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Kirk: Stargazer Alien Mail Order Brides (Book 10)

Page 3

by Tasha Black

“Here you go,” not-Kate said triumphantly.

  “Thank you,” Kirk said, looking at the line of people before him.

  At the front of the line was a table with a logo on it that said Suspended in Space. But there was no Kate Henderson sitting at it.

  “She’s probably on break,” not-Kate suggested. “I hope you get to talk to her. And if things don’t work out with her, here’s my number.”

  She slipped him a small piece of paper.

  “That’s my business card, but my cell number is on there,” she told him.

  “Thank you,” he said. “It was kind of you to help me.”

  She squeezed his hand and let go, then slipped into the crowd.

  He looked down at the card in his hand.

  * * *

  Walker & Stein Pediatrics

  Sandra Walker, MD


  * * *

  Kirk had always thought doctors wore white lab coats and carried stethoscopes. But perhaps that was only in the movies. He still had so much to learn.

  A man in a navy suit with a badge on a chain around his neck walked down the line, inspecting the people who were waiting.

  “Autograph?” he asked Kirk.

  “Pardon me?” Kirk asked.

  “Are you going to want Miss Henderson’s autograph?” the man repeated impatiently.

  “No, I’m here to talk with her,” Kirk said. “Her friend sent me. She told me she would call to let her know I was coming.”

  “Oh shit,” the man with the badge said. “She’s waiting for you. Follow me. You shouldn’t have been waiting in line.”

  Kirk was relieved. They had arrived in the city sooner than expected, but Rima had reached Kate in advance after all, just as she promised.

  He followed the badge man through a door in the paneled wall and into a bright hallway. Interlocking circles in the carpet made him feel as if he might be floating.

  They reached a door and the man with the badge knocked on it.

  “Miss Henderson, the gentleman you were waiting for is here,” he called.

  “Thanks, Hal,” a woman’s melodic voice said as the door opened.

  Hal nodded to Kirk and headed back down the hallway.

  Kirk didn’t nod back.

  He was gazing in wonder at the most beautiful sight he had ever seen.

  Kate Henderson watched him from the doorway, her dark eyes taking him in. Bright light from behind set off her figure, which curved in at her waist and out at her hips in a way that made it difficult for Kirk to think.

  “Hey, I’m glad you’re here,” she said, dragging him inside and closing the door behind them.

  “Your friend sent me,” he began.

  “I know, I know,” she said. “My break is almost up but I wanted to fill you in so you know what we’re up against.”

  “I need to speak with you privately though,” Kirk said, eyeing the lady who was examining her face in the brightly lit mirror beside them.

  “Oh, no, Sadie can be here,” Kate said with a smile.

  “My instructions were very specific,” Kirk told her, shaking his head.

  “Don’t worry about it, kid. I’m leaving anyway,” Sadie said, patting him on the shoulder on her way out.

  “Thanks, Sadie,” Kate said.

  “No worries,” Sadie said over her shoulder. “Nice looking guy, they don’t make ‘em like that anymore. Ha.”

  Kirk smiled, but he waited until the door was shut behind her before turning to Kate to begin their conversation.

  His heart was pounding like an overworked fusion drive. And though he was new to this planet, he was sure he knew the reason why.

  Kate Henderson was his mate.



  Kate tried hard not to giggle.

  Sadie Stein was a woman of a certain age and could get away with calling things as she saw them. But the woman wasn’t wrong.

  Kate had no idea where Carol had found a bodyguard on such short notice, but she was damned grateful. This one looked more like a stripper cop than an actual security pro. He was tall, lean and muscular with a chiseled jaw and dark hair. The requisite sunglasses and “packing-heat” bulge in his jacket told her he was the real deal. But there certainly wasn’t any danger that he would be showing her pictures of his grandchildren.

  And there was something… familiar about him. But she couldn’t place it.

  “Kate, I’m so glad I found you,” he said.

  His voice was deep, his tone intense enough that she allowed herself to envision him ripping off the sunglasses and taking her in his arms.

  She shook her head to clear her thoughts.

  “What’s your name?” she asked.

  “Kirk,” he replied.

  “Okay, Kirk, here’s the story. I’m not at a level of fame where I would normally need help, but there’s a guy who’s given me some trouble over the years. Did Carol send you a picture?”

  Kirk shook his head slowly.

  “Okay, then,” she said, perching on a stool to slide her phone out of her bag. She swiped at it to find Spencer’s headshot. “I’m going to snag his picture for you. He’s the only one I’m worried about. The fans can get as close as they want. I don’t want you body-checking some kid for trying to hug me, ok?”

  “Okay,” Kirk echoed softly.

  “Here you go,” she said, holding out her phone with a picture of Spencer pulled up.

  He took the phone from her, then removed his sunglasses to get a better look.

  She watched as he appeared to memorize the face on the screen.

  When he looked up Kate nearly gasped.

  His eyes were steely gray, framed with long, dark lashes.

  Her heart began to pound as she realized he could have stepped right out of her dream from last night.

