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The Biker's Virgin

Page 19

by A. A. Dark

  “Darla really knows what she’s doing.”

  Georgie shut the cell door locking Jasper in, and moved on to his rounds.


  The lights were out and the prison was quiet. Jasper lay there on his cot, deep in thought. He needed to get Lauren to expose the links between Lucas Jackson and the club. That would put the target on Lucas’s back for a bit, and buy Jasper some time to get out of jail. She was just some pawn he needed to use to his advantage. Darla’s little sacrifice to the cause. After all, Darla owed Jasper big time.

  But now, in the quiet of the night, Jasper was thinking about Lauren in another way. She was sexy in a cute way. Her auburn hair looked soft to the touch, and she smelled like coconut and oranges. Jasper closed his eyes, remembering her face. His hands were resting on his bare chest, fingers laced together, as he began fantasizing about her …

  “Hello, Jasper. I’m your lawyer, Lauren Holden.” Lauren slid her round ass in her tight skirt on the table of their meeting room. Jasper was still chained to the chair. She kicked off her stilettos and placed a bare foot on either side of his chair. Her legs were parted, the shadow of her skirt hiding her sex. Jasper tried to reach for her, but the cuffs were too short.

  She slipped her fingers under the hem of her skirt and slid it up her supple thighs. He could now see she left her panties at home. Bracing her palms on the desk, she lifted her hips off the table. Her sex now within reach of his mouth. Her scent was intoxicating, making him grow harder with every breath. “Show me how much you need me, Jasper.”

  Jasper slid his hand down into his pants. His fingers touched his hardened cock as he continued to fantasize about Lauren’s thighs, and what lies between them.

  He pressed his lips to her slit and kissed it. A brief tease before sliding his tongue inside her, and tasting her. Her hair fell from her shoulders as she rocked her hips, her wet sex grinding against his lips, tongue, and chin … it drove Jasper crazy that he couldn’t touch her with his hands. He wanted to grab her, and pull her down onto his lap. He wanted to slide his thickness deep into her wetness, and feel her walls wrap tightly around his shaft. His desire grew to cause him to clamp his mouth over her folds hungrily.

  He gripped his shaft and began to stroke himself, thinking about her, and while he couldn’t touch her in his fantasy, in his fantasy, Lauren knew exactly what to do …

  The way his mouth moved against her made her want him more. Lauren released herself from his lips. They shined with her wetness on them. Then she reached down and opened his pants. Lauren shifted from the desk to his lap, letting him slip deep inside her wet cave. She wasted no time in riding him, her bad boy biker. While she rode him, she ripped open her blouse, buttons flying everywhere. Then she pulled her bra down under her heavy breasts, so he could take a nipple between his teeth.

  Her breasts were much bigger in his fantasy than they had been in real life. Jasper quickly stroked himself to orgasm. He needed it. The stress and loneliness of being in this cell were straining him. His body bucked quietly as he came to climax, then he lay still. He stared at the ceiling, realizing he was about to wreck this innocent woman’s life, and he didn’t want to do it. He’d have to find another way to get what he needed, without involving Lauren Holden. Hopefully, it wasn’t too late to change the plan. He’d call Darla in the morning, and get word through Georgie once he started his shift.


  Lauren stood near the construction site with a pair of binoculars held up to her eyes. She watched the road from a distance. She had a map laid out on the hood of the car, held down by her cup of coffee. The road wasn’t on the map, but there it was. She had been there an hour, and the only truck she saw drive on it was a MOORE’S COMMERCIAL FOOD & LIQUOR delivery truck. She was about to give up until she saw three of the Brass Bonds MC bikers ride out from the Clubhouse toward the construction site. On the other side of the construction site, waiting for them, was Darla Lovell’s black Porsche. Darla stood there, leaning against the car. Lauren could swear she had an unearthly glow about her. She watched as the seemingly lead biker got off his bike and embraced Darla, then kissed her … hard.

  Lauren rubbed her eyes and looked again. The man was pressed against Darla, and squeezing her bottom.

  “Oh, boss lady has a thing for the bad boys, too.” Lauren whispered to herself.

