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Ride the Stars

Page 2

by Autumn Dawn

  Yes, she was an intriguing little thing. Still, he wouldn’t have believed himself capable of desiring an alien.

  It seemed his tastes were changing.

  “Do you think she would dare keep us waiting?” Nemesis asked, glancing at him in irritation.

  Skye answered with a humorless smile. “I begin to fear it.” His eyes went back to the sealed door, and he considered it, contemplating the damage to his honor if he were to act on his impatience and go through it. He was not going to knock on it like a servant, he thought with a grimace of distaste. Certainly Nemesis never would. Besides, he had the feeling she wouldn’t open up anyway.

  “This is a new thing,” Lore, short of stature but long on humor, quipped. “The dread Captain Spectere and crew, cooling their heels at the pleasure of a woman.” His slightly elongated canines flashed in a wolfish smile as he shook his head at his captain. “Your reputation will suffer.”

  Nemesis raised a brow, but before he could reply, Skye added sensibly, “We have no time for pandering to her whims, Nemesis. I say we take the women and go. We have a contract.” His implication that they had the right would likely stand up in court, especially considering their orders.

  A slow, roguish smile curved Nemesis’ lips. “Women? Our orders concern only one woman. What would we do with the other one?”

  Folding his arms, Skye kept his expression bland as he studied the walls. Wouldn’t his friend love it if he were to make a fool of himself now and admit to an interest in an Earth girl? After years of extolling their virtues to him, of trying to get him to forget his desire to mate with one of the rare Draconian females, wouldn’t Nemesis gloat to know the girl moved him? “The orders did say to get her assistance by any means necessary,” he said in a bored tone. “She might be more complacent if we bring the other. Besides, they are partners.”

  Nemesis exchanged smirks with Lore. “Sounds like solid reasoning to me.”

  Jaide sighed and flung an arm over her head, snuggling further into the soft mattress. It wasn’t a work day, was it? At the moment she didn’t care. With a sigh of contentment she rolled over, causing a warm puff of air to rise from her downy bedding.

  Something settled on her pillow, touched her hair. For a second she froze. Whatever it was, it hadn’t been invited.

  With a yell of panic she dived from the bed. Tangled blankets went with her and she landed on a heap on the lushly carpeted floor. Prepared to bolt, she levered up on her arms, pulling her nose out of the blue pile.

  Dark, beasty eyes stared back.

  Jaide blinked at the lemur in confusion. The wary monkey looked back. What the.…

  Powder blue walls trimmed in lavender and plum greeted her bewildered eyes, and she sat up, clutching the fuzzy white blanket over her naked legs.

  On the wall directly opposite the bed was a large symbol in black, lined with dark purple and touched with gold. Animal? Vegetable? She couldn’t tell. The room was nice, but it wasn’t hers. Where was she?

  The room’s computer terminal, mounted in the wall over a built-in desk, caught her eye, and she squinted at the only source of light. Blast, too far. Relieved to see she still wore her shirt and underwear, she flung the covers off and padded over to the corner and flicked on the desk light to better see the screen.

  Sesame’s contract. Signed in an illegible script that might have been Sanskrit, but wasn’t.

  Jaide took a deep breath. Roast those Draconians! How could she have slept so deeply? Granted, she hadn’t had much sleep in over two days, but still! Had they just carried her off like a sleeping house cat?

  The door opened, admitting the tall Draconian with the wildfire eyes.

  His gaze flickered to the bed and then slowly appraised her bare legs and scanty red panties.

  For a moment she stood frozen, unused to such blatant male scrutiny. Handsome men did not look at her with fire in their eyes. Hey, most men never looked at her twice. He made her feel...something she had no business feeling. Something that should have been impossible, yet obviously wasn’t.

  She’d have to do something about that.

  “Did you sleep well?” he asked in the patented gravel tones of his race.

  God help her, even his voice was sexy! “No,” Jaide answered, just to let him know her frame of mind. She darted a longing look at the blankets, but that was useless, since he was standing on them.

