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Ride the Stars

Page 14

by Autumn Dawn

  Skye’s voice slid across her senses like the finest whiskey, rough, but full of stomach burning power. Jaide sucked in a breath and gripped the engine room workbench, shaking a little with relief. She couldn’t turn around and face him, not just yet.

  His next move made that obsolete.

  Skye came up behind her and unzipped her coveralls.

  She let him.

  Then he put his hands on her waist and kissed the side of her neck, moving up to swirl his tongue around her ear. Yearning for more, she turned her face to receive his kiss.

  It scorched her.

  Slowly and with exquisite friction, he moved his hips against her backside, making her whimper with the need to have him inside. She squirmed, but although he continued to kiss her-such deep, hot kisses-his hands moved no higher, refused to finish what he’d started, to put out the flames. “More,” she begged against his lips, dizzy with need. In response, his kiss became absolutely voracious, drugging her with passion, but still he didn’t pet her. “Please!” she groaned, squirming against him, trying to turn in his arms.

  He held her firm, allowing no turning.

  In desperation she tugged at her own clothes, intending to remove all obstacles, but he laced her fingers with his and placed them on the bench, holding them there even as he continued to move.

  “Why?” she moaned, almost in pain from her intense arousal. The need she’d felt almost since the moment they met flared white hot at this slightest touch, burning away all denial. She needed him.

  She would have him.

  He lightly bit her neck, drawing at the tender skin. “You are not ready yet,” he murmured, and nuzzled aside her collar, nipped at the tendon. “Not nearly ready enough.”

  She couldn’t believe her ears! “I’m ready!” she wailed, trying again to turn. Skye captured her mouth and devoured her, torturing her with pleasure until she cried out, screaming into his mouth. Her body sagged, and he wrapped his arms around her, bracing her between his body and the bench so she wouldn’t sink to the floor. For a long, aching moment he held her, then slowly drew her zipper up.

  She shook her head, mute with emotion.

  “Shh.” He rocked her in his arms, giving the tension somewhere to go. “Not until it’s right.”

  “I don’t understand.” Her words were whispered, barely audible.

  Before he could explain further, a loud rapping came from the hallway, then a spat of quick Draconian.

  “We’re coming!” Skye called, then reluctantly let go of her, lacing her hands with his. “Come with us. I can’t stay here without the others, and I don’t like the thought of your being here alone. I’d rest easier knowing that you were near,” he cajoled, caressing the inside of her wrist with his thumb. Regardless of what he said, she would not be staying here tonight.

  She dropped her eyes and nodded, feeling shy.

  They exited the ship with the others.

  Chrys and five armed men were waiting at the bottom of the ramp, guns at the ready.

  Domino’s and Skye’s guns appeared in their hands as if conjured, and they pushed the women behind them.

  Jaide peeked around Skye’s broad back anyway, since standing on tiptoe would have been useless. “Chrys—”

  “I’ll have a word with my sister now, if you don’t mind,” he said, his face mirroring his tension. His eyes flicked nervously between the two tall Draconians in front of her. “Alone.”

  “Are you sure you want to risk it?” Jaide demanded, looking around Skye. “I’m in the mood to strangle you after what you pulled.”

  Irritated with her protectors, she elbowed them in the sides, and they reluctantly gave her five inches of viewing space. She used it to glare at her older brother, sticking her hands on her hips. The best defense was a strong attack. “Besides, I can fight just as well with you from here.”

  “Fine running mates you’re traveling with these days,” he said with contempt, curling his lip at her companions. “Dracs! Are you bedrocking with him, too?” he asked, waving his gun at Skye.

  Jaide glared at him. “Not only that, but say hello to your new brother-in-law,” she shot back, just to see him hackle. The surprise in his eyes was truly gratifying. “And by the way, get ready to be called uncle, brother dear.” She batted her eyes at him. “These Dracs are something else again.” Both of her guardians stiffened, likely with shock.

