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Yours Completely: A Cinderella Love Story (Billionaires and Brides #1)

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by Krista Lakes

  She missed him. He had already been dead for five years, but the ache of his loss still hurt. Things had been good when he was home. Even when he decided to marry Delores, things had been pleasant. And then he died and everything had changed.

  Ella shook her head and stopped thinking about the past. She paused next to the red barn and looked out at the lake. The lake was what gave Blue Lake Inn and Resort its name and beauty. The sun was slowly making her way down to the far edge of the shore, pulling up the water like a blanket and turning the sky from blue to orange and slowly to purple. The lake, calm and clear, reflected every color back up.

  A soft snort came from inside the barn. With one last glance at the sky, Ella stepped into the barn. The smells of clean hay and warm leather filled her nose. They were comforting smells and she breathed them in deeply. She was technically on her dinner break, but she wasn't hungry enough to eat. Besides, the horses could use an extra grooming so that they would look their best for the high-profile guests.

  She turned on the lights, letting the warm yellow glow wash over the small barn. This was one of the few places that her stepmother hadn't tried to change since her father's death. It didn't make sense to remodel a barn, let alone to make it fancier, so Delores had let it be. It was now Ella's place of refuge. A safe place where she could hide from her stepmother's evil glare and just be herself.

  Only two horses currently called the space home, despite there being room for many more. When her father was alive, there had been a full-time stable hand. There had also been trail horses for guests to ride in addition to the delicate white carriages used for wedding ceremonies. But that was long ago.

  Now, Ella was just glad she had managed to convince her stepmother to keep two snow white geldings to pull the last remaining carriage. The fact that her father had already paid for them and that Ella had made a feed deal with a local farmer had helped, but she was still always afraid her stepmother would sell the two horses without telling her. Luckily, the horse-drawn carriage was a big wedding draw, so she had managed to keep the two horses. Ella secretly suspected that Delores just kept them around as a way to threaten Ella into behaving, but she didn't care. It meant they were still here.

  Picking up a brush, she opened the stable door to Captain's stall and stepped inside. A soft whinny from the other side of the wall made her smile. “You'll get your turn next, you big baby,” Ella called to the other gelding. Commander huffed and put his head over the doorway, trying to peer in at her. His insistence made her smile. At least someone was happy to see her.

  She started with the curry comb, brushing Captain's muscular shoulders with short, strong circles. Captain closed his big dark eyes and leaned into her, practically purring from the extra attention. She focused her attention on his coat, using the brush as a vent for all her frustration. She lost herself to the motions of the curry comb on Captain's white coat. Here, she could dream and be herself. Here, no one yelled at her or told her that her best wasn't enough.

  She was finishing with the curry comb and moving to the hard brush when she noticed Captain's ears perk and his eyes shoot open. He knew that the grooming session wasn't over yet, so the only reason for him to look around was if something interesting was happening.

  She looked out the stall door just in time to see someone dart into one of the empty stalls near the doorway. Ella frowned, pushing her hair out of her face with her elbow. People, especially guests, weren't supposed to be in here. Irritation rose in her chest that someone would dare disturb her special place, especially today.

  She left Captain in his stall, gripping the hard brush in her hand like a weapon.

  “You can't be in here,” she growled, putting her hands on her hips and staring at the man hiding in the darkened stall.

  “I'm sorry, please-” the man moved slightly and she nearly lost her nerve. He was gorgeous. Perhaps the most beautiful man she'd ever seen. He had defined cheekbones, dark flowing hair, and blue-green eyes that reminded her of the ocean on a calm day. And that was just his face.

  “You can't be in here, sir,” she amended, remembering that he was probably one of the billionaire's guests and that she should at least be a little polite. He was wearing a very nice, pale blue dress shirt and slacks that probably cost more than she saved in a year.

  “Please, don't make me leave.” The man's beautiful eyes darted toward the open barn door and he crouched a little lower behind the stall. “I just need five minutes.”