  Those wicked lips twitched. “Your pants are on the seat there.” He nodded to the tapestry chair beside the bed. “I didn’t think you’d be comfortable sleeping in them.”

  “How thoughtful of you,” she snapped, snatching her clothes and fumbling them on. She’d never had so much trouble getting into a pair of jeans before, but then, she’d never had an audience.

  The Drac crossed his arms, the ever-present hint of a smile in his expression. “I’m Skye, by the way.”

  “Well, Skye,” she snipped, itching to slap him for the tremor in her hands, “I hope you’re enjoying the view.”

  “Oh, immensely,” he agreed with a slow, wicked smile.

  Jaide abandoned her attempts to shame him into good behavior. Her back to him as she fastened the fly of her pants, she said with deliberate bluntness, “I need to use the bathroom.”

  “Right this way.” Skye waited until she’d pulled on her socks and steel-toed boots, then led the way into the hall, stopping before a small door. “It’s all yours.”

  Checking her watch as she used the facilities, she verified that nearly an entire day had passed while she’d slept blissfully on, unaware of her change in sleeping quarters. That would be one of the first changes around here, because she’d be shot before she shared a bed with Mr. Self Assured out there.

  A traitorous flicker of regret sighed through her mind, but she squashed it. Now was not the time to get stupid over a handsome face. Just because he hadn’t pounced yet was no reason to drop her guard. After all, he had helped kidnap her, hadn’t he?

  “Are you hungry?” he asked, the moment she opened the door.

  Yes, starving, her grateful stomach wanted to answer. Instead she said, “Where’s Sesame?”

  Skye shook his head at her bad manners, but led the way to the bridge.

  She entered the bridge a bare minute after Sesame. By the way her partner’s eyes were snapping, Jaide knew they were all in for an interesting morning.

  Sesame spared one dark look for the stars out the window and planted herself in front of Nemesis’ chair, much to the amusement of his crew. “Just in case you weren’t aware of it, one signature does not a contract make.”

  A touch of his hand flicked off the controls on his lap console and it folded back down into the wide arms of his chair. He stood, throwing her off balance with his nearness. He steadied her with a touch to the back of her arm, turned her with him towards his cabin before releasing her. “We can discuss it in my office.” The moment the doors slid open, revealing his office was also his living quarters, she balked.

  Jaide took a fast stride in their direction, but Skye’s arm clamped around her middle, pulling her back against the steel of his chest. Body heat soaked through the thin layers between them, burning an awareness through to her unwilling body.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” he demanded, and for once there was no hint of humor.

  Instead of answering, she twisted, intending to grab his shirt and head butt him in the nose. To her surprise it was he who wrapped her pony tail around his wrist, pulling her head back at the perfect angle for a kiss.

  “You have some very nasty habits, woman.” He held her there a bare moment, just long enough to establish who was in control. For the length of two breaths his eyes lingered on her lips, causing a prickling tingle to spread over them like sun-warmed honey. Ever so slightly, her muscles relaxed.

  His grip on her hair eased, allowing her a little freedom. “No need to look so frightened, girl.” His smile was wry. “I’ve fed this morning.” Nodding at the object of her concern, he said, “
Besides, they’ve worked out their differences.”

  It was true. Sesame and the captain had come to some agreement while her attention was elsewhere. Temporarily satisfied, she turned her attention to her own situation. Skye still had her welded to his side.

  “Don’t touch me, Drac,” she growled, shoving at his arm. With the danger over it gave easily.

  Skye’s smile was distinctly unfriendly. “Don’t worry, heartflame, I wouldn’t dream of it.” Challenge glittered in his eyes and his stance spoke of pique. “Though I’m curious what it is you fear. My body?” He cocked his head curiously. “I hate to disappoint you, sweet tempered one, but I don’t need to drag unwilling women to my bed.” Lazy eyes surveyed her with a collector’s detachment. “Besides, I don’t like humans. They’re far too...easy.”

  Jaide’s eyes flared at his insult. With her hand on her hip, she gave him a pointed look and shot back, “I doubt you’d know from personal experience, Drac.” She stressed the last, knowing how much the Draconians hated butchered names.

