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Ashes of Roses (Tales of the Latter Kingdoms Book 4)

Page 17

by Pope, Christine

  There did not seem to be much point in calling the sisters out for their lies, however. If it made them feel better to pretend to a wealth they did not possess, so be it. Their company was clearly tedious, but at least it prevented me from being alone with the predatory Aldrenne girl.

  “Some refreshments?” I suggested, and spread a hand toward the glorious feast before us. Truly, it did look quite enticing. The heat of those kisses with Ashara seemed to have consumed my own supper, and I was hungry again.

  “Oh, yes,” said Jenaris. “I fear I am quite famished after all that music.”

  “But Jenaris, Mamma said you were not to eat anything — ”

  Another elbow to the ribs, and Shelynne went silent as she shot a glare at her sister and rubbed her side.

  Brinda sniggered, then said, “I fear I am not that hungry, but perhaps some wine?”

  The last thing I wanted was to share a cup of wine with her, but to refuse would be churlish. Worse, it would prove that I was only spending time with her to make it seem as if I had not yet made my final choice.

  So I nodded and headed toward the refreshment tables. A servant hurried up to me, and I said, “Some wine for the lady. And you, Shelynne, Jenaris?”

  They both curtseyed and blushed and said yes, of course, that would be lovely. The manservant fetched them all goblets of wine, then asked, “And for you, Your Majesty?”

  “Yes, I think so.” A goblet or two of wine would help get me through the evening, no doubt.

  He brought it to me, then bowed and asked if there would be anything else. I surveyed the group of young woman and said, “Ah, put together a few plates of some delicacies. I trust your judgment.”

  A stammered thank-you and another bow, and he went to fulfill his duties. As he did so, I could see Brinda’s brow lowering; no doubt she had not thought she would be saddled with the stepsisters for more than a few minutes. Then again, perhaps they were doing her a service. With the three of them clustering around me, there was not much room for any other, prettier supplicants to approach.

  The servant came back with several plates of food, one of which he handed off to the young women to share amongst them, and the other to me. I took it and thanked him, then turned back to my three hangers-on, amused to see that Brinda declined any of the savories or sweets, while Jenaris promptly grabbed a plump pastry with a fig filling, over her sister’s protests. Yes, I would definitely be doing Ashara a service by removing her permanently from their company.

  “So, Your Majesty,” Brinda said after taking a large swallow of wine, “what do you have planned for tomorrow evening? Is it going to be truly spectacular?”

  You have no idea. But I only shook my head and took a bite of cinnamon-spiced meat pie. After I was finished chewing, I replied, “Ah, you know I cannot reveal such things ahead of time. Lord Hein wants the evening to be a true surprise.”

  She pouted. I had the feeling she used that pout often on her father, to good effect, and therefore thought it must be equally compelling for all men. Now I merely found it tedious, especially since I knew it was just as calculated as the rest of her expressions and utterances. “Not even the tiniest bit?”

  I shook my head. “State secret, my lady.”

  Shelynne had been squinting around the room, as apparently she had abandoned her attempts to prevent her sister from eating the rich food provided. “I do not see her — is she not here tonight, Your Majesty?”

  “Is who here?” I inquired, even as Jenaris rewarded her sister with a third, especially vehement elbow to the ribcage.

  “You know. The girl with the red hair. What is her name? Sharanne? Aislinn?”

  It was on my lips to say that I thought it odd she did not even know her own stepsister’s name, but somehow I found myself unable to reply, as if the words had caught in my throat. Perhaps it was only the memory of my promise to Ashara that I would not speak of her to them, even in such an innocuous context, but I did find it passing strange. At any rate, I did not answer immediately, but drank some wine first, as if that could somehow clear the odd blockage in my throat.

  “Oh,” I said casually. “I have not seen her here this evening, but that is of little matter, since I have all you charming ladies for company.”

