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Yours Completely: A Cinderella Love Story (Billionaires and Brides #1)

Page 14

by Krista Lakes

  “I would have loved to have sneaked a glass with my cousin, but...” Ella shrugged. “Making Delores happy was more important at the time.”

  Jace paused. Ella turned to look at him, seeing a frown spread across his face. “Why should it matter to you what she thinks? She obviously doesn't care what you think of her.”

  Ella reached out and toyed with one of the green grape leaves. It was strong yet flexible in her fingers as it grew, reaching for the sun. “I was sixteen and Delores was the only parent I had left. My father had always wanted us to be a family, and...” Ella trailed off. “It sounds stupid and childish now, but I wanted her to like me. To treat me like her daughter.”

  “It's not stupid or childish to want someone to love you.” He reached for her hand and drew her eyes away from the plant and back to him.

  “I used to secretly hope that one day she would wake up and see how much I tried to be a good daughter, and that she would treat me differently,” Ella said with a shrug. “I know that's not going to happen now, but it's a hard habit to shake.”

  Jace nodded. “Family ties are a powerful thing.”

  “It will all be over once I have my birthday. Things are going to be different.”

  “I believe in you.” His words were simple, but they rang with truth. Ella's heart felt like it might explode. No one ever asked her what she wanted. Yet, when she looked into Jace's eyes, she knew he really was interested. It wasn't just that he was being kind or courteous, he honestly wanted to know.

  “You think I can do it?” Ella asked, her heart threatening to stop at any moment.

  “From what I've seen?” Jace nodded. “Definitely. You managed to put on a million-dollar wedding and make it look easy. I've been to several big weddings, and none of them have gone this smoothly or been as well planned. And I'm not just saying that. I mean it.”

  Ella beamed. “So, you'll recommend me to all your friends, right?”

  He leaned down and kissed her cheek. “In a heartbeat. I've already had three people ask me where to sign up for services here.”


  “Yes, really. And that was even before last night.” Jace wiggled his eyebrows at her, making her laugh. “I left out the personal service you showed me.”

  “Not everyone gets that particular service,” Ella informed him. “You have to be extra special.”

  Jace grinned. “I am rather unique.”

  “Quite,” Ella agreed.

  Ella loved how easy it was to talk to Jace. When she spoke, Jace listened. He really listened, taking in her every word and paying attention to the details. She found herself wishing that they could stay in the vineyard forever, just talking and walking among the green leaves.

  “What about you, Mr. Billionaire,” Ella asked, resuming their walk. “I've told you my dream. What's yours? What do you want to do? Or, are you doing it?”

  Jace's face went thoughtful and he paused. His blue-green eyes evaluated her for a moment. “I followed my father's footsteps into this job. I enjoy it, and I'm obviously good at it, but it isn't my life's dream.”

  “What is?” Ella asked, genuinely curious.

  “I don't know.” Jace shrugged. “This is all I've ever known. The only thing that I am sure of, is that I don't want to end up like my father.”

  “He walked your sister down the aisle, right?” Ella thought of the tall, older man on Madelyn's arm. The hair and facial features were similar to Jace's, though the eyes were different. “He didn't seem all that bad.”

  “Compared to Delores, he's a saint,” Jace agreed. “But, he's not happy. He's on his fourth marriage, two heart attacks, and he drinks like a fish. The love of money is the only thing that motivates him, but he's so rich it doesn't seem to matter any more.”

  “He seemed proud of your sister last night,” Ella said quietly. “I've seen a lot of fathers walk their daughters down that aisle, and he fit in with all of them. Nervous and proud.”

  “Maybe,” Jace agreed. “But, he's not who I want to be.”

  “Who do you want to be then?”

  “Someone happy. Someone who wakes up in the morning and doesn't need a drink to get through the day,” Jace answered.

  “You realize you did take us to a winery,” Ella replied with a smile.

