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Yours Completely: A Cinderella Love Story (Billionaires and Brides #1)

Page 10

by Krista Lakes

Ella's father's words echoed across her mind as she looked out at the reception and watched the celebrities mingle and smile for the cameras.

  The wedding was a complete success. People would be talking about the beauty and perfection of the ceremony for years to come. Nothing had gone wrong. No one tripped, nothing was lit on fire, and absolutely no ambulances had been called.

  “I'm doing it, Dad,” Ella said softly. She smiled, feeling proud of her work for the first time in months. Her plans for the inn were finally in motion. Everything she had worked so hard for the past few years was finally within her grasp. She was going to make her father proud.

  So far, the reception was going exactly to plan. The largest meal they had ever served at the inn had gone off without a hitch. Only three plates were returned to the kitchen, and considering the palates of the guests, Ella was sure it was some sort of record. Actually, she had left the chef sobbing tears of joy as the meal completed and only compliments came in.

  The speeches were over and the dancing was due to start at any moment. Ella felt the knot at the base of her neck slowly starting to relax. Her part of the wedding was over. The rest of the evening was up to the wedding director and the guests. She had made sure everything was beautiful and ready, which it was, and now there was nothing else for her to do but sit back and enjoy the party.

  She wasn't even in charge of cleaning up. As she watched a guest spill pate on one of the pristine table clothes, she was almost giddy that it wasn't her problem. Not tonight. As Madelyn's official Wedding Liaison, Delores had to give the job of cleaning up to someone else. It just wouldn't be seemly otherwise. For once, Delores's need to appear perfect in public worked in Ella's favor rather than against.

  Soft music floated through the air from a string quartet. The big glass reception hall doors were open to the carefully landscaped courtyard, allowing the warm night breeze to mingle with the cool air from the hotel. Small white lights twinkled in the trees as the sun slowly set over the lake.

  “You look absolutely amazing,” a female voice said from behind her. Ella froze for a moment before slowly turning to face her stepsister. Allison had never been outright cruel to her, but she was Delores's daughter. Anything was possible.

  “Thank you,” Ella replied slowly. She took in her stepsister's beaded green gown, noticing how it brought out the green in her eyes. It was softer and prettier than her mother's green. “You look amazing as well.”

  “Thanks.” Allison grinned. “I don't want to intrude upon your night, but I did have some good news for you.”

  “Good news?” The flutter of worry still bounced around inside Ella's chest. Allison was usually just the pawn of her stepmother, not the actual force of evil, yet Ella didn't trust her completely. Delores had done too good a job of making sure they were separate but never equal for Ella to ever fully trust anything Allison did.

  “You have the day off tomorrow,” Allison announced. She grinned even wider. “I told mother that the bride insisted upon it. A little white lie, but you deserve it.”

  “Seriously?” A day off was a dream come true. Days off were things that Ella only ever dreamed of.

  “Seriously,” Allison assured her. There was no guile or dishonesty in her voice. “You pulled this off beautifully. Far better than I would have, to be honest. You worked your butt off for this. We've already seen a double in reservations. You deserve a little reward for that.”

  “Double is good,” Ella agreed, hope for the future filling her. Double meant the inn would stay open. Double meant that bills were going to be paid. She really was doing it. Dad would be proud.

  “Anyway, I just wanted to tell you not to come to work tomorrow.” Allison smiled at someone across the room and waved before focusing on Ella again. “And, that dress is spectacular.”

  “Thank you...” Ella said, but Allison walked off before she finished the words.

  A day off. She'd have to of course check that with Delores. Not that Allison had ever purposefully done anything to Ella, but taking a day off without permission would have her scrubbing floorboards with a toothbrush for a week.

  Still, the idea of a day off was enough to jump for joy. Ella grinned, smoothing the front of her borrowed gown. She had never worn anything quite so beautiful, or expensive, but Madelyn had insisted.

  “If you're going to be at my reception, you need to look the part,” Madelyn had said. “Also, I expect you to have fun.”

