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The Thorntons Box Set

Page 20

by Nic Saint

  “What, you don’t have statues of naked men in your vestibule?”

  She caught Anna’s laughing gaze and gave a chortle of mirth. “Not exactly. My home for the past year was a cabin in the jungle, my only admission to the fashion police a cowboy hat that wouldn’t have looked out of place in Bonanza. It belonged to my dad,” she added, and felt the familiar cold fingers of fear for his father’s fate tighten around her heart.

  Anna crooked an arm through hers and led her down the hallway and away from the middle ages into modern times. The kitchen, with its gleaming surfaces, white tile floor and gigantic butcher block island felt like a reprieve after the alienating wealth of the rest of the Thornton entrance. She took a seat at the table and gratefully accepted a steaming mug of coffee from Anna.

  “What did you mean when you said there’s more to the Thorntons than meets the eye?”

  Anna took a seat across from her and sipped from her cup. She was blond, petite, and sported an easy smile, and even though she didn’t know her from Adam, Alicia felt they could be fast friends if time permitted.

  “I mean that they’re a lot nicer than you would think, being part of the super-rich set and all. They’re actually very normal people with regular tastes.”

  She arched a brow. “Are you talking about their taste in women?”

  Anna laughed. “That, too. I mean, look at me. I’m just a regular gal from Boulder, Colorado and yet Scott apparently took a shine to me. Not what I expected, actually.”

  Alicia sighed deeply, and decided to put her cards on the table. What did she have to lose, anyway? “Roland’s way out of my league, though, you know? I mean, he’s obviously a guy who’s been around the block. More than once. We were thrown together by fate, and we had fun together as long as it lasted. Now we’re back in the States, vacation over, and it’s back to the grindstone for little old me. Providing we find my father.”

  “Roland promised he would find him, didn’t he? He’s always true to his word.”

  Alicia nodded and bit her lip. She sincerely hoped he was, and something told him he would do whatever he could to help her. Which was probably all she ever was to him. A lost cause. Someone to help out. “I know,” she finally said.

  Anna reached across the table and clasped her hand. “Hang in there, honey. If anyone can find your dad, it’s Roland. He—he’ll stop at nothing, not even…” Her words trailed off, and Alicia thought she could detect in the other woman’s eyes a brief flash of fear, as if she’d been through an ordeal similar to her own.

  She’d seen Roland handle himself when faced with his enemies, and knew he could hold his own and then some, the bodies of Bashar and his goons attesting to that, but now he was up against the biggest crook of all. “I really don’t see how he’s going to take on Harlan de Montesquieu. He’s not just some small-time gangster. He’s one of the most powerful men in the country.”

  Anna’s eyes steeled. “I’ve had my share of dealings with Harlan and I can tell you that he’s no match for Roland when it comes down to it. Don’t give up hope, honey. If your father is still alive, Roland will get him back. It’s what he does.”

  She felt the eyes of Roland’s sister-in-law on her, and wondered if she should tell her how she really felt about the man. She decided not to, for fear it would reach his ears, and would influence his decision to help her find her father. So she merely nodded. “Thank you, Anna. I can see he means a great deal to you.”

  “He does, and so does the rest of the family.” She smiled. “They’re my family now, you see.”

  Alicia briefly wondered if they would ever be hers, but then she knew the answer already. The Thorntons were so far removed from who she was, that there was no question of her joining their ranks. The presence of Anna gave her pause, though, for the young woman indeed was not unlike herself. But then she figured there was probably a lot more to Anna Moonstone than she led her to believe, and decided to give up hoping and dreaming of knights on white horses and plant her feet firmly in reality.

  This was so not her world…

  Chapter 26

  It was a serious undertaking, Roland knew. To find the professor, he’d have to engage all his sources, which were numerous, especially here in New York, but to free him would take extraordinary courage on the part of the person or persons involved. Breaching one of HdM’s compounds was not for the faint of heart, he knew, as he’d done it himself on a few occasions, most recently when he’d freed Anna from the clutches of HdM’s goons.

