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Redemption Ranch

Page 18

by Leann Harris

  “I think that Paul would’ve liked it if we were friends. I know I could never replace Paul, and I wouldn’t even try. But maybe I could be an honorary big brother to you and if you had any questions about school or girls, I could answer. We could go riding and if you like fishing, maybe we could do that. You know, your mom’s going to need a lot of help when she gets out of the hospital. I want to be there to help. Could I do that?”

  Riley studied him and his mouth curved into a shy smile. “Okay.”

  Tyler offered Riley his hand. The boy accepted it, then threw himself onto Tyler’s chest.

  Tyler’s arms encircled the youth, his relief making him giddy. The warmth of Beth’s hand on his shoulder added to his contentment. She reached over his shoulder and stroked Riley’s head. Dogger rested his paws on Tyler’s lap.

  “Welcome home,” she whispered, and Tyler wondered who she was speaking to.

  Riley pulled back. “I’m hungry. And I know Dogger is, too.”

  Beth laughed, and Riley grinned back.

  “There wasn’t anything out there to eat.”

  “Where were you?” Beth asked.

  Riley looked down at his hands and lifted one shoulder. “Don’t know.” He raised his head. “After I heard Tyler, I just shot out of the barn and started running. I stumbled a couple of times, but kept running until I got a stitch in my side. After a while, I was so lost. That’s when Dogger found me.” He reached down and petted the dog’s head. “I don’t know how he found me, but I was so glad he showed up. He made me feel better.

  “I thought I’d find a road and could hitch a ride to the hospital or something, but I didn’t come across anything.”

  “Where were you last night?” Beth asked.

  Riley looked at Tyler and then Beth. “I found a rock, and Dogger and I huddled close to it. Today, I finally let Dogger lead the way.” He leaned down and hugged the dog. “And he brought me home.”

  Dogger lifted his head and enjoyed all the scratches and praises he received. Riley laughed at the dog’s antics.

  “Well, there’s chili and cornbread up at the main house. Does that sound good to you?” Beth asked.

  “Yup.” Riley shot out of the stable, leaving Beth and Tyler staring at the empty door.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Riley raced down the hall to his mother’s hospital room and stopped short inside the door. His eyes went wide at the sight of her. Both her legs were in traction and her head was bandaged. He glanced over his shoulder at Beth and Tyler.

  Beth wrapped her arm around his shoulders. “Your mom’s out of ICU and the doctors felt she was strong enough to be in this room. They wouldn’t have put her here if they were worried. And no matter what she looks like, she’s doing well.”

  He looked to Tyler as if for reassurance.

  “She’s right. They moved her last night.” He didn’t need to add, when they were looking for him.

  Riley walked to his mother’s bed. “Can I touch her?”

  “I don’t see why not.” Beth sent him a smile of encouragement.

  Carefully, he stepped to the bed. “Mom.” He touched her right arm.

  Susan’s eyes fluttered open. “Hey,” came her whispered reply. She licked her lips. “Water.”

  Looking around, Riley found a cup with a straw in it. He picked it up.

  “Go ahead,” Beth encouraged.

  He held the cup so his mother could sip the water. Susan took a couple of sips. She collapsed back onto her pillow.

  Riley clasped his mother’s hand. “I was afraid I’d lose you.”

  Susan tried to smile, but the bruises on her face made her wince. “I’m going to be all right, son. It’s going to take a little time, but I’ll be okay.” She looked at Tyler and Beth.

  Tyler moved next to Riley. “You don’t worry, Susan. I’ll take care of Riley. Until you’re out of the hospital, he can stay with me, and afterward, we’ll work something out.”

  “Thank you. I don’t know what I would’ve done if—”

  “I’m here for you.” Tyler rested his hand on her arm. “And I’m sure I speak for Beth, too.”

  Beth walked around to the other side of the bed, facing Riley and Tyler. “Of course you can count on me. No matter what you need, we’ll help.”

  Tears gathered in Susan’s eyes. “Thank you.”

  Tyler looked uncomfortable with her gratitude.

  Susan closed her eyes.

  The door opened and the doctor entered.

  “Ah, her family is here.” After introductions were made, the doctor checked out his patient. “You’re looking good, Susan.”

  She looked down at her legs. “Really.”

  “Really. When we can set those legs, we will, but the critical time has passed. Now, it’s letting your body recover.” He explained to all what the next few months would entail.

  “What about work?” she asked.

  “You might not be able to get into work, but I don’t see why you can’t do it over the phone and internet.” The doctor turned to the group. “Guys, keep the visit short. She needs her rest.” With those words, he left.

  Beth started for the door.

  “Can I sit here for a couple of minutes with Mom?” Riley asked.

  “Of course. Beth and I will be in the waiting room across from the nurses’ station.”

  They walked down the hall to the waiting area across from the nurses’ station. Beth felt embarrassed by her earlier rant at Tyler. She wanted to tell him she was sorry, but another couple sat down.

