables! It was one thing to watch me ride, I was used to that. Used to men making damn fools of themselves over me too!

  But this was just plain rude!

  He leaned against a post, chewing on a straw. He probably thought I would fall into his lap because he was so damned good looking. He was tall, with a muscular build, dark hair, chiseled face and piercing blue eyes.

  Good looking was an understatement, truth be told.

  But that didn't give him the right to intrude on my training!

  I tossed my head, rubbing a cloth over Apollo's sweaty haunches. Might as well get this over with. I wasn't going to give the guy the satisfaction of knowing he was making me a little nervous.

  Well, more than a little.

  I was kind of like the horses in that way. I always sensed danger.

  And this particular cowboy was giving me those vibes.

  The dangerous kind.

  "What do you want?"

  He snorted and shook his head. I went back to what I was doing. Immediately, I felt his eyes on my rear end. I spun around.

  "Excuse me, but spectators are not allowed in the barn."

  A slow, arrogant grin lit up his face. Did I say he was good looking? The man was beyond gorgeous. I felt my knees go weak a little.

  But I forced my spine even straighter.

  His eyes flicked down to my bosoms and I scowled, crossing my arms over them. That just made the smug bastard grin wider!

  "I'm no spectator, darlin'."

  "Don't call me that!"

  "Whatever suits your fancy then." The grin fled. "I should call you a fool. You know you damn near fell off that horse about fifty times back there."

  I flipped my hair over my shoulder.

  "I did not. It just looks like I did."

p; "Oh no darlin', I'm afraid not. Your form is sloppy. Your reflexes are dull. But-"

  I was sputtering with indignation as he pushed through my protests.

  "How dare you! I-"

  He grinned again, leaning back against the post as if he'd been born there.

  "You could be great."

  My jaw dropped.

  "You got some of the best natural talent I've ever seen."

  I rolled my eyes in exasperation. I knew I was great. I didn't need this cowboy to tell me so.

  "You have some nerve coming in here, telling me my form is bad-"

  He grinned again, his eyes slipping down my body. He shook his head as if he could barely stand to look at me. Like it was almost painful.

  Then he whistled.

  "No darlin', I would never say your form was bad. I said it was sloppy."

  He chuckled to himself, terribly amused by his own joke.

  "What you need is a firm hand-"

  I gasped and stifled the urge to smack him. I didn't want to cause waves. I was already getting a reputation in the equestrian world as a slapper.

  I'd slapped three men last year alone.

  "Who the hell do you think you are?"

  He tapped his hat and winked at me.

  "Me? I'm Clint McRae."

  I stared at him. The name was familiar. He was one of the top trainers in the business. Come to think of it JJ had said he was getting me a new trainer after I drove the last one to drink...

  Did that mean- but wait- it couldn't be-

  He finally moved, all loose limbs and easy cowboy grace. But there was a purpose to his movement. An almost predatory grace.

  Like a big cat about to pounce on an unsuspecting gazelle.

  "I'm your new trainer."


  "Lesson one-"

  I was speaking to her back. Her slender, strong back, covered in a slim fitting denim shirt that fit her like a glove. The wild-eyed woman was stomping away from me, too ornery to listen to reason.


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