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Finding Mr. Wrong

Page 10

by Charlie Cochet

  "I can't speak for Arianna."

  "That's for sure," Matthew muttered.

  "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

  "It means you let her walk all over you, Bryce. You don't have to give her everything she wants. I mean, for crying out loud, you've got three kids in European boarding schools, three summer homes, a penthouse, a yacht bigger than a cruise ship that you never take out, and Arianna just bought a new chalet in Switzerland because her friend bought one. She hates the cold!"

  "Fine. Don't listen to me. You never do anyway."

  Matthew was expecting Bryce to storm out like he always did. Instead he just stood there, an odd expression on his face. "I know you think I'm giving you a hard time just to be an asshole, but I worry about you. You're a nice guy, Matthew. Sometimes you're too nice, and people take advantage."

  "I appreciate your concern, but I promise you, Jax isn't one of those people."

  Bryce nodded, turning to leave. He paused, his hands in his pockets and his gaze on his shoes. "I'm sorry I didn't go to see you at the hospital. I'm not good with that kind of thing. You know. After Dad."

  Matthew's heart squeezed for Bryce. Sometimes he forgot that his cousin had lost his dad when he was just a kid. It had been hard on everyone in the family, but it had hit Bryce and his mother the hardest. "It's okay. I understand."

  "It's all I could think about while you were in the hospital, and I was even more of a jerk than usual, especially to your staff. I'm sorry I yelled at Adam."

  Well how about that? Two apologies in one day? That was more than Bryce had apologized in... ever.

  "Is everything okay?" Matthew asked, wondering what had brought this all on. Lately Bryce was always so angry. It hadn't occurred to Matthew that something might be going on. That maybe he wasn't just pissed off with Matthew for shooting down his proposals. Now that he studied his cousin, the guy appeared exhausted.

  "Yeah. No." Bryce let out a heavy sigh. "It's Arianna. We seem to be arguing more than ever." He shrugged. "Anyway, it's fine. It'll pass."

  Matthew nodded, even though Bryce wasn't looking at him. "Well, if you need anything, just let me know."

  "Thanks." Bryce left quietly for once, and Matthew sat back. Maybe he was being hard on Bryce and his cousin really was just worried about him. Whatever was going on between Bryce and Arianna, he hoped they worked it out. Matthew's phone rang, and he couldn't help the way his heart did a little flip at seeing Jax's name.

  "Hey. Thanks for the cake." Matthew's smile couldn't get any wider. "I was thinking that maybe you'd like to have dinner with me?"

  "Um, okay. I don't own a suit or anything."

  "Don't worry, there's no suit and tie required at my apartment."

  "You want to have dinner at your place?"

  "Yeah, I thought I might seduce you with my average cooking skills. No promises, though. I don't cook very often."

  "Baby, there is nothing average about you, I'm sure."

  The butterflies in Matthew's stomach were going wild. "Aw, you're sweet. You know, you don't have to butter me up to get in my pants."

  Jax's husky laugh went straight to Matthew's groin. "Is that so?"

  "Yep. I'll text you the address and just let security know you're there to see me. They'll let you in."

  "Should I bring anything?"

  "You know what to bring, other than your sexy self of course. Oh, and I forgot to mention that along with a casual dress policy, underwear is optional, so don't feel obligated to bring any."

  Jax groaned. "Operating heavy machinery with a hard-on is not pleasant."

  It was Matthew's turn to laugh. "Sorry not sorry."

  "Prick." Jax chuckled. "Sometimes I get the feeling you just want me for my lemon cake."

  "And your sweet bod. Don't forget that."

  "When did you become such a smartass?"

  "Must have learned it from you."

  "Oh, it's like that, huh?"

  "It's like that." Matthew loved hearing the smile in Jax's voice. Teasing Jax was quickly becoming his favorite sport.

  "Okay. I'll bring the lemon cake, but so you know, it's gonna cost you."

  A tingle went up Matthew's spine. "Is that so?" How many hours left until dinner? Damn, it wasn't even lunchtime yet.

  "Yes, baby." Jax's voice was low and throaty, sending a shiver through Matthew. "You want some cake? You're going to have to taste something else first."

  "Oh God." Maybe he should have saved teasing Jax for when he wasn't sitting in his office in the middle of a busy workday.

  "That's right. I want you on your knees. I want you to show me how much you want this cake."