  But she’d been mobile and then exposed as they’d taken her to the old docks. Easy to stage an operation there. Less easy to break into Harlan’s facilities, as they were extremely well guarded at all times.

  He stared across the table at Scott, listening to his younger brother’s ideas on the matter. Scott had taken the opportunity to take Roland’s idea and run with it, and had some excellent points to share.

  “I think he’s using Professor Sumner to launch a new business venture.”

  Roland frowned. “What does he need a forest ecologist for?”

  Scott leaned in and captured the attention of the other men, Kevin also lending a keen ear to the conversation. “Harlan has big plans to conquer the next frontier.” He eyed them speculatively. “Space.”

  “What? HdM? You must be kidding!” cried Kevin. “What does he want with space?”

  “It’s all the big craze nowadays,” explained Scott. “All the super rich want to launch their own spaceship and travel to Mars or whatever, launch a colony or simply send a bunch of celebs into orbit. Great publicity. Just imagine, a spaceship flying the colors of the HdM group.”

  Roland whistled through his teeth. “That still doesn’t explain what he wants with Sumner. The guy’s not a rocket scientist. He studies the environment.”

  “And now he’s doing the same for Mars or Pluto or the Moon or wherever Harlan wants to set up shop. My sources tell me he’s about to go public with an announcement within the next couple of months. He’s got an entire team of scientists working like beavers in some underground bunker in the middle of the Nevada desert. Same place he’s got his spaceship stowed away.”

  “Wait. You’re telling me he’s got an actual spaceship built already?”

  “Yep. Harlan de Montesquieu is ready to take his brand to the stars, bro. First one to do it, too. Booking will start soon for the first paying passengers to explore space. And then he wants to set up a colony on Mars. The first humans to colonize space.”

  “He’s nuts.”

  “He’s a genius,” countered Kevin. “Can you imagine the kind of publicity this stunt will garner? It’s not just his rocket that’s going to go where no man has gone before, his brand will shoot into the stratosphere along with it.”

  “Unless his rocket crashes and burns,” grunted Roland, not liking the notion of Harlan in space one bit. Unless the man himself would take a seat on his ship and take himself out of the equation once and for all.

  “Not a chance,” opined Scott. “He’s invested everything he’s got into this project. He won’t let that happen. That’s why he’s got all the best minds working for him.”

  “As prisoners.” Roland slammed the table. “Why aren’t the feds all over him? I thought slavery went out a long time ago in this country?”

  “You know as well as I do that Harlan’s got the government in his pocket.”

  “Why is that?” Kevin eagerly interjected. “I mean, with his record, he should be in jail, right?”

  Roland and Scott exchanged a quick glance. Kevin was a great guy, but he was still a reporter, and some things were simply too big to share with the media. “No idea,” was Roland’s response.

  Kevin frowned. “Are you telling me you have no idea why Harlan has the government turning cartwheels at his simple command?”

  “It’s a mystery,” Scott offered.

  “Yeah. Never been able to figure it out,” added Roland, studying his fingernails. Then he pointed a finger at Kevin. “
But if you can, Kev, I’ll throw in a bonus on top of the fee I promised you.”

  Kevin eyed him suspiciously. “I—I’ll see what I can find out.”

  “Great, buddy. Keep us informed.”

  “Sure will.”

  “Now about this space thing,” said Roland, anxious to get the conversation back on track. “Nevada, right? Are you sure this is where they’re holding the professor?”

  “According to my sources it’s Harlan’s GHQ.”

  Roland gave this some thought. “We have to infiltrate the compound. Make sure he’s in there. Then devise a plan of escape.”

  Kevin held up his hand like a schoolboy asking permission to speak. “Easy peasy. We just pretend we’re scientists anxious to join the space project.”

  Scott pursed his lips critically. “Not as easy as all that, considering the whole thing is top secret.”

  Roland tapped the table. “How many people are up there?”

  “Hundreds. Easily.”

