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Unrequited Mate

Page 10

by Tl Reeve

  “Do you think you were a little harsh with him?” Bodhi took a seat next to him.

  He shrugged. “Maybe, but if it pushes him in the right direction, then it’s for the best.”

  “And if Jackson moves in on his territory?”

  “Have you stopped to think they might end up like your dads and Loraine? It’ll all work out. Trust me on this.” Patting his mate’s twin on his shoulder, he grinned. “Come on, we’re going to be late picking up the girls. I saw the way Emma looked at you. That bear’s got it bad.”

  “She’s all right.” Bodhi shrugged.

  “Dude, if you’re going to lie, make sure you’re not starry-eyed.”

  “Shut up.” He laughed.


  Hayden arranged for them to meet at the dining hall. Something stupid about not wanting to ruin the surprise. Nico joined the table where Alex, Jackson, Rocky, and Bodhi sat. Christoph was nowhere in sight. Not good. He pulled out a chair then, sitting down, he sighed. “Any word from Christoph?”

  Jackson snorted. “Yeah. Reagan came and snatched his ass up.”

  “Fuck,” he grumbled.

  “Yeah, and with what the girl is wearing, all she’s looking for is sex.” The dragon pushed back against his chair, balancing it on the back legs.

  “You know the plan. Stick with it. If you get laid out, well, you’re taking one for the team. Other than that, have fun.”

  “Good, because they’re here, and I want me a piece of Bell,” Jackson growled, or what could only be described as a growl when it came from a dragon.

  Nico turned in his chair. His breath left him in a whoosh. There at the door, wearing a light-blue strapless dress, with a crown of daisies adorning her hair, stood Hayden. Her blue eyes sparkled as she stood there taking in the decorations surrounding her. She radiated confidence. Standing, he prowled toward her. When her gaze met his, her cheeks turned a pretty shade of pink. Fuck. His shaft twitched and filled. “Good evening, little wolf.”

  “Good evening, mate.” She grinned. “You look handsome.” She reached out and straightened his tie.

  He clasped her hand with his. “You look amazing. Sexy as hell, and I am a lucky man to call you mate.” He pulled her into his arms. Leaning into her, he pressed his lips to hers. Her arms wrapped around his neck, as she softened in his hold while the sweet scent of her arousal clawed at him, turning him on. “Damn you’re potent.”

  “Mmm,” she hummed. “So are you.” She glanced to where Jackson took Bell’s hand. “What’s going on?”

  “Something I wish someone would have done for me,” he answered. “She’ll be fine tonight.”

  Jackson pushed a lock of the pretty little blonde’s hair behind her ear and brushed a kiss across her cheek. The dragon leaned in and whispered something to which she giggled. Just like that, the little lioness relaxed and linked arms with Jackson. “I don’t want to know.”

  “You do. But, for tonight, I’ll let it go.” Taking her hand in his, he led her to the dance floor. “I’m showing you off tonight.”

  “I suppose I can handle it,” she said. “I have to admit, I didn’t think Bell would come with us. However, Zoe threatened bodily harm if she didn’t.”

  “Speaking of Zoe, where is she? Rocky seemed…nervous.”

  She laughed. “Zoe was with us, but Rocky caught her, and….”

  “Ah, no need to expound on what happened.” He placed his hand on the small of her back and guided her across the dance floor. “I think Emma is in for a good night.”

  “Oh?” She arched a brow as they swayed to the music.

  “Uh-huh,” he murmured. “I think your brother is quite taken with her.”

  “No way.” Delight lit her eyes. “How did you find out?”

  “Eh, I only had to watch your brother. I believe Alex came alone, but he’s helping Jackson.”

  “Bell isn’t going to know what hit her,” Hayden replied. “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “Everything.” She brought his face down to hers for a kiss.

  As the music came to an end, he led her to the table. Situated next to them, Jackson and Alex kept a protective presence around Bell, which he could tell bothered Christoph. The lion’s hands fisted at his sides. A permanent scowl filled his features each time Jackson touched her. But, instead of the guy breaking free from Laney, he stayed put. Hardheaded idiot.

