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Ride the Stars

Page 18

by Autumn Dawn

  Though he still wore an expression of hurt and annoyance, when he touched her jaw, his hand was gentle. Abandoning his pride, he stroked her jaw with his thumb, and murmured, “I need you tonight, wife.”

  She had no words to tell him no. Wasn’t this the reason she’d come back? This inescapable hunger for him? She felt his ache, his hurting; it was her own. Right now, at this moment, right and wrong didn’t matter. He did.

  She needed him, too.

  Still...If she gave in now, could she ever go back? What about all the things she’d never know? Could she live with that? No.

  But...Clenching her teeth, she made a fist of her free hand. “Fifteen minutes,” she rasped, afraid she was giving up too much ground, but unable to stop the words.

  “What?” He gaped at her and grew indignant. “Did I hear what you meant? You offer me fifteen minutes?”

  A blush stained her cheeks, but she stood her ground. “Are you telling me you wouldn’t have killed for just fifteen minutes a second ago? Besides,” she added before he could explode, “I didn’t say I was moving back in yet. Got business, first. Take me or leave me.” Excitement curled her toes as determination, along with a certain fire, rose in him.

  “Fine.” He tossed a credit chip on the table, stood up and offered her his hand.

  She took it.

  A sudden tug pulled her flush against his hard body, stole her breath.

  “Get ready for the best fifteen minutes of your life,” he promised just before his mouth crashed down on hers. Then he took her hand, dodging tables as his long legs ate up space.

  She didn’t know where they were going, and she didn’t care. She was ready.

  Oh, was she ready!

  Skye backed her up against a row of shelves in a secluded closet, kissing her as if he would devour her whole. Canisters and small boxes tumbled down, but neither of them cared. Gone were their jackets, and in three seconds, so were her panties and pants. The laces on her bustier dangled open. With the snap of a string it popped open to spill the breasts within into his marauding hands. His mouth was everywhere, trailing fire, and he didn’t wait. The moment her body was free, Skye drove home.

  It was sweet, sweet fire! Hot, aching fulfillment, and only his mouth over hers kept her from screaming her pleasure to the world. Instead, she wrapped her legs around his waist and held on tight to his hard working hips as Skye took control and drove them both over the edge.

  He’d been right, she thought when her blood finally cooled enough to allow brain function. As with almost everything involving her husband, it had been one of the best moments of her life.

  Long moments later, when his breathing finally slowed down and he was nibbling on her neck in affectionate and far too stirring after play, he murmured, “Are you certain you don’t want to seek out a little more privacy?” His hot breath in her ear sent interesting shivers through her still-interested body.

  “Tempting,” she croaked but forced her legs down, pulling away before he could grow any stiffer. She allowed herself a moment to rest her forehead on his solid chest as she relaxed into his embrace, shutting out the stuffy, chemical smells of the cleaners around her. “Very tempting.” Pulling back, she reached for her pants, grimacing to find them inside out with her underwear still on the legs. “But I told you I can’t yet.”

  You just did. He smiled over her head-safely out of sight, since her attention was on her clothes-but bit his tongue for the moment. Now was not the time to press too hard. Still....

  He touched her cheek, gaining her attention, then bent a little to help her with her laces. “I could still stay with you tonight.” He touched her lips so she couldn’t interrupt. “You’d be on your own ground, not under my authority there. I couldn’t stop you from going about your business, and in the morning, I’ll leave.”

  Slowly, she shook her head, though he could see she was incredibly tempted. “Can’t.”

  It was difficult to contain his temper, but he managed fairly well. “I could just toss you over my shoulder and run off with you.” He arched an arrogant black brow. “I don’t think you’d mind too long.”

  She snorted and pushed him back a step. “Don’t make me start this from the beginning, babe.”

  “Babe?” he demanded, unsure whether to be insulted or amused. No one had ever called him by such frivolous a title.

  Jaide shrugged. “What else would I call you?”

  “Magnificent? Unbearably tempting?” he suggested, following her out of the closet.

