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SEAL the Deal (Alpha SEALs Book 1)

Page 11

by Makenna Jameison

  Thanking her, Patrick stuck around a few minutes longer while the woman walked away, looking back at him nervously a few times. Maybe she’d be alarmed enough to mention to Hale that he’d paid him a visit. If the guy showed up at his apartment anytime soon.

  The fact that no one knew Hale’s whereabouts this morning was worrisome, and Patrick had a bad feeling brewing in the pit of his stomach. He’d assumed he’d be able to find him at home, which had been a mistake. The guy had popped up multiple times last week, but now that he knew Rebecca and Patrick had seen him on Friday night, he was wise enough to lay low.

  Patrick or one of his men could return to the apartment later on, leaving a bug at the door. Then at least they’d have ears on the place in case Hale returned. He wasn’t ready to do any breaking and entering just yet, but if need be, they’d search the premises. Luckily there was a light fixture outside of each door in the hallway, located right on the wall. He could conceal a bug there easily enough, and at least they’d know if someone was entering or leaving the apartment. He wished he’d had the foresight to bring one along this morning, but that’s what he got for rushing into things. Clearly he should be spending his time analyzing the situation from all angles, not taking Rebecca and her daughter to dinner.

  He spoke into his mouthpiece again, instructing his men to stay alert. There were other ways to find the man. If everything worked out as he hoped and they could locate him, this ended today.

  “This is fucked up,” Brent muttered as the men convened on base later that afternoon. They were all there, save for Evan, who was positioned outside Rebecca’s office building in Virginia Beach. He’d tailed her to the courthouse earlier, without her knowledge, and that worried Patrick. He’d have to talk to her about some basic safety protocols she could take until they located her stalker. Although the courthouse had security and metal detectors, Rebecca needed to be aware of her surroundings when leaving her home and office and walking alone to her car.

  Evan had reported in a few minutes ago, saying there were no signs of a silver SUV or any suspicious activity. They didn’t have a man on her house at the moment, but since neither Rebecca nor her daughter was home, Patrick didn’t see that as a problem.

  “How could a guy like that just disappear?” Brent continued, pacing around the room.

  “He’s here somewhere,” Patrick said coolly. “I spooked him Friday night, but not enough for him to stay away forever.”

  “How’s Rebecca handling this?” Mike asked, concern etching his features.

  “She’s pretty upset, especially since he spoke to her daughter last week. That is too fucking close for comfort.”

  Patrick had filled in his men earlier regarding the details, and they’d grown decidedly angrier hearing that bit of news. It was one thing to be stalking Rebecca, which was unconscionable enough, but to make contact with her child? He was playing a dangerous game, and there would be only one loser in the end.

  Patrick’s blood boiled at the memory of the fear in Rebecca’s eyes last night. As much as he hated to see her upset, he hoped she would take the entire threat more seriously now. At first she’d been willing to write off the dropped phone calls as some sort of prank or coincidence, but after her daughter had confirmed that a stranger had been looking for her, Rebecca seemed to finally realize exactly how grave the situation was.

  “She should be worried. This guy isn’t someone to mess with,” said Mike. “Anyone seeking revenge to the point of stalking his prey isn’t thinking clearly, and there’s no telling how he’ll act if he gets a hold of Rebecca.”

  “Agreed. However, the only way he’s getting near either of them is over my dead body.”

  “Hell yeah,” Brent agreed, his eyes blazing. “There is something fundamentally wrong with any man who would hurt a woman or child. We need to end this.”

  “I’ll pull up his credit card records,” Christopher said. “Maybe we can locate him that way by seeing where he’s been spending his time the past few weeks.”

  “Shit, man, is that even legal?” Matthew asked.

  “No one will even know I was in there,” Christopher assured him.

  “Let’s do it,” Patrick agreed.