  It took a deep breath and a fast scan of the room before he could calm enough to say, “Don’t worry, bonbon. I won’t be testing my theory on you.” With insufferable confidence, he leaned in and whispered in her ear, “It takes a certain amount of stamina to keep up with a Dragonlord. Frankly, bonbon, I doubt you have the drive.” He turned his attention to a computer console, shutting her out.

  Stunned speechless, she clenched her fists. Was the man always this infuriating? Unable to summon a proper retort, she turned her back on him.

  “I think he likes you.”

  Jaide glanced at the other Drac, who eyed her with a speculative light. “Then I pity his enemies.”

  His lids lowered. “You should. I’m Lore.” He offered her his hand, which she reflexively took. With a mischievous glance at Skye he turned it over and pressed a naughty kiss to her inner wrist.

  “Quadril.” The muscular Draconian sitting next to him offered, nodding his head. He did not kiss her hand.

  Business concluded, Sesame strode towards her, the Drac she’d been talking to right behind.

  “Come on, Jaide,” she said, “I’m hungry, and that makes me bad tempered. So does lack of sleep and waking up in a bed not my own,” she said with a pointed look at their host. “We’re going to finish this discussion in the galley, over.…” she paused and frowned, looking at her timepiece. “Dinner.”

  Their host gave Sesame a cool nod. “Yes. You can sign the contract there as well as anywhere else, and I can tell you what augmentations I require.”

  Jaide raised a disbelieving brow but fell in line behind the others just the same. After all, the man had mentioned food, and there was a great empty hollow where her stomach used to be. Still, she was getting tired of thinking of him as the Leader. Since Skye was just in front of her, she asked him, “What’s that guy’s name, anyway?”

  He paused in mid-stride.

  She didn’t and ran into him, stubbing her tender nose on his hard back. “Ouch!” she yelled, clutching her offended beak. “Be careful!”

  “My apologies,” he offered, but an unholy light danced in his unnatural eyes. “Had I known how eager you would be to follow me I would have taken more care.” That dark humor flashed again. “There are not many that do so, you know.” He turned on his heel.

  Her brows lowered, but she didn’t question him again until they reached the galley.

  Instead, she surveyed the spotless ship. Of Draconian design, the gleaming walls were etched here and there with indecipherable script and broken by cabin doors and an open portal to what appeared to be the infirmary. It was one of the nicer ships she’d seen, and she’d seen more than her share, including some large military cruisers.

  Her guide paused before a door and gestured for her to precede him.

  The interior was a combination galley-recreation room, and was as immaculate as the rest of the ship. The comfortable chairs and long lavender and blue couch lent it a homey air. A bunch of large, colorful pillows were stacked beside a handsome cabinet of rosy wood inlaid with a lighter honey-colored grain. It was as beautiful as any home, and it had a lived-in look.

  The captain gestured to the table and waited until they’d sat down before taking his own seat.

  Since Skye was still on his feet, rummaging in the kitchen, Jaide got back up. After all, Sesame didn’t need her help to hash out a contract. Jaide hated paperwork of any kind, and was more than happy to let Sesame handle the details.

  Skye looked up in inquiry as Jaide rested her elbows on the counter, watching him expectantly. “I like chicken,” she suggested, just to be annoying.

  His brow quirked. “I’ll see what I can do.”

  While he rummaged around in the roomy kitchen, she pushed her cuticles back with her nails, tamping down her restlessness. Usually she was the one in the kitchen, doing the cooking. In truth, she preferred it that way. Being at loose ends always made her nervous. For a moment she considered offering to help but didn’t for fear he might misinterpret her interest. The last thing she needed was a return of his flirtatious side.

  Law enforcers of any breed weren’t on her list of popular people.

  Frustrated with her anxiety, she prowled around the room once and then made herself sit down.

  A plate of something looking suspiciously like steaming entrails appeared in front of her. Skye slid onto the bench opposite her with a similar plate. Jaide squinted one eye and looked at the mass of white, sausage-like coils dubiously. “Dare I ask?” A glance at Sesame revealed a similar look of consternation.