  Clearly disgusted, Chrys shifted from foot to foot and spat on the concrete. “You wanted so bad to talk to me, brat, so get your flabby butt down here. I haven’t got all night.” He stowed his gun and jerked his head, sending his men backing off to a safe distance, leaving room for her to come to him.

  Hmm. Obviously he didn’t know about Skye’s little trick with his bank balance yet. And since she’d sent the message before she knew herself...Why not give him a chance to redeem himself?

  Skye and Domino exchanged looks, but neither one stopped her as she moved to join him.

  Up close, the evidence of Chrys’ hard living was even more apparent. They’d never looked alike, what with his inheriting his mother’s sandy hair and facial features, and his deterioration made the gap between them wider. “You look like scrap,” she said tightly. He snorted, waiting for her to get to the point. She closed her eyes a second and sighed, wishing things were different. “Call in your own markers. I’m tired of goons showing up at my door, demanding payment.”

  He crossed his arms and smiled unpleasantly. “Why should I? You’ve got plenty of money.”

  “Not since you cleaned me out,” she reminded him, barely keeping her temper. “That was five year’s worth of savings you blew on who knows what.”

  “Hey, your problems are your problems, and your problems aren’t my problems.” He sent an evil glance towards Skye, who watched him like a hawk. “Besides, it looks like you’ve already sold me out.”

  “You could find a new line of work.”

  Chrys looked her up and down with contempt. “Why? So I can be as happy and successful as you? No thanks.” He turned his back on her and called to Skye, “I don’t care what you are to her, ‘cause you and I are never gonna hit it off. I warn you now, if I catch you on my radar, little sister here’s gonna be married to a blood splotch in space.”

  Skye watched him leave, clamping down on his urge to follow and pulverize the cocky piece of trash. Only the need to see the women to safety first stopped him. Jaide stared after her brother, seeming to have forgotten the man she’d just called her mate.

  His heart skipped a beat. Among his people, the declaration alone was enough to make the deed official. Not only that, but she’d said it in front of his family. No chance they hadn’t heard, either. Domino’s shock had been as great as his own when she’d taunted her brother.

  Now he had just one more thing to do to seal it. Striding forward, he gently took her arm. “I accept, wife. Let’s go home.”

  So distracted was she that she actually took a step towards the exit. Then she stopped and whipped her head around to demand, “What? Did you just say wife? I’m not your wife, Skye.”

  He shook his head. “Oh, no. You said it, and willingly. I’m not letting you take it back now.” At her confusion, he explained with a great deal of satisfaction, “A public declaration is all it takes with us.”

  Her eyes widened with alarm. “But I never said-you know I didn’t mean....” Frustration garbled her tongue. His expression remained polite, yet firm. “Blister it, Skye, I—”

  “Discuss it later,” Domino advised, propelling her forward with a tug at her arm, letting go once she was moving. “This is not the safest place to stand around talking.”

  Jaide managed to hold her peace-just barely-until Domino dropped them off at their hotel, but the minute they’d entered the elevator, she held nothing back. Turning to Skye with a frown, she said, “All right, now’s a good time to tell me you were joking about this whole marriage thing.”

  Slowly he shook his head. “You know better than that.

  “I am not married to you!”

  Folding his arms, he looked down on her with frightening seriousness. “I have at least three witness who would say otherwise.” The elevator doors slid open, and they traded places with a waiting couple, exiting onto the runner-covered marble tiles.

  Dread-and desire-seized her as they approached her door, making her heart do a crazy tap dance. She put her back to it and braced her legs. “You’re not coming in.”

  Just inches from her, Skye cocked his head. “What are you afraid of? Not an hour ago you were begging me—”

  “I’m not afraid!” she snapped. And she wasn’t. Not of the physical intimacy. But thanks to his little declaration, it was no longer just about that.

  Gently, he took her hand, nuzzling her palm. “Your hands are trembling.” Before she could breathe the denial that fluttered on her tongue, his own tongue darted out and tasted her skin.

  A shaft of heat shivered down her core, exploding in her belly and bringing instant, aching wetness and a desperate need. He’d primed her too well. “Don’t,” she whispered, almost moaning. “We have to.…” It was so hard to think.