  “For what?” The words came out sharper than she intended, especially if he was one of the billionaire wedding guests. She couldn't take her frustration with Delores out on them, so she crossed her arms, hoping that the man didn't have some sort of strange horse fetish.

  The man blushed slightly, somehow making him more handsome. “I just need them to not find me. Please.”

  It was the please that did it. That and the eyes. Those blue eyes stared straight into her soul and spoke to her. She'd never seen such eyes as his before.

  The sound of women's laughter floated on the evening air into the barn. Something about it set her teeth on edge. It wasn't cruel laughter, but it wasn't exactly friendly either. She moved from the stall door to look out, finding herself facing four extremely attractive women.

  “Jace, where are you?” One of them called out with a giggle. She was blonde and wearing the tallest high-heeled shoes Ella had ever seen. The blonde looked like she had just stepped out of a high-fashion photo shoot, rather than someone walking around the lake shore at night.

  “Them?” Ella mouthed, glancing back at the man. He nodded. She raised her eyebrows, unsure of why a man would be hiding from four beautiful women. The other three following the blonde were just as incredible. All of them were jaw-dropping stunning, and wearing clothes that screamed dollar signs. In her experience, a man as attractive as he was should be working his game, not hiding in a horse stall.

  “Oh, hi.” The blonde noticed her and stopped, giving her a once over that left Ella feeling naked and small. “You haven't seen a handsome, soon-to-be-ineligible bachelor anywhere around here have you?”

  Ella glanced back into the barn, seeing only the man's blue eyes pleading with her. She sighed, knowing that she was going to rescue him. She always was a sucker for blue eyes and a good rescue.

  “Nope,” Ella answered with a shrug. “Haven't seen anyone. Besides, guests aren't allowed in here. I'd recommend checking the main gazebo or the lobby bar.”

  “Damn.” The blonde moved her lips into a pout that accentuated how perfect they were. Without another glance or word to Ella, she turned and continued walking. “Okay, girls. Let's go find us a bachelor!”

  The other three tittered and giggled like some sort of strange bird-creatures as they followed the blonde into the growing dark. Ella stared after them as they continued their search, teetering on their stilt-like heels down the path. She wondered just how far they were going to make it on the cobblestone pathway before they either gave up or broke their necks.

  She waited until the four women were safely out of earshot before returning to the stall. “They're gone,” she told the man.

  Slowly, he stood up from behind the door and Ella nearly lost her breath. In addition to having rescue-worthy blue eyes, he was tall. And built. And handsome. And so many other adjectives that her brain was having a hard time focusing on the English language.

  “Thank you,” the man said, a soft smile making his features somehow even more attractive. He held out a hand. “I'm Jace.”

  “Hi, Jace,” Ella replied, taking her hand in hers and hoping she didn't sound as breathless as she felt. “I'm Ella.”

  “It's nice to meet you.” His voice was deep and warm, and softened by the smile on his face.

  Let go of his hand. Let go of his hand... Ella's mind chanted and she blushed as she finally released him. She needed to get a hold of herself. Handsome guests came and went all the time. He was no different than any other guest. She couldn't afford to let
a pretty face distract her from her goals.

  “So, who were they, and why were you hiding from them?” Ella asked, turning away and heading back toward Captain's stall to finish brushing him.

  “Vultures,” Jace replied, making a sour face and glancing at the door. “I really do appreciate you throwing them off my trail.”

  Ella chuckled. “We're all about customer service here.”

  “Would you mind if I hid out here for just a little longer?” he asked, his eyes going to hers again and giving her that same lightheaded feeling as before. “Just to make sure they're gone.”

  “You mean you don't want to hang out with your adoring fans?” Ella teased. She paused, not really wanting to turn him away yet. It was strange, but she wanted him to stay. Maybe it was just because he was incredibly good looking, or maybe it was the way he smiled at her, but she wasn't ready for him to leave. “I suppose it's okay. But, if you're in the barn, you have to work.”

  Jace glanced at the open doorway again. “I'll muck out stalls if that's what it takes.”

