A Very Single Midwife

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A Very Single Midwife Page 14

by Fiona McArthur

  ‘So how long have you and Dr Rainford had something going on?’

  Bella looked away. ‘We don’t!’

  ‘Yeah, right. I know that look in a man’s eye and you’re not immune to him either.’ She looked at Bella measuringly. ‘You’ll have to chase him.’

  Bella charted the observations. ‘I tried that and it didn’t work. I’m not much of a chaser. It’s really not my style.’

  Rene shook her head. ‘Maybe when we were young it wasn’t your style but I can see you’ve changed. You’ve suffered and you’re stronger than you’ve ever been. Don’t be afraid to push for something you want—even if it frightens you.’

  She twisted the wedding ring on her finger. ‘Jim didn’t give up and I’m so glad he didn’t.’ She shrugged. ‘I think it’s easier for the younger one to push—because the older partner feels that they’re getting the best of the bargain.’

  She laughed. ‘I know I thought everyone was going to say, “Look at that old hag with that young stud.” And I’m still sensitive, but nothing on what I was, and I’m happier than I’ve ever been. If I’d kept being stubborn about what other people might think, I’d have missed out on the best years of my life and a love that I can’t imagine not having.’

  Bella felt the tears spring to her eyes and she hugged her friend. ‘Thank you, Rene. I appreciate your honesty. And I will think about it.’

  ‘You make sure you do.’ There was a knock on the door and Bella excused herself as Jim came in to be with his wife and daughter.

  She saw Rene wink and Bella smiled as she walked up the corridor. Maybe there was a ray of hope. Maybe she’d been selfish, not giving credence to Scott’s fears. She tried to imagine how she would feel if Scott was Blake’s age and she was in love with him. It was a thought-provoking concept.

  Bella imagined falling in love with Blake, so young and naïve from where she stood at thirty. She imagined the raised eyebrows if she ran off with him. Maybe Scott hadn’t been so out of line after all.

  Even if she could remove the ten years of her own that had passed and be twenty and innocent again, she’d still want Scott. His maturity and confidence were exactly what she wanted. He had so much to offer her and she had so much to offer both Scott and his son.

  All she had to do was make it happen.

  At the end of the shift her car drove itself past Scott’s gate and Bella hesitated over inviting him to tea. There hadn’t been an appropriate time at work to float the notion to him but she could just suggest it and see what he said.

  When he didn’t answer the doorbell she followed the path around the side of the house, a bit like a lemming bent on nirvana. He wasn’t on the verandah and she hesitated before turning onto the path to the workshop. The sound of rhythmic planing from the shed drifted among the trees and confirmed his presence.

  When she took the fork under the leopard tree Bella could see him and she stopped and leaned against the trunk to watch him work through the open door. He planed smoothly and the sight was as she’d imagined once before.

  Layer after layer, he worked like some old-fashioned craftsman from the past, no hurry, just sweeping strokes that pared the imperfections from the wood. A faint sheen of sweat glowed on his bare chest as he concentrated on the wood under his hands and carefully skimmed the roughness from the length of wood. Curls of shavings lay scattered around him like streamers at a monotone farewell party. She watched the bunching and relaxing of his muscles and her mouth dried as she remembered the feel and strength of him against her.

  He laid the smooth piece down and picked up another. She must have made a sound because he looked up and unerringly focussed on where she stood.

  The clatter of the wood as he tossed it onto the bench seemed discordant as their eyes held across the path and her head swam until she remembered to breathe.

  ‘What do you want, Bella?’ There was a caution in his voice that didn’t correlate with what they’d shared. She wished she’d known what had gone wrong. But she wasn’t here for herself.

  ‘Nothing you don’t want to give.’ The words lay between them for a moment before she shrugged them off. ‘I enjoy watching you work.’ She paused but he didn’t comment so she went on, ‘I’m here to talk about Blake.’

  He pulled his shirt on and came towards her and she couldn’t help the leap in her pulse rate. ‘Let’s sit on the verandah,’ he said, and waited for her to precede him up the path.

