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Unrequited Mate

Page 4

by Tl Reeve

  Wrong thing to say. The guy uncurled himself from his chair and loomed over Nico. Right at six and a half feet tall, he made intimidation look like an art form. His amber eyes narrowed, giving him a hawkish appearance. Long, jet-black hair hung in his face, adding to his menacing presence. “Why don’t you worry about whether or not you’re going to make it out of here alive, wolf.” The guy cracked his knuckles.

  “Down, Rocky.” Alex pushed forward and put his hand on the man’s chest. “Nico, meet Rocky, Christoph’s partner and part of our team.”

  Damn. “Sorry, man. She’s my ma—she’s a friend.”

  “She’s my cousin.” Bodhi pushed past Nico. “And we know about Rocky and Zoe. Her dad on the other hand….” He shrugged.

  “Way to stick your foot in your mouth, wolf.” She grinned. “I thought you disappeared. What got you out of your hole?”

  “Hayden,” he answered. “It’s time.”

  Zoe nodded. “So, I guess I’ll leave you guys to it.” She went to her tiptoes and kissed Rocky. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow at the games. Good luck.”

  “As I said, archery is the first challenge,” Christoph said, once they’d sat down and Zoe stepped away. “Who’s going to take one for the team this round?”

  “I am,” Bodhi said. “We need to get Nico into the top four, no matter the cost.”

  “Why?” Rocky’s preternatural gaze pinned Nico, silently daring him to do something stupid. “If his actions with Zoe are any indication of what he’s done to this Hayden, then I’m inclined to say sink or swim, asshole. Convince me.”

  Everything inside of Nico wanted to tell the guy to go to hell, but he also knew if he wanted these guys to work with him, he had to be honest. “I fucked up. I broke my mate’s heart. I’ve tried to explain, make it up to her. However, everything I’ve done falls on deaf ears. This is my last chance to prove I can be the wolf she’s loved since the moment she met me. I need this.”

  “He cheated on her and broke my twin’s heart,” Bodhi piped up. “She might act like she doesn’t want him, but I know for a fact she’s not the same anymore without him. She’s going through the motions, and our whole family knows it. But, I know there is hope. She wants him.”

  “Good enough for me,” Christoph said. “Here’s how this is going down tomorrow.”

  Chapter Four

  Morning came too soon for Nico. His alarm blared, and the gladiator costume he was supposed to wear stared back at him. I don’t wear skirts, especially leather ones. Nevertheless, if he wanted to participate in the games, he had to wear it, liking it or not. Pushing the sheet from his body, he sat up then scrubbed his face. Last night had been a battle of wills and constitution.

  He didn’t like being the odd man out. Or knowing a single phone call got him into a competition he knew nothing about. Four different disciplines. Four different times to get his ass kicked and be made to look foolish—not that he already didn’t. But it’d been different when he did it to himself. This had the potential to destroy him.

  Sliding out of bed, he stumbled to the bathroom and took a shower. When he emerged, he grabbed the required getup and dressed. He had an hour to get his ass to the football field and line up for the parade. If this didn’t impress Hayden and show he’d do anything for her, Nico didn’t know what else to do.

  Accept the fact she is being honest and wants someone else. Accept you lost your chance, and have to move on. Never. He’d never accept anything less than having Hayden by his side. He’d dug this hole, and he’d get out of it. Bodhi and Alex greeted him in the hallway, dressed in the same fashion as he—except they’d forgone a T-shirt.

  “Afraid of someone seeing your chest?” Bodhi quipped. “I thought you were a wolf not a girl.”

  “I didn’t want to intimidate the competition.” He shrugged.

  “Sure,” Alex chuckled. “Come on. We’ve got to be on the field in twenty.”

  Shucking his shirt, Nico followed them. Wearing sandals and a skirt, he felt more exposed than normal, even though his wolf loved being naked. “Hey, did you wear underwear under your skirts?”

  Alex roared with laughter. “Please tell me if you trip and fall, I won’t get an eyeful of your junk.”


