A Very Single Midwife

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A Very Single Midwife Page 15

by Fiona McArthur

  He helped her stand and she leaned on her stick more than she leaned on him. When he opened the door, Blake rose from one of the waiting-room chairs and came over to shake his father’s hand. He met Blake’s eyes and they both smiled over the top of Sophie’s head. It was the first spontaneous acknowledgement between them and it felt good. Today was turning into an amazing day.

  Blake lowered his voice. ‘Then I’ll see you at your wedding?’

  Scott smiled. ‘If she’ll have me.’

  His son rolled his eyes. ‘As if not.’ He helped Sophie as she began her journey across the room.

  Taking Bella away wasn’t feasible, but there was no reason they couldn’t arrange something along the lines of a romantic surprise. Unfortunately it was only Wednesday and they had work tomorrow—although he was sure Rohan and Abbey would help him with that.

  The thought made him smile. Maybe he was lightening up.

  He wandered into his partner’s room between patients, and it was surprisingly easy to rearrange his and Bella’s schedule tomorrow. In fact, he ended up with the rest of the afternoon off to prepare his campaign. Rohan practically marched him off the premises and banned him from the practice until Friday morning.

  When Bella walked into Scott’s house that evening, it was filled with spring flowers and there was a huge banner hanging across the room. SCOTT LOVES BELLA!

  She turned to look at Scott and her eyes filled with tears. He’d said he’d tell her tonight and she’d been too nervous to dream it might really happen.

  The scent was heavenly and she moved from vase to vase. The table outside on the verandah was set with crystal and lace.

  There was a small box with a red satin ribbon at her place at the table and Bella turned to face the man she loved. He drew her into his arms and she felt the rumble in his chest against her cheek as he spoke.

  ‘I’m sorry, Bella. I’ve been a fool. I finally realised that my expectations of what I couldn’t give you had blinded me to what I can. I was a fool twelve years ago and nearly a fool again.’ She shook her head because, since her conversation with Rene, she could see his old dilemmas.

  He went on because he had to make her understand what had looked like reluctance on his part. ‘I love you. I was willing to sacrifice my happiness and dreams for you, but I have no right to sacrifice yours.’

  He cradled her shoulders. ‘That night we were together was the most amazing night of my life. I never told you that and I should have. But it brought home to me that I had so many things unresolved. You were so giving and I needed more time to ensure I could give you everything you deserved before I committed myself to you.’

  He drew her against his chest and she could hear the thump of his heart. ‘I see now I was crazy,’ he said. ‘I should have shared my fears with you. Trusted you to help me.’

  Bella spoke into his shirt. ‘What were you afraid of, Scott?’

  ‘I’ve failed as a husband before, and didn’t make it as a father. I thought you deserved my full commitment, not just the part of me that didn’t belong to the son I had to find. I didn’t even know if finding him would change me for the worse.’

  He let her go and looked into her face. ‘I should have known you would help me there, too.’

  He drew her towards the table. ‘I don’t know what the future holds, but I do know I will always love you. I won’t lock you out again. Will you marry me, Bella? Spend the rest of your life with me?’ He took her hand and stroked her fingers as he waited for her response.

  Bella stared up at him. This man she’d loved for so long was finally ready to celebrate their future together. It was unbelievable but she wasn’t going to be the one who doubted now.

  ‘Yes. Please. I love you, Scott. I’ve always loved you.’

  He leaned forward and their lips met, and the tenderness and delight was there for both of them. A long while later he raised his head. ‘That little show you put on in the ward was pretty enlightening.’ He grinned wickedly and Bella blushed.

  ‘I’ve bought us a present,’ he said, and drew her along the verandah, down the stairs and along the path to his workshop. When she entered, Bella’s eyes were drawn to the stylish sofa piled with pillows that had been placed against one wall of the shed. Beside it on a small table rested a beaded bottle of champagne, cooling in ice, and two glasses.

  ‘I decided we needed somewhere soft in my workshop for you to sit when I work down here. You never know. The scent of freshly shaved wood might act as an aphrodisiac on my future wife.’ He grinned as Bella curled up on the lounge to try it out.

  Her smile was sultry. ‘Do you think I’ll disturb you?’

  ‘Permanently,’ he growled, and leaned down to nibble her ear. ‘Don’t ever stop.’

  She laughed and then he kissed her and the champagne was forgotten as they found more enthralling things to do.


  THE wedding was huge.

  Abbey, magnificent as matron of honour, caught the best man’s eye across the pulpit and blew her husband a kiss as they both remembered their own vows.

  Kirsten, finally back from Saudi Arabia in time to be bridesmaid, grinned at such public displays of affection from her staid sister, but then a hush fell over the church.

  Bella’s entry stunned the congregation as she swayed like a radiant angel, complete with veil and floating dress, down the aisle to the man she loved. When she reached Scott’s side, her husband-to-be clasped her hand as if he would never let her go.

  The music swelled and then the words flowed around them and everyone heard their responses clear and true. All too soon it was over.

  Scott’s heart was full with the wonder of his blessings. Beautiful Bella, his new wife. His son, tall and proud beside him. His best friend and his new sisters-in-law. And a new beginning where he would make up for all the years he and Bella had missed. The tiredness he’d felt for years was gone and in its place was a thirst for love and life and all the dreams and joys of their lives to come.

  ‘I love you, Bella Rainford,’ he whispered in her ear.

  Bella turned her face and kissed him. ‘And I love you, my husband.’

  They faced their friends and family and joyfully walked the rose-strewn carpet to a new life together.

  ISBN: 978-1-4603-5775-0


  First North American Publication 2004

  Copyright © 2003 by Fiona McArthur

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  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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