  A satin, strapless blue dress now hugged her curves and then flared out at the feet. A pale blue lace overlay created texture and drama, falling like fairy wings before pooling at her feet. It was a dress for a princess. Somehow, it even managed to shimmer slightly, catching the light and making her look like something out of a fairy tale.

  She had curled and pinned her hair up onto her head, going for a simple yet sophisticated look. Since she didn't have any jewelry that wasn't worth less than five dollars, she had opted to go without anything, hoping that the beauty of the dress would distract anyone from noticing her bare throat, ears, and wrists.

  Ella kept expecting someone to come up and ask her to leave, possibly even calling the police to find out where she had stolen the dress from. Yet, so far, she had received only polite smiles and friendly glances. No one had called her out as the simple maid that she was.

  The scent of citronella and lavender from the various tiki torches lining the courtyard tickled her nose as the breeze shifted slightly. The bugs, thankfully, were staying far away. The stars were just starting to come out, glittering and dancing in the sky to the music. Ella smiled as the music changed and the bride and groom left their table to go to the dance floor. It was time for the first dance. Everything was soft and magical, just as a wedding should be.

  “Champagne?” offered a waiter. He obviously didn't recognize her as staff, so she just accepted before he continued on to other guests. She smiled, standing off to the side of the room, watching the spotlight find the happy couple as the music started.

  Ella had never seen anyone look quite so happy as Madelyn. As she spun, the view was replaced by that of Jason, the same happy smile plastered on his face as Madelyn. Their eyes saw only each other and loved every single thing they saw. That was what love looked like. That was what all the fairy tales and happy endings were supposed to be about.

  “And they all lived happily ever after,” a voice said behind her, speaking her thoughts.

  Ella wished her heart didn't speed up quite so much as she recognized the voice. She wished her knees didn't turn to jelly or that her middle didn't heat. She wished that he didn't have that effect on her. Even trying to remember that she just saw him with another woman only hours ago didn't still the butterflies in her stomach.

  “That only happens in fairy tales,” Ella countered, making sure not to smile even though she kept looking away from him. Maybe if she ignored him, he'd go away and her heart would stop wishing for things she didn't really want. She wanted to be loved, not just the flavor of the week.

  A light applause filled the air as the dance ended. Ella blushed as Jason dipped Madelyn back and then proceeded to kiss her thoroughly. Several guests whooped their approval at the public display of affection before Jason pulled his bride back up. Madelyn's cheeks were flushed, but she grinned so wide at Jason that Ella was sure her face would split open at any moment.

  “That's what love should look like,” Jace murmured, moving to stand beside her. Ella glanced over at him, realizing too late that it meant she was paying attention. His eyes met hers. She stared into the deep blue-green pools of warmth and affection, not understanding how he could look at her like that. Did he look at Allison like that? Or was it just the ones he was currently chasing?

  “Why are you talking to me anyway?” she asked, surprised at the level of venom in her tone. She crossed her arms like a shield, wishing that he would just go away and not mess with her heart quite so much.

  “I find I enjoy your company,” he replied slowly. “Is ther
e a reason that I shouldn't?”

  She could feel him frowning without having to look at him. He was trying to figure her out. He didn't know she had seen him with Allison. What kind of idiot did he take her for?

  “I would think you would be more interested in 'talking' to Allison,” Ella answered, making it perfectly clear what she thought of their 'talking'. She took a sip of her champagne and stared at Madelyn, who was now dancing with her father. Cold seemed to flow through her. “Perhaps I can get you an actual room this time.”

  Jace stiffened and for a moment Ella felt a small bit of smug pride. But, then he started to laugh.

  “What?” Ella turned to look at him, suddenly angry. She didn't like being laughed at.

  “Well, I'm glad to see it worked,” Jace said, his laughter drawing the eyes of several guests.

  “What worked?” Ella growled. She felt like throwing her champagne in his face. That's what women always did in movies.

  “What do you think you saw?” Jace asked, finally quieting and leaning forward. The other guests turned back to the dancing.