  And of course they simpered and smiled and curtseyed, even while I looked past them, my eyes seeming to search through the very palace walls to find my Ashara, whose name I somehow seemed unable to speak.

  * * *

  “What on earth was that business with you leaving the musicale tonight?” my sister asked, crossing her arms and fixing me with the sort of pointed stare that told me she would not allow any prevarication.

  “Affairs of state,” I said breezily. “I noticed you seemed very chatty with Lord Sorthannic.”

  “We are not discussing that.” But her cheeks did turn pink.

  “You may not be, but I am.”

  “Torric — ”

  “It is of no matter. I came back, didn’t I? I did my duty by entertaining some of the most tedious young women it has ever been my displeasure to meet.”

  Lyarris shook her head. “Yes, I fear they seemed rather common, from what I could see. And Brinda Aldrenne? What was the point of that? Did you not refer to her as a ‘viper’ only a few days ago?”

  “I did. All the more reason to spend some time with her. Now she has gone home happy and satisfied, sure that she has caught the Emperor’s attention at last. She will be quiescent and less likely to scheme when in such a state, so all in all I believe the evening was a success.”

  “You are incorrigible.”

  “Am I?” I smiled at her, perversely pleased by the small frown she wore. “I would think you would be glad that I was showing favor to other young ladies, and not lavishing it all on Ashara Millende.”

  The frown deepened. “I did not see her at all, actually. Did you tell her to stay away, so you might put Lady Brinda and some of the other young women off the scent?”

  “Oh, she was there, but she left early.”

  “And that disturbance with Gabrinne Nelandre and the mouse?”

  I said nothing, but something in my expression must have given me away, for Lyarris set down her small goblet of port and fixed me with a very set stare.

  “Tell me you did not plan that!”

  “No, I confess the mouse was all Gabrinne’s idea. Rather brilliant, don’t you think?”

  She laughed then, as if to show that she had quite given up on me. “If you intended for it to cause a most unseemly disruption, then yes, it was quite brilliant. You had left before that, but oh, the screaming and the fighting over who would get out first. Then there were the stalwarts who would not leave, but stood on their chairs, and all through the commotion those poor musicians had to soldier on as if nothing untoward was happening. Truly, you did them a great disservice with your plans. I can only hope you gave them a little extra compensation for their trouble.”

  As a matter of fact, I had; as I left the hall, I gestured for Lord Hein to come speak with me, and told him to double the musicians’ fee, as they had had quite a trying time of it that evening. I explained as much to Lyarris, and she nodded in approval.

  “Well, that is something, I suppose.”

  It seemed she would not pursue the matter further, thank the gods. True, it had been something of a fiasco for Lord Hein and those poor musicians, but at least I had gotten my time alone with Ashara. A fair enough trade, I thought. I said, “Did you know that those two awkward girls are Ashara’s stepsisters?”

  “Are they? Oh, dear. I can see why you’re so eager to steal her away as soon as possible.”

  “That much is true. And the oddest thing happened — ” I had intended to tell Lyarris the story of how they somehow didn’t know it was their own stepsister in whom I had such a particular interest. Once again, though, the words seemed to lodge in my throat, and I coughed.

  My sister frowned once again, although this time in concern. “Are you quite wel
l, Torric?”

  I swallowed some of my port to get rid of that odd dryness, then replied, “Yes, I am fine. Too much talking this evening, that is all.”

  She did not appear entirely convinced, but she shrugged and seemed to let it go. “Well, you must be relieved that there is only one more event to get through.”

  “More than I can say. Truly, I was beginning to think I would never see the end of it all.” It did boggle me somewhat to contemplate that, at this same time tomorrow night, I would have announced to everyone my intention to marry Ashara Millende.

  “It has been rather a process, but it seems you are happy with your choice. More than happy, really. I am glad for you, Torric.” Lyarris came to me then and gave me a quick hug.

  I was somewhat surprised, for as a rule we were not an openly demonstrative family. She must have seen something of my happiness in my face, realized that I was truly pleased with my choice and looking forward to making her my wife.

