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Dishing Up Romance

Page 3

by Carolyn Hughey

  "Last night. Okay, so ... Dad is retiring. Business hasn't been good, and he's had enough. Did you know he owns the building?"

  "I think I remember something about that. Okay, go ahead"

  "Well, he wants to pass it on to me"

  "Awesome!" she exclaimed. "What are you going to put in there? Another deli, or a restaurant?"

  "Actually, neither. I'm putting in a kitchen shop. You know, like those places that have all those little tools and gadgets everyone wants to have in their own kitchen?"

  "Okay, but what about the cooking? You're not giving that up after all this, are you?"

  "Not at all. I'm going to teach cooking."

  "What a fantastic idea. I'll be signing up for those classes too. So what else? Are you going to cater?"

  The waitress stopped by the table to get our order. "A burger and fries and a chocolate milk shake," I said. Megan ordered a veggie egg-white omelet. "You're still eating healthy?"

  "I am, and you should be too. You've put on a few pounds since culinary school."

  "Yeah, I know," I groaned as I prepared to call the waitress back. "Make my order the same as hers" I pointed toward Megan. "Getting back to cooking, I thought I'd open those classes up to groups as well and let them design their own and I'll teach them. You know, like maybe some food magazines will want to sponsor classes for customers or their advertisers. I know one of the magazines traded services with the culinary school I attended. They advertised the school in their magazine, and we paid them by holding cooking classes for their guests geared toward the recipes in their magazine. Anyway, I'll be sending out all kinds of advertising postcards to all the magazines. What do you think?"

  "I think it's an amazing idea. You're pretty smart, kiddo. But do you think you're ready to start teaching classes so soon after graduating?"

  "Well, actually, Charlie is going to get me started by helping me design the first class. Once I have that under my belt, I'll know how to handle future classes."

  "What about questions the students ask you? Will you know the answers?"

  "I've already thought of that. I'll just tell the person I'll get back to them and go look it up"

  "Awesome, Cass. I'm so proud of you." She chuckled. "I can't believe the transformation you've made in such a few years. You've really matured. So tell me about the guy."

  My stomach did a somersault. "Oh yeah, there's that." I exhaled. "Well, Charlie came into the kitchen with `Rocky"'-I placed my fingers in quotes-"standing next to him. He was carrying a crate of spinach, which was being delivered to me. The guy just blew me away. And wow, I have to tell you, the way he locked eyes with me had me giving him a second and third look."

  "So, what's the problem? Is this Rocky someone you want in your life?"

  "Well ... doesn't matter anyway. I'm pretty sure he has a girlfriend. He came in with a woman."

  "Saved by the bell, as they say. That turned out to be a major convenience for you before, didn't it?" Now she was twisting her mouth into a smirk. "Yeah, you and relationships are like oil and water, and I've never understood your reasoning. Listen, I don't mean to sound like your mother, but you're twenty-eight years old, Cass. What are you waiting for? Do you want to wind up an old maid like your Aunt Mary?"

  "I've always thought it was more important to love yourself before loving someone else. I don't need a man to make me happy."

  "I know that, but you've spent enough time learning to love yourself. It's time for you to learn to love someone else for a change. Aren't you lonely?"

  "Yeah, sometimes." I scrubbed a hand over my face. "Oh, and Mom is still on the Sammy kick." Megan's eyes opened wide with surprise. "I was over there the other night, and she told me I missed my window of opportunity because now he's married to Rosalie."

  Megan clutched her chest. "Gosh, I thought you were saying you were over at Sammy's because he broke up with Rosalie when they haven't even been married that long." She released a sigh.

  "Oh, no. Sorry I wasn't clear. I was over at my parents' place." I snorted. "Oh, geez."

  "Well, I'm glad you cleared that up. Okay, so, tell me: If this Rocky becomes available, are you going to run the other way?"

  I don't know. Maybe, maybe not" I bit my lip. "His name is Josh. He's just gorgeous, with a huge rippled chest that you can see through the tight tees he wears. Mmm. He's nice."