  The emcee from the games, now dressed in a suit, stepped up to the podium, while the waitstaff brought their dinners. “Ladies and gentlemen, if I can have your attention please. I thought we’d start the night off right, with the announcement of how much meat from the hunt will be going to local charities and orphanages.” A round of applause sounded in the room then quieted. “At the end of the night, over eighteen hundred pounds of meat were collected with eleven hundred pounds being dispersed to sixteen charities.” A nice haul for each place. It would at least do in a pinch and take the burden off of those who needed it most.

  The rest of what the guy said, he blocked out. He didn’t care about that. When they asked him which charity he wanted his portion of the monetary donations to go to, he picked a place in Window Rock. The learning center there was state-of-the-art, but the building needed work. He also knew Danielle and Keeley, his mate’s aunts, would know what the center needed the most and go from there.

  “You know, little wolf, winter break is coming up,” he whispered as the guy continued to drone on.

  “Uh-huh,” she answered, glancing at him. “In about two months. What are you thinking about?”

  “Going home. Word is you’re about to be a big sister.”

  “How did you find out?”

  “I have my ways.” He grinned. “I thought you might like to go home and see everyone, maybe tell them we mated.”

  “I would.” She took his hand. “Christmas with you sounds like fun.”

  “I agree.”

  Finally, when the announcer stopped speaking and after they ate dinner, the music started up again. This time, he was content to sit with his mate and watch the others enjoy the evening. Again, he found himself watching Christoph. Right now, Bell swayed on the dance floor with Jackson. He’d give the dragon credit; he was graceful. However, the minute the music ended, he leaned in and brushed his lips over Bell’s.

  A roar of anger drowned out the song playing and made him grin. “Bingo. I think everything should get interesting from here on.”

  “This is not good. I don’t want to look.” She hid her face in her hands, but he was undeterred.

  He directed her attention to where Christoph loomed over Bell, his body vibrating with energy. Laney trailed behind him, trying to grab his hand, but he shook off her advances. In an instant, Jackson was at her back, staring the lion down. The intense exchange had all eyes on the doe-eyed innocent lioness. Christoph snarled something at the dragon, who didn’t back down, but, then again, it seemed both men had taken a liking to Hayden’s cousin.

  Christoph wrapped his arm around Bell and kissed her. Her startled expression amused him to the point he smothered a laugh. What he hadn’t expected, though, was Jackson turning her around and doing the same once again, claiming his stake in the arrangement. “Holy shit,” he whispered. “I knew it could be a possibility, but I never thought this.”

  She sighed. “At least when we go home, we won’t be the center of attention anymore.”

  “You think?” He snorted.

  “Oh yeah. Should be interesting to see how this plays out.”

  “Yeah, perhaps.”

  “Might even help Bell with earning pledges before the mean girls get her home,” she said. “You know, we could use this to our advantage.”

  “Oh hell, mate, what are you thinking?”

  “I have an idea. But, for tonight, it’s all about us. Tomorrow, we’ll get to work.”

  “Scary as it might be, I love you and the way you think.” He lifted her hand to
his lips and pressed a kiss to her knuckles.

  “And I love you, mate.”

  “So are you going to spill your idea?” he growled. “Or are you going to keep me on the edge of my seat?”

  “I think I might make you wait, unless you’d like to get out of here now?” She gave him a coy smile and winked at him.

  “Now, definitely now.” He rose from his seat. “I already won the one thing I hoped for. You. I don’t need some stupid party to celebrate that.”

  “When you put it that way”—she stood with him—“lead the way, mate. I’ll follow you anywhere, as long as we’re together.”

  “Damn straight.”