  “They must eat, right? And those facilities have to be cleaned, the machines kept running? Any operation this size needs outside facilitators—cleaning crews, mechanics, medical staff, the works. All we need to do is figure out who they’re contracted with and then find a way to join the staff.” He stared at Kevin. “I think you’d make one hell of a floor scrubber, Kev.”

  “Thanks for nothing, Ro,” grumbled Kevin.

  Roland held out his hands. “Hey, just trying to cut you a break, buddy. Just think of the response a story about Harlan’s secret operation will get.”

  Kevin’s eyes lit up, and Roland grinned. The boy was so easy to get all riled up. Sometimes he reminded him of that fictitious Belgian reporter Tintin. Now all Kev needed was a fluffy white dog called Snowy and he was all set.

  He glanced over to Scott. “Looks like we’re all set, bro. Find out which contractor to target, and I’ll take care of the rest.”

  “No way. I’m with you on this one, Ro.”

  “Out of the question. Your place is here with Anna. I can’t let you risk your life on this. Anna would kill me.”

  “I will kill you if you don’t let me in on this.”

  Roland wavered. “Your wife is pregnant, Scott. You can’t go traipsing around Nevada with me. Not now.”

  Scott shook his head and his jaw tensed. Roland knew what it meant. Either he took his little brother along with him or he’d find a way out to the desert on his own. Finally he relented. “All right. But I want you in the command post. I don’t want you anywhere near the compound when we breach, is that understood?”

  Scott grinned. “Aye, aye, captain.”

  “Good,” grumbled Roland. He loved his brother too damn much to see him risk his life to take down HdM.

  “I’m in, too,” suddenly a voice rang out behind him. Whirling in his seat, he was surprised to find Alicia eyeing him intently.

  “No way,” he growled. “This is way too dangerous for—”

  “—a girl?” she completed the sentence, her eyes shooting fire. He remembered that expression from when he’d first laid eyes on her in the jungle. For a moment he thought she would sling her rifle in his face, but luckily she’d had to leave her weapon behind when they left Coyatan.

  “That’s not what I meant. It’s just that…” He didn’t know how to express his fear something might happen to her. Twice already he’d had to save her life from some murderous maniac. He simply couldn’t see her come to harm again. He cared too much for her. “It’s not safe for you out there,” he concluded lamely.

  She’d folded her arms across her chest and tilted her chin in a posture of defiance. “I’m coming with you and that’s all there is to it.”

  “Oh, God,” he groaned, and reached his hands to his hair in an attempt to ward off the fire that lit up his being at the thought of Alicia falling into Ty de Montesquieu’s hands. The thug son of Harlan had a way with women that made Bashar look like a choirboy.

  “We’ll keep her safe, Ro,” softly spoke Scott, and he nodded. More than anyone else, Scott knew Ty, whom he was sure they’d encounter on this mission.

  “We better,” he grunted, and shot Alicia a look of censure. The woman would be the end of him, he knew. But he also knew he simply couldn’t deny her anything. She had him wrapped around her finger, and she wasn’t even aware of it.

  “Great,” cried Alicia, her face lighting up. “When do we leave?”

  Lord help me, thought Roland as strange emotions stirred in his bosom at the sight of the gorgeous young woman. And it wasn’t merely his heart that sang as he watched her, fierce and proud, her azure eyes glowing with a holy fire. His cock, too, responded like a lightning rod each time she was in the room with him. He simply couldn’t get enough of her, and wondered when he could have her again—hold her in his arms again—fuck her brains out again…

  Soon, he hoped. Very, very soon.

  Chapter 27

  “Out of the question! You’re not going and that’s my last word!”

  “Dad. I have to go.”

  “No, son. You have to do nothing of the kind. I told you a long time ago that when push comes to shove, you leave the dangerous stuff to the hired help. That’s what we pay them for.”

  Alicia glanced up from Roland to take in Jack Thornton and thought the resemblance remarkable. The older man was more heavyset, and his hair had turned gray, but he still cut an imposing figure, and he was obviously well accustomed to doling out orders, not receiving them.