  "So you're not sure about getting involved if he becomes available, yet you're telling me you're very attracted to him?"

  "Well ... yeah, I guess"

  Megan shook her head in despair. "You're a hopeless cause"

  "Thank you" I chuckled. "Tell me about you now."

  "Not much to tell except I'm three months pregnant." She paused and grinned devilishly.

  "What?" I couldn't believe my ears. She nodded and patted her belly. "Oh wow! You are?" Megan's eyes filled with tears. "I can't believe you waited until I finished telling you about my life before you shared such important news." Emotion choked my voice. I jumped to my feet and pulled her into a hug. By now, everyone was watching the two of us. I wiped my tears dry and turned toward all those watching. "She's having a baby" I pointed to her stomach.

  "Oh no," Megan groaned and shielded her face with her hands. "Did you have to embarrass me like that?"

  "Hey, you're never going to see these people again. What do you care?" I hugged her again and danced around in a circle.

  "Thank you. Okay, can we sit down now?"

  "Yes." I giggled with excitement. "I'm going to be an aunt. Oh my God, I'm going to be an aunt." Our food was delivered. "So that means you're due in June."


  "Ralph must be bouncing off the walls."

  "He is-and hoping fora son"

  "Of course. So you don't know the sex of the child yet?"

  "No, and I don't want to know. Not yet. I want it to be a surprise."

  "Are you going to continue working after you have the baby?"

  She laughed. "Are you kidding? Ralph wants me to quit now.,,

  "And what do you want?"

  "I want to stay home with my children. After they go to school, then I'll decide if I want to go back to work."

  "What about working for me? You could be my store manager. You'd be home to cook dinner before Ralph walked in the door. Of course, I can't afford to pay you the same kind of salary you make now, but I'm hoping my business will be a huge success, and then I can pay you more. And quite honestly, I wouldn't trust anyone but you to be at the helm." I watched her expression change from-serious- to a smile.

  "Thanks for your trust. I'll talk it over with Ralph. I'm not sure how I feel about leaving work now." She took a bite of her omelet. I poured catsup on mine. "Maybe if the hours weren't too long, it might be all right, but what will I do with the baby?"

  "I might just have a solution for that" I sat up a little straighter, hoping my idea would give me more leverage with her.

  "What is it?"

  "I need to work it out first before I tell you. I don't want to get you all excited and then it doesn't happen."

  "I'll get back to you after I talk to Ralph, okay?"


  I entered the kitchen and made my way over to the pastry station. Chris, the head pastry chef, was already waiting for me.

  "Good morning. Are you all set?" he said, stirring a pot on the stove.

  "I am, and very excited."

  "Good. I need you to torch the creme brulee you made yesterday for three tasters. This is a new recipe, and Chef wants to taste it. Do you know how to use the brulee torch?"

  "Yes. I used to help my father when he catered parties."

  "Okay, the brown sugar is in the storage container under the table."

  I reached under and lifted the container off the shelf and to the floor. "Hey, did you know, if you use confectioners' sugar instead, you'll get a lighter crust."

  "Of course I do," Chris said defensively, "but I like a sturdier caramelized crust"

  "Okay, just th
ought I'd mention it."

  "Thank you. But you're at this station to learn from me"

  "Yes, sir." I popped the lid and released a scoop of brown sugar into a small bowl and coated the tops of the three ramekins. I reached for the torch and ignited it, holding the flame over the sugar, and watched it sizzle. Overhead, elevator music wafted through the air. Charlie was trying something different in the kitchen. He thought music might help cut down on some of the chaos that often occurred during our busiest times.

  "I'm in the Mood for Love" played softly. Yep, just the tune I needed to hear right now. I hummed along with the instrumental, moving the direct flame from the torch back and forth over the ramekins, when images of Josh, his arm curved tightly around my waist, came to mind. We were strolling toward the lake at Clove Lake Park on Staten Island for a picnic. We stopped, and he kissed me tenderly. My insides were on fire-

  "Cassie!" Chris screeched. "Fire, fire!"