  Sign up for the Decadent Publishing Newsletter here and never miss stories like:

  Oracle’s Vision by TL Reeve and Michele Ryan

  An Excerpt from Oracle’s Vision by TL Reeve and Michele Ryan

  Chapter One

  Amanda’s hair whipped about in the cold wind. The pristine blue skies and sunshine were deceptive. The frigid air biting at her cheeks caused the sensitive skin to go numb. Why the hell had she decided to go to an island getaway in the middle of fall? Where did the warmth go? Only last week the temperature soared to near eighty. What she wouldn’t give for those temps again.

  Around her, the emotional energy nosedived, plummeting to the negatives. She knew some of it belonged to her, but there were others. Amanda glanced over at the kid near the bow of the boat. She spotted him the minute he set foot on the vessel. He had a strange aura about him. Hyper, yet reserved. He carried the burdensome weight of responsibility and failure. His shoulders were rolled slightly forward to protect from the wind, but also, she had a feeling, to shield him from whatever demons he waged war against.

  Tall, with sandy-blond hair, he had a geeky quality to him. She grinned. Probably loved video games or something equally as nerdish. Coffee, Amanda, is always a good ice breaker. She crossed the walkway and waited in line. Again she glanced over at the boy on the bow. Better go with hot chocolate. Grabbing herself a cup of coffee, she picked up a hot chocolate for the kid then made her way over to him.

  The military psychologist she saw on a regular basis would say she was deflecting her own recovery by focusing on someone else in need. Perhaps. But she hated feeling the conflicted emotions racing through him. In fact, he’d been the first person to get under her walls since she closed herself off to everyone. He intrigued her.

  “You looked like you could use this,” she said, handing over the cup. He glanced at her and cocked a brow. He didn’t take it right away, instead studying her with intense hazel-blue eyes.

  “Thanks,” he replied.

  A man of few words. Interesting. She tucked an errant strand of her hair behind her ear and watched as a bank of fog grew closer. It seemed to separate them from something. The island? She didn’t know, but it seemed out of place.

  “So, the weather huh? Freaky.” A weak attempt at conversation on his part, but it would have to do.

  She chuckled. “It’s nice.”

  The guy cocked his brow. “You’re joking right?”

  “Nope. Might be freezing your balls off, but at least you know you’re alive.” She leaned against the railing. “Why are you going to the island?”

  “Downtime.” He glanced at the contents of the cup and blew on the hot brew prior to taking another sip. For long moments neither one of them said anything. Then, he cut his gaze toward her, catching her staring at him. “Problem?”

  She shook her head. “You don’t look like a guy who’d need downtime. What kind of a job do you have?”

  “Does it matter?”

  “Just curious,” she said, holding up her hand. “I thought you could use the company.”

  “Yeah, sorry. I’m not good company.”

  The wall of fog she’d spotted on the horizon grew closer. In the next second, they were through it, and the island greeted them on the other side. “You don’t say.” Holding out her hand, she canted her head when he didn’t take it. “I’m Amanda Cutler.”


  She lowered her hand and sighed. “You know they can’t teach you any social skills on the island.”

  “Don’t want them to.” He grunted.

  “Amanda,” Ben called out, “are you bothering people again?” Her best friend and commanding officer strolled over to them. The man puffed out his chest as he grew closer. Ben carried himself as though he was the baddest mother fucker on the planet and could back up his assertion. She loved him like a brother, and he’d been part of the reason she’d boarded the boat to begin with.

  “I’m being friendly.” She shrugged. “Can’t fault me for trying.”

  Ben shook his head. “It’s obvious the guy doesn’t want a shoulder to cry on right now.” He stopped next to Patrick. “Name’s Ben. Benjamin Kogan.”

  Patrick snorted. “Well, Ben, Benjamin Kogan, it’s good to meet you.”

  “You’re a spook, aren’t you?” Ben pitched his voice low.

  Amanda scrunched up her nose. “Rude much?” Her friend shrugged. “Look, the kid doesn’t want to talk shop.” She wouldn’t tell him she had already tried to get Patrick to open up.

  “I’m just a guy in need of a vacation.”

  Yeah, she didn’t believe his answer. A civilian didn’t stand like he was spring-loaded, ready to fight if push came to shove. He was something. Whether or not he’d admit to it, she didn’t know.