  Skye saluted her with a decanter and poured a thick black liquid over the mess on his plate, then added a few squirts of a red sauce. “Nalark. Stuffed pasta coils.” He flashed gleaming white teeth with sharp canines at her. “We eat a lot of it here.” With one sweep of his dark lashes he assessed her and held up one hand, palm towards her. “It’s customary for us to give thanks before meals. Will you join me?”

  She studied the tanned skin of his wide wrist, eyeing the black stripes that banded his arms to mid-forearm. Another mark of their differences. A slight dusting of black hair covered the natural markings, but the rest of his arm, left bare by the short sleeves of his dark shirt, was no different than any other man’s. Wary but willing to go along for now, she slowly touched her palm to his. The callused skin was warm, the underlying musculature hard. Skye’s long fingers curved slightly, cupping her smaller hand in his.

  Warmth prickled in the center of her palm as he said the blessing in his native tongue, stirring something long entombed and hidden from the light.

  She snatched her hand away the moment he finished and stowed it in her lap.

  Picking up his two pronged fork, he cut off a chunk of...pasta, and put it in his mouth, chewing with relish. Seeing that he didn’t drop dead, Jaide exchanged a wary look with Sesame and reluctantly took up her own silverware. She took an infinitesimal bite. Her eyes widened in surprise. It was good!

  Looking smug, Skye handed her the condiments. Not a convert yet, Jaide poured a drop of the black stuff on her finger and tasted it. Dark and salty, with a hint of ginger and smoke. The red sauce was sweet and hot with chilies. Impressed, she added both to her nalark and devoured every coil.

  At last replete, she leaned back with a sigh and allowed him to dispose of her plate.

  The captain handed Sesame an electronic tablet. She gave it the briefest of glances, then did a double take as the data sunk in. She handed the tablet to Jaide, whose eyes widened as she saw the readout. Without looking up or thinking, she demanded, “What is it with you men and bigger is better? Haven’t you heard it’s not the size of your equipment, but what you can do with it that counts?”

  “If you’d ever had bigger, bonbon, you wouldn’t have to ask that.”

  She narrowed her eyes at Skye. Choosing to ignore his provocation, she thumped the tablet with the backs of her nails. “Cloaking technology, for a ship this small?” she asked, sending the ca
ptain an incredulous look before skimming the tablet again. “A one-eighth increase in velocity, and advanced targeting capabilities?”

  He gestured to the tablet. “There’s nothing there that’s beyond you. Most of it’s routine, and the cloaking system isn’t impossible.”

  “You have a lot of faith in us,” Sesame retorted.

  “The technology’s there,” he answered with a shrug.

  Sesame sighed and rubbed the center of her forehead. “I’m trying to outrun notoriety, not court it. If I did do this for you-presuming I could-there wouldn’t be a black hole in the galaxy that I could hide in to escape the hoards chasing me for augmentations. It’s not in my best interests to take this job. Why should I?”

  The light in his eyes hardened, darkened. “Because you thrive on challenge, and you know this will excite you. Because I ask it.”

  A short laugh escaped her. “And you are....?”

  Jaide braced herself. A nasty suspicion crystallized in her mind even as he answered without a flicker of mirth, “Nemesis Spectere.”

  Sesame didn’t even blink. “Did your mother name you that?”

  Nemesis blinked. Sarcasm was obviously not the reaction he’d been expecting.

  And no wonder, Jaide thought, doing her best to hide her trepidation. Men did not mess with Nemesis Spectere. Women grew faint at the sound of his name. They did not stare him in face and cut at him without a flinch.

  But then, most women were not Sesame.

  Obviously annoyed, he growled, “She’s dead.”

  And according to popular lore, by his cannibalistic hand. But Jaide wasn’t going to mention it if he wasn’t. Nor was she going to think about the awful rumors circulating about the rest of his crew. Wishing she’d paid more attention to the newscasts so she might have gleaned their names beforehand, Jaide avoided Skye’s eyes and checked out Sesame’s reaction.


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