  "Oh, no!" I shouted in panic. The ramekins and the towel I'd placed close by were all in flames. I tried to blow the flame out, but it only served to ignite it more. I stood cemented in place, confused and not knowing what to grab first to put out the fire, until Chris' body slammed into my hip, shoving me out of the way, and the whoosh of the spray foam from the fire extinguisher on the wall shot out and covered the ramekins and the entire stainless-steel table until the flame was gone.

  "What the heck were you thinking about?" he said, livid. "For God's sake, you just wasted all those ingredients," he shrieked, and then his hand came crashing down onto the stainless steel table, and the ramekins jumped from the impact. I jumped back, startled by the loud noise, and prepared myself for his wrath. "I thought you said you've done this before."

  "I have." Tears filled my eyes. "I can't tell you how sorry I am. I got so caught up in the music, my mind just drifted."

  "I told Charlie I didn't want any damn music in this kitchen, but you think he'd listen to me? No. He said I didn't know what I was talking about. Well, here's a news bulletin for Charlie and you, Miss Friend of the Boss"-sarcasm bounced off his tongue-"unless you straighten up and fly right, I won't let you near this station again, and I don't care who you are. Do I make myself clear?" He angrily strode away, his feet slamming the tiled floors. "Clean up the mess," he shouted over his shoulder.

  The tears came more readily now, and I turned around so no one would see me crying. I had finished cleaning up the mess when Charlie stopped by.

  "Do you have a minute?" he asked.

  I nodded and followed him, certain this was my last day. He shut the door to his office and gestured for me to sit down in the chair.

  "Listen, before you say anything," I blurted out, "I'm so sorry."

  "I know you are, Cassie. Don't be upset by Chris' outburst. He's just high-strung, but more important, if you're planning to run your own business, you can't have your mind in two places. You must pay attention. What happened? You've been looking very tired lately. What's up?"

  How could I tell him I was thinking about Josh? I couldn't, so I lied. "Not very much. It won't happen again. I promise to do better."

  "I know you will. Now get back out there and show Chris you've got what it takes."

  "Thank you. I need to step away for a few minutes to stop shaking. If I don't, I'll only wind up doing something else stupid."

  "I'll talk to Chris in the meantime. Don't take too long, though, okay?"

  "I won't." I walked out of his office and outside, inhaling the chilly air. The weather was beginning to show signs of a storm. I spent several seconds running my hands up and down my arms, releasing the pent-up air I'd been holding, telling myself I had to stop thinking about Josh. My career was far more important to me than some sizzling hot guy. Yet I'd become conflicted between wanting someone in my life and concentrating on my new career. I realized I couldn't do both. Regardless of the long-standing friendship between Charlie and Dad, he had been very gracious to hire me, and I didn't want him to think I was taking advantage of his kindness.


  Preheat the oven to 300 degrees. Maybe you think turning the heat up will scorch the smoldering image of his rock-hard chest from your mind, but it's bound to burst into flames if you're not careful.

  In a large saucepan, bring the cream and vanilla to a simmer on the stove. Remove the saucepan from the burner and allow it to cool for 10 minutes. Maybe the short break will help you focus on more important things, like your new career. If not, beat the heck out of the egg yolks and both sugars with a mixer until they've increased in volume and become creamy and pale yellow. This ought to show the mind who's boss.

  When the cream has cooled slightly, slowly whisk in the egg mixture until completely blended. Do not stop blending until all the mixture has been incorporated, or the mixture will curdle like scrambled eggs. Your thoughts are already scrambled-you don't need the creme brnlee to mirror them. That's a dead giveaway, especially if you don't want anyone to know you're dreaming about him. Butter the inside of the ramekins and place in a rectangular baking dish. Set the dish down on the opened oven door and pour the brnlee into each ramekin to a 1/2 inch from the top.

  Pour boiling water into the baking dish, making sure to add the water around the filled ramekins, not into the ramekins.

  Place in the preheated oven for 30-40 minutes or until a knife inserted in the middle of each ramekin comes out clean.

  Remove ramekins from the water bath and place in the refrigerator to give you a reprieve and chill those thoughts of him-at least for a couple of hours. Now pray the mind control works.