  “Maybe she does.” The voice came out of nowhere. Lauren spun to see who was behind her, but the man was already on her, and hoisting her up over his shoulder. He carried her into a black van, shut the door, and slapped the van’s side twice. The driver took off while another man in the van held her down.

  “You like spying on people?” said the guy holding her down. The driver just laughed as the man holding her continued, “Hell, you even have binoculars. You must really enjoy watching, huh?”

  Lauren struggled against his hold, fearing for her life! She had no idea who had kidnapped her, but she pleaded.

  “I wasn’t spying! I was just looking for something.”

  She realized that made no sense until something caught her eye. It was a tattoo on the driver’s arm of brass knuckles.

  “Brass! You’re one of the Brass Bonds!”

  Now she got excited thinking she had a bargaining chip, “I’m Jasper’s attorney! Jasper Connor currently imprisoned for the murder of Lucas Jackson!” The words spilled out of her mouth.

  “Honey, we know exactly who you are,” the driver said without turning around. Then the guy holding her put a bag over her head.


  Lauren found herself in a room that was inherently dark. even in the mid-afternoon daylight. A long table was centered in the room with nine chairs around it. Lauren was seated at one end of the table. The man that had been kissing Darla, and grabbing her ass, was seated at the other. Darla stood behind him, with her hand on his shoulder. The little bit of light in the room glinted against the round blue stone that sparkled on her finger. Lauren thought that they looked like some mismatched king and queen.

  “Lauren, please meet our client, Whitey Smith. He’s the president of the Brass Bonds MC, Farmount Chapter.” Whitey touched Darla’s hand, then smiled to Lauren.

  “I’m sorry for the behavior my two guys exhibited. It’s completely inexcusable.”

  He flashed her a bright smile, not as charming as Jasper’s, but she could understand Darla’s attraction to the man. He was handsome with killer eyes, and the presence of a confident leader.

  “Three … it was three men that manhandled me.”

  Lauren was not quite ready to forgive. Her hair was half on her face, and she looked like a lunatic from when they messily pulled the bag off her head. Two of the men were standing on either side of her, making sure she stayed put.

  The man and Darla laughed.

  “My apologies. I stand corrected. You can, however, imagine our surprise to find you up on the hilltop spying on our road. What, exactly, were you hoping to find?” Darla arched a brow as she waited to hear Lauren explain.

  “Ms. Lovell assigned me to assist her with Jasper’s case. I was hoping to find something related to the Lucas Jackson murder, so that I could use it to free Jasper.” Without revealing what Jasper told her, she added, “Despite the situation, I don’t believe he killed Lucas Jackson.”

  Whitey nodded, listening intently, then looked back at Darla, as if he expected her to speak. For the first time, Darla looked uneasy.

  “Lauren doesn’t have all the facts of the case yet. She was instructed to meet with Jasper. He called, frantic about the fact that the police found the body.” Darla kept her eyes on Lauren as she explained.

  Whitey nodded and turned back to Lauren.

  “Ms. Holden … may I call you Lauren?” He did anyway, “Lauren, Jasper murdered Lucas Jackson, in cold blood. Jasper was having an affair with his fiancée. It was an act of jealousy, and nothing more. We appreciate that you are trying to find a loophole.” He flashed that smile again. The hairs on the back of Lauren’s n
eck stood on end.

  “We are still going to try and get him a lesser sentence, but things do not look good for Mr. Connor.” Darla continued, and squeezed Whitey’s shoulder affectionately. “Jasper is very important to the Brass, and we’re going to do everything we can for our beloved clients.”

  Lauren went to open her mouth, to ask why Jasper never said anything about having an affair with Lucas’ fiancée. There was no record of it in the file, but clearly, something more was going on here than meets the eye. Whatever it was, it was well above Lauren’s pay grade. She sensed she was in danger.

  “Ms. Lovell, I am so terribly sorry that I … deviated from your orders. You merely said to meet with Jasper. I guess I got caught up in wanting to make a good impression on my first case.” She laughed nervously, “You know … the new kids always think they’re going to change the world on their first job out of school.”