  “I am yours,” he told her simply. There was something about the way he said it that made her cheeks burn.

  “Okay, well, let’s get back out there,” she said, standing up and hoping he hadn’t caught that she was blushing.

  “But don’t we need to talk?”

  “What do we need to talk about?” she asked.

  “Your friend said that I should explain everything,” he told her solemnly. “She said I should answer your questions.”

  “There’s nothing to explain. You’re here to protect me, right?”

  The look of consternation was suddenly gone from his face, replaced with an expression so frankly fierce it took her breath away.

  “Yes, I’m here to protect you,” he told her.

  “Then let’s do this,” she said, heading for the door.

  He slid his sunglasses back on and followed.



  Kate reentered the convention hall feeling almost giddy.

  Kirk walked beside her, forgoing the usual two-steps-behind buffer a bodyguard normally gave her.

  Instead of being annoyed by his familiarity, Kate felt immediately safer.

  That’s not the only thing you feel more of, said the little voice inside her head.

  And her inner voice was right, of course. Kirk was handsome. No. He was gorgeous. She would have to be made of iron not to notice.

  And in spite of her reputation for pristine professionalism, Kate Henderson was apparently not made of iron.

  The crowd began to twitter as soon as they caught sight of her. She smiled at the people in line and headed to her table.

  Spencer had made a place for himself at the end of the last table in the row of Suspended in Space cast members.

  Kirk stayed at her elbow. He was scanning the crowd.

  “To my left,” Kate murmured to him.

  Kirk turned and she knew the moment he spotted Spencer. Kirk’s jaw went tight and he clenched his big fists by his sides.

  A wave of satisfaction went through Kate.

  “Easy, big guy,” she teased him. “We’re not here to beat hi
m up.”

  “We’re not?” Kirk sounded disappointed.

  That was odd. She hadn’t pegged him as the sarcastic type.

  “Funny,” she said. “Nah, just stay close. Hopefully we won’t have to interact with him at all.”

  Kirk frowned, but followed her to the table.

  She was a little surprised when he sat down beside her instead of standing against the wall, as was traditional for security. But Tex wasn’t back from break yet, so the chair was open, and Kirk’s big body effectively blocked her from Spencer’s view.

  “Thanks,” she whispered to him.

  “Go ahead, ma’am,” yelled one of the line managers to the next woman in line.

  The lady came up to Kate, all smiles, dragging a younger woman with her.

  “This is my daughter, Samantha,” the lady said.

  “Hi, I’m Katie,” Kate said.

  “Hey,” the girl said, looking down at her feet.

  “Samantha’s a big fan,” her mom said.

  “Do you have a favorite episode, Samantha?” Katie asked, wishing the girl would be allowed to speak for herself.

  “Yeah, the one with the Rymple,” Samantha said, looking up with sparkling eyes. “Is it true that they filmed you with a dog and then did CG to make the Rymple?”

  “Oh, that was one of my favorites too,” Kate said. “And no, it wasn’t a dog, it was a deer.”

  “A deer?” the girl asked.

  “Yes, it was a tame deer,” Kate said. “It was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. They let me feed it before we filmed our scenes together.”

  “Wow,” the girl said, nodding her head up and down. “Righteous.”

  “So why don’t we see you on TV anymore, Katie?” the mother asked.

  Because I’m typecast in this same dumb role, or others like it, why do you think? Kate wanted to scream.

  Instead she smiled.

  “I wanted to take some time out to complete my studies,” she said brightly.

  “Mom, God, do you have to badger her too?” Samantha moaned. “She can do what she wants. She doesn’t have to entertain you.”

  “It’s fine Samantha,” Kate said smoothly. “I get that question a lot. Thanks for visiting with me. I hope you two have fun at the Con.”

  She slid a signed headshot to the girl and the two left, arguing quietly.

  A group of teenaged boys sidled up to the table next and began asking her detailed questions about the way the ship worked.

  Out of the corner of her eye she could see Kirk look over with interest as she did her best to explain the workings of a fictional spacecraft.

  The next few hours went on that way. When Tex came back he took a seat further down and Kirk stayed where he was.

  Kate noticed her phone buzzing more than usual and slid the power off between visitors to quiet it. Most likely it was only Carol checking on her and Carol understood that Kate couldn’t chat until the signing was over.

  At last the line was gone, the last autograph signed, the last question answered.

  Kate took a deep breath.

  “Is it always like this?” Kirk asked her.

  “Yeah,” she said. “It’s pretty crazy, huh?”

  “All those people love you?” he asked.

  “That’s a funny way to think about it,” she mused. “I guess I would say that they all love Katie Bly.”

  Kirk nodded, but he didn’t comment.

  Kate wished he would take off the glasses so she could see what he was thinking.

  A woman in Katie Bly cosplay walked past and waved, then did a double take.

  “Hello, Dr. Walker,” Kirk called out.

  “Day-um,” the woman called back. She shot him a thumbs-up, winked at Kate and disappeared into the crowd.