  “Fucking hell, Nico,” Bodhi gasped, laughing. “Of course you’re supposed to wear underwear. Who the fuck do you think we’re portraying? The Scots?”

  “Fuck you guys,” he snarled. “I thought we were going for authentic.”

  “So you wore no briefs, but you did wear a fucking T-shirt?” Alex wiped his eyes as another bubble of laughter shook his shoulders. “You’re hopeless.”

  “Whatever,” he muttered. “I promise my junk won’t be exposed.”

  “Good. Make sure it stays that way.” Alex clapped him on the shoulder as they exited the building. “So, you should know, this is going to be a huge production. The guys from each fraternity have gone all out for this shit.”

  “Okay. What do you need me to do?”

  Already, a steady flow of people headed for the field. They carried banners and plastic horns. Some dressed in togas while others wore dresses, mixing two different cultures, but they were having fun with it, which mattered most. They bellowed what he suspected were Greek chants specific to their fraternity or sorority. Wisps of early morning haze drifted across the campus, muting the glow of the sun. He felt as though he walked through an enchanted forest instead of a school.

  “Our job is easy. Phi Beta Kappa, our fraternity, has a float dedicated to the Greek god Dionysus. We’ll be walking behind it, so watch for grape juice and food being thrown. The assholes know how to party, and they will do it in excess on the float.”

  “Seems fitting,” he groused.

  “Yeah, but they’re a great group of guys, and I’m proud to call them my brothers.”

  “Anything else?”

  “Enjoy yourself out there. Remember, this is a five-day tourney. We don’t have to rush through this shit.” Alex smacked him on the back. “Oh, and every day after the games, there’s a lunch for us. You need to make an appearance.”

  “Fantastic.” They came to a stop at the edge of the tunnel as people filtered through. When they got into position, he glanced up and saw a flash of movement. He narrowed his eyes and took a step forward. Son of a bitch. His shaft twitched, and he wished to hell he’d worn shorts. Dressed in all white, Hayden walked onto the field and stood by the steps. He swallowed hard. The rhinestones and sparkling gems adorning her dress accentuated her creamy flesh and when she took another step, the slit up the side revealed a glimpse of her toned leg. Fuck, I’m so screwed.

  Hayden’s Grecian gown fit her like a second skin, clinging to her curves. “I should’ve never let you talk me into this,” she muttered, climbing the stairs to her perch overlooking the field. The heels Bell lent her hurt her feet and had made her wobble more than a time or two. “I feel…exposed.” She smoothed her dress and gazed out over the grounds. “How long do we have to sit here?”

  “As long as it takes for everyone to get through the different events today.” Bell smiled, taking up her position next to Hayden. “Then we have lunch. We’re expected to feed the victors. It gives the games an authentic feel.”

  “Oh joy.” Hayden rolled her eyes.

  “Hayden.” Bell’s tone took on an admonishing quality. “This is fun. This is what college is all about. Experiencing something bigger than yourself. Look at everyone. No matter if they’re regular students or belong to a club, they’re here today to cheer on the guys. That’s big. That’s important.”

  She hated when her cousin was right. She sighed and settled into her seat. “Fine.” She pouted. “But you owe me after these games are over.”

  “Deal. Whatever you want.” Bell giggled. “You’re going to love this. I know it. We’ve all been planning this for a long time.”

  “So, what do we have to do?” Hayden gazed out over the sta
dium, surprised by how quickly the stands filled up.

  “Wave when the parade of competitors comes around in front of us, cheer for our team when they’re up. Smile and be happy—”

  “A parade?”

  “Yeah. It’s part of the whole authentic atmosphere of an ancient Greek Olympics,” Bell replied.

  “So…lions and tigers, too?” Hayden slid her gaze toward her cousin. “Besides the shifter kind.”

  Her cousin chuffed, and a grin tugged at Hayden’s lips. “That’s Romans, silly.”

  “If it isn’t the loser,” a woman in a pink gown said. Behind her, three of her sidekicks crossed their arms over their chest and narrowed their eyes.

  “Wow. A female goon squad. Interesting,” Hayden quipped.

  “Laney,” Bell muttered.

  “Did you run out of pledges again?”