  Ella studied him for a moment, debating the wisdom of letting a guest stay and help in the barn. While the idea of him wearing those designer shoes mucking out the stalls was amusing, there was a reason guests weren't allowed in there, and it wasn't just for liability issues. It was her space. Yet, it would be nice to have some company. Jace, noticing her thinking, fluttered his eyelashes and pouted his lower lip out, looking for all the world like a helpless puppy. Ella couldn't stop the laugh from escaping her. There was no way to say no to that face.

  She grinned and reached over to her tools, handing him the curry comb. “You're in luck. The mucking is done. But the horses do need to be groomed.”

  Jace grinned, momentarily dazzling her with his smile as he reached for the comb. His fingers connected with hers and for a moment, the world stopped spinning. Heat sizzled up from her toes, around her spine, and back down again.

  Ella blushed, pulling back and pointing to the second stall with a white horse head poking out. “That's Commander.” She hoped he didn't notice the husky quality her voice had suddenly taken on, or the way her heart was thudding in her chest from their brief contact.

  Jace moved easily over to the stall, going inside as if he knew exactly what he was doing. Ella waited at the stall door, watching to make sure the Jace didn't need any help. The last thing she wanted was for Commander to misbehave.

  Jace paused at the stall door, making sure that Commander had ample opportunity to know he was coming. Commander's ears flicked back and forth, curious about the man with the brush saying hello. Every inch of Jace exuded confidence and tranquility, as he stepped forward and let the horse smell his hand before gently stroking his neck. Commander let out a friendly huff, eagerly presenting himself for a brushing from his new friend.

  “Where'd you learn about horses?” Ella asked, intrigued at how easily the man had won over the gelding. Commander's eyes were already closed in happy bliss as Jace worked strong circles with the curry comb.

  “I played polo as a teenager,” Jace replied, his tone light and his eyes focused on Commander.

  “Polo?” Ella repeated. Playing polo meant he came from serious money. She should have guessed, since had to be at the inn for the wedding. Suddenly the very nice shoes and expensive clothes made more sense. It made her shudder a little bit to think of just how much he must have paid for those shoes and how easily he was willing to be around horses in them. Money was of no object to a man like him.

  “Yeah. I was never very good, but my mother wanted me to play. Be like the other kids.” He paused in his grooming and grinned at her. “I didn't like the game, but I did like the horses.”

  “You're certainly good with them,” Ella replied, watching his hands move across the gelding's coat. His movement was strong and sure, and for a moment, she wondered what it would be like to have his hands on her like that. Touching her skin, her legs, her arms, her back...

  Heat rushed through her and she shook her head, trying to clear the thought. The man was a guest. She shouldn't have those kinds of thoughts about a guest, no matter how handsome he was. Business before pleasure.

  “What about you?” Jace paused in his brushing once more to look at her, earning him a grumpy foot stomp from Commander. He quickly resumed his deep, even strokes. “Where'd you learn about horses?”

  “Here.” Ella glanced around the barn, remembering countless days spent grooming, mucking, riding, and mending tack. “My family owns the inn, and I basically grew up with Captain and Commander.”

  “Ah, so you're part of the infamous Phillips Family.” It wasn't a question. It was a judgment.

  Ella's hand hovered over Captain's smooth coat. While it was technically true that she was part of the Phillips Family, it wasn't something she wanted to be associated with. Delores Phillips was her stepmother, not her family. Ella chewed on her lip, hating the way it sounded. Delores was the known gold-digger that had accidentally married a nearly bankrupt man with only an inn to his name. She was a joke, even if Ella didn't find it funny.

  “I guess you could say that...” The words were thick on Ella's tongue. How do you explain to a complete stranger that your family is not your family? No one ever remembered that Johnathon McDaniels had a daughter, or that she got nothing but a promise when her father died due to the way Delores restructured the will.

  “I apologize,” Jace said, stopping his brushing and looking at her. “That was rude of me and I apologize.”

  “Oh, it's nothing,” Ella quickly countered, doing her best to smile and wave it away. “It comes with the territory. Happens all the time.”