  My arms tightened around my sister, and then I let her go. “I will admit that when I set forth on this venture, I was perhaps a little worried I might not find anyone who caught my fancy. But it seems those fears were for naught.”

  “That is true. And while there will be many disappointed young women in Iselfex tomorrow night, I know of at least one who will be nearly as happy as you and Ashara.”

  I sent her a pointed look, thinking of Sorthannic Sedassa, and she shook her head with a rueful smile.

  “No, Torric, I am speaking of the Lady Gabrinne. She seemed to stick to Lord Senric’s side all night like a cocklebur, and if he does not ask for her by the end of the weekend, I am sure she will be asking the reason why.”

  No doubt of that. The young lady’s determination was a little fearsome, but the Duke did not seem to mind overmuch. For myself, I preferred someone a little less forward. Such behavior might be charming in the young daughter of an earl…not nearly as much in an Empress, who must consider the implications of everything she said. Ashara seemed far more thoughtful, soft-spoken but sure of herself, a fortuitous combination. Yes, she would make a fine consort, in every manner possible.

  “A fine example of deciding upon what one desires and then using every means possible to achieve it,” I agreed, and lifted my goblet of port, as if to make a toast. “May all the disappointed young ladies make equally fortuitous matches!”

  “That is a worthy wish. I drink to that as well.” Lyarris finished the last of her fortified wine, then set down her goblet, even as she stifled a yawn. “It is very late. I should have been abed hours ago.”

  “I am glad you stayed up to talk to me.”

  She darted over and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. “I could see you wished to talk. But tomorrow is going to be quite a long day, and I know I need my rest, even if you do not.”

  “Sleep will be difficult, I think.”

  Her dark eyes glinted. “No doubt you will be tossing and turning like a child dreaming of his Midwinter presents, but I beg of you, brother, do at least try. You don’t want to frighten off your intended bride with a pale face and black shadows under your eyes, do you?”

  “I most decidedly do not. The port will help, I think.”

  “Then goodnight, Torric. After tomorrow night, everything will be very different.”

  She sent me a brilliant smile and then went out, her lady’s maid, who had probably been drooping and yawning outside the door the entire time, following dutifully after her. I saw a brief shadow as one of my guards leaned over to shut the door behind them, and I was alone.

  Not for much longer, however. I had meant what I said when I told Ashara that ours would be a speedy engagement. Damn Lord Hein’s preparations and Keldryn’s hand-wringing and my mother’s complaints that no proper imperial wedding could be planned in less than three months. I cared for none of that. All I wanted was Ashara. I would take her in her chemise if I had to.

  Yes, my sister was right. After tomorrow, the whole world would be different.

  Chapter 13


  Although leaving Torric in such a manner wrenched my heart, in a way it was good that I came home so much earlier than my stepsisters. Once again I had little opportunity to speak with my aunt, for the early hour meant that Janks was not yet abed, and so we had to settle for a few whispers setting the time for our meeting the following night before she departed and I scurried into the kitchen. But at least coming home at that hour meant I should get a fair amount of sleep…as long as my stepmother didn’t have me up before the sun preparing Jenaris and Shelynne for the ball.

  After I had said goodnight to Claris and laid myself down, glad that it was Mari’s job to undo the sisters’ gowns and hair and glad as well that Janks had already laid the fires, I found it more difficult to sleep than I had thought. Every time I closed my eyes I fancied I could feel Torric’s mouth against mine, his arms around me, taste the wine on his lips and smell the woodsy scent that came from his hair. The more I told myself not to dwell on such things, that I needed my rest to prepare for tomorrow, the more it seemed I recalled every detail of that kiss, of our conversation, every plane and angle of his wonderful face.

  Oh, yes, I was wildly in love…and in want, if the responses of my body were any indication. You will be with him soon enough, I told myself firmly. Now, let yourself sleep, or you will regret this obsession tomorrow when you must face him with puffy, red eyes from lack of rest.