  One of Domino’s servers stared at them, surprised.

  Skye ignored him.

  “Conceited,” she assured him, a rosy glow on her face and a suspicious twitch to her lips.

  “I’ll walk you to your hotel,” he said, placing a hand at the small of her back. To his surprise, she stopped.

  “No.” Her face was very serious. “I shouldn’t have gone even this far down this road yet. Don’t give me another battle tonight, Skye. Please.”

  It was not easy to give in. Every instinct he possessed said to take her now and never let her go, but he’d done that once before with poor results. Swallowing hard, he clenched his fist and stared at the corner leading towards Domino’s second level. Noise and the promise of distraction beckoned. “Not tonight then.” He looked back at her, sliding his hand into her hair. “But very, very soon.” They shared one last kiss, and then he let her go.

  Refusing to watch her leave, Skye sought out his brother, joining him at his exclusive table. It was spaced a little apart from the others on the balcony. He didn’t even glance at the dancers gyrating below to the rhythm of a very popular band.

  Domino eyed his rumpled hair, his nostrils flaring as he caught the scent of women and sex. “This looks to be an interesting story.”

  Gesturing to a server, Skye ordered a drink, then ran a hand down his face, smoothing his black goatee. “She’s determined to sniff out my secrets before living with me.” He blew out a breath in exasperation. “The woman’s as trusting as a rabid ice bear.”

  “Fiery stuff, though?” Domino asked, toying with his drink. When a rueful grin curved his brother’s lips, he said, “Never mind. Your smile speaks for itself.” He grew pensive. “You know she’ll be in danger if she does become entangled in your affairs.”

  Not at all happy with the reminder, Skye tapped a finger on the table and scowled. “Protecting her from herself failed miserably the last time. Short of a full time guard....” He shook his head. “It’s a wife I want, Domino, not a slave.”

  “You could initiate her.”

  “No!” Skye stared at him in disbelief. “Have you lost your mind? Women have no place in this kind of combat. There would be no chance she’d survive.” When Domino said nothing, he insisted with more force, “She’s not even a full Draconian! Her adaptations are for breeding.”

  Domino held up his hands, signaling surrender. “I know all this. Relax, brother. It’s not as if I were suggesting she take up combat. I was thinking more of an auxiliary position. She’s good with ships, isn’t she? You know the Star Riders could use that kind of skill.”

  Skye frowned thoughtfully. “True, but what about the bylaws against women members? Even if she does get a military position, which is likely, I grant you, it still wouldn’t allow me to talk about the Riders. Legally, I can’t even mention their name, let alone tell her I’m a member.”

  “Unless she were an initiate,” Domino added, leaning back in his chair. “And we’ve been down that road already.” For a moment he watched the band, saying nothing, then his eyes slowly sought his brother’s. “If you let her run unchecked, she’ll find out about the Riders on her own, and not from anyone you’d care to have her meet.”

  Skye’s blood ran cold. Domino was right. He closed his eyes in acute misery. “I don’t like my choices.”

  “Then we will find new choices,” his elder brother soothed, ever the practical one. “It’s not as if we can’t call on others to work this out. Don’t
worry.” He winked at Skye and saluted him with his glass. “We will prevail.”

  Chapter 9

  There was nothing terribly revealing in Domino’s computer files.

  Jaide wasn’t surprised. There hadn’t been much of a personal nature in his home, either, decorated as it was in Typical Bachelor Indifference. The main purpose of her visit had been to plant her bug in his system, and that had gone flawlessly. Of course, there had been the small hope that he would cooperate....No matter. Both he and his unsuspecting brother had been fitted with short-lived nano-transmitters, and if all went well, with a little prodding from her, she’d soon know everything she needed to know.

  It was amazing the things one could pick up after being stuck with a hundred brilliant scientists who had nothing better to do than create.

  Fingering one of the tiny patches of absorption gel that contained one of the microscopic machines, she considered how she could stick one on her brother. A slap on the bare skin of his arm would do it, if she could track him down. So would a slap on the face, but she might not get away with that. A dart gun would be too obvious, and might even set off a search that could give away the game. No, it would have to be physical contact.

