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The Alien Bounty Hunters Complete Series: Books 1-8

Page 8

by Mills, Michele

  The pain began to melt away, replaced by pleasure. There was something about the way his shaft felt as he slid inside of her pussy, something bumpy or textured about it. Not that she knew what a human male’s cock felt like, but she assumed it was smooth. Each thrust brought her closer and closer to something magical, something lurking just out of her reach. Was she going to have another orgasm? No way. How was this possible? He was an alien, she was a virgin, he’d just thrust into her and started fucking her. And it turned out she goddamn loved it. Was that her making those sounds? Those moans and groans? How embarrassing.

  She moved her hips, trying to help him thrust deeper. It worked. She threw her head back and cried out her pleasure. He bent and licked her neck, following her pulse with his lips, then he bit her and his body jerked, his hips pistoning and oh, sweet baby Jesus, the orgasm swept through her with awe-inspiring intensity. Her pussy clutched around his cock, and she screamed again, caught in the throes of something she couldn’t believe was actually happening.

  Her alien threw his head back and roared as he jetted his come inside of her. She could feel his release, warm and pulsing. And she loved it.


  Rayzor woke from his sleep cycle, energized. His eyes blinked open. He couldn’t remember when he’d slept better. Normally, he didn’t sleep well in space, preferring the fresh air and firm ground of his home on Zamarian Prime.

  He glanced around his small sleeping quarters. Everything was familiar—the soft underlying hum of the ship, the whisper of the vents, the tiny window with a permanent view of stars—all as peaceful as ever. Nothing had changed, except for the addition of the human who lay naked beside him in his bunk, tucked into his side. His arms around her, their legs entwined, her lips pressed against his neck. He smiled, pulling her closer.

  Her skin was so soft and devoid of color. No ridges, no plates, no scales of any kind for protection. She had five fingers, which were tipped with blunted claws. She was the strangest creature he’d ever seen.

  And yet, last night he’d claimed this humanoid as his Bride.

  And THX238 was acquired and in lockdown stasis.

  Life was good.

  If only Rayzor could figure out how to keep it that way. The Xylan high command would never let him keep her. The law was very clear. No indigenous species on a classified “primitive” planet were to be touched, disturbed or removed. He had to come up with a plan, because he was never letting her go. He ran his fingers through her silky, colorless hair. This human was his.

  He pressed his lips against the top of her head and sighed.

  He’d claimed her and released his seed into her womb. They’d mated. He placed a hand over her lower stomach, his lips curving. When a male and female Xylan met and felt the intensity of the mating bond, it was not always necessary to mate instantly. If a female was in her breeding cycle, the couple was allowed to consummate their mating immediately due to the needs of their bodies. This is what happened to Rayzor and his Bride. He’d met her, and the need had been overwhelming. Their pairing had therefore produced an offspring. He was certain. They would only have connected as a mated pair if they were breeding compatible.

  Last night he’d not only found his Bride, but started his family line at the same time. His new life had begun. A warrior waited for this moment, hoping it happened sooner rather than later. Rayzor could not believe the gods had been so favorable to a son of a dishonored warrior.

  In the quiet of the room, in the soft simulation of morning light, he was able to study his new human Bride. He’d touched her everywhere last night, learning her body in the dark, but now he could examine her closely. She was small and frail compared to the typical Xylan female, but she was tough. She’d used a rock to knock out the Mandible. His Bride must have sensed he was her mate, because he’d told her to run and she hadn’t; she’d stayed around to help.

  Xylan Brides were typically drawn into the mating ritual as brutally as the male. Both partners in the joining felt the mating call equally. But his Rebecca was a human. He’d been careful with her during the claiming, holding back from full physical domination. It had been difficult, his instincts, his whole body craving to take his female in the traditional fashion and mark her with bruises she could proudly show off later. In a normal ceremony it was considered good luck if a female managed to break a bone of her mate as she fought back during the mating. But in this instance, Rayzor had been worried his human would hurt herself in the process, so he hadn’t encouraged the typical fighting, but still their mating had been fierce.