  Next to Jack stood Roland and Scott’s mother Fay, who’d just stepped in, attracted by the sound of quarreling voices. She was a small woman, but not less fierce than her husband, and held herself with remarkable poise and grace. A force to be reckoned with, Alicia quickly deduced when she felt the woman’s gray eyes briefly rest on her, then flicking away again.

  “Jack. If Roland feels this operation is of vital importance, why not simply surround him with a team that is top notch? That way he can still play a vital role and not come in harm’s way?”

  Jack eyed her with a pained expression, obviously not pleased to be attacked in the back by one whose support he’d expected in a matter of such importance. “It doesn’t matter who goes with him, honey. Roland will still be out there, facing Ty’s goons. You know what he’s like!”

  “Roland and me together,” interjected Scott.

  Jack swiveled to his youngest. “You, too?”

  “Yup,” grinned Scott.

  Jack’s eyes shot fire and he took a deep breath to launch himself into another diatribe, but then Fay’s cooling hand on his arm convinced him otherwise, as did her words.

  “Remember what the doctor said, darling. No sense in upsetting yourself over something you can’t control.”

  His eyes went wide. “I can’t control?” He pointed to his wayward sons. “They’ll damn well do as I tell them to!”

  “Look, Dad—” began Roland.

  “This is all absolutely unnecessary, Mr. Thornton,” Alicia heard herself say. She directed a look at Roland. “No one should risk his life on my behalf. I’m sure there’s another solution.”

  “Thank you, dear,” Jack said, considering her for the first time. “But there’s bigger issues at stake here than merely the safety of you or yours. If Harlan is launching an operation of this magnitude, you can bet there’s more to it than just a nice little PR operation. And that’s what scares me, to be honest.”

  If Alicia was offended by these words, she didn’t show it, Roland thought. His father really had a way with words, especially when he had the impression everyone was ganging up on him. Like now.

  “I assure you that the safety of your father is the only reason we’re doing this, Alicia,” he said therefore, and was gratified to see his father wince at these words, realizing he’d been callous once again.

  Fay hid a smile, and he thought he could detect in Alicia’s eyes the soft glow of gratitude.

  “I still feel you’re taking an awfully big risk, son,” Harlan tr
ied again. “If something should happen to you or your brother—”

  “Nothing will happen to Ro or Scott, isn’t that right, boys?”

  Mom always had to have the last word, Roland thought as he shot her a reassuring nod. “We’ll make sure nothing does, Mom.”

  “Roland and I are pros, isn’t that right, big brother?”

  “Pros or not, Ty is not someone to go up against half-cocked,” grumbled Jack, still not convinced.

  “Then let’s make sure we’re fully cocked,” Roland offered, and this time the smile on Alicia’s lips was unmistakable, and he felt that familiar twitch in his crotch again. God, the woman was hot. So hot he’d gladly take her right here, in front of his whole family. Fortunately, she was more sensible than he was, for she cast down her eyes demurely when the heat shooting back and forth between them became unbearable—and obvious to everyone in the room.

  Fay coughed a delicate cough, and placed a hand on Alicia’s arm. “Why don’t I show you to your room, Alicia? I don’t believe we’ve had the pleasure. I’m Fay, and that young man sending lascivious glances at you is my son.”

  Alicia blushed at these words, and as she was led out by his mother, Roland thought he detected a glint of amusement in the latter’s eyes.

  As Alicia followed her hostess up a flight of stairs, she felt butterflies flit about in the pit of her stomach. The look Roland had cast her had been hard to misinterpret, if even his own mother had caught it. So he was still interested in her, was he? She wondered if his interest was purely physical or extended beyond the realm of sex.

  For now, though, she took comfort in the fact he still wanted her—still lusted after her—even to the degree he didn’t care to hide it from his family. They’d arrived on the third floor, sweeping up winding stairs adorned with red carpeting and arriving in a hallway just as exquisitely decorated as the downstairs one, only here the colors were more muted, blues and browns the dominating scheme.


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