  “Why? Can you tell me you don’t like it?” he asked, smoothing her hand down his jaw and throat to hook it around his neck. As if possessed, her free hand rose to rest on his lean hip. “Yes,” he murmured in approval, curling his tongue around her ear lobe and drawing it into his mouth when she evaded his kiss. “Oh, yes.” His low, smoky tones sounded as if he were already in the throws of passion, eliciting a whimper of response from her. She felt him smile against her neck just before he slipped his hard thigh between her legs and grasped her behind, pulling her slowly up the incline.

  It was too much! She went wild, biting the edge of his shirt and digging her fingers into his back and arms, driving helplessly against him, frantic to put out the pleasure-pain. Speech fled, holding thought’s hand, and the only thing to emerge from her mouth were desperate, needing whimpers.

  “Do you want me, heartflame? Are you ready now?” he breathed hoarsely in her ear, demanding surrender.

  “Yes!” she gasped, muffling a scream as he slowly lowered her feet to the floor, rubbing her aching nerve center against hot male flesh.

  Her door opened and she nearly fell through, with Skye stumbling in after her. She didn’t have time for second thoughts. Skye lowered her to the carpeted floor and then they were burning. Hungry hands were everywhere; stoking fires, feeding flames already flaring white hot. Concealing clothes were tugged away, though Jaide was so drugged with passion she barely felt them go, or realized her own actions. Then there was skin; hot, hot skin against her naked, burning body, touching her everywhere that needed him most.

  Skye could not get enough. Driven on by her frantic hands and wild cries, he moved his body on hers, relishing the frantic movement of her hips as her silken breasts and soft feminine belly glided against his hair roughened skin. Rigid nipples teased his chest, and he slid down her body, tangling her legs with his as he took one, then the other, in his mouth.

  Jaide cried out, grabbed his head and held him to her. “Please! Oh, Skye, please!”

  Before his wife could think twice about it or feel any fear, Skye moved up, kissed her passionately and slid home.

  Jaide roared, and not with pleasure. For a long moment she didn’t move, frozen with shock and not a little pain.

  His straining body twitched in rebellion against its enforced stillness. She was so sweet!

  Grabbing his shoulders in a death hold, she snarled, “Don’”

  A bead of sweat trickled slowly down his unbearably sensitive back, making him shiver. He had to move, but he took it slow. In spite of the pain he knew she felt, her heavy panting changed rapidly to whimpers of desire. She gasped and stiffened, her mouth open in a silent cry. That small sign of pleasure was all it took. Skye kissed her deeply and claimed a release of his own.

  Afterward, he lay on his side, watching his sulking wife. She had not liked their first time, not at the end. Even though he had been as gentle and considerate as possible, there was nothing he could do to take away her discomfort except proceed.

  As many times as required.

  Rolling onto his back, he hid a smile he knew she wouldn’t appreciate by flinging one forearm over his eyes. She wouldn’t be able to see around his biceps, not from her angle.

  “Sure, you can grin about it,” she grumbled.

  At once he rolled over, all traces of humor gone. “It will get better each time.”

  She glowered at the ceiling, embarrassed. “I know that.”

  Still not satisfied, he traced the side of her unhappy face. “I’m sorry I hurt you.”

  “I know that,” she gritted out. The last thing she wanted to do was discuss it. Her loss of control had been bad enough, especially in the face of what he’d think it meant. Since there was nothing she could do this evening to regain lost ground, she decided to go to sleep.

  “Sleep well, my wife,” Skye said softly, kissing her brow. You’ll need it.

  She grunted in moody acknowledgment of the pleasantry, if not the title.

  Sighing, he drew his discarded coat over them, making certain she was fully covered, even though his own feet stuck out. Then he drew her into his arms.

  The gesture was not lost on her, and even though she couldn’t bring herself to say anything out loud, she cuddled closer. She winced at the soreness between her legs, reminded again of her reason to pout. It was hard not to be disappointed; not in him, but in that the first time had been every bit as difficult as she’d always heard it would be.