  Rayzor knew very little about humans beyond the small amount he’d studied on his way to the extraction point. Had his little human Bride felt the call? Had she enjoyed last night? He grinned. Her orgasms and the claw marks across his chest and back were proof of that.

  And she’d been a virgin.

  His chest expanded. He’d found her blood on his cock when he’d showered last night, growling with delight at the show of his Bride’s claiming that marked his own body.

  Rayzor remembered when he was younger, living among the women of his family, along with his father and his brother. His line was strong then, his father the champion, his mother the manager, before they were banished from Chronos. He felt a sharp stab of regret, the constant pain that only dulled and never completely left him, wondering what it would have been like for his mother to be there last night for his claiming ceremony—his father, his brother, his uncles, his whole extended line

  His Bride’s capture, including their mating, had been recorded by the ship’s computer. Bounty Hunters had no privacy; this was an accepted part of the job. He’d grown accustomed to this, although at times the constant recording was annoying when his actions were second-guessed by older, retired Hunters on the Union board.

  But this recording did not worry him. He was proud of his Bride’s performance and his own. Their honor was upheld, and he had no problem with anyone viewing their fierce mating.

  When he was younger, Rayzor watched claiming ceremonies caught on vid at Mating banquets. Because he was banished from Chronos and considered unacceptable company for other Xylans, there would be no Mating banquet or viewing of the vid for family and friends, but at least it had been recorded so that Rayzor and his Bride could watch it later, relive that experience for years to come.

  She stirred and rolled onto her back, her blue eyes fluttering open. He was still amazed at their color. She locked her gaze with his. His heart thundered in his chest again and his cock stiffened. Her scent, her touch, her skin—it was a shockwave that rocked him to his core.

  His hand cupped her face. “My Bride.”

  Her eyes squeezed closed for a moment, and a pained expression came across her face. “Bride? Is there more you need to tell me? Did we get drunk and fly to Vegas?”

  He lowered his hand. “Vegas? I’ve never heard of this. No, I claimed your virginity last night. Your virgin blood shone on my cock. You are mine.”

  She looked down and blushed, her lips pursed. It was very attractive. “Oh, jeez,” she huffed, and wiggled away from him, ignoring his words and trying to cover her breasts with the bedding. “Where are my clothes?”

  His brow creased. He lifted a hand to cup one of her glorious breasts before it was blocked from his view. Xylan females also had breasts. In fact, females on his home world often bared their breasts, proudly displaying them on formal occasions, so he’d seen many breasts while growing up. This wasn’t new. But Rebecca’s were so soft. He couldn’t stop himself from touching and caressing this novelty. Humans had wonderful breasts. Silky soft. She stilled and swallowed hard at his touch. He rubbed a thumb against her peaked nipple. She shivered.

  “Your clothing is ruined,” he told her. “I tore it off during the claiming. I will give you new clothing.” After their mating, his Bride had quickly fallen into a deep sleep. He’d been weak as a youth, too. He’d had to initiate his suit to gain the strength needed to carry her naked form onto his ship. There h
ad been a few scraps of clothing left on her that he’d plucked free and discarded, then he’d removed his armor and propped them both under the shower. She’d sputtered and blinked but still hadn’t fully awakened. He’d soothed her, cleaning them both quickly, holding her and running his hands along that freakishly light skin and her shiny hair. Then he’d taken them both to his bunk and they’d slept—he glanced over and checked the time on the wall—for 12 rotations.

  He’d never slept that long before.

  She sighed and leaned into his hand. He could see she was staring hard at his face, his eyes, his nose. She was mesmerized by his features, which he knew were foreign to her. He wasn’t sure if she’d even heard his answer. The two of them were structured very differently, her skin colorless and his deep as ancient night. He was surprised to find they were compatible for mating. But he’d planted his seed in her last night and he knew offspring would grow.