  “That's because I wanted to take you someplace beautiful. Not for the wine.” Jace looked at her, his eyes dark and full of admiration. She couldn't stop the blush that heated her cheeks. “You deserve to be in places as stunning as you are.”

  “Flattery will get you nowhere,” she told him.

  He grinned and his eyes became mischievous. “Who says I want to go anywhere? Maybe I already found what I want.”

  Again, Ella's cheeks heated. “Are you always this charming?” Ella asked, enjoying their flirtation.

  “Depends on if you're always this beautiful.” Jace winked at her and she laughed.

  “That's a good line,” Ella said.

  “I know. That's why I used it.” Jace winked at her. He leaned forward, his breath tickling her ear. “But, it's true.”

  Ella grinned. It was so easy to be with him. For once, she didn't feel obligated to give him anything just because he said she was pretty, and it was a nice change of pace. At the same time, she didn't feel like she was leading the guy on or being a tease because she accepted the compliment and smiled. Flirting was fun with Jace.

  “Thank you for this, Jace,” she said, her heart suddenly very full. “This is probably the best day of my life.”

  Jace's eyes widened in surprise. “It's just a day at a winery.”

  “No, it's a day with you.” Ella blushed, suddenly feeling very shy. She shouldn't have said anything. Telling him this was the best day of her life was overkill. Even though it was true, she didn't need to tell him right this moment.

  “I'm glad you're enjoying it. To be honest, I was a little worried you wouldn't like it.”

  “I love it,” she assured him. “This place is perfect. I feel like a kid on summer break getting to play outside with you here. I can't think of anything better.”

  “Summer break, huh? When's the last time you played hide-and-seek?” Jace asked, suddenly changing the subject.

  “Um, not since I was a kid,” Ella answered. She didn't exactly have a lot of free time to be playing around while she tried to manage the inn under Delores's thumb. “Why? When's the last time you played hide and seek?”

  “Not since I was a kid, either,” Jace admitted. “But, you have to admit, it would be fun here.”

  Ella glanced around. The vines grew in neat rows, but if you stood just outside of one, it would be easy to hide. Her inner child loved it. “Do you want to play?”

  “I thought you'd never ask.” Jace put his hands over his eyes and started to count. “Ten, nine, eight...”

  Ella took off at a run, grinning from ear to ear as she darted around one plant and hurried to find a space place to hide.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Jace wasn't sure why he suggested hide and seek. It just came to him and sounded like fun. He was amazed at how easily Ella agreed. The little boy in him grew just a little bit more fond of her, just for that. Not only was she sexy and smart, but she was fun, too.

  “Five, four, three, two, one, ready or not, here I come!” he shouted, uncovering his eyes. It took a moment to readjust to the bright sunshine, but he didn't care. “I'm going to find you!”

  Carefully, he weaved through one of the vines, being careful not to damage any of the growing plants but listening for the tell-tale signs of Ella's breathing. Considering that the rows were fairly short, he was sure she couldn't have gone far.

  He saw a glimpse of polka dot against a green plant and knew he had found her. Pretending not to know where she was, he casually went to the next row, walking slowly and cautiously. He looked for the polka-dot dress and instead met her hazel eyes.

  God, they were beautiful. How could green and brown combine to make such an amazing s
hade of perfect that it set his heart to hammering like that? For a moment, he completely forgot what he was doing. Those eyes, with their innate kindness and joy, captured him completely.

  She laughed, and took off running.

  He had to catch her. Not just to play the game, but because he knew without a doubt that he needed her in his life. Her life wasn't easy, yet she persevered. She was all sunshine, even though he could see her world was full of clouds and rain. She knew who he was, yet she hadn't mentioned a single word about wanting a gift or asking for his help to buy the inn.

  In fact, he knew that she never would. That wasn't who she was. She saw him as a man, a friend, and a lover- not a money source.

  He knew it wasn't conventional or logical, but she was who he needed in his life. She was the missing piece that would keep him from becoming his father. Just the thought of his father running through a vineyard playing hide and seek with someone was completely inconceivable.