  “Something wildly inappropriate,” Ella spat out, the hurt of his betrayal making her ache. She knew she had no right to him, but still, seeing him with Allison had cut her to the core. “I'm not having this conversation.”

  Ella turned to leave, but he grabbed her arm. She nearly spilled her drink, not at the strength of his grip, but rather the way his touch sent her skin on fire.

  “What do you think you saw?” he repeated, his voice low and the laughter gone from his voice. His eyes found hers and as much as she wanted to look away, she couldn't.

  “I saw you leaving Delores's office looking like that cat that ate the canary,” Ella replied, pulling away from him. “Followed by the canary, looking like she'd been eaten.”

  “So you saw me walk out of an office, followed by a woman.” Jace's eyes never left hers. “Do you know who else was watching us leave? Who else saw exactly what you did, because that was what she sent her daughter in to do?”

  Ella took a step back.

  “Delores.” She had been watching Delores feed Allison to any guest worth more than a couple hundred grand for years. A billionaire would be a prize beyond belief. The ache behind Ella's breastbone began to change. “You mean, you two-”

  “-Sat and talked for the entire time,” Jace finished for her. He reached out and touched her cheek, his eyes soft. “Just so you know, Allison isn't too pleased with being the tidbit her mother feeds to rich men.”

  “So you didn't...” It was too much to hope for. Ella's heart pounded in her chest.

  “No.” Jace took the champagne glass from her trembling fingers and set it on a table. She had only had a couple of sips, yet she felt dizzy and lightheaded.

  Somehow, she was in his arms and dancing. She didn't remember him walking her to the dance floor, yet somehow they were there. It was magic.

  The music floated around the two of them. Ella's dress swished against the floor as Jace led her in perfect rhythm. Despite not having danced since she was a child, Ella felt confident in Jace's arms. All the steps she once practiced with her father came tumbling back into place, smoother and more refined than she could have thought possible.

  Her head spun, and not just with the twirls and dips. Jace wasn't cheating on his bride. He didn't sleep with Allison. Really, the fact that he was willing to pretend he did to help Allison only made him more attractive. He was a good guy in addition to being ridiculously good looking.

  “So, what are you doing tonight?” Jace asked, pressing his cheek against Ella's as the song slowed. His freshly shaven cheek was smooth against hers and the smell of his aftershave enveloped her, making it hard to think.

  “Dancing, apparently,” Ella managed to whisper. She shut her eyes, focusing only on the way Jace's arms felt around her. She was half afraid that if she opened them, she'd find this was a dream.

  Jace chuckled, spinning her into a dip as the song ended.

  “Then, I'd like to request the next dance, if you don't mind,” Jace said, pulling her back to standing.

  Blood rushed through Ella's head, the dip leaving her lightheaded and giddy. She grinned widely, holding out her hand to him.

  “You've got me all evening,” she said, enjoying the coy words.

  “Then I'm the luckiest man on earth,” Jace replied, pulling her to him as the next song began.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Ella wasn't sure if it was the wine or the dancing, but her head was spinning like a top and she didn't want it to stop. Dancing with Jace was like second nature. It was easy and graceful, like she was meant to do it. She wanted to follow wherever he lead.

  The song ended and Jace dipped her low. Ella sent a silent thank you up to whoever invented double-sided sticky tape, otherwise the dress would be halfway to the floor. And given the way Jace's hands felt on her, she wasn't half sure that was a bad thing.

  Well, maybe not with the other hundred plus guests standing there watching.

  A cold, prickling sensation settled between Ella's shoulder blades as she stood from the dip. She slowly turned, her eyes meeting those of Delores. The woman wore a racy dark blue dress that glittered with every move. Not to mention the diamonds encrusting every finger and circling around her neck. Ella wondered where in the world Delores had gotten the money to buy, or even rent, jewelry like that. Especially when the inn so desperately needed new equipment.

  Delores narrowed her eyes, their gazes meeting. Icy dread ripped through her stomach. The glare Delores shot her should have been enough to kill and bury her. Twice.