  "Jax," Matthew said through a groan. "I'm at the office." Thank God for frosted glass.

  "Does the thought of your mouth on my cock make you hard, Matty?"

  Oh, for crying out loud. "That's a silly question," Matthew muttered, pressing his legs together. Just the thought of getting down on his knees in front of Jax, taking hold of his thick hard length, was enough to have Matthew whimpering.

  Jax's voice dripped with sex. "Good. And when I come in your mouth, after you've swallowed every drop, I'm going make a meal out of your ass and make you scream my name."

  Matthew cursed under his breath. "Jax," he hissed.

  "Do you like the sound of that, Matty? You want me to fuck your ass with my tongue?"

  "For fuck's sake, Jax."

  "Say it."

  "Please," Matthew whimpered.

  "Say the words."

  Matthew sucked in a sharp breath. "Jax, I want you to fuck my ass with your tongue."


  "And then I want you to fuck me with your hard cock."

  "That's a good boy. I'll be there at eight."

  "You are such a meanie."

  Jax laughed. "See you at eight, sweetheart."

  "See you then." Matthew hung up, his smile splitting his face at Jax's endearments. Was it too much to hope for that Jax could be his Mr. Right? Granted, Jax didn't really seem to fit the title of Mr. Right, but maybe he'd been looking at it all wrong. Maybe what Matthew needed was a little Mr. Wrong. Either way, he couldn't wait until dinner.

  Chapter Ten

  "CAN I help you?"

  Jax stood in the expansive lobby of the luxury high-rise and did his best not to act as if he didn't belong there, which he didn't. Even dressed in his newest black jeans, brown brogues, and black long-sleeved henley, he still felt out of place.

  "Hi, yeah. I'm here to see Matthew Hart."

  The guard looked him over, his expression unreadable, before he dropped his gaze to the medium-sized tablet in front of him. He tapped away at it, scrolled through something that looked like some kind of list. "Name?"

  "Jax Foster."

  The man tapped something, then smiled up at him. Jax released the breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. He returned the man's smile.

  "Benny will show you up." The guard tapped his earpiece. "Benny, I have a guest here to see Mr. Hart."

  Within seconds, an equally mountainesque man appeared. He smiled, softening his granitelike features. "This way, Mr. Foster."

  Jax followed the guy to a hallway filled with six elevators and one on its lonesome at the end. He swiped his card in the little reader beside the gleaming doors, and the door opened. The man stepped aside, still smiling.

  "Have a good evening, Mr. Foster."

  "Thank you. Um, what floor is it?" Jax asked as he stepped inside when he noticed there were no buttons.

  The guard chuckled. "There's only one stop, Mr. Foster, and that's the top."

  "Oh, right."

  The doors closed, and Jax's clothes suddenly felt too tight. Holy shit. Matthew had his own elevator? Now that he thought about it, he supposed it made sense. Why wouldn't Matthew live in a penthouse? Jax kept forgetting how wealthy Matthew actually was. At least Matthew was secure. Jax hated to think of anyone having access to Matthew's home.

  The elevator doors opened, and Jax

hesitantly stepped out, stunned to find he was in Matthew's apartment. He'd never known anyone with an elevator that stopped inside their home. Jax suspected Matthew's apartment would be huge, but now that he was faced with it, he discovered his estimate was so far off the mark it was in another time zone. The apartment wasn't huge; it was epic. It was also at least two stories, possibly three--he couldn't tell from where he was standing. Beyond the foyer, he could see what looked like a living room at the far end. The walls were mostly glass, and as Jax walked closer, he could understand what Matthew had meant by "outside looking in." The view was breathtaking. Like you were floating above the city with nothing but a sea of towers and twinkling lights that faded off into the horizon. It gave Jax a sense of peace, but only because he knew Matthew was around here somewhere. Otherwise, it felt a little... lonely.

  Turning to look for Matthew, he spotted a large dining area with a long white table and fourteen black chairs. Did Matthew entertain up here? Have dinner parties with his friends from Harvard or perhaps clients from Hart & Home? Being here was so surreal.


