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Warriors of the Way-Pentalogy

Page 52

by Orlando A. Sanchez

  “Yes, tell her I will rejoin her when I can. How are you leaving the plane?” said Sylk.

  “We will use a few of the old circles outside the Watch. Do you know these?”

  “Yes, about a mile outside of the wall.”

  She nodded. “The Rah Ven will be the last to leave. We have never abandoned a post before, but we have never faced something like this. I will send one of the Guards with you if we can spare it. Good luck, Karashihan,” she said and disappeared.

  Sylk headed to the keep, avoiding most of the fighting.

  It seems they are targeting only the Rah Ven. This is an organized strike. I just need to find out who is doing the organizing, he thought.

  Approaching the circle, he saw the portal raging at its center.

  The portal is providing the energy for the Gyrevex. What is providing the energy for the portal?

  Staying out of sight, he began to channel his chi.

  This is going to get their attention.

  He made several gestures and attempted to close the portal. For a brief moment the portal diminished in size. The Gyrevex in the area turned to face him, manifesting bells. Sylk formed his weapon. The black blade of his sword absorbed the light around it. He dodged two bells aimed at him and removed the arm of a Gyrevex that got too close. Only one other option. Have to close the portal at the source, he thought as he began to run.

  He cut a swath through the Gyrevex and leaped into the portal.


  Night fell on the Rah Ven plane. Phoenix kept watch on the city. Its silhouette loomed in the evening sky. Behind him a portal raged. He had created a thermal portal, something only he was capable of. It would burn the energy of the Watch until it became dormant. It was the only way to keep it open long enough to send a force of a thousand Gyrevex through.

  Ten Gyrevex stood before him. These were different from the Gyrevex assembled behind him. They were taller and stronger than their brethren. Instead of wielding bells, these held scythes in their hands. Phoenix admired the Gyrevex with pride.

  I can do this. I know I can, he thought as a smile crossed his face. “Kneel.”

  The ten Gyrevex knelt before him.

  “You are my lieutenants, my Reapers. Each of you controls a thousand of your brothers, but I made you special. You will destroy this plane and every Rah Ven in it. Wherever they are you will hunt them down and destroy them. After this plane is done you will go to every other plane and do the same. Then we will conquer…everything. Go, now,” said Phoenix.

  The ten Reapers stood. Nine of them headed to the army amassed behind Phoenix. One of them walked into the portal and disappeared. The Gyrevex headed to the city.


  Sylk appeared in the circle outside the city. It was the same circle he had fought Cane in. Opening his senses he searched for the portal and Gyrevex. A wave of energy brought him to his knees.

  How can there be so many of them?

  He raised his mental defenses and shut out the Gyrevex.

  Where are they headed?

  He lowered his defenses just enough to determine what direction the Gyrevex were travelling in.

  They’re headed to the city. This is eradication. Someone needs the Rah Ven out of the way. But why?

  He ran to the city.


  I tumbled onto the ground as the portal closed behind us. It was one of the rougher portal trips I had taken. Kal and an unconscious Samir were in front of me. She had reverted to her normal self. Samir lay on the ground.

  “Is he okay?”

  “He’s hurt, but it doesn’t look too bad. Those watchers were trying to finish him. Where are we? Wait, don’t tell me,” she said.

  She sniffed the air and looked around.

  “You opened a portal to the Rah Ven plane. This is the circle where Luna fought a few days ago. Something smells familiar. There is a scent that I recognize.”

  “How did you do that? The way you saved Samir, how did you change?”

  “The Rah Ven blood I was given lets me do some strange things. I didn’t know if it would work. Why are we back here?” she said.

  “It was the only place I could think of where we wouldn’t be hunted,” I said.

  “We need to get to the healer. She can take care of Samir. The city is that way,” she said, pointing off into the night.

  I picked up Samir and put him on my shoulders. I followed her until we arrived at the city. She noticed the same thing that was bothering me. I put down Samir and tried to make him comfortable. The streets were deserted.

  “Where is everyone? I don’t smell any Rah Ven,” she said.

  I opened my senses and was ambushed by an onslaught of energy. I managed to raise my defenses before my brain shut down from the overload. It took the breath from my lungs and doubled me over.

  “Dante! Hey, what happened?”

  She came over to my side while I took a few moments to catch my breath. I leaned against the nearest building and got my bearings.

  “The healer’s house is that way, I think. Let’s see what’s going on there,” I said, pointing down the street in front of us.

  “Close, it’s over there. Just around that corner and down a block,” she said, pointing me in the opposite direction. “What happened to you? What did you sense?”

  I didn’t want her to panic so I remained silent.


  “He sensed an army of Gyrevex,” said a voice behind us in the shadows.

  Kal had a dagger in each hand as the figure came forward. I recognized him immediately.

  “Sylk, what are you doing here?” I said.

  “You’re the scent I smelled. What do you mean an army of Gyrevex?” she said.

  She put the daggers away but still looked on edge.

  “Close to one thousand Gyrevex are converging on the city. Am I accurate in that assessment, warrior?” said Sylk.