  “Uh huh,” Ben said, elbowing him. “I’m in the trade. I know how this goes.”

  “How what goes?”

  “You say you’re not. We both know you are.” He glanced out over the bow of the boat. “It’s a game.”

  “So,” Patrick stated, clearly not interested in continuing Ben’s little game. “What are you going to the island for?”

  Her friend gave him a devastating smile, meant to melt any girl’s panties. She’d witnessed his prowess over the years. “I’ve got a date.”


  She rolled her eyes. “He hopes he does. If the girl was smart, she’d run the other way.”

  Ben gave a nonchalant shrug. “She won’t be able to resist my charms.”

  Amanda laughed.

  Patrick walked away from the railing, leaving Ben and Amanda to watch the boat ease toward the dock. “You sure about this?” Ben seemed convinced his future waited on the island. He’d practically said as much when they had spoken about it the other day.


  He rested his elbows on the wood railing, slouching a bit. It took some of the weight and pressure off his injured knee—a knee she’d contributed to hurting. A wave of guilt washed over her. If she’d only had the courage to suck up her fears for even five seconds and told him the truth…. “How can you be so damn sure?”

  “Do we have to go over this again?” Ben’s clipped tone warned Amanda to back off. Too bad she didn’t know when to say when.

  “Maybe.” She smirked, raising the cup to her lips for another sip.

  “And maybe, once we get on the island, I’m going to have to make you do some PT.” Ben glanced at her over his shoulder. Amanda stuck her tongue out at him, and he grinned.

  “I’m on vacation,” she quipped.

  “Till the boat docks. Then, you’re back under my command. And Rekkus’.”

  She gave an unladylike snort. She didn’t fear Ben. Rekkus, on the other hand…an argument could be made for him. Amanda didn’t miss the smirk on her friend’s face. “I’m not sure which one of you is worse.”

  “Me,” Ben replied as the boat bumped into the dock. “Go get your shit and get settled. We’ll meet later to discuss what we’ll be doing this week.”

  “Aye, aye, Commander.”

  “Smart ass,” Ben mumbled as he turned and grabbed his gear before disembarking.

  It didn’t surprise her when he left the boat first. He made a habit of it. It had also save
d his life more times than she wanted to count. No matter if a place was considered safe, his training dictated he check it out for himself.

  Amanda stepped onto the dock with her bag in tow, and, with a head bob in Ben’s direction, headed off toward the Haus.

  It seemed cooler here than on the boat. It surprised her. The sun beat down on her, hardly cutting the bitter air as she pulled the door open to step into the lobby. A couple of people milled around the warm and inviting space. Amanda continued past the plush couches and chairs to the woman who sat behind the front desk. The woman’s delightful aura complemented her spunky pixie haircut and purple highlights.

  “Welcome to Wiccan Haus, Amanda. I’m Myron.” A deck of cards sat in front of her, waiting to be used.

  “Hello,” Amanda replied, not at all surprised Myron knew her name. Unlike the human guests, she knew about paras and how they existed in the world. It had been part of her Para Elite training. “Erm, your name tag says Cammie.”

  The woman glanced down then blew out a breath. “Some days I feel as though I’d lose my head if it weren’t attached.” She laughed then clicked a few keys on her computer. “We have you set up in one of our cabins,” Myron stated, reaching for the key on the hook. “Cabin three, to be exact.”

  “Yeah, that isn’t going to work.” She’d been sent there to train, not squirreled away like some frightened girl.

  Myron ignored her, placed the keys in front of Amanda, and began to lay out cards into a simple pattern. “Of course it is. It’s a beautiful cabin. Spacious, serene, and secluded.” Myron glanced up. “Just what the doctor ordered.”

  Amanda fought to keep her expression neutral at Myron’s odd comment about the doctor. Were the Rowans aware she had closed herself down? The military psychologist had assured her on numerous occasions everything she said would be kept confidential. But one never knew. Ben didn’t even know the extent of what she could do or see. He’d freak out if he did.


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