  Hayden stood up. “You got a fucking problem, lion?”

  “Ooo, so scary. When did you get a dog to do your work for you, Bell?” The girl really tweaked Hayden off. She wanted to reach out and wrap her hands around the girl’s neck. Maybe then that smug look of superiority would be wiped from her face.

  “Back off. I’m only going to say it once,” Hayden growled.

  “She reminds me of Zoe,” another girl said. “So uncouth.”

  “I’ll take it as a compliment since we’re cousins.” She smirked.

  “Oh wow, are we already starting early?” Zoe pushed through the crowd, pulling her partner behind her. “Stupid cows.”

  “Watch who you call cow.”

  “Kylie, go play with yourself.” Zoe curled her lip, showing a hint of her canines.

  “Whatever, losers.” Laney snapped her perfectly manicured fingers. “Let’s go.” The girls started to walk away then stopped. “Oh and, Bell….” She turned to her cousin. “I am going to love tearing down your house when we expand Sigma Sigma Pi.”

  Chapter Five

  Zoe lunged for the girl. Hayden laid her hand on her cousin’s arm and shook her head. “She’s not worth it.”

  “But she—”

  “She’s not worth it. She wants you to react. Don’t be stupid.” Being the daughter to a deputy sheriff came in handy sometimes when a situation needed to be defused. This had definitely been one of those times. “You guys have worked way too hard on these games to ruin it because the wench has it out for Bell.”

  “Yeah, you’re right.” Zoe stormed to her seat next to the newcomer. “Lacy, that’s our cousin, Hayden. Hayden, Lacy, my vice-president.”

  “Good to meet you, Lacy. So, there are only four of us together?” Hayden took her seat next to Bell.

  “No,” Lacy answered. “Terri and Emma should be here soon. Emma’s having a little issue with her dress.” The girl’s cheeks flamed, and her gaze dropped to the ground.

  “What happened?”

  “An accident I-I’m sure.” The girl folded her hands in her lap as she stammered. “Someone switched the dress from a fourteen to a smaller size, and she’s…well, she’s trying to zip it up.”

  Hayden growled. “How much smaller?”

  “Two sizes.” The girl squirmed in her seat. “I’m sure it’s the store or something.”

  “I’m sure,” she bit out. More like four little witches decided to play a horrible trick on the girl if her suspicions panned out.

  “I told the bear to let me hold her dress. Delilah and Reagan are Laney’s puppets, and they’ll do whatever she tells them just to keep in her good graces,” Zoe spat.

  “Emma is a sweetheart,” Bell whispered. “She can be a tad too trusting when it comes to her sisters. Those girls need a rude awakening.”

  “We’ll give it to them. I promise,” Hayden responded.

  “I hope so. I’d love to knock Laney down a peg or two,” Bell muttered.

  “Here she comes.” Lacy pointed toward the stairs.

  Wearing a pale-gray Grecian dress, Emma slowly made her way to their sitting area. Her hair hung in loose curls, topped by a wildflower headband. Her bright-amber eyes sparkled with merriment. Hayden could see why everyone had been upset. She didn’t think the girl could hurt a fly. Her friend, Terri, wore a pale-green frock and looked stunning in the gown. “The guys are going to eat their hearts out,” she murmured.

  “You think so?” Lacy waved to her friends.

  “I know it.”

  A horn blew in the distance, pulling their attention to the field. In the middle of it stood a man dressed in a toga, wearing a crown of gold leaves and a pair of leather boots laced up his legs. He brought the horn back to his lips and blew again. “Ladies and gentlemen, the first annual Greek Shifter Games are about to begin.”

  Cheers erupted from the crowd, and he raised his hand, calming everyone down.

  “For the next five days, you will watch as each contestant battles it out until one person from each category reigns supreme. All of the funds raised through these games and the Howler’s Ball afterward will be going to the five charities the winners choose.”

  Cheers and applause rang through the stadium before the guy silenced them once more.

  “These games will consist of eight teams of two. Sixteen contestants will enter, only five will be your victors.”