  Whitey smiled and nodded, as if he completely understood. Lauren licked her dry lips and blurted, “Are you going to take me off the case?” She really wanted to ask if they were going to kill her, but that would mean Darla Lovell would have to be killed too, so Lauren internally blamed her fear on her paranoia.

  Darla smiled and shook her head.

  “No, dear. It’s good to have a lawyer that’s committed to her client. We’ll discuss the case further in the office, so you can help us save Jasper from the electric chair, even if we can’t get the charges dropped.”

  Darla offered an uncharacteristically warm smile. Outwardly, Lauren sighed a sigh of relief, but internally, she was sure she was in danger. Who throws a woman into the back of a van and puts a hood over her head?

  Whitey slapped the table, concluding the meeting.

  “Lauren, we are a very exclusive club. We don’t allow outsiders into our private den, so I do apologize for the van and the hood. We just weren’t sure who was spying up on the hill, but you’re unharmed, and we’re glad you’re on our side, and Jasper’s.”

  But the driver said he knew exactly who she was. Lauren opened her mouth, but something entirely different came out:

  “Sir, I really don’t want to lose my job. I’m sorry I was spying, but I was just looking for something that night help with Jasper’s case, in favor of him.” Then she turned to Darla, “I’m really sorry if I embarrassed you in front of the client. If it helps anyone put their minds at ease, there was nothing to see but dirt.”

  The man nodded.

  “Well, tell us what you saw?” His crystal blue eyes bore through her as he assessed her response.

  Lauren remained calm.

  “I saw three motorcycles on the far end of the road, but then I took my eyes off of the road. I thought I heard a noise. The next think I know, I was in the van.” She shrugged, “So basically, I saw nothing.”


  Lauren’s hands shook as she drove back to the office. Darla instructed her to meet her there. The men kindly, and civilly, took her back to her car, then took off. Before she turned the car on, she broke down in tears. She put the car into gear and drove away slowly, to help prevent herself from crashing.

  She pulled into the parking lot and looked over her shoulder as she entered the building. She didn’t feel safe until she was in her office with the door and the window blinds closed. After composing herself, she turned on her computer. She wanted to know who actually owned the Triumph Tower buildings. If the MC was on one end of the road, she wanted to know who was on the other end, and she needed to talk to Jasper again. Why hadn’t he told her about his affair with Lucas’ fiancée?

  “Probably, because it wasn’t true.” She said the words to herself aloud as she ran various searches through the browser, until the phone rang. “Lauren Holden.”

  “Lauren, it's Jasper. I need to see you. Can you come today? They’re going to kill me. I want you to know everything before they do it.” His voice sounded desperate, yet determined.

  “Jasper! What the hell is going on? You need to tell me everything. I feel very unsafe right now, and I’m sure there’s more going on here than you’re letting on. Why didn’t you tell me about the affair with Jackson’s fiancée?” Her tone was hushed, irrationally concerned that someone might hear her through the walls.

  “Lauren, just get down here. I will tell you everything. I promise. I didn’t tell you about the affair with Jackson’s fiancée, because there was no affair. I do not want to talk on the phone, just get down here, and we’ll discuss everything.”

  Lauren sighed, feeling completely out of her league.

  “Listen, I’ll be there as soon as I can. I have to wait for Darla. She wants to meet me after, probably to make sure I’m not going to sue the firm for getting thrown in a van, hooded and kind of kidnapped!”

  “Shit … Lauren, she’s in on it. You need to lay low, and if you can, get off this case. It’s too dangerous.” He was having second thoughts, quickly, about getting her more involved. “Just get off the case if you can. I’ll figure it out on my own.” He hung up.

  Lauren stared at the phone. He went from committing to telling her everything, to completely flipping out, wanting her off the case immediately. Jasper was in trouble, and she was going to help him, but she had to be smart about it.

  Marta walked into the office, with a knock.

  “Ms. Lovell called. She said she has to move the meeting until tomorrow morning, first thing. You are not to talk to anyone about the case. You are to come directly to her office. Tonight she wants you to stay here until you get all the Connor files prepared for your meeting with her in the morning. She said she’s going to go over everything with you again, and you’re not to make a mistake, like you did today, ever again.”