  “It shouldn't. You obviously aren't Delores Phillips, and her sins shouldn't pass to you.” Jace waited until she nodded before resuming the quiet pattern of his brush. “I, more than anyone, should know that.”

  Her chest went heavy with emotion. No one ever apologized to her about lumping her with Delores, and it honestly was refreshing to have someone say it out loud. “Thank you,” Ella whispered.

  “So, you obviously work here,” Jace said, trying to change the topic to something easier. He moved around Commander, working the brush. Bits of hay stuck to his expensive shirt, but he didn't seem to mind. If anything, he seemed to be relaxing and possibly even enjoying himself. “It must be wonderful to work in a place so beautiful.”

  “It's my dream to make it even better,” she blurted out quickly. The words escaped her mouth before she knew what she was saying. She never told anyone that. Ever. Yet, here with Jace in the barn, a man she'd known for about ten minutes, she had spilled her guts. Shame and regret flooded her stomach. Why in the world had she even let him in the barn? She should have just kicked him out when she had the chance. She waited for the snide laughter that she assumed was coming.

  But it never came.

  “Even better?” Jace sounded impressed, rather than derisive. “You managed to convince a billionaire family to hold their wedding here. I think you've got a pretty good place.”

  Ella stared at him for a moment, watching his hands move across Commander's white coat as she searched for the words. No one ever told her that she had a good place. Especially not Delores.

  “It can be better,” she mumbled.

  “Better? How?”

  “It's nothing big.” He had to be leading her on. She'd tell him and he'd laugh at her and tell her how silly it was. A foolish little girl's dream. Impossible. Gripping the brush tight, she focused on Captain's grooming, wishing she had just kept her mouth shut. “It's not important.”

  “Ella.” The way he said her name made her look up. He was smiling at her, and not in a way that made her feel little or stupid. The way he was looking at her made her feel special. Important. Like maybe her dreams were important. “Tell me. I'm actually interested.”

  It felt like she could cook eggs on her cheeks they were so hot. Something like hope or pride filled her chest. The words tumbled out, desperate to be heard by s
omeone who might think they were worthwhile.

  “I want to make this place the number one hotel in the state. Then, make it best in the region, and then, maybe even in the country. I want to upgrade the restaurant to a five-star rating, and get boats back out on the lake. I want every billionaire wedding to come here, not just one.” Flustered and hot, she stopped. There was a reason she stopped telling people this. He was going to think she was silly. He was going to laugh at her.

  But he didn't.

  “Ambitious,” he replied. She looked up to see him thoughtful as he paused in Commander's brushing to consider her words. “I like it.”

  “Seriously?” she asked, honestly surprised. “You aren't going to make fun of me for it? Tell me it's impossible? That it will cost too much or never be worth it?”

  “Why would I make fun of you?” he asked. “You have a dream. From what I've seen of this place, it's doable. You have the space and the amenities. It'll be a lot of work, but it's not impossible.”

  Ella openly stared at him. Her stepmother always ridiculed her plans. The other maids told her she was too ambitious and to aim lower. Allison, her stepsister, would just sigh and shake her head. No one ever believed she could do it. But Jace did. Jace thought she could.

  Hope blossomed in her chest, finally finding a source of encouragement. Ella knew it didn't really mean much. He was just a random wedding guest. What could he actually know about running or managing an inn and resort? Yet, his kind words touched her in a way that few words had.

  “Do you have a hard brush? I'm done with the curry comb,” Jace announced, stepping back to view his work.

  “Of course.” Ella picked up the heavy wooden brush and thought about just handing it over iron bars separating the top half of the stalls, but she didn't. Instead, she went to the door and walked around, entering Commander's stall with Jace.

  She didn't know why she did it. She knew she should keep her distance from this man since he was a guest, but her body moved on its own accord and suddenly, she was standing very close to him. She had meant to say something clever and cute, but now that she was actually within touching distance, her brain went blank. Commander stood quietly to the side, watching the two of them with uninterested ease as he waited for the rest of his grooming.


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