  She darted through a break in the vines just before he caught her. He laughed. He hadn't expected her to be so light on her feet, yet she practically danced through the vines as if she were a fairy.

  She'd certainly practiced her magic on him as if she were one. Three days and she was all he could think about. He'd smiled more in the past twenty-four hours than he had in the last twenty-four months. She'd made him laugh.

  Not to mention that the sex was the hottest he'd ever had.

  She tried to skip around one of the vines, laughing as he reached to catch her and missed. Her blonde hair streamed out behind her. He tried again, but his fingers barely skimmed her skin as she pulled away, teasing him with her touch.

  It would have been fine, except he tripped and sent his entire body thudding into the soft earth. His hands and knees sent up a fine layer of brown dust. Luckily, it didn't hurt anything but his pride.

  “Are you okay?” Ella was there instantly, her eyes big and concerned.

  He pushed himself off his hands and knelt in the dirt. Ella was beside him, her skirt in the dirt as she looked him over. It made Jace smile. Any of the other women he'd dated would be standing and calling for help. They'd never let their new clothes get dirty. Then again, none of them would have been playing hide and seek in the first place.

  “Let me see your hands,” Ella commanded taking them in her own. Her brows drew together as she inspected them for any injury. “No cuts. How are your knees?”

  “They're fine,” he assured her. It was adorable how concerned she was.

  “We should get you to the main house and wash you off.” She bit her lip, obviously unhappy that he might be injured.

  “I'm fine,” he told her. “The ground is actually really soft.”

  “You're sure?” she asked.

  Her eyes met his and he couldn't help himself. He leaned in, kissing her softly at first, then pressing himself into her more urgently. She seemed to forget all about his injury as she pressed back into him. His hands pushed her hair behind her ears and cupped the back of her neck as their kiss grew more feverish. She tasted like sun-warmed strawberries and for once, he knew that the woman he was kissing wouldn't care if he mussed up her clothes with his dirty hands.

  He finally released her from the kiss. “I'm sure I'm fine,” he said.

  “Apparently,” she murmured, her eyes still glazed from the kiss. There was now a smudge of dirt on her cheek, but it suited her. Somehow, everything she wore, even dirt, looked good. She shook her head, and focused on him. There was still a spot of color in each of her cheeks. He knew from last night that it meant she was enjoying herself.

  He wanted to make her cheeks flush again. Only they couldn't do that out here in the vineyards. Despite having rented the place out, it wasn't exactly the most secure location. The last thing he wanted was for some tabloid to get a hold of a picture of the two of them hot and heavy and post it next to his sister's wedding photos.

  “You know, maybe we should head to the main house,” he said, rising to his feet.

  Ella's mouth instantly frowned and her brows knitted again. “Where does it hurt?”

  “If I tell you, will you kiss it?” he asked.

  Ella's eyes narrowed and her frown lessened. “Depends. You wouldn't try and trick me, would you?”

  He held up his hand as if he was swearing an oath. “Never. Unless you really would kiss it.”

  Ella laughed and his heart danced at the sound. How could one woman have such an intoxicating laugh? How could she make his heart soar just by smiling at him like that?

  “Where's it hurt?” she asked. Her eyes twinkled, already suspecting the answer.

  He pointed to his groin. “Here.”

  “Oh, poor baby.” Ella shook her head. “We'll have to get you back to the main house. I can't kiss it through your pants.”

  She took his hand, looking perfectly pleased with herself as she pulled him toward the main house.

  His jaw nearly dropped. Smart, beautiful, funny, and sexy. She really was perfect.

  “Ella...” He pulled to a stop so she would turn and look at him. He didn't expect anything from her. He was having such a great time that he didn't want it to be just about sex between the two of them. “You don't have to do this.”

  “I want to.” She smiled, her eyes twinkling as they went to his dirt encrusted knees. “Though, next time, you don't have to trip to catch me.”

  She tugged gently on his hand to start walking, but he didn't move. She cocked her head to the side for a moment.