  I nodded. I couldn’t believe it but the surge of energy I felt earlier could only be that.

  “One thousand Gyrevex? How can someone control that many?” asked Kal.

  “I don’t think they are being controlled in the usual sense. I think they have been given an order and unleashed. That however is not our main concern right now. We need to get out of this plane,” said Sylk.

  “Can’t you just create a portal?”

  “No, the thermal portal created to transport the Gyrevex is interfering with the energy across the plane. The only way to create a portal with any certainty is to use a circle. There is one just outside the city.”

  “We just came from there,” said Kal.

  “And we must return. I don’t know where the Rah Ven have gone, but it’s safe to say that they have left the city,” he said.

  “We were headed to the South Watch but got detoured. Have you ever heard of a Master Wheel?”

  Sylk turned to face me.

  “Where did you hear that name?”

  “At the North Watch. The Keeper there mentioned it.”

  “The North Watch, how did you…never mind, explain later. We have to get off this plane. It would seem the syllabist has regained consciousness.”

  Samir stood up slowly. He was covered in cuts and bruises.

  “Can you walk, syllabist? Are you injured?” said Sylk.

  Samir looked himself over quickly.

  “I have sustained no major injuries, Karashihan. Thanks to her,” he said looking at Kal. “She removed me from the grasp of the watchers before it was too late.”

  “The what? Did you say watchers?” said Sylk, confused.

  “Let’s get somewhere safe and I’ll bring you up to speed,” I said.

  “Agreed,” he said.

  We ran out of the city and headed to the circle. I looked out into the distance and used my inner sight. My stomach clenched into a knot. The Gyrevex army was not far away.

  “Are we close to the circle?” I asked.

  “Yes, we are. Follow me,” said Sylk
. “This way we can reach the circle before the Gyrevex do. I would prefer not to encounter them tonight.”

  We arrived at the circle with no time to spare. Sylk began to make gestures. I didn’t recognize any of them, but Samir did.

  “Karashihan, are you certain of this course of action?”

  “No, I’m not, but it will provide us a measure of security until we can determine our next move.”

  Sylk continued making the gestures then I realized what they were.

  “Those are glyphs. You’re tracing glyphs in the air,” I said.

  “You’re learning. Yes, the glyphs pertain to the different planes and different locations in the plane. These glyphs, however, are special.”

  A portal formed in the center of the circle. It was a dark and swirling mass, unlike any portal I had seen.

  “How?” I asked, not liking the idea of stepping into that portal.

  “This portal leads to a plane in the mirror. Unconnected to any other. This plane is the home of the Sherfym,” said Samir.

  Flashbacks of being strapped to a bed flooded my memories.

  “The Sherfym. Is that a good idea?”

  “I won’t ask how you know of them. If any of you have a better alternative I am open to suggestions,” said Sylk.

  “It’s better than waiting here for Gyrevex,” said Kal as she stepped in. With the threat of Gyrevex looming behind us, we stepped into the portal.


  Two figures materialized after the group entered the portal. Both were dressed in black armor with a leaping wolf over their left breast.

  “Go inform the second of what is happening here and at the Watch. I will stay with the Alpha. The plane of the Sherfym is not to be taken lightly,” said the taller of the two.

  “Yes, Ferra. Any other instructions?”

  “After you have reported to the second, return to the Watch and keep his bonded one safe. I gave him my word, Noga.”

  “No harm will come to her while I still have breath,” said Noga.

  Ferra nodded and jumped into the swirling dark portal.


  MEJA COULDN’T BELIEVE a city was capable of mobilizing with such efficiency. In a matter of hours the majority of the Rah Ven had scattered across several planes. She looked at Luna, who was giving orders to several Rah Ven around her. They were in a large group of subterranean rooms connected by tunnels. The room they were in had a large table covered with maps and documents. A diagram of the known planes was hanging from one of the walls. Each of the planes on the diagram had peculiar markings and designations unfamiliar to her.

  A diagram of the known planes? Makes sense if you need to leave in a hurry. Some of these are new, at least to me.

  “How did you manage this? Emptying an entire city should take weeks, months even,” said Meja.

  “This is not the first time someone has tried to wipe out the Rah Ven. Once we received Rin’s message it was only a matter of contacting the other packs,” said Luna. “We have circles situated in strategic locations throughout the city. In an emergency like this each pack is on its own. We scatter to the planes and abandon our home.”

  “That’s one hell of an exit strategy,” said Meja.

  “It works. It’s one of the reasons there are still Rah Ven today. We have learned to live unattached. It’s also the reason you can find Rah Ven on every plane.”

  “Speaking of which, where are we?” said Meja.

  “We are on one of the outer planes south of the hub. I can’t tell you the exact location, for your and our safety.”

  “I can’t stay here. I need to find Samir and Dante.”

  “You realize how difficult that is going to be? Do you know where they were going?”