  Music floated through the apartment, and Jax followed it until he found the source. He bit down on his bottom lip to keep from making a sound at the adorable sight before him. A cheerful, energetic oldies song filled the vast kitchen, and Matthew bounced and bopped along, his back to Jax as he twisted and shimmied from one end of the counter to the other, a wooden spoon in one hand and an apron tied around his slim waist. Jax quietly placed the cake box on the island counter before sneaking over to Matthew. He nabbed Matthew's spoon from him, and Matthew spun with a yelp. His eyes widened when he saw Jax there.

  "For heaven's sake, Jax. You scared the life out of me."

  Jax chuckled at Matthew's sweet pout. He winked at him, then placed the spoon on the counter before he took hold of Matthew's hand and pulled him close to do the twist. Matthew laughed and joined him, holding on to Jax as they twisted low, the music fading out before returning with a burst of song.

  Jax pulled Matthew close, slipping one hand around Matthew's waist, his other hand holding Matthew's as he led him in a slow dance. They swayed to the sweet little love song, and Jax made Matthew laugh when he spun Matthew before bringing him back into his arms.

  As "Save the Last Dance for Me" by the Drifters came on, Jax sang. Matthew's brows shot up as Jax started to salsa.

  "You salsa?"

  "Of course." Jax winked at him again, took his arm, and led him in a twirl, singing as they danced together, the movement of Matthew's hips giving Jax sinful thoughts. Jax wasn't the only one who could salsa.

  "A friend of mine's aunt taught me," Jax admitted. "It took a while, believe me. She said I was the most stubborn student she'd ever had. It was the hip movement. I wasn't loose enough. But she never gave up on me."

  "I'll have to thank her," Matthew said, a wicked gleam in his eyes.

  "Well, she passed a few years ago. She was an incredible lady."

  Matthew's expression softened. "I'm sorry to hear that, Jax. It sounds like she really made an impression on you."

  Jax smiled. "She did." She'd taught him that he should never be ashamed of who he was. That it didn't matter where he came from or how little he had, he could lead a happy life. She'd given him hope when he was just a lanky teen with an uncertain future ahead of him.

  Jax twirled Matthew again, and they continued to dance and laugh. Jax lost track of how long they'd been dancing. The music faded, and Matthew turned down the volume. He stopped in front of Jax.

  "Hi." Jax held back a smile at Matthew's wide eyes and flushed cheeks. His tongue poked out to lick his bottom lip, and Jax leaned in, murmuring quietly, "You got a little something here." He licked at the corner of Matthew's mouth and slipped a hand behind Matthew's neck, bringing their lips together. Jax's tongue tangled with Matthew's, their kiss sloppy, wet, and heated. When he pulled back, they were both panting.

  "Oh my God, you're going to kill me," Matthew said through a shaky breath.

  "I hope not," Jax teased. "There's still so much more I want to do to you."

  Matthew's face went red, and he cleared his throat. "I hope you don't mind, I'm making chicken and mushroom alfredo. Chicken and pasta is kind of the only thing I can cook."

  "It smells amazing."

  Matthew leaned into Jax and inhaled his scent before releasing a sigh. "You smell amazing." He caught himself and groaned. "Oh God, I'm so sorry. That was weird. Sniffing you."

  Jax laughed softly and pulled Matthew up against him. "It's not weird." He brought Matthew's earlobe between his teeth, enjoying the shiver it sent through Matthew. "I love that you like how I smell."

  "Woodsy," Matthew murmured.

  "You saying I smell like a lumberjack?"

  Matthew pulled back and stared at him. "Um...."

  "I'm kidding," Jax said, laughing when Matthew smacked his arm playfully. "Still the oldies, huh?"

  "You remember my grandma? Whenever my parents were away, she'd take care of me. After I did my homework, she'd show me all the different dance moves from the fifties and sixties. We'd sit around listening to records, and she'd tell me all about her favorite groups. When I got older, she shared stories of her youth and all the mischief she'd gotten herself into. She was a saucy thing when she was young. A total groupie." Matthew laughed, shaking his head.

  "She was amazing. Her homemade oatmeal cookies were the best."

  "They were. She passed away just after I graduated college."

  "I'm so sorry, Matty."

  "It's okay. The music helps keep her alive. Anytime I hear the Supremes, I see her smile."

  "You must miss her a lot."

  Matthew nodded, his smile sad. Jax kissed his cheek and swayed slowly with him, their bodies pressed together. Matthew wrapped his arms around Jax's waist, his soft sigh making Jax smile.

  "I guess I better let you go so you can finish cooking, huh? Anything I can help you with?"