  “I'm having a lot of fun, Jace.” She bit her lip, which just made him want to kiss her. “I don't mean to be pushy. We can stay out here, go inside, get back on that stupid helicopter- I don't care. I just want to be with you.”

  He'd heard those words before, but he'd never believed them. This time he did. He believed her with his whole heart. He didn't need to even look into her eyes to read the truth, his whole being could feel her honesty.

  “We still have a wine tasting scheduled,” he said. “You think you can wait that long?”

  “For you, I'd wait forever,” she said. She flushed immediately after the words left her mouth, putting the perfect rosy spots of color on her cheeks. Her innocence and honesty was refreshing. Who couldn't love this girl?

  Love this girl? His brain stalled for a moment. The words were overused, yet they resonated within him. It's too soon for love, Jace told himself as they started walking, hand in hand, toward the main house. Yet, he couldn't deny how easily the words fit in his mind and that frightened him.

  People didn't fall in love at first sight. That was for fairy tales and love songs, not for real life. He needed to take his time. That didn't mean that they couldn't enjoy the rest of the day, but he needed to not jump into things. Jumping into things without thinking was how he ended up with Rosalind. It was how his father ended up with wives three and four, and looking like it was going to be five soon.

  No, despite how he felt, he needed to be cautious. He needed to think, not to feel. He wasn't going to make the same mistakes his father did.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  The inside of the winery main house was deliciously cool after being out in the sun. Ella hadn't even noticed how warm it was until the air-conditioned air cooled her skin. She licked her lips, tasting salt. Whether it was from the heat or from running, she wasn't sure, but either way she was ready for something to drink.

  Their tour guide came out from behind a large bar that dominated the center of the room and greeted them once again. “Welcome to the winery. Did you enjoy walking through the grapes?”

  “Very much,” Jace answered for the both of them. “It was very relaxing.”

  Ella struggled not to giggle. Relaxing wasn't exactly the word she would have used.

  “Excellent.” Their hostess beamed. “I have everything set up for you in the private tasting room upstairs. If you'll follow me, please.”

  “Private tasting room? I didn't even know they had one of those,” Ella said quietl
y to Jace as they followed their guide up a metal staircase.

  “I told you, I rented the whole place out,” Jace replied. “Access to the private tasting room was a perk.”

  Ella shook her head. It was hard to remember that Jace came from enormous wealth. He was so normal and down to earth that she kept forgetting he was worth well over a billion dollars. Working in the inn, she'd met several rich men. Every one of them had been flashy. The more money they had, the more they seemed to need to show it off.

  Jace didn't. He used his wealth quietly. It was obviously there, as he had paid for his sister's wedding, the helicopter, this winery tour... but he wasn't showing off. Only in jest had he even mentioned his net worth, and it was for the sake of a joke, not to impress her.

  Not that he needed the wealth. Sure, the private winery tour and helicopter were nice, but Ella found herself thinking of how much she just enjoyed spending time with him. A picnic by the lake of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches sounded just as good. She didn't need the fancy helicopters.

  The tour guide kept talking, cutting into Ella's thoughts. “And here is the private wine room.” The woman held open a wooden panel that blended in with the wall, leading to a comfortably sized room. Inside, there were several oak barrels as well as a small table, two chairs, and an overstuffed love-seat. Off to the side of the room was a bar filled with wine glasses. But it was the view that caught Ella's attention.

  The window on the far wall looked out over the entire vineyard. Everything was green and blue for miles and miles. Shadows from the fluffy clouds chased one another across the green landscape, changing light to dark and back again while the leaves on the plants fluttered like a small ocean. It was completely mesmerizing.

  “That view, huh?” the tour guide asked with a grin. “Anyway, I have opened seven bottles for you to enjoy and taste. Would you like me to help you with the tasting, or just leave them for your own personal enjoyment?”

  Jace glanced at Ella, then back to the guide. “We'll do a private tour, if you don't mind.”


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