  Patrick had been determined to confront Hale today, but if he wasn’t going to appear, they’d have to smoke him out somehow. Christopher’s idea was as good as any he had. If there was some spot he frequented, like a bar or restaurant, they could stake it out. Mike had offered to head back to Hale’s apartment tonight, watching in case he eventually returned. He’d also leave a bug outside the door. It made sense to keep one man posted there tonight, though, keeping an eye out for anything unusual. It was possible he wasn’t working alone, and the more intel they could gather, the better.

  Patrick was more concerned with keeping Rebecca safe, and he was glad that one of his men had volunteered for watching the apartment overnight. If someone was near Rebecca at all times, providing her protection, the stalker would have no chance of getting close enough to harm her. For the moment, until they could pinpoint his exact location, that would have to be enough.

  Chapter 18

  Rebecca collapsed on her sofa that evening, the gravity of the events from the past few days weighing heavily on her. Abby’s revelation at dinner last night had been heartbreaking—she’d let her daughter out of her sight for a moment last week, for a few seconds, and that crazy man had found a way to talk to her child. What if he’d harmed her? What if he’d kidnapped her? Abby was only four years old. A grown man could easily overpower her and whisk her away. She’d be gone before Rebecca even knew she was missing.

  It unnerved her that Abby had so casually mentioned the incident days later. She obviously hadn’t been frightened of this man, this stranger. They’d had a long, serious talk last night about who Abby could and couldn’t speak to. That didn’t make dropping her daughter off at preschool any easier this morning though. She’d actually been trembling as she’d driven away and headed into work.

  The only thing that gave her any semblance of peace was that the man hadn’t harmed Abby last week. If he’d wanted to hurt her, he would have. There was no doubt in Rebecca’s mind about that. It was Rebecca he seemed to be after, and to what end, she just didn’t know. The fact that he was probably the one calling her office meant she’d likely worked with him in some capacity. Either he felt he’d been wronged by the settlement she’d worked out for him, or he was the opposing spouse in one of the divorce proceedings. In which case, he was unhappy with the settlement she’d obtained for his ex-wife.

  She wracked her brain, trying to think of any recent cases which may have led to something like this. She’d handled so many heated disputes, it was tough to say. Divorce could be ugly, and it wasn’t uncommon for the husband and wife to both be hurling names and insults at one another. If she came up with a list of everyone who’d ever been upset with some part of the proceedings, it could easily be a mile long.

  Rebecca sighed, sinking deeper into the soft cushions. Maybe she just needed to make herself a nice cup of tea to help her relax and calm down. Too many thoughts were swirling through her head to allow her to completely unwind and think clearly at the moment. She could use a little stress relief.

  Patrick’s suggestion of meeting for dinner last night had been unexpected as well. She hadn’t known when they’d see each other again after the weekend or how they’d handle a “date” with the kids around. She wasn’t sure last night really even counted as a date, but he had paid for their dinner. And kissed her goodnight and said that he was falling in love.

  Seriously, what was wrong with her? Why couldn’t she just let go and be happy? She gave herself freely to Patrick in the bedroom but held onto her heart even more tightly. Was she just trying to protect herself? How could she open herself fully to him and give him that piece of herself? She’d spent an entire year trying to mend her wounds and put the broken pieces of her heart back together again. She wasn’t sure she could so freely give it aw


  A light knocking on her door at 8:00 p.m. startled her. In a flash, she jumped up from the sofa, her heart wildly pounding. She wasn’t expecting anyone, and briefly, she wondered about the SUV she’d spotted last week. About the man that had spoken to her daughter. She hadn’t seen the SUV at all since Friday night, when Patrick had been there, but what if they’d come back and gotten a little bolder? What if whoever was in the car had been looking for her and had decided to confront her? Patrick had said he or one of his men would be watching her house, and they wouldn’t let a stranger approach her home, would they?

  Her neighbors certainly weren’t likely to drop by at this hour since they knew Abby would be sleeping, and all of her friends would call first. Shakily, she walked over to the front door. She’d changed after work and only had on a camisole and lightweight pajama bottoms, but she didn’t have time to run back and put on something more presentable. Glancing out the front window, she was simultaneously shocked and relieved to see Patrick standing there.