  Riley soon appeared in the waiting area and they drove Beth back to her car, which was still parked at the church. Beth quickly said her goodbyes, escaped the car and headed home. Her heart was still in turmoil. Tyler and Riley had come to a tentative peace which, on one hand, made her heart sing, but if she thought about Tyler, her heart was at war with itself.

  Had she blown it with him?

  She didn’t know, but her words, while true, weren’t easy for him to hear. Beth wanted to pick up the phone and talk to Tyler, but her courage failed her.

  She’d call him tomorrow.

  * * *

  Several days later when David called Beth’s office, Beth knew she had the excuse she needed to escape Albuquerque. She convinced her boss she needed to go to Tuba City.

  When she walked into David’s studio, he frowned. “What are you doing here, querida?” He stood and walked around his massive desk.

  “You had a problem.”

  “Which we resolved over the phone.” He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and guided her over to a bench on the patio off his studio/office. “What is breaking that beautiful heart?”

  Beth’s eyes watered and a tear escaped. She’d been miserable all week. After she got over her embarrassment about yelling at Tyler, she had to admit that she’d fallen in love. And although he was nothing like her high school flame, knowing she was in love made her nervous.

  Could she risk her heart again? Could Tyler forgive her for pushing him to admit his issues and for Riley overhearing it?

  God had gotten hold of her, letting her know that His timing was perfect and she didn’t know exactly when that timing was. It was painful to see how she’d pushed and pulled and rushed into things.

  “I think I may have been too quick to reject your overtures.”

  David frowned. “You are a terrible liar, querida, which makes me very happy, since I’ll always know if you are telling me the truth when we do business. But for you, that is not good. What has caused you this pain—or who?”

  “Oh, David, I blew it. I’ve finally fallen in love and just yelled at the man for feeling guilty about something he can’t change.”

Frowning, David asked, “Why did you do this?”

  Beth explained what had happened.

  “Do you want me to go to Albuquerque and beat this man to a pulp?”

  Beth laughed into her tissue.

  “Ah, a smile.”

  “No, David, I don’t want you to do that.”

  He picked up her hand and held it. “It seems to me that it would be wrong for you to give up on this young man. I’ve noticed a difference in you, querida. I thought it was me who brought that smile, but I am not so vain to think another man could make your heart sing.

  “You spoke the truth to me about my art always being first in my heart. I will return the favor. Your heart is speaking to you. Do not ignore it.”

  Beth realized David had revealed his heart to her, and his words of advice weren’t fluff, but heartfelt words.

  She hugged his arm. “Thank you, David, for being a true friend.”

  He grinned. “And if you need me to come and challenge this man, call me. I will come.”

  Beth laughed and for the first time felt hope.

  * * *

  When Beth got back to her apartment, she found Ethan sitting on the steps leading to her apartment.

  “What are you doing here?” Beth asked.

  “I came to see why you are hiding.”

  “Oh.” She walked past him and unlocked her apartment door. Ethan followed.

  “You’re not going to deny it?”

  Putting her purse on the kitchen counter, she turned to face her brother. “No. And if you’re going to rake me over the coals, take a number.”

  Her brother’s eyes narrowed. “What does that mean?”

  “It means that I’ve already been told I can’t solve my problems by running away.”

  “Who did that?” he asked in a brotherly tone. She didn’t doubt he would challenge whoever had talked to her.

  “One of my clients. He told me, politely, I can’t run away from my heart. Are you going to tell me the same thing?”

  Ethan’s surprised expression made Beth laugh.

  “Did I steal your thunder?”

  He pulled her into his arms. “Yeah. We’ve had to beg and stand on our heads to get people to cover for you at the ranch. I’ve spent more time with Zach than I want to,” he teased. “I also spent time with a very sad Tyler and Riley. Riley keeps asking where you are and Tyler doesn’t have a good answer.”

  Shame for her actions filled Beth. She tipped her head up and smiled at Ethan. “Thank you, big brother. I need to go fix the problem.”

  * * *

  Tyler drove back from the high school where Riley was attending his first day of school. Oddly, the first day fell on a Wednesday. He stopped by the counseling office and explained to the counselors the situation with Riley and gave them his information. As he left, a sense of purpose filled his heart.

  The gaping wound left by Paul’s death had begun to heal. The scar would always be there, but he knew there was hope. And a new purpose in his life. The person who’d made him face his demons had removed herself from his life. Hearing her say it wasn’t his fault, that he couldn’t control the situation made him realize that he was blaming himself for something he couldn’t control. Once he’d been freed of the guilt, the sun had started shining again.

  Thanks to Beth.

  A woman who made herself scarce.

  He knew she’d dropped by the hospital and talked with Susan, but she hadn’t been back to the ranch. Arrangements had been made for other volunteers to fill in for her. Her excuse was that she had a sudden business trip. He’d asked Sophie about it. She’d confirmed Beth was out of town. He wanted to believe that’s what happened, but there was something nagging him.

  He worried over it. He missed her sunny face and joyful laugh. He and Riley had prayed every night for his mother’s healing and read a scripture together. He even called his parents again. He asked his mother how to help Riley as she’d helped him. She tried not to cry, but he heard the emotion filling her voice. He made peace with his family. His foster mother told him that his ex-fiancée had married two weeks after he left and quickly divorced two months later.