  A cane table was set up beside the bridge and he gestured for her to sit. The sound of the water as it trickled over the stones was very peaceful but it didn’t help the tension between them.

  She sank into the chair and all she could think about was the last time they’d been here.

  He said, ‘How was Blake this morning?’

  Bella ignored the flash of disappointment and refused to be intimidated by the fact that he towered over her. She crossed her ankles, and assumed a relaxed pose and told herself that he couldn’t tell that was all it was. ‘Fine,’ she said. ‘He regrets that he rushed away and confirmed he was your son. I explained that you had guessed yourself. Perhaps you should come for tea tonight?’

  Scott turned away and gazed out over the garden. ‘It will be awkward.’

  ‘No more awkward than this,’ she said. He looked at her from under his brows and a twisted smile acknowledged the hit.

  ‘True, but I didn’t ask you to come here.’

  She forced herself to remain seated when she wanted to get up and shake him. She needed to take a grip on the truth that he didn’t want her closeness at this time.

  She raised her chin. ‘It will be more awkward if you don’t make a move. Blake may think you don’t want to know him.’

  ‘You’re right.’ Scott sighed. ‘Thank you. What time?’

  ‘Six-thirty, if you can make it. Aunt Sophie likes to eat early.’

  Scott groaned. ‘Can’t wait for Sophie’s comments.’

  ‘You’ll survive.’ Bella stood and he gestured for her to go through the house and out the front door. Neither of them glanced into the lounge room and he was careful not to touch her.

  When Scott arrived that evening, he maintained the wall between himself and Bella. Blake was in the yard, working on his car, and Bella showed Scott through the house and out the back door to talk to his son. After all, she told herself, that was the only reason he’d come.

  Vivie and Bella hung back behind the curtain in the kitchen and watched from afar, but they couldn’t hear what was said.

  They watched Scott hold out his hand for his son to shake. Blake hesitated for a moment but then they briefly shook on their relationship.

  For Scott it was a strange moment. This young man in front of him was of his own genes. Matured in some distant world that he knew nothing about and had contributed nothing to. How could Blake do anything but hate him?

  ‘I don’t hate you.’ Scott felt the trickle of superstition down his neck at Blake’s comment.

  ‘Well, we must have some connection if you can read my thoughts. Unless I’ve got it tattooed on my forehead.’ At the word tattoo they both looked at the scorpion on Blake’s wrist and smiled at each other.

  ‘So, am I what you expected?’ Blake’s own insecurities were there as well, and Scott shrugged.

  ‘I didn’t know what to expect.’ He glanced up at the house. ‘Bella seems to like you.’

  ‘Bella is awesome. How come you two aren’t together?’

  ‘I let your mother down, and Bella deserves more.’

  Blake screwed up his face in disbelief. ‘That was twenty years ago. What’s the real reason? She said you think you’re too old for her.’

  Scott winced. ‘There’s that.’

  ‘More crap. But it’s none of my business.’

  Scott laughed. ‘So is this what it means to have a son? They tell you when you’re being a fool.’

  Blake shrugged. ‘Anyone could tell you that.’

  Scott smiled again and suddenly it wasn’t s
o frightening to meet his son. Blake’s expectations were nowhere near as harsh as the ones Scott had for himself. Maybe that had been his problem all along. Maybe he should listen to Bella’s expectations before he convinced himself he couldn’t meet them. Maybe he was all kinds of fool. But that was for later.

  Watching, Vivie and Bella sighed in relief. Both men looked under the bonnet of the car and once they heard Scott laugh. Thank God, Bella thought. ‘Has Blake said much to you, Vivie?’

  ‘I think Blake’s getting used to the idea.’ Vivie said. ‘But he doesn’t understand what happened between his real parents.’

  Bella nodded. ‘From what I can gather, I don’t think Dr Rainford understands what happened to his marriage. He never knew about Blake until Blake wrote to him.’

  Vivie shook her head. ‘So Blake said. I hope it works out for them.’

  ‘Me, too,’ said Bella. The men didn’t stay long down at the Torana and Bella and Vivie left their vantage point before they were caught spying.