  She blinked. And blinked again. Then pulled back and dislodged his hand from her breast.

  “Stop,” she breathed. “Stop touching me. You’re not playing fair. I need to think.”

  He forced his gaze back to her face. “What is there to think about?” She was his Bride, they were mated. She was his. It was very simple.

  Her brow furrowed, forming tiny Xylan-like ridges on her forehead that he thought were adorable.

  “Are you kidding? There’s so much. Wait.” She put a hand up, as if to hold him back from something, he wasn’t sure what. “First of all, how can I understand you? Last night I didn’t know at first what you were saying, and later I could. Why is that?”

  “When I carried you to the ship, I implanted a translator into your ears so you can understand and speak Xylan.”

  “You did?” She felt her ear. “Where? I can’t find it.”

  “It’s inside, deep.”

  “You surgically implanted it? But there’s no pain, no stitches. How did you do that?”

  “The computer’s medical bay performed the procedure. It was painless for you. I had the same procedure performed on myself before I went out for the claiming. I had English, your language, implanted into my brain so I could talk to you during our ceremony.”

  “Oh, thanks, I’m happy you did that. But when I go back home, I’ll still have this in my head. Is it okay that you put something in me that can never be removed?”

  He stifled a growl that threatened to rumble from his chest. She was never leaving him, never going back to Earth, ever. “Becca…”

  She met his gaze with those blue eyes. “Rebecca,” she tried to correct him. “My name is Rebecca Gimble.”

  He nodded. “Becca.”

  Her brow furrowed again, creating those enticing creases. “Rebecca,” she emphasized. “No nicknames, just Rebecca.”

  “Becca,” he said again. “On Xylan, mates call each other by informal names. I have chosen yours. It is Becca.”

  “Okay, fine, whatever,” she mumbled. “And your name is…?”

  “Rayzor of Twelve,” he answered, trying to hide his disappointment over her lack of enthusiasm for the name he’d chosen for her.

  “Twelve? Your last name is the number twelve?”

  “Yes.” His lips curved. Pride filled his chest. “I am the twelfth Rayzor in my line.”

  “Like a Junior?”

  “I don’t know what that means, but if it is the next in the father’s line with the same name, then yes.”

  He paused, waiting.

  “What? Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “My formal name is Rayzor of Twelve. I am known as Rayzor. As my Bride, it is expected that you will bestow upon me a name only you will use.”

  “I…but…I have no idea. We just met. I literally learned your name, like, thirty seconds ago. Can I think about that and get back to you? Pick a name later?”

  His shoulders slumped. He tried again to hide his disappointment.

  “I really don’t know you. I don’t know anything about you. Like, what are you? And here’s a good question, where the hell am I?”

  The tension in his body relaxed and he sat up higher in their bed to give her the answers she deserved. “I am a Xylan from the planet Chronos. I was on your planet to capture and extract the Mandible THX238. I took the assignment and came to Earth because this is where THX238 was hiding. I was trying to avoid contact with indigenous species, but the Mandible attacked you and I had to intervene. I touched you in order to help when your limb was stuck in the ground. I came in contact with your bare skin, and that was when I discovered we were mates. After I claimed you, I carried you back to my ship.”

  She nodded and wrapped the sheet over her torso and looked around at his quarters. He was suddenly concerned that she might find them unacceptable. They weren’t the best, but his house on Zamarian Prime was much better. She’d be comfortable there.

  “So let me get this straight, you’re a Xylan, a totally different species than me. And you think we’re mates? That doesn’t make any sense. How did you know we were mates just from touching me?”

  “My cock hardened for you.”

  Her jaw dropped. “Your…instantly?” she squeaked.

  “Yes, it hardened for the first time in my life when I touched your skin. That’s what happens when a Xylan male meets his Bride.”

  “Hold on. If that was the first time in your life that your…cock…had ever hardened, then that meant you were a virgin last night?”