  She opened the door, and he took one look at her before pulling her into a tight embrace. “You’re shaking,” he said, his voice filled with concern. “What happened?”

  “You scared me,” she said, breathing a sigh of relief as she buried her head into his chest, inhaling his clean, masculine scent. His arms wrapped more tightly around her as he ducked his head down, holding her close. His lips brushed against her hair as he spoke.

  “I scared you?”

  “I was worried you were the person in the SUV.”

  “Have they been back?” he asked sharply, drawing her back from him and searching her eyes with a penetrating gaze.

  “What? No. I haven’t seen them since Friday night,” Rebecca said, slightly startled by his reaction. “I had some more hang-ups at the office today. My assistant was a little worked up over it, so I guess I was just feeling on edge.”

  “When did they call?”

  “Sometime this morning, why?”

  “Just wondering about something,” he said without further explanation. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “I’m fine; I just wasn’t expecting anyone to come by—it’s great that you did, but I was concerned for a moment.” She shrugged, feeling a little bit foolish. Did he think that she freaked out like this every time someone came to her door? It was tough to imagine anything scaring Patrick—he was a big, bad Navy SEAL. But certainly he’d understand why she’d be wary of unknown people coming to her house, given the circumstances.

  “Next time I’ll be sure to call first,” Patrick reassured her.

  “Where’s Logan?” she asked, her heartbeat finally returning to a normal speed. It was a school night, so she couldn’t imagine that he’d be spending the night at his grandparents’ again. Her own daughter had already been tucked in bed and sound asleep for an hour.

  “My sister is watching him right now.”

  Rebecca looked up at him in confusion, searching his cool blue eyes. “I didn’t know you even had a sister.”

  “There’s a lot we still don’t know about each other yet,” he said quietly. “I’d like to find out more though,” he added, lightly tracing his knuckles over her cheek. Warmth spread through her, and again, she wondered how a single touch from Patrick could so quickly make her come undone.

  “Me too,” she whispered.

  “My sister can only watch Logan for a couple of hours, so I can’t stay long,” he said regretfully.

  “I’m just glad you stopped by. I wasn’t sure when we’d get to see each other again.”

  “It was hard to stay away,” Patrick admitted. “I thought about you all last night.”

  “Is that so?” she asked, a hint of a smile coming to her lips.

  Arousal filled his eyes, and since she’d been having trouble keeping her mind on anything but Patrick while lying alone in her bed, she understood exactly where he was coming from. She’d had several long, restless nights of her own, her body demanding relief that only Patrick could provide. She longed for the safety and comfort of his arms, yes, but also for the connection they’d shared as he’d made love to her, driving her higher and higher, lost to everything but him.

  “Absolutely,” he said, stepping closer.

  He tilted her face up and bent down, meeting her lips in a searing kiss. Her entire body ignited at his touch, her heart beating faster, her breathing growing shallow. Within moments she felt a throbbing between her legs, and she pressed her thighs together, desperate to ease the ache. His tongue swept into her mouth, aggressively thrusting in and out as he claimed her.

  He turned them so that her back was pressed up against the door and caged her in, his large body blocking hers as his hands began to explore. He tugged her camisole down, her full breasts spilling out over the stretchy material. His large hands palmed her roughly, kneading and caressing her aching breasts as she moaned. As long as she lived, she knew she’d never get enough of his heated kisses and scorching touch.

  He pinched one nipple between his thumb and forefinger, rolling it lightly between them, and she cried out, the feeling shooting straight to her core. He plucked at her gently, pulling and tugging on her taut nipples, leaving her writhing against him, desperate for more. Ducking his head down, he lightly flicked his tongue over one taut bud. She gasped and cried out, but he didn’t let up, teasing her relentlessly as arousal pooled at her center.

