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Mark of Eon: Eon Warriors #5

Page 3

by Hackett, Anna

  Caze took her uninjured arm and together, they flew toward the door they’d used to exit the Desteron. He helped her through the airlock.

  “Do I need to accompany you?” he asked.

  “I know the way.”

  He stared at her face. “You won’t get lost?”

  Her nose wrinkled. “No, Security Commander.”

  He nodded and closed the outer hatch. She listened to the hiss of compression and her boots touched the ground. She retracted her helmet, then stepped back inside the Desteron’s corridor.

  She headed down the corridor, her muscles tensing tighter and tighter the closer she got to Medical. When she stepped through the doors, medical personnel were talking quietly. Aydin turned from a bench where he was working.

  His brow creased. “What have you done now?”

  She glared at him.

  With a sigh, he pointed to a bunk. As she pulled herself up, he came closer. “Looks like your arm is fractured.”

  “How many years of study did it take for you to work that out?”

  “Your smart mouth sounds fine.”

  He lifted a pressure injector to give her what she guessed was a painkiller, and she stiffened. “No.”

  She hated that just the glimpse of an injector made her mouth go dry.

  “Don’t be foolish.” His brow creased. “You’re in pain.”

  “It’s manageable.” She tried to swallow against the rock in her throat. “Please.”

  He hesitated, studying her face. “For now.”

  She forced the words past her lips. “Thank you.”

  * * *

  Aydin wondered just what it had cost Jamie to use the words please and thank you. She wasn’t quite meeting his gaze as he helped her lower her high-tech suit down.

  He saw that she was wearing a tight, black tank top underneath that hugged her toned chest and breasts.

  When she gritted her teeth, he knew that she was in pain. He hated seeing that. His helian throbbed and his gut tightened.

  Once he’d finally gotten her suit over her injured arm, there was a sheen of sweat on her face.

  “You need to lie down.”

  She swallowed, then nodded. He helped her lie down, and then got busy checking her arm. He lifted a scanner, studying the results.

  “It’s a clean break,” he said.

  She grunted.

  “What happened?”

  “Accident during space combat training.” She shrugged her uninjured shoulder. “A warrior and I slammed into the Desteron’s hull.”

  Aydin stiffened. “That should not happen. Your body is far more fragile than an Eon warrior’s. I’ll talk with Caze about—”

  “Hey.” She waited until he looked at her. “These things happen. It’s not Caze or the warrior’s fault. I’ll be fine.”

  He dragged in a breath, then pulled out a small device and settled it over the break. “This is a bone regenerator.”

  She studied the blinking lights on the device. “I feel a warm sensation.”

  He nodded. “That means it’s working.” He checked her vitals—strong, her pulse a little fast. “It might get hot as it heals, and if it does, I will need to give you a painkiller.”

  She stared at the ceiling and he saw a muscle tick in her jaw.

  “I don’t like drugs.”

  “These ones will help you.”

  She turned and shot him a mutinous look.

  “Why don’t you like them?” he demanded.

  She turned and looked at the ceiling again. Aydin thought she wasn’t going to say anything else, but then she swallowed.

  “When I was a child, I was often sedated against my will.”

  There was something dark in her voice and it made protectiveness rise up in him. “Your parents didn’t stop it?” His voice was harsh.

  She glanced at him. Her face was blank. “They were the ones who did it.”

  His lungs froze for a second. Then suddenly, Jamie hissed and looked down at her arm.

  Aydin gripped her shoulder, distracted for a second by the smooth feel of her skin. “Let me help you.”

  “I don’t want drugs.”

  “I won’t give them to you without your consent, but if you’ll let me, I’ll administer just enough to relieve your pain.”

  She lifted her uninjured arm and rubbed her forehead. “I’ll be…”

  He knew that she didn’t want to be vulnerable or defenseless in front of him. By Ston’s sword, he wondered if this woman showed any vulnerability to anybody.