  Lauren looked up at Marta completely confused. Why would Darla send the receptionist to give her this message? Why didn’t she just call Lauren herself?

  “Sure. No problem. Marta, can you let me in her office? Some of the files are in there.”

  Marta shrugged and motioned for her to follow her.

  “I have to stand here while you get them. You understand, right? What kind of mistake did you make today?”

  She unlocked the door for Lauren, letting her inside and watching from the door.

  Lauren was quickly going through the files on Darla’s desk. She found a Connor’s file and another labeled ‘Triumph’. She grabbed both, and headed back to Marta.

  “I was being an over-achiever. Almost pissed off a client.” Lauren fed Marta some gossip in return for letting her in the office. “Thanks, Marta. You’re a big help.”


  Lauren stayed at the office for an hour. She wanted to get to the prison as soon as possible, but she still needed to get home and talk to Peter. She wanted to tell him what the Brass Bonds did to her, and see if he knew anything about them or Darla Lovell. She knew Peter knew her from the industry, but maybe he had information that could shed some light on things. She stuffed the files in her brief case and headed out.

  She called Peter’s office on the way home. He wasn’t there. The receptionist said he was headed home to change for a late dinner meeting with clients.

  “Perfect.” Lauren said to herself. She could meet Peter while he changed, and then head over to the prison to meet with Jasper. She’d bring the files, and go over them with him.

  Quickly she pulled her Mini-Cooper into the lot, and took the parking lot elevator up to the lobby, then switched elevators at the lobby. One was open and waiting for her, as if it were fate. As she stepped into the elevator, she smelled a familiar scent that she couldn’t put her finger on. She had no time to rack her brain, searching for a memory. Within minutes, she was in the apartment, “Peter!”

  Peter was shaving in the bathroom.

  “Lauren? What’s wrong?” He could see she was frantic. She dropped her briefcase, and went right into the bathroom with him. She wrapped her arms around his waist, and hugged him. He turned in her arms, and wrapped them around her now sobbing shoulders.

“Princess, what happened? Tell me.”

  Then she saw it. The light of the bathroom glinted off of it. It was the round, blue stone of a cocktail ring, sitting on the sink near the soap, and she remembered where she had smelled that scent that lingered in the elevator.

  Lauren pulled herself from Peter and wiped her eyes sniffling.

  “Oh nothing … I just had a bad day at work, and I was glad to see you. Just needed a hug.”

  Peter reached out for her, and pulled her into a hug again.

  “C’mere baby. Let me hold you a minute. You’re shaking. Tell me what happened to upset you so much.” He stroked her hair as he leaned against the sink, pulling her close.

  Quick thinking, Lauren wrapped her arms around him, but she let one hand drift a bit. Her fingertips reached for Darla’s ring. Once she had it, she curled her hand around it, and let go of Peter. She shoved both hands in her pockets to hide the ring.

  “No, it’s ok … you should get ready for your meeting. Noreen told me you have one tonight.”

  “Yes, but I can cancel it if you need me to. I’ll reschedule and we can order in some pizza. You can tell me all about your day.” He locked his eyes on her. Lauren couldn’t tell if he already knew what happened to her, or not. Had Darla told him?

  Lauren composed herself, smoothing her hands over her skirt.

  “No, really, Peter. Please go. I’ll be fine. I have some files I need to go over for a meeting with Darla Lovell in the morning. Oh! Damnit! I just realized I left the files in my office. I’ll go back and get them.” She kissed his cheek and headed back out, “Don’t worry about me. I’m really going to be fine. Good luck at your meeting.” She was out the door before he could stop her.


  Lauren never made it back to the office. Instead, she went to jail, directly to jail. Do not pass go. Georgie saw her and let her in. He knew exactly who she was, and she was more stunning than Jasper had once described her during one of their end-of-shift conversations. He opened the gate for her, and guided her to the interview room where Jasper was waiting. When she entered, she saw that Jasper’s face had changed. He was still incredibly handsome, but now he looked drained. He had a black eye and a fat lip. Lauren wanted to run to him, but she knew she couldn’t. She looked between Georgie and Jasper, since Georgie was still in the room,


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