  Behind him, the college band began to play and marched onto the field. Bell sat forward in her seat and cheered. Gone was the hurt in her eyes over the comments Laney and the horde of witches had made. “This is intense,” she said, unable to take her eyes off the action on the turf.

  “And now, I present to you the competitors. Show them some love!” His arms swept wide as the floats proceeded around the stadium. Behind them, the two-man teams walked, waving to the masses.

  Several of the floats had heavy partying going on. She caught a glimpse of her brother and Christoph waving to the crowd, each one with his prospective fraternity. She continued to scan the floats to find Alex. God, she couldn’t believe how stupid she’d been. Of course it’d been easy to blame the alcohol she’d consumed, but that would make her a hypocrite since she hadn’t listened to Nico. More than anything, she needed to apologize to Alex. Her actions the night before had been out of frustration, and she never should’ve been so forward with him. It was inappropriate.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of Hill and Winston’s fraternity float drive by. She recoiled, and her stomach soured. The little pissant, Winston, blew a kiss at her then waved to everyone else. Her wolf bristled. The little bastard tried his best to humiliate her last night, but it didn’t work. His personality matched his hyena brethren. Smarmy, greasy, and complete assholes. The idea of him ever getting near her again made her want to punch his lights out.

  Beside her, Bell squealed. Christoph ran to the wall separating them then climbed up. Hayden understood why her cousin became flummoxed by the man. His commanding presence overwhelmed most and could make all the girls wanton hussies. He placed a quick kiss on Bell’s lips before pushing a lock of blonde hair behind her ear.

  “The night of the ball you’re mine, kitten,” he growled then hopped down and rejoined his partner.

  Bell’s wide-eyed stare made Hayden laugh. “Looks like someone’s getting lucky.”

  “Hayden!” Bell cheeks turned a cute shade of pink as she buried her face in her hands. “I can’t believe he did that.”

  “I can.” She grinned.

  “Hey, isn’t that Nico?” Zoe pointed to the float where the guys were going nuts. A man dressed as Dionysus poured wine on himself. He flung grapes at the crowd and splashed his fellow brothers as they gnawed on turkey legs, but Hayden didn’t care about him. As soon as she spotted Nico, she only had eyes for him.

  Dressed in a leather skirt with forearm cuffs and leather sandals like the announcer, he looked like a Greek god. His stomach muscles bunched and pulled with each step he took. Her wolf preened, swishing her tail in invitation. Hayden licked her lips. Her mouth went dry. Her palms became sweat
y as her heart pounded. He shouldn’t be there. How did he get an invite? She glanced at her cousin who stood enthralled by the lion who’d kissed her in public. This couldn’t be happening.

  As he grew closer with each step, the urge to run crawled through her. Her wolf tensed, hating the idea of her leaving her mate behind once more. A battle of wills waged within her. The wolf wanted her mate. Her heart wanted to protect her from the inevitable. If he cheated on her once, what would stop him from doing it again? The beast bared her teeth and howled in outrage. The hairs on her arms stood on end as the wolf skirted close to the skin. The beast won this round, forcing her to stay in her seat.

  She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at him, secretly hating the fact the girls around her sighed and asked each other who the hunk next to Alex could be. Her wolf demanded she tell them to back off, he belonged to her, but she kept her mouth shut. She might be forcing her to sit there, but Hayden wouldn’t utter the words, he’s mine.

  “Little wolf,” he crooned. So lost in thought, she hadn’t seen him scale the wall and position himself in front of her.

  “I’m not your little wolf anymore, Nico.” She looked everywhere but at him. “You’re also not very original.”

  “Oh, you still are. I am going to prove it.” He took her hand in his and kissed her knuckles, ignoring her comment. “Make sure you’re watching me out there.” He gave her a cocky grin then jumped back down and got into line.

  “He’s dreamy,” Emma sighed.

  “Sure, in a mangy mutt sort of way,” Hayden agreed.

  “He’s not mangy at all,” Terri sighed.

  Hayden’s lip curled. “Sure.”

  “Don’t poke the wolf,” Zoe piped up. “That guy is her mate. Hands off. Eyes off.”


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