  “I’ll stay with you the entire time,” he promised. “I won’t let anyone else close to you.”

  Finally, she pulled in a deep breath and nodded.

  Aydin quickly pressed the injector to her neck. She was still tense, her muscles taut, as he dragged over a chair and sat beside her. He was close enough that when she shifted her head, it pressed against his shoulder.

  “Any word on the stolen helians?” she asked.

  “Nothing yet. We’ve lost all contact with the Eon spy who spotted the helians.”

  She made a sound. “Hope he’s still alive.”

  Aydin hoped so as well. They’d lost plenty of good warriors to the Kantos.

  A second later, he watched her muscles visibly relax. She nuzzled into him.

  “Don’t tell anyone.” Her voice was sleepy.

  “Just rest. Your reputation as a hardass is safe with me.”

  “Dammit, don’t make me like you, Medical Commander.”

  Because he couldn’t stop himself, he reached up and touched her hair. The black strands were shiny and silky smooth. “Most people like me. They respect me for my cool, controlled demeanor.”

  Jamie snorted and opened her eyes. “You’re not cool when you’re shouting at me.”

  “I only do that with you.” He reached up and ran a finger along her jaw. “You seem to get to me more than anyone I’ve ever met.”

  She lifted her head a little. “Really?”


  She was looking at him intently, and he couldn’t quite read what he saw flickering through her eyes. Eyes that were a little unfocused.

  He cleared his throat. She was under the influence of the painkillers. There was nothing to read.

  Then she lifted her uninjured hand and touched his face, tracing along his cheekbone. Aydin went still, and his helian sent a pulse of warmth over his skin.


  “Shh.” Her fingers traced over his lips. “I used to think all you warriors looked the same.”

  “And now?”

  “Now I think you look nothing alike.” She paused, her voice dropping. “I like the way you look, Aydin.”

  It was the first time she’d used his given name.

  He grabbed her wrist. It was almost delicate for such a strong woman. “You need to rest.”

  “Okay.” Her voice slurred.

  He pushed her back against the pillow and checked the bone regenerator. Her arm was healing up nicely.

  Then he reached out and tucked her silky hair behind her ear.

  “You’ll be here when I wake up?” she asked quietly.

  “I’ll be here when you wake up.”

  Her eyes closed and her body relaxed. A second later, she was asleep. Aydin stared at her face. The sharp lines of it weren’t any softer in sleep. But there was softness inside her, she just kept it well hidden and fiercely protected.

  His helian pulsed. Yes, I’d like to uncover it as well.

  Chapter Four

  “Yah!” Jamie kicked the high-tech dummy in the gym, setting it rocking. She had it programmed to be shaped like a big Kantos bug.

  She spun, jumped, and kicked it again.

  It was late in the evening and she had the gym to herself.

  Jamie was pissed.

  She’d been an A-grade idiot in Medical, letting it all hang out to Aydin, of all people. She launched into some more kicks, followed by several punches. She grunted, using all her strengt

  She hated anyone seeing her stripped back. When you showed a weak spot, people kicked you in it. Her parents had taught her that lesson over and over again.

  A hard chop set the dummy rocking again.

  “I think it’s dead.”

  She stiffened. His voice.

  It sent about a dozen emotions skittering through her. She turned.

  “How’s your arm?” Aydin asked.

  “Healed. Thanks.” Jeez, she sounded like a bitch.

  He smiled. He was wearing loose, black pants, and a tight, black shirt with no sleeves. The warriors were always showing off their big arms.

  He turned and dropped a small bag onto a bench. As he leaned over, his pants stretched over his ass. His round, muscled ass.

  She swallowed a moan, her hands curling into fists. “I met with Caze earlier…still no word from the Eon spy.”

  Aydin shook his head, frustration tightening his mouth. “The more time that passes, the longer the helians are in the hands of the Kantos.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  He shifted a broad shoulder. “They’re sentient beings. It goes against everything a healer stands for to know they are out there, being abused.”