  When everyone had assembled for the meal, there was an uneasy silence. Sophie dived in. ‘So? How does it feel to have dinner with your son, Dr Rainford?’

  Thanks, Aunt Sophie, Bella thought with a groan, but Scott managed. He plastered a smile on his face and looked across at Blake. ‘Pretty scary, if you want the truth.’

  Unconsciously he’d picked the right thing to say, and Bella saw Blake shoot a glance at his father. Then he smiled and chipped in.

  ‘I’m with you there.’

  They all laughed. The conversation flowed more smoothly after that. Maybe Sophie had been right to bring it out in the open.

  Scott and Blake didn’t avoid each other in the discussions but they had a long way to go before rapport was established.

  At least they had a chance of things working out in the end, Bella thought as Scott made no effort to single her out in the conversation.

  When Scott had gone, again without making any moves to include Bella in his private life, she closed the door after him and leaned against it.

  ‘So what’s changed between you two?’ Sophie’s words came out of the doorway to her right, and Bella pushed herself off the door and went in to see her aunt.

  She sat down beside Sophie and sighed. ‘I thought we had a new understanding but he’s become more distant…’ since we made love, she thought ‘…since he found out about Blake,’ she said.

  ‘Give the man time. It must be a huge change to find you have family. He’s not used to people caring what happens to him, and that includes you. He’s been so busy looking after everyone else he probably feels it’s wrong to be self-absorbed. It’s a nuisance but men are pretty painful anyway.’

  Bella considered her aunt’s explanation. Maybe Scott was just having problems with change. He had been a little warmer before he’d left. The idea lifted her spirits. ‘You’re a very wise woman, Aunt Sophie.’ Bella kissed her aunt’s wrinkled cheek. ‘Don’t ever let me forget it.’

  ‘I won’t. Now, go to bed so you can knock his socks off with sex appeal tomorrow.’

  ‘That didn’t work,’ Bella muttered as she left.

  ‘Practice makes perfect,’ her aunt called, and Bella had to laugh. For a spinster, Sophie delighted in the risqué.



  SEX appeal, eh? Bella had mused on her aunt’s words overnight and a vague plan formed when she woke on Wednesday morning. It was time to stop hiding her femininity and bring out the big guns. Thanks to the other night, despite Scott’s behaviour since then, she knew she was cherished, and it was time to use that power.

  Bella gave herself an extra spray of perfume after her shower and donned her prettiest underwear for confidence. As she stood in front of the mirror she chose a soft red lipstick rather than her usual pink and left one more button undone on the front of her shirt. She clasped her hair back with combs instead of her usual bun, and it was amazing what a difference it made.

  Blake whistled appreciatively when she walked into the kitchen, and she burst out laughing. ‘Thank you. I’m not sure what I would have done if nobody had noticed.’

  ‘What’s the occasion?’ Blake’s question could have been awkward but Bella was feeling brave.

  ‘I’m trying to seduce your father.’ She listened to that sentence and shook her head. ‘Actually, I’m going to seduce your father.’

  ‘Watch out, old man.’ Blake grinned and Vivie covered her mouth to giggle.

  Bella pretended to frown. ‘You’re lucky you have good genes! He’s not as old as you think.’

  Blake shuddered as he sat down at the table. ‘Too much information. I’m trying to get my head around him as it is.’

  Bella hid her smile and patted his arm. ‘I know. I think you’re both doing as well as can be expected in the circumstances.’ She poured her breakfast cereal and changed the subject.

  ‘I heard there was a job going at the hospital in the maintenance department. Maybe you could ring and see if it’s true.’

  Blake shot his head up and grinned. ‘What’s the number? Doing what? What qualifications do I need?’

  Bella passed across a slip of paper. ‘I’d wait until eight-thirty but you should be able to get onto them and find out after that.’

  Later on that morning, Scott arrived to do his round on the maternity ward. Bella had forced down the butterflies and met him at the desk with a sultry smile.

  Scott frowned. Bella looked different this morning. His eyes strayed to the discreet gap in her blouse and stayed there until she covered her cleavage with the charts.