  She was not looking forward to going to work. She knew Delores hated her, but the hatred of that stare far surpassed anything Ella had encountered from her. Delores had to be furious that her good-for-nothing stepdaughter was dancing with the billionaire, but Ella didn't care. Not today and not tomorrow. She had the day off tomorrow. She'd worry about whatever torture Delores was going to come up with in a day or two. Whatever it was, she was certain being with Jace was worth it.

  Delores turned away and went back to talking with a man in a suit. Ella recognized him as Madelyn's father and nearly threw up in her mouth as Delores giggled and put her hand on his arm and snuggled in closer to the man. Delores was determined to bag one of the Connor men in some way or another.

  “Are you okay?” Jace was looking at her intently and Ella realized she had been frozen to the floor. “Do you need some air?”

  “Yeah, fresh air sounds great,” she murmured, trying to escape the Medusa glare of her stepmother over Jace's father's shoulder.

  Jace tucked her hand into his elbow, guiding her off the dance floor and out of the reception area. Even as she moved, Ella could feel the evil gaze of her stepmother and she did her best not to shudder. Two days from now was going to suck. A lot.

  Jace moved her through the party with ease. He knew how to navigate the crowd, murmuring hellos and greeting people without really stopping. It was a talent Ella admired. It was clear that numerous people wanted his attention, yet somehow, he managed to keep her the center of his world as they escaped the party.

  All but one person was willing to let them leave without issue.

  “There you are, Jace.” The blonde from the previous night sidled up to the two of them, taking Jace's free arm and pulling. It was nearly strong enough to rip Jace away from her.

  “Rosalind.” Jace's voice was hard and cold.

  “I'm so happy to run into you here,” the blonde purred. The dress the woman was wearing was close to indecent, with a slit coming up her thigh and over her hip while her cleavage hung out for all to see.

  “I'm afraid I don't have time to chat,” Jace replied, pulling away and wrapping his arm protectively around Ella. She had a feeling it was more for his protection than hers, though. That woman was predatory.

  “Oh, Jace, that's no way to treat your date for the evening,” Rosalind purred, referring to herself as the date. “I thought tonight
was going to be a fresh start for us.”

  She managed to puff her already ridiculously displayed chest out a little further. Much more and Ella was sure that the red gown painted onto the blonde would go flying off at the seams and leave her naked.

  “Rosalind, we've been through this.” Jace managed to keep his tone low and even, but Ella could see the veins popping out on the side of his neck. “There is no us. There never was.”

  “Jacey...” Rosalind ran a perfectly manicured finger up the center of Jace's suit. “There was always an us. Just think of how good that weekend in the Hamptons was. You said it was the best sex of your life. You're never going to get that with the help. A roll in the hay maybe, but not what I offer.”

  Ella was fairly sure she was going to melt through the floor with embarrassment. This beautiful woman was talking to Jace as if they were alone. Ella's cheeks heated and she would have pulled away if Jace didn't have her hand locked into his arm. It was obvious that the blonde didn't care. She was completely and utterly disrespecting Ella by pretending that she wasn't even there. Ella should have been used to it, given the way her stepmother treated her, yet this time felt different. Ella was sure that at any moment, Jace would give up and just shrug and leave Ella on the dance floor. It was what people in her life did.

  But that wasn't Jace.

  “I have a date. And it's not you.” Jace caught Rosalind's hand and tossed it aside. “Excuse us, Rosalind. I'm afraid my date and I are needed elsewhere.”

  He led Ella away from the gaping, open-mouth woman in the revealing red dress. It was a good thing he had Ella's arm so firmly in his or she would have tripped over her heels and fallen on the floor.

  “I'm so sorry about that,” Jace whispered, once they were clear of Rosalind. He released her hand and turned to face her. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, of course. Why wouldn't I be?”

  “Because Rosalind's a bitch,” Jace replied. He faced her, his eyes searching hers. “She has no sense of decency. You're better than she is.”

  “I'm fine,” she assured him with a smile. Warmth filled her chest. He cared about her. “Thank you.”


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