  “We won’t give up,” she said.

  His gaze moved over her face and he nodded. “No, it isn’t in your nature, is it?” Then suddenly, he was moving toward her. He lifted her healed arm and stroked his fingers over her skin.

  A shiver ran through her. Dammit, no man got to her. No man made her lose her mind. Ever.

  She snatched her arm back. “It’s fine.” She turned and stalked into the center of the mats.

  “You’re angry,” he said.

  “I’m fine.”

  “You’re saying one thing, yet I’m detecting something else.”

  She chopped her hand through the air. “Drop it.”

  He studied her for a beat. “Would you like to spar?”

  Jamie turned slowly, eager anticipation lighting up her body.

  This was a bad idea. Walk away, Park.

  She watched him stride over to where different weapons were attached to the wall. But then he stopped by her bag, which sat on a bench. He picked up her fighting sticks.

  “These are excellent weapons,” he said.

  “I know a guy on Earth who carves them for me. He’s brilliant, and does amazing work.”

  Their gazes met.

  “They are similar to Rakaani fighting spikes.” He gestured to some lethally sharp sticks on the wall.

  She pulled them down, turning them over in her hands. “They’re nice.” A faint smile played on his rugged face, and it goaded her. “You want to fight?”

  He cocked his head. “Do you?”

  “I never say no to a fight, warrior.” She handed him the fighting spikes and they traded weapons.

  They both moved onto the mat and lifted their fighting sticks.

  Aydin held them differently than she did, but the practiced hold warned her that he knew what he was doing.

  They went at each other.

  Soon, the gym was filled with the clack of the sticks connecting. Jamie lunged, and Aydin met all her moves.

  She spun away. “I thought you’d be a little rusty, since you laze around Medical all day.”

  He charged forward, driving her back with several blows, his eyes flaring. “I am an Eon warrior.”

  Yes, he was.

  Jamie spun and ducked. She whacked her stick against his thigh.

  He staggered the tiniest amount, and she dropped and swept out with her fighting stick. He jumped over it.

  She saw two sticks flying down at her and she rolled backward.

  Her blood had heated, her skin flushed. God, she loved a good fight. She loved the blood pumping through her veins. She loved to be alive, not a victim, not someone with no control.

  “Come on, warrior, don’t hold back.”

  He came at her fast and she rolled again, but his stick hit her in the back. She grunted, swinging her weapons up.

  “You can take everything I give you, can’t you?” His voice was a growl.

  She lifted her chin, holding her sticks in a fighting stance. “Every minute of every day.”

  Something crossed his face. Deep inside, something told her that this self-contained warrior rarely took anything for himself. He was all honor and service, giving not taking.

  “Show me what you’ve got,” she said.

  He launched at her, moving fast for such a big man. Their panting breaths filled the air as they whirled and slashed at each other.

  His next hit was hard, knocking one of her sticks out of her hand.

  “Hey,” she protested.

  He knocked her other one to the mat as well. “You should be prepared for anything.”

  He strode toward her, and she rose, her pulse thumping for a different reason. She took one step back and stopped herself.

  Aydin threw his sticks on the mat and reached her. He lifted her off her feet and backed her into the wall.

  Desire ignited inside her like an inferno. Fuck it.

  Jamie wrapped her legs around Aydin’s waist, slid her hands into his thick hair, and kissed him.

  Oh. Boy.

  His lips were hot and hard on hers, the kiss hungry.

  Jamie growled and let him plunge his tongue into her mouth.

  * * *

  By Alqin’s axe. Aydin cupped Jamie’s ass and deepened the kiss.

  She nipped his lip, hard, and he tasted blood.

  “God, you can kiss.” Her hands flexed on his shoulders.

  Then, she undulated against his cock. It had been hard since he’d walked into the gym and seen her. He groaned.

  She smiled and did it again. “You like that, Medical Commander?”