  “What was that about?” Kate asked.

  “Oh, she helped me find you,” Kirk explained. “She is dressed like you but she is actually a pediatrician. Isn’t that interesting?”

  “I should be dressing like her,” Kate muttered.

  “You are dressed like her,” Kirk replied, sounding mystified.

  Wow, he really was a master of sarcasm.

  “Come on,” she said. “Let’s get out of here.”

  Kirk walked with her back to the green room. She thought she heard Spencer say something as they headed off, but didn’t stick around long enough to find out if he was talking to her.

  In the green room, Kirk sat down in front of the mirror and examined Sadie’s many make-up caddies with great interest while Kate slid her phone out of her pocket and powered up.

  * * *

  17 text messages

  3 missed calls

  2 voice messages

  * * *

  “Oh wow,” she murmured.

  “Everything okay?” Kirk asked.

  Kate scrolled through.

  The missed calls, messages and fifteen of the texts were from Rima Bhimani, an old friend she’d met at Space Camp. The two women had been pen pals for a long time, but they hadn’t spoken in over a year, so there was no reason for Rima to be desperate to reach her.

  Though Kate had thought of her often lately. She’d been really happy for Rima when she read about the aliens coming to Stargazer and Rima falling in love with one of them. It was like a sci-fi novel come true, certainly not Kate’s cup of tea, but it was everything Rima wanted in life.

  She tapped the text stream.

  * * *


  Kate, I know it’s been a long time, but I need to talk with you urgently. Can you give me a call as soon as possible?

  * * *


  I just tried calling you but it went to voicemail.

  * * *


  This is Rima Bhimani, from Space Camp, in case you didn’t have my number in your contacts anymore. I’m not a stalker.

  * * *


  Oh, god, I read that you have a real stalker, that joke was in really bad taste, I’m so sorry. I wish I could delete that last text.

  * * *


  I really need you, Kate. Please call me.

  * * *


  I’m sorry, I know I’m bugging you, but this is very, very important.

  * * *


  Kate, please, please call me.

  * * *

  It went on like that, but Kate stopped reading and tapped the phone icon to call.

  Rima picked up on the first ring.

  “Kate,” she said, managing to sound hysterical and relieved at the same time.

  “Hey, Rima,” Kate said. “I was at a signing and my phone was off. Is everything okay?”

  “It is now,” Rima practically sobbed.

  Kate allowed her friend a moment to collect herself.

  There was snuffling on the other line, then a little cough.

  “Sorry, Kate,” Rima said. “Listen, I can’t say all I want to say, but the man I sent to see you has a letter that will explain everything. He’s… very special to me and I am hoping you can help him and his brothers.”

  “You sent a man to me?” Kate asked.

  “Yes, and his brothers,” Rima said. “They should be there very soon. They might even be waiting for you outside the Convention Center.”

  “And they need my help?” Kate asked. “You know I would do anything to help you, but if they want to break into the acting business literally anyone could help them more than I can. I haven’t really been working much. I think I might have even been blackballed…”

  “No, no, it’s nothing like that,” Rima said. “These guys just need someone to help them figure out life in the city. They’ve never been to the city before.”

  “I see,” Kate said, though she didn’t.

  “Ever since Magnum, I don’t know how much I can safely say over the phone,” Rima said sadly. “But when they approach you, you’ll probably understand right away. And in any case… well…
Just read the letter, ok? I’ll come out and see you as soon as I can.”

  “I’ll read it, Rima,” Kate said. “I wish you could tell me more.”

  “I should go,” Rima said abruptly.

  Kate was surprised to hear the dial tone. Rima had always been so polite. And she’d been so anxious to talk.

  The phone buzzed again in her hand. It was a text from Carol.

  * * *


  I’m so sorry I wasn’t able to get a bodyguard to you in time for the afternoon session. The agency has promised to get someone to you this evening.

  * * *

  Kate looked down at the phone and then back up at Kirk.

  “Was that Rima?” Kirk asked.

  She nodded slowly.

  “But that means that she did not talk with you before,” he said, looking surprised. “Did she tell you about the letter?”

  She nodded again, speechless.

  He stood, his huge, muscular form and undeniable masculine beauty taking on a whole new meaning now that she suspected who he was. What he was.

  “Here,” he said, sliding a letter out of the inside pocket of his blazer, along with a plastic light saber that must have created the lump she’d been sure was a gun or taser.

  She reached her hand out.

  “The letter is for you,” he explained. “This other thing, I’m not sure what it is. A lady with buns gave it to me.”

  “Thank you,” Kate managed to say as she took the letter.

  * * *

  Dear Kate,

  * * *

  I know we haven’t talked in a long time, but I am entrusting you with the safety of the man who gave you this letter, as well as two others, and the safety of my own family. I hope you might find it in your heart to help us.

  * * *

  As you know, three aliens from Aerie arrived in Stargazer this fall. My two roommates and I fell in love with them, and as a result, the three men became fully human.


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