  Skye sighed in guilty contentment as her breathing evened out into the pattern of sleep. It had to be the bane of every man who’d ever loved a woman, that in order to make them complete, he had to first bring her pain. It was not what he wanted, had he been asked. But, oh! The thought of future loving glazed his eyes with a blue haze that deepened as he imagined all the ways he’d bring her pleasure. Very soon she would join him in unimpaired bliss....

  But there was one other matter he had to see to first.

  Waiting until he was certain his woman was asleep, Skye leaned over and very delicately pressed his canines to her carotid artery. Triggered by his feelings of passion, the hollow teeth filled with a very special venom. Tiny, needle-like inner barbs slid out, piercing her skin just enough to shoot the adaptagen directly into her vein.

  “Hey!” her eyes flew open, and Jaide glared at him. “Cut it out! I’m tired.”

  “Sorry,” he murmured in apology, kissing her neck and then her temple, soothingly. “Go ahead and rest.”

  With a mollified grunt, she closed her eyes and snuggled back down, curled into his side.

  With a smile of supreme male satisfaction, he, too, settled back and went to sleep.

  The man was far too good looking for her peace of mind.

  Jaide propped herself up on one elbow, gazing down at her sleeping lover. The sheets had slipped down to his navel, and he slept with one arm flung over his head, revealing a most impressive set of pectorals and a washboard stomach. She had the naughty urge to tug away the covers and see if the rest of him was just as impressive.

  Sometime during the night, as she fuzzily recalled, they’d moved to the comfort of the bed to resume their long rest. Unbelievable, but even with the lingering tenderness she still felt, she wanted him again.

  As if summoned from sleep by her interested thoughts, Skye opened his incredible eyes. “Good morning,” he rasped, his Draconian voice even more husky than usual. Without moving, he watched her, dared her with a smile to act on her thoughts.

  “Morning,” she agreed, surprised at the drop in her own voice. Frowning, she cleared her throat and lightly touched his solar plexus. Topaz eyes half closed in bliss.

  Encouraged, she inched her fingers down, slowly pulling down the sheet as both their breathing quickened.

  A loud knocking sounded at the door.

>   “Go away!” Skye shouted, beating her to it.

  There was a moment of silence, then a shocked, “Skye? Is that you?”

  Skye groaned and flung off the covers. Headless of his naked state, he stalked to the door, flinging it open to reveal not only Nemesis, but Lore and Sesame and a very surprised Quadril. As one their gazes dropped to his erection, still streaked, along with his thighs, with the evidence of Jaide’s past innocence.

  He frowned and yanked the door closed enough to hide that part of him. “We wed last night.” His terse explanation visibly relieved his audience. Sesame’s shoulders relaxed, and the anxiety on Lore’s face changed to an embarrassed grin.

  Nemesis lifted his brows, impressed. “That was fast.”

  “Not for Skye.” Smirking, Lore pretended to try to peer around his friend, calling loudly, “And how is your blushing bride this morning?”

  “You will see for yourself at breakfast.” He glanced back over his shoulder, his face softening. “Or maybe lunch.”

  “It’s nearly noon now,” Nemesis pointed out. “Why do you think we were checking on you, or rather, her? We wanted to see if she knew where you were.”

  Skye gave him a knowing stare. Not likely. “Until later, then,” he said, firmly shutting them out. A man didn’t need his friends looking over his shoulder on his wedding morning.

  Jaide shut her eyes, enjoying the security of the locked door as she soaked in the enormous bath. Her would-be husband had stopped demanding entrance some time ago, and all was suspiciously quiet in the outer room. Most likely he’d given up in disgust and left.

  She knew all about disgust. Self-disgust, mostly. A few hot kisses and she’d lost control, given in to a wild night of passion when she’d known that letting him into her room would only complicate matters. Now the dense alien thought they were married, and heaven only knew what it would take to convince him otherwise. The baffling thing was why. Why had he ‘accepted’ her insinuation that they were...involved? Was it some sort of alien thing? A cultural difference she knew nothing about? That made sense. In fact, it was the only thing about the entire situation that did.


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