  They also wanted to come out to the ranch and visit in late September.

  And he made peace with God. That first night Riley had spent at his home, he stood at the doorway looking at the boy. He asked God to forgive him. A sense of peace had flowed over him. The first thing he wanted to do was tell Beth, but she hadn’t come anywhere near him.

  Parking his truck, he walked to the stables and started his chores. As he worked in the feed room, Ollie appeared.

  “You in a better mood this morning?”

  The words startled Tyler, stopping him. “What are you talking about?”

  “You’ve been stomping around here like a wounded bull. I’m surprised you haven’t run off clients and sent Riley screaming from the ranch.”

  This was Mr. Grumpy calling him out. “What are you talking about?”

  “I’ve seen wounded bulls with less attitude than you.”

  No words came to Tyler’s mind.

  “With the looks you and Miss Beth were throwing at each other over the last month, I’m surprised you didn’t catch these stables on fire. Now, Missy’s not coming around, making lame excuses and sending substitutes. Something ain’t right between you two. Fix it.” He stomped out.

  Tyler could only stare in amazement at the open door. The man known for his bad attitude chewed him out for a bad attitude. It really must stink.

  He shook his head and went back to work. A few minutes later, Zach appeared.

  “You okay? Or did Ollie tear a strip off you?”

  Finished with his work, Tyler walked out of the feed room. “Well, I’ll say he didn’t mince words.”


  The statement knocked Tyler back on his heels. “What are you talking about? Why’s Ollie chewing me out good?”

  “You know that Ollie was on chemo for cancer. He’s had a rough six months. He worked through it. He’d come here and puke his guts out, but that never stopped him. He was nice to folks.”

  “How’s that bad?”

  “Because it wasn’t our Ollie, with a tart tongue and straight answers. He’s the one who told me that riding talent wasn’t in my lost leg. Slapped me up the side of the head, letting me know I was wallowing in self-pity. Lately, he’s been his old ornery self, which is good news. Sophie’s overjoyed with his old attitude. I am, too, even if it is hard to hear sometimes.”

  At his expense. “It’s nice to know there’s a silver lining in the situation.”

  Zach slapped him on the back. “I wouldn’t worry about Beth. I think she’s embarrassed that she blew up and said what she did. Now I think she doesn’t know how to fix it. She might need a little encouragement from you.”

  Hope filled his heart. “You think?”

  “I know. My sister sometimes lets her mouth run before engaging her brain.” Zach rubbed his neck. “Unfortunately, even then, she’s usually right. Doesn’t that just make you want to grind your teeth when that happens?”

  Smiling, Tyler shook his head. “She certainly set me straight.” More like yanking a knot in his tail. They moved down the walk toward the parking lot.

  Zach winced. “She—”

  Putting up his hand to stop Zach, Tyler shook his head. “I’m not mad. In fact, I’m grateful that she took me to task.” Life certainly looked better, except for missing her. “I just wish she’d show up again, so I could talk to her.”

  “She’s got a phone. A cell, too.”

  Laughter shook Tyler’s chest. “Give me her number.”

  Zach rattled off the numbers. “You might think about ge
tting a cell phone, yourself. You’re going to need that phone closeby if you’ve got Riley and Susan needing to talk to you.”

  He hadn’t considered that idea, but Tyler knew it was time. “I think Riley might like to help me pick it out. I’m off to pick him up and take him to the hospital.”

  “Good luck.”

  He didn’t need it. He had God on his side.

  * * *

  “That’s way cool,” Riley said. He looked at the cell phone that Tyler had just bought. “I’ll have to program your new number into my cell. So you goin’ to call Beth, to see where she is?”

  Tyler pulled away from the cell phone store and headed toward the hospital. “You miss Beth?”

  “Yeah, how come she’s been gone all week? Did you have a fight with her?”

  Had he worn his feelings on the sleeve? Apparently the entire world knew how he felt about Beth. Why hadn’t someone told him? “What makes you say that?”

  Riley snorted.

  “Dumb question, huh?”

  “Yeah. Both you and Beth got goofy looks on your faces when you looked at each other. It was real plain.” Riley stared out the passenger-side window. “You going to fix it?”

  Okay, Father, I get the message. I’ll talk to her. “I am. I promise I’ll talk with her today.”

  “You going to tell her you love her?”

  “I am.”


  * * *

  Beth stood by the head of Susan’s bed. She’d wanted to see Susan before she walked into the lion’s den. Susan’s bruises had reached their peak of color.

  “I’m looking bad,” Susan muttered through her swollen lips.”

  “True, but it’s really a good thing. It means you’re healing.”

  Susan’s eyes meet Beth’s. Susan tried to laugh, but winced at the pain. “Don’t make me laugh.” Her hand crawled across the sheets and grabbed Beth’s. “What’s wrong?”

  “Why would you ask that?”

  “I have broken legs, ribs, but I’m not blind. You haven’t been here with Tyler or Riley.”

  Beth couldn’t keep eye contact with Susan. “Tyler and I, well, we sort of had a falling out.”


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