  This advice seemed eminently sound, and finally I drifted into slumber, secure in the knowledge that the Emperor of Sirlende loved me, and that this would be the last time I would ever have to sleep on this wretched pallet.

  * * *

  “Ashara, did I not tell you that the curling rods must be placed in the fire immediately?”

  I already knew that nothing I did or said would please my stepmother, so I merely replied, “You did, ma’am, but then you sent me downstairs to see if that was where Shelynne had dropped her comb — ”

  “Don’t be stupid, girl. You could have set the rods in the fire before you went downstairs to look for the comb. Now you’ve wasted a good quarter-hour!”

  How I managed to not roll my eyes, I wasn’t sure. Perhaps because I was so close now — only a few more hours of this, and then the stepsisters would be gone, and I would allow my aunt to cast her spell one last time. Then I would ride off to the palace, and I would be done with all of my stepmother’s insults and cajoling. Torric had made it clear that he intended me to stay there once the engagement was announced, and of course I had no argument with that plan.

  Since any sort of reply would only earn me a further rebuke, I merely gave a brief, apologetic curtsey and laid the comb on the dresser. At least I had found it. The gods only knew what kind of reprimand I would have gotten if I had “wasted” all that time and still not found the missing hair ornament.

  After that I went immediately to the hearth and laid the long rods in the fire. It was Mari’s task to wind the girls’ long hair around each iron cylinder to achieve the beautiful hanging curls fashion dictated, so at least I would not be burdened with that tedious chore.

  However, that did not mean I didn’t have a long list of duties to attend to, starting with making sure their slippers were properly polished, and all their gowns and underthings and purses and fans laid out, all separated correctly so there would be no mix-ups. And although I knew my aunt had to have something truly splendid planned for me, I did not see how it could rival the lovely and costly gowns my stepmother had ordered — cut velvet in a deep wine shade embroidered with gold and pearls for Jenaris, and figured silk in an exquisite dark turquoise edged with silver and crystals for Shelynne.

  I knew I dared not touch the trim, or run a hand over the fine fabric in admiration. To do so would only bring down the wrath of my stepmother, who no doubt would accuse me of soiling those beautiful gowns. No, I could only lay them out while wearing the white kid gloves she had instructed me to put on before beginning the task, and set th
e thin silk chemises and stockings next to them, being careful not to snag the fine material.

  While I was doing this, both Mari and my stepmother were brushing the girls’ hair as they stood in front of the fire in their dressing gowns. Each lock had to be perfectly dry, or it risked getting scorched by the curling rods. When at last my stepmother was satisfied, Mari began curling Jenaris’ hair first.

  Not that Shelynne was given a chance to rest, however. While her sister was being attended to, she was surveyed carefully by her mother, then given a careful coating of cosmetics — reddish stain on her lips and cheeks, a smudge of charcoal along her upper lids, and a dusting of pale, pearlescent powder over everything. From a corner I watched this entire procedure in some fascination, looking on as my half-pretty stepsister was transformed into quite a bewitching creature. Yes, I had heard that the ladies in the court resorted to such subterfuges, but this was the first time I had ever seen these same devices used on an ordinary person, as the procedure was far more intricate than the simple brush of a bit of stain on one’s lips.

  “Stop gaping, Ashara!” my stepmother snapped. “Surely you can think of something more useful to do than stand there and stare at us like a fish on a line. Go downstairs and fetch more firewood, for we must keep the fire hot until we are done.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” I said promptly, and hurried down the stairs. Normally this would have been Janks’s job, but of course he was forbidden the girls’ chamber while they were dressed only in their robes.

  “Gods, what a hullabaloo,” Claris declared as I entered the kitchen. “They can’t be off soon enough, as far as I’m concerned. I wanted to bake a new batch of bread today, but no, herself wouldn’t have it. Said she didn’t want me using up the firewood.”


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