  "I thought we'd eat here. How's that sound?"

  Jax was grateful. He'd seen the size of the dining room table. "That sounds like a great idea."

  "Wonderful. Can you grab a couple of plates? They're just in that cabinet there."

  Jax did as he was asked, opening the cabinet and pulling out a couple of large dinner plates. Matthew told him to go ahead and set up everything else, and Jax moved around the kitchen, searching out cutlery and place mats. He'd never seen so many gadgets and appliances. Anything a person might possibly need or not need was in Matthew's kitchen. He didn't even know what half of it did.

  "What's this metal bar-of-soap-looking thing?"

  "It gets rid of the smell on your hands. Like when you're chopping garlic or onions."

  "Cool. And what about these scissors? Why does it have five blades?"

  "It's for cutting herbs."

  "Interesting. What happened to using a knife?"

  Matthew wiggled his fingers at Jax. "Some of us aren't that coordinated. I tried to sew on a button once, and it looked like I'd been in a bloody battle."

  Jax laughed and continued to set the table, or counter rather. Everything was coordinated, from the dishes to the napkins and glasses.

  "There's beer in the fridge."

  Jax paused in front of what he assumed was the refrigerator. "Is this it? Because the screen is throwing me off."

  "It's one of those smart fridges. You can order groceries from it, upload your calendar, pictures, and so on."

  Jax stared at it. He'd never seen a fridge that told you the weather and played videos. "I'm kind of afraid to touch it. It's not going to tase me or something because I'm not cleared for access?"

  Matthew chuckled. "Just open the door."

  Jax hesitated. He opened the door and found it actually had four doors that opened outward. Two on top and two on the bottom. Pretty cool. He grabbed a couple of frosty beers from the door, then closed it. If the refrigerator was this high-tech, Jax could just imagine what other high-tech toys Matthew ha
d in his apartment.

  Once the table was set, Matthew placed the bowl of pasta in the center along with serving utensils. They had crusty sourdough bread that Jax was ready to propose to, and some grated parmesan cheese.

  "This is fantastic." Jax hummed around a mouthful of food.

  Matthew shrugged. "It's nothing special."

  "Matty, it's really good."

  "Thank you." Matthew beamed up at him.

  They ate and chatted. Jax ate his weight in pasta and bread. He just couldn't get enough of that bread. It was one of his many weaknesses. Good thing he spent a good deal of his time on his feet wielding heavy machinery and tools.

  "I was thinking about getting a dog," Matthew said, smiling wistfully.

  "Really? I know you've always wanted one. You used to talk about it all the time when we were kids."

  "Yeah. I don't travel as much as I used to, and when I do need to travel, I can leave him with Adam or get a dog sitter. Adam loves dogs." Matthew looked away shyly. "I kept telling myself I was too busy, but after nearly dying, I started thinking--"

  Jax almost choked on his food.

  "Jesus, Jax." Matthew patted his back. "Are you okay?"

  Jax took a swig of his beer to wash down his food. "Dying?" he wheezed.

  Matthew blinked at him. "Oh, right. That was before the commission. A few days before, actually. It was a close call. I had a salad for lunch and somehow peanut oil ended up in the dressing."

  Jax cursed under his breath. Matthew was badly allergic to peanuts. "And you didn't think to mention this sooner?" Jax growled, unsure why he was so angry.

  Matthew frowned at him. "I forgot about it. I'm sorry. I didn't think it was important."

  "Not important? You almost died!" Jax stood and ran a hand through his hair. "For fuck's sake, Matthew." His chest felt tight, and he was having trouble breathing. What if the next time Jax had looked Matthew up, it was to find his obituary? He almost lost Matthew for good. Again. What if he'd never had the opportunity to apologize? To look into Matthew's gorgeous eyes or see him smile again?

  "Jax?" Matthew stopped Jax's pacing, his voice soft as he placed his hand to Jax's cheek. "What's going on? I'm okay. I'm here. It was a close call, but it's fine now."

  "But it might not have been."

  "Hey, come here." After some hesitation, Jax let out a huff and went into Matthew's arms. "You're really worked up about this."

  Jax wanted to clobber him. "You think?" Jax grumbled, irritated. He wrapped his arms around Matthew and just held him tight, his chin on the top of Matthew's head and his eyes closed. He didn't say anything, just held Matthew.


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