  “It’s a jumbled mess,” Meja said. “I was in and out of consciousness. I remember standing before the Black Lotus.” What a farce, she thought. “I recall the prism exploding and fighting for my life against Diana, which is impossible. They were both there but somehow I didn’t know them. Then I woke up on the Rah Ven plane at the healer’s home”

  A Rah Ven dressed in armor appeared before Luna. She placed a fist over the red wolf on her left side and bowed.

  “I was wondering when you were going to show yourself,” said Meja. “I don’t enjoy eavesdroppers.”

  “My apologies, I didn’t want to startle you,” said the Guard, flustered.

  “Do I look startled?” said Meja.

  “You could sense her? The Rah Ven Guard is undetectable to all except skilled Rah Ven,” said Luna. “Your abilities must have been enhanced considerably.”

  Meja nodded and looked at the Guard.

  “I figured she was one of yours or she would have attacked by now. Her masking ability is excellent. I only know one other person on that level, and she wants me dead.”

  “You have some formidable enemies, Meja,” said Luna, turning to the now red-faced Guard. “Her masking was obviously not good enough.”

  “What is your name and what do you have to report?”

  The Guard straightened and composed herself.

  “I am Noga of the Rah Ven Guard posted at the South Watch. I served with your father for many years. The South Watch is under attack by a force of several hundred. The Rah Ven plane is completely compromised. Estimates are close to ten thousand.”

  “Who are the attackers?”

  “Gyrevex, ma’am. Hundreds came through a strange portal that would not close. It is drawing energy from the plane itself.”

  “My father?” said Luna.

  Noga paused a moment before continuing.

  “He fell in the initial attack. The portal formed with an explosion that killed most of the circle guard. I’m sorry,” said Noga.

  “The portal—is it surrounded by flames? Does it still burn?” said Meja.

  “Many have tried to close it, but no one can.”

  “What is it, Meja? You know about this portal?”

  “Yes, it’s not supposed to exist. It’s called a thermal portal. It’s only used during wartime to transport thousands of warriors at once. The level of skill required to open one and keep it going...” said Meja.

  “Who could open this portal?” said Luna.

  “Only a Samadhi could open a portal of this magnitude and keep it open.”

  “A Samadhi?” said Luna.

  “Like your pack leaders. They are incredibly powerful teachers of the many disciplines within the Order. To open this type of portal requires one to be a master of thermal chi. I thought they died long ago,” said Meja.

  “It appears one survived,” said Luna.

  “The portal was not formed at the Watch. This is why they couldn’t close it.”

  “A matching portal exists in the Rah Ven plane. I have seen it with my eyes,” said Noga.

  “That is where the Samadhi will be. That is where we have to go.”

  “I must return to the Watch. My commander gave her word to keep the bonded one safe.”

  “Who?” said Luna.

  “The one bonded to the Karashihan and Alpha. The one you call Mara.”

  “Mara is at the Watch,” said Luna.

  “Yes, and I must return. My commander gave her word,” said Noga.

  She placed a fist across her chest and bowed. Luna returned the bow and Noga disappeared.

  “I cannot leave the pack in this moment. To do so would undo everything that has been done,” said Luna. “The pack would fall into chaos.”

  “I understand,” said Meja. “I wasn’t asking. Better if I do this alone in any case. If a Samadhi is involved there is a good chance it’s a one-way trip, but maybe I can get the portal closed.”

  “Won’t this Samadhi just open another one?” said Luna.

  “I don’t intend on giving him the chance,” said Meja.

  Meja materialized her sword. Its blue light filled the room, causing the Rah Ven around her to stare. She made the gestures to open a portal to the Rah Ven plane. It flickered a
few times before solidifying. She absorbed the sword and turned to Luna.

  “I’m sorry about your father. It has been an honor to fight with you by my side,” said Meja.

  “How are you going to close this portal?”

  “I’m going to kill a Samadhi,” said Meja.

  She stepped through the portal and vanished. The portal remained opened as Luna walked around the table.

  “Go with her. I will take on your commander’s vow as my own,” said Luna. “Once I have stabilized matters here I will go to the Watch.”

  Noga appeared before Luna. “She did not detect me that time, second.”

  “She may have been distracted. Take care she does not sense you until it is necessary. Do not let her throw her life away. If this Samadhi is too great a threat I want you to intervene. Her life is the priority. That being said, if you see a way to eliminate the threat, do so.”


  THE SHERFYM PLANE was quiet. We left the portal and found ourselves inside a large building. I remembered the building. It reminded me of the New York City Public Library. Definite Greek architectural influences were on display with the marble floors and white stone walls. Twenty-foot columns protruded from the wall every ten feet. The four of us walked down one of the corridors in silence. At every corner I expected Sherfym to appear. I must have looked anxious because Kal kept sneaking looks at me.

  “What is it? Every time we get to a corner you look ready to climb a column. What gives?” she asked.

  “The Sherfym and I have an understanding. They are what you consider brokers,” said Sylk.

  “Of what?” I said.

  “Of anything. If you need something difficult to obtain, they can be your best resource.”

  That makes sense. I remember when they ‘delivered’ me to Roman. It was for a fee.

  “So you’re saying we’re safe?” said Kal.


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