  “Yes. We were both virgins. This is natural. All Xylans, male and female, start their claiming as virgins.”

  “Oh, wow. Most humans aren’t virgins when they get married. Some of them are, but I’d say the majority of people on Earth now aren’t virgins when they marry.”

  “Humans can have sex before their claiming?” He shook his head. “I have heard of other species like this, being able to have sex with a variety of partners. Xylans mate for life. You and I both will only have each other until the day we die. I physically cannot have sex with anyone else.”

  She gave him a skeptical look, her lips pursed.

  His jaw hardened. “You will see the truth in my words. Do not ever test me on this. You say that humans do not mate for life and have many sexual partners. Know this, if I ever see another male touch you, I will kill him. There will be no others, for either of us.”

  She crossed her arms over her breasts. “You’re right. I’ll believe it when I see it.”

  “If humans can have multiple partners, why were you a virgin?”

  She dropped her arms and her face flushed pink again. “I…I don’t know. I just hadn’t found the right guy yet. Also, I don’t usually date.”

  “What does date mean? I don’t understand that word.”

  “Men and women spend time together to see if they are compatible.”

  “This is not necessary on Xylan. You either are mates or you’re not. Our bodies know.”

  “Well, that does make things easy, doesn’t it?” She yawned and grinned at him with a sleepy expression. “Okay,” she said slowly. “Let’s move on to the next question. Where are we? What is this place? Is this your bedroom?”

  “This is my ship. And yes, these are my quarters.”

  “Your ship? As in spaceship? We are on your spaceship? Oh my gosh, I’m on an honest-to-God spaceship?”

  He needed to remember she came from a primitive race who’d yet to master space travel. “Yes, spaceship. We have left Earth’s orbit. We are already in the next sector.”

  “What?” she gasped and quickly scrambled from the bed and stood on the floor, yanking the bedding around her torso. “We’ve left Earth? We’re in space? I didn’t know that. I thought this whole time I was chatting with you, we were still in the forest. You have to take me back. I can’t leave Earth. I need to go back.”

  He left the bed and stood next to her and picked up her hand so she could feel the essential truth in his words. She tried to tug it out of his grasp. He placed her palm against his chest to feel the thunderi
ng beat of his heart and held it there steady. “You are my Bride,” he said solemnly. “You are mine. I’ve claimed you, we’ve mated.”

  “Take me back right now.”

  He growled.

  “First, please stop touching me. It’s not fair when you do that, I can’t think.” He loosened his hold, and she jerked her hand out of his grasp. She glanced down at his cock, which was hardening again. “Second of all, can you please put some clothes on? And third, what does that even mean when you keep saying I’m your Bride? I don’t get that.”

  “When I touched you last night, when I held your hand to try and pull you up when your foot was stuck in the ground, my body reacted to yours. My heart thundered and my cock swelled. Only for you. I immediately became ready to mate.”

  “I felt it, too,” she whispered. “Especially after you kissed me.”

  “Yes, you did. I smelled your arousal.”

  “So you chased me and…”

  “Claimed you,” he growled, aroused again at the thought of all they’d done. Of how spectacular his first time plunging into a female and planting his seed had been. His seed in her womb, growing his son or daughter right now. He put his hand on her lower stomach. “Our child is growing here.”

  “Our child,” she gasped. “No, no, no. It was just that one time, and we…you and I…we couldn’t possibly be compatible. You’re Xylan and I’m human. We’re two different species.”

  “You are my Bride because you are my mate. I would only have become aroused if we were compatible. Seed from an aroused male during his initial claiming is always the most potent. And you were in your cycle.” He grinned.

  She took a step back from him and held a hand up; the other one clutched the bedding over her breasts. “No. None of this is possible. Okay, this is all lovely in a dream world kind of way, this fantasy talk of marriage and babies, but reality is, I live on Earth. I’m in college. I have a job. I can’t just up and leave and never come back. You need to turn this ship around and take me back to Earth. Right now. Do you understand?”


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