  He heard her laugh and the gentle sound drew an absent smile from him. ‘Are you coming on the round, Scott?’ she said, and he blinked and refocussed on the rest of the world.

  ‘Sorry. I don’t seem to be plugged in this morning.’

  ‘So I see.’ She leaned over and flicked his collar straight and then moved serenely up the corridor. The scent of her perfume lingered around him and he had difficulty concentrating on work as he followed her. Even her skirt seemed tighter today.

  She stood on the other side of Melissa’s bed directly opposite him and when he glanced across she moistened her lips with her tongue and all his promises to himself that he’d stay immune to Bella flew out the window. Then he realised that she was teasing him deliberately, and a slow smile curved his lips. He shook his head at what it must have cost her to choose that path.

  He’d been such a fool to worry about age when what they had transcended all barriers. Hell, she made him feel younger than the twelve years between them. He had to acknowledge that Bella had him going like a randy sixteen-year-old and it was very distracting.

  He gave in to the dreams he’d never believed in and accepted that he had no defence if she was determined to seduce him. Thank God.

  He returned her look with a molten look of his own that promised all manner of forbidden pleasures if she so desired. He watched her eyes widen and a pink flush stained her cheeks. He restrained his smile.

  Melissa, absorbed in calming her baby, missed the byplay and when young Tina had stopped crying Scott forced himself to concentrate on the discharge plans for his tiniest patient.

  When they left Melissa’s room, they passed an empty two-bedded room and Bella steered him around the corner and into the vacant bathroom. ‘I want to show you something,’ she said, and flicked on the light and pulled the door shut behind them. It was a very small room.

  Bella watched him look around and then back at her, and his slow, sexy smile warmed her soul. ‘And what are you up to today, Bella?’

  Bella could feel her heart thumping and the sound seemed to fill the tiny room. He was back with her. Whatever cold and lonely place he’d been hiding in, he’d managed to escape. She licked dry lips and then realised what she’d done. It worked anyway.

  He slid his arms around her and lowered his mouth to hers. ‘You are an incredibly sexy lady, do you know that?’ he murmured as he kissed her.

She closed her eyes and leaned into him, briefly pulling away to mumble, ‘I’m trying,’ before she pressed herself back against him.

  ‘I guess what you’re saying is we didn’t have a one-night stand the other night.’

  ‘Mmm,’ she said against his mouth.

  ‘And that we should really spend more time together like this?’

  ‘Mmm.’ She twisted her fingers through his hair.

  Scott groaned and deepened the kiss for several earth-shattering seconds and then pulled away.

  ‘I’ve been a fool but this isn’t the place to tell you how. Tonight. My place. I’ll pick you up at six.’ And he put her gently from him and opened the door to usher her out. It was difficult to hide the awareness between them, though they tried.

  Rene winked at Bella as she left the room after Scott’s round. The rest of the day passed in a dream for Bella.

  Half an hour later in Scott’s surgery, things had become even more bizarre. His first patient was someone he’d least expected to see.

  Aunt Sophie hobbled in and sat in front of his desk like an avenging witch. She pointed her bony finger at his chest and stabbed the air. ‘I want to see you.’

  Scott looked at the old lady warily, still amazed that she’d ventured out of the house. ‘How can I help you, Sophie?’

  ‘It’s me that’s going to help you, sonny, though, goodness knows, you don’t deserve it the way you fumble around the point.’

  She shook her head and her neck made tiny cracking noises with the movement. Scott winced at her audible arthritis. Sophie ignored it. ‘Will you stop this rot you two are going on with? She loves you. You love her. I know it. You know it. Everyone else knows it. For goodness sake, whip her away and do something about it.’

  Scott bit his lip. Sophie was incredible and he admired her all the more for the effort it must have taken to get her here. But she expected an answer. ‘I don’t think kidnapping is really my style,’ Scott said patiently.

  Sophie pretended to spit and Scott laughed out loud.

  ‘Look, Sophie, I can see I’ve been a fool and you’re right. I do love Bella, have always loved Bella, and I’d already decided to do something about it. OK? I appreciate your effort and you’ve been outrageous enough for today. I will think long and hard about your suggestion.’


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