  To that end, she set about tracking him down.

  Three dens of iniquity and two slime holes later, she found him holed up with a hot card game and a hard-looking hooker. “Long time no see, brother,” she said, taking the only empty chair at the table for six.

  The others at the table froze, staring at her. “Aren’t you the one married to that Draconian?” an ugly brute the size of a small house asked suspiciously, glaring at her out of beady eyes. Everyone tensed, scanning the smoke filled dimness behind her.

  “Don’t mention that slime’s name to me,” Jaide snarled, hoping she wasn’t pushing the edge of credibility. “Divorced him two years ago and glad I did. Couldn’t stand his preaching when he caught me skimming credits from a dead guy’s account.” Working in a touch of whine, she added, “It’s not like he was going to need it.”

  After an almost baffled moment of silence, Chrys chuckled. “Wish I’d thought of that one.” The others relaxed and play continued as he cocked his head to study her. “So other than a death wish” he flicked his hand towards the rough crowd beyond them, “what brings you here, little sister?” A touch of steel came into his eyes. “I’m not giving you back the Bat.”

  Snorting with laughter, she shook her head and touched the back of his hand, slapping on the tiny patch and sliding it off, all in one smooth move. “Keep the pile of junk,” she said, making certain her voice carried just enough. “I have something now that makes that thing look like Grandma’s ship. It’s a real bruiser,” she confided, leaning forward, bragging like a fool. It was gratifying to see the look of alarm, quickly shuttered, flash in his eyes as he took a frantic look to see who might be listening. Good. No doubt this little bombshell would stir up all kinds of scintillating conversation between her brother and her close-mouthed husband.

  It was all she could do not to openly gloat.

  “Not so loud,” he hissed, his eyes shifting to his companions.

  So, he didn’t trust them, did he? She hid a smile. No doubt his friends would love to get their hands on the Splinter, named for its difficulty to track and shattering capabilities. If she were right, both her brother and her husband would have to pull out all the stops in an unnecessary-but-masculine-attempt to keep her safe, and such an effort was bound to shake loose some fascinating information.

  But first she had to set the hook.

  Pretending oblivion to his attempts to warn her, she leaned forward, enjoying the way the others leaned in, playing to their intense interest. “I’ll be racing in the Nexus Canyon Race next week. I want to show off the Splinter.” She smirked. “It’s got an edge so sweet, no one will ever be able to beat me.”

  “Like what?” the house wanted to know.

  Chrys gripped her armhard. She ignored him. With her voice lowered to a stage whisper, she glanced over her shoulder, then back at her companions, wetting her lips. “Let’s just say we’ll slip through those canyons like a ghost.”

  There was a moment of shocked silence at her allusion to phasing technology. The house’s thick lips parted in stupefaction. Two others exchanged furtive glances.

  “Time to go,” Chrys ordered, the card game forgotten as he stood up, dumping the hooker off his lap. Darting a sulky glance at Jaide, the woman whined at him until he handed her some credit and sent her on her way.

  “Come on,” he ordered Jaide, taking her arm as two of his companions followed them, keeping their eyes open and their hands near their weapons. “I’ll take you back to your place.” Under cover of other conversations, he hissed in her ear, “You’re either an infant or completely crazy. What do you think you’re doing, pulling a stunt like this? And where’s Skye?” He paused outside the dive, searching the dark as if he expected to see the Draconian lurking in the shadows.

  She just gave him a cherubic smile.

  “You didn’t!” he hissed, as the truth that she’d come alone sunk in. His tightened hand told her that he had a great deal more to say, but for the sake of any listening ears, all he said aloud was, “Where are you staying?”

  “Not where they think I am,” she said, reclaiming her arm and striding into the shadows before he could gauge her intent. A force field sprang up, bouncing him back when he tried to follow. Laughing at his futile curses, she sauntered off, waiting until she was out of sight to activate her personal cloak.