  When ready to serve, top each ramekin with a thin layer of brown sugar, and, using a torch, sway the flame back and forth over the topand pay attention to what you're doing before you become known as a fire hazard. Once the brown sugar caramelizes, it will form a glassy crust on the top with a creamy center.

  Don't make a fool of yourself, I warned myself through clenched teeth as I walked the few blocks to Charlie and Maddie's house on Wednesday morning and saw Josh's truck. I wasn't sure if Charlie had told him I was coming to see his handiwork, but I could almost guarantee Josh wasn't feeling the same pangs of insecurity I was.

  I loosened my seat belt and felt a rush of panic. I needed to calm my nerves before I entered the house. Sucking in a deep intake of air, I steadily blew it out, reminding myself that I had already decided I wasn't interested in having a boyfriend, so there was no need for worry. Right? Besides, he had a girlfriend.

  Megan's comment came to mind about Josh having a girlfriend and it making my decision very convenient. In essence, I guess she was right. One thing was certain: Knowing he had a girlfriend made him more appealing. It was my safety net that gave me the freedom to fantasize. Call it what you want, it gave me a sense of relief, at least long enough to walk toward the house. I nodded and acknowledged I was indeed enjoying his girlfriend cushion a little too much.

  I scurried up the path toward Charlie and Maddie, who stood holding the door open.

  "Good morning." I leaned over and hugged Maddie. In the distance, my eyes locked on Josh's; he was grinning from ear to ear.

  "It's been way too long, Cassie," Maddie said. "I hear you're going to take over Pop's building."

  "I am" I raised my arm and gave Josh a casual wave. He seemed surprised that I was there. My pulse quickened like a blender on high speed when our eyes met again. I tried to avert my gaze, but I was having a hard time looking away. "You didn't tell him I was coming, Charlie?"

  "No. I forgot"

  Charlie placed his hand on my back and shot me a startled expression. "Alrighty, then," he said, using a British accent. "Now I get what's going on with you." He winked.

  "Get what?" I asked in a low voice, but I knew he must have felt my heart thundering inside my chest.

  "Oh, do I get it." He chortled and tipped his head toward Josh. "I remember what it was like to fall in love for the first time," he whispered.

  I shot him a loo
k and prayed I could curb my nervousness in front of Josh. And then it happened. We locked eyes again, and I didn't hear anything except Dad's pizza song.

  "Josh, you remember Cassie from the restaurant, don't you?" Charlie asked.

  "I do" His face lit up. "The `green' lady" He reached for my hand, but I ignored it for fear he'd feel the thud coursing through my chest. He immediately dropped his hands to his sides, -a baffled expression on his face.

  "'Green' lady?"

  "Yeah, you're the spinach lady."

  "Don't remind me," I said, shooting Charlie a wry grin.

  "Hey"-Charlie shrugged-"it's part of the program. We all have to start somewhere, don't we?"

  "Yeah, but look at my chapped hands," I said, holding them up.

  "Stop whining and use hand cream-it works wonders," he teased. "So, Josh, Cassie will be taking over her father's business, and she's changing his deli into a kitchen shop for cooking classes and gadgets. The current setup is nothing more than a small galley-type room that will need lots of updating." He shrugged. "A long counter with a stove, one large sink, and a wall oven ... certainly fine for making sandwiches, but not for what she wants to do"

  "And you're here to see my work as a possible contender for your remodel?" he said with excitement.

  I tried to respond, but nothing came out -I nodded. It was as though he'd taken possession of my body and I had no control. I was grateful when Maddie motioned for me to follow her. I had to remind myself to put one foot in front of the other before I really made a fool of myself by tripping over somethingsuch as my feet. I slowly followed her to the pantry, glancing over my shoulder at his profile every once in a while as I made my getaway.

  "See what he did?" she said, showing me the shelving in the walk-in pantry. "He knocked down the half wall here and made this into a pantry with a door."

  Oh, yeah, surfed through my mind. I see what he did, all right. He's turning my mind into mush.

  "Remember how small my kitchen used to be?" Maddie asked.


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