  “Patrick,” she gasped, pleasure beginning to surge through her. She’d never come from a man playing only with her breasts before—she was still almost completely dressed for heaven’s sake. But Patrick knew exactly how to touch her, to kiss and tease her, sending flames licking through her body.

  Desire coiled through her center, snaking lower and lower, until she felt every touch of his directly in her throbbing clit. He gently tugged one nipple between his teeth and bit down lightly, blowing on it gently a moment later to ease the sting. Rubbing his thumb back and forth across the pebbled nipple, he sucked the other into his mouth, flicking his tongue mercilessly over it. His hand tightened at her hip as he held her against the door, and as the sensations from his ministrations became too much, she cried out, climaxing right there in her front hall. Her release dampened her pajama bottoms, and she gasped against the door, practically boneless with pleasure.

  Patrick scooped her into his arms, holding her close to his broad chest as he effortlessly carried her over to the large sofa in her living room. “I’ve been wanting to do that since Friday night,” he said, his voice gruff with desire. “You’re so sensitive.”

  “It’s you,” Rebecca admitted.

  Patrick growled in approval and gently laid her down on the cushions. He tugged her pajama bottoms off, his eyes growing hungry as he spread her legs apart. Lightly tracing his fingers over the sensitive skin on her inner thighs, he groaned. Unbuttoning his jeans, he pushed them down along with his boxers, and his thick arousal sprang out. “I need you,” he said, covering her trembling body with his own. He kissed her neck, sucking and nipping at her, running his tongue up and down, as she felt the weight of his arousal against her thigh. “I wanted you so badly last night. I need to be inside you.”

  “I need you, too,” Rebecca said, clutching his large erection in her hand. He was throbbing with want, with need, and she couldn’t wait to feel all that power deep within her. She gripped him tightly, working her hand up and down, circling a drop of pre-come around the head of his engorged shaft.

  Patrick groaned. “Don’t toy with me, sweetheart. I want you too badly.”

  She guided him to her center, in awe of the power she currently held over this man. She wanted to take him into her mouth, to bring him to his knees as she worked her tongue and mouth over him, driving him senseless with desire. That would have to be saved for another time though, because Patrick was a man on the edge, the desperation of his need to be inside her written all over his face.

  Patrick entered her slowly, his throbbing cock filling her wet heat. “That feels so go
od,” she moaned as his thick erection stretched her and he began to slowly move in and out. It was almost too slow, too good—the pleasure she felt as he stroked her inner walls nearly more than she could bear.

  “Look at me,” he commanded, and she met his cool blue gaze. Lust filled his eyes, along with something more—tenderness at their joining. Protectiveness. And possessiveness, as he began moving faster, thrusting deeply within her velvety walls as he claimed her, watching her reaction to his every move, making her his own.

  “Patrick,” she gasped, wrapping her arms tightly around his muscular chest. It felt so good to hold him in her arms, to feel his muscular body on top of hers, and to feel his manhood deep inside her, right where he belonged.

  He took her faster now, harder, his thrusts deepening as he moved his hips rapidly between the cradle of her thighs. Her inner walls began to tighten, clenching around him. There would be no stopping the pleasure he sought from her, his body thoroughly commanding her own. He demanded nothing less than her complete surrender, and her explosion was immediate, unstoppable, as she screamed. Her orgasm went on and on, prolonged by Patrick’s powerful strokes, and she bucked wildly beneath him, softly crying out his name again and again.

  At last she finally began to float back down to earth, breathless and spent. Patrick buried his head in her neck after he came, kissing and nuzzling her. One hand swept over her breasts, caressing her softly, possessively. His fingers began plucking at her over-sensitive nipples, already trying to arouse her once more as he impossibly hardened again, still seated deep inside her. His drive was insatiable, his yearning unstoppable. Once more, she was unable to stop her body’s response to each of Patrick’s teasing strokes and tender caresses. She was his and his alone.


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