  He pulled her tighter against him. “When we’re together like this, you call me Aydin. And you know I do, you tease.”

  She made a sound. “You have a body that is all tease.”

  “You like my body, huh?”

  “Big, muscled, hard, hot. What’s not to like?”

  He leaned closer, dragging his teeth down her neck. Then he bit her tendon.

  “God.” She arched into him, giving him more access. “You make me need.” Her tone was accusing.

  He moved back up until he took her lips again, kissing her until they were both moaning.

  “Come to my cabin,” he murmured.

  He moved a hand, sliding it between their bodies. He rubbed between her thighs and she moaned—throaty and deep.

  “Okay,” she said. “This is just sex. We walk away in the morning and nothing changes.”

  He shook his head. “This is not just sex.”

  Her dark eyes flashed. “That’s all I’m offering.”

  Did she even know that she had fear in her eyes? This tough, fiery woman hid her soft spots so ferociously.

  And for some reason he didn’t quite understand, he wanted her to trust him with them.

  He should be completely agreeable with a sexual relationship. That’s all he’d ever had time for in his life.

  But a part of him—one that couldn’t be ignored—wanted to show her that this was more than just hormones and scratching an itch. He was patient—a composed doctor, a self-possessed warrior, and a levelheaded man.

  She nipped his lips again and he purposely slowed down the kiss, making it long and drugging.

  She rocked against him. “Harder, faster.”

  Aydin spun and dropped to his knees, lowering her down to the mats.


  “Quiet.” He grabbed her hands in his and pushed them above her head.

  She shoved against his grip as he covered her with his body. Her eyes flashed again, and she bucked against him.

  “Let me have you, Jamie.” He kissed her jaw, her neck. “Let me pleasure you.”

  She stilled, and he heard her breathing turn sharp.

  He dragged in a breath and smelled sweat and Jamie. Nothing flowery o
r dramatic for this woman.

  He licked her skin and she moved against him, offering up a small gasp. He moved lower, tracing his lips across her collarbone. Through the cotton fabric of her sports top, he could see her nipples were hard. He went lower and sucked them through the fabric.

  “Oh, damn…” She arched up.

  A dazed look filled her face. By Eschar’s embrace, she was gorgeous. “I want to take my time with you.”

  “I like it fast.”

  What she liked was no intimacy. “This will get interesting, then.” He sucked her nipple again.

  “Aydin.” Her voice turned husky.

  His comm badge chimed.

  They both froze.

  “Aydin.” Caze’s deep voice. “All senior commanders to the bridge.”

  Cren. Aydin gritted his teeth, trying to rein in his body. He met Jamie’s dark, turbulent gaze. Her chest was rising and falling quickly.

  “We have intel on the stolen helians,” Caze added.

  Aydin squeezed his eyes closed. “I’m on my way.”

  “I need to find Jamie.”

  “She’s with me,” Aydin said.

  There was a pause. “I haven’t had any reports of yelling.”

  “Ha, ha,” Jamie said.

  “We’re in the gym.” Aydin knew Caze would have no idea just what they were doing in the gym. “We’re on our way.”

  Reluctantly, Aydin pushed to his feet and pulled Jamie up. She moved away, grabbing a towel to wipe her face and pulling her shirt over her sports top. He could practically see her defenses going back up.

  He smiled to himself. He’d batter them down again.

  “This stays between us.” She skewered him with a look. “It’s just sex.”

  “It stays between us,” he agreed. “And it’s a lot more than sex.”

  She blew out a breath. “Neither of us want or have the time for more than sex.”

  It was true, and yet he didn’t care. He met her gaze steadily.

  She gave a quick shake of her head. “And you think I’m stubborn.”

  She marched out and Aydin followed, his longer legs matching her stride. She didn’t talk all the way to the bridge.

  Once again, the atmosphere in the Desteron’s command center was tense.

  “What have we got?” Jamie scowled at the screen.

  She’d morphed back into the hard, focused space marine.


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