  Though Chrys searched the shadows, the only sign left of his sister was the echo of her laughter.

  As she’d suspected, Chrys went straight to Domino’s. The shock came when he expressed much more concern for her than the Splinter, ranting on with enough foul language to leave her with an indelible blush. Of course, that was nothing compared to what Skye said when he arrived a short time later.

  “I knew I should have tied her up when I had the chance! What does she think she’s doing, asking for trouble this way?” There was the sound of something wooden smashing, and an indignant snap from Domino.

  Sitting in her pilot’s chair with her feet propped up on the navigator’s seat, Jaide rolled her eyes and sipped her drink. So much for cool headed professionalism.

  “This has to be part of her game to draw you out,” Domino reasoned, and she nodded her head, giving him points for sound thinking. So what were they going to do about it?

  Chrys had the answer. “Rules or no rules, you’re going to have to initiate her and tell her the truth. I won’t have her killed over this, even if we have spent years trying to bring Carthack down.”

  Jaide leaned forward. Carthack? Who was Carthack?

  “And you can bet he’ll be all over her and this new technology she claims to have,” Domino added. “And he won’t be the only one. Knowing your wife, it might be anything. For all you know, this new ship might bend space or stop time.” His tone was only half-joking.

  Smiling, she ran a loving finger down the arm of her chair. No, she couldn’t quite stop time, but bend space? Hmm. Depended on how one looked at it.

  Losing interest in their argument, Jaide ran the name Carthack through her database, and was very interested to discover he was a human governor. The computer showed a long list of his sterling accomplishments, but since she wasn’t interested in anything so mundane, she sat back to think. First thing tomorrow, she’d see about finding dirt on Carthack. No doubt the easiest way to do that would be to sneak a peek at Skye’s computer files, but for some reason she hesitated to do that. Sentiment, no doubt. ‘Course, it would be just as easy to nab what she needed to know from Draconian Security, given that she didn’t have his command codes anymore. Heck, while she was there she could also see what she could find on him. Heaven help her if she were caught.

  The D.S. had been known to shoot first and ask questions later.

  Stifling a yawn, she turned off the argument since it seemed to
be winding down. Who cared whether or not they wanted to ‘initiate’ her? She’d never been into fraternities, anyway. Besides, she’d found out what she wanted to know. Whatever her men were into, it seemed to be on the right side of the law, and she could rest easier. They’d soon be out of it anyway.

  All they needed was a little help.

  Not twenty-four hours later, the Black Tide received a call from the very irate admiral of a nearby Draconian starcruiser. “-whoever it was cracked our system, downloaded files on you and your entire crew, Commander Domino, and the high security data on Carthack. We know it was a ship; we weren’t close enough to any stations or planets to establish a link. The baffling thing is that even another starcruiser at close range shouldn’t have had the power to slip a link past our system’s shielding. It’s the latest technology out of Synergy.”

  As his head began to throb with fury, Skye stroked his jaw, trying to hide his shaking hand. Roast that woman!

  Nemesis’ face revealed nothing. “Thank you, Admiral. I’ll make finding the culprit my highest priority.” He cut the transmission.

  Somebody, likely Lore, snickered.

  Skye stared sightlessly out the front window. Now he knew why he hadn’t found his wife at the hotel they’d thought she’d been using. She was on her ship.

  Causing trouble.

  “Good morning, good-looking.”

  His head whipped up at the sound of Jaide’s voice, but she was nowhere in sight. Then her image appeared on screen, seated in a pilot’s chair. The little fury had the gall to smile as her eyes swept down his body. The smile grew. “Mmm. Now that’s a sight worth waking up to.”

  “Where are you?” he snarled, standing up. He knew his face was savage, and his fists were clenched in a vain attempt to control his temper.

  Her brows rose. “Are we having a bad day? I could come back at another time.”

  “Don’t you dare!” he roared. He paced the deck, fighting to control his temper. At least she had the good sense to look wary.


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