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Dishing Up Romance

Page 17

by Carolyn Hughey

  "No, they're not. That's why it's called Mile High."

  "Would you like to have dinner after the show? Or is that out of the question?" Josh asked.

  A child at the booth across from our table caught our attention when she had a tantrum. Her mother tried to stop her outburst, but she was determined to continue. I turned back to find Josh staring at me.

  "Yes, I'd like that very much," I said. He looked stunned. "You can't go to a show without going out to dinner. That's all part of the allure."

  "I feel the same way" He smiled. "Then it's a date ... I mean, I'll have my sister pick up the tickets tomorrow. Any special night Ishould be aware of?"

  "Any night is good. Now that I'm finished with my externship, I'm here at the shop full-time. Speaking of which, the kitchen looks amazing. I'm very pleased with the work you've done."

  "I'm glad you like it. Maybe you can recommend me to your friends"

  "I'll do just that" I nibbled on my sandwich, the other half still sitting on my plate. "I think I'm going to take this back to the shop"

  "I didn't think you'd finish that whole sandwich." He popped a potato chip into his mouth. "I'm so glad the tension between us is gone, Cassie. Thank you for airing it out."

  "Me too" The waitress stopped by with a takeout box. "You're very perceptive. How'd you know I was going to need a box?"

  "Because"-she looked at Josh's clean plate and grinned"most everyone does" I handed her the money on the tray she'd provided with the bill. "I'll be right back with your change."

  "No, please keep the change"

  Josh pushed off his chair. "Well, are we ready to walk back? I have a few more things to do before I can call it a day."

  "We are" The lighthearted feeling dancing through my veins made me want to skip back to the shop, but I forced myself back to reality. There was no point in ruining a good thing.

  Dad was setting the table when we entered the apartment, and Mom was busy in the kitchen. The rich smell of meat loaf took control of my senses, and I salivated while I envisioned mashed potatoes and a slab of meat loaf smothered with gravy on my plate.

  "Ooh, yummy. Meat loaf sandwiches tomorrow, Josh," I said, walking into the kitchen with him right behind me. "How'd you know I had a yen for meat loaf?" I asked Mom.

  "I figured it was about time. We haven't had it in a while." She turned to Josh. "That's right, Josh, meat loaf sandwiches tomorrow for lunch."

  "Yeah, no pizza again," I teased. "Will you be going through withdrawal?"

  "No, I don't think so. I've about had my fill of pizza." He leaned over and kissed Mom on the cheek. "Thanks for inviting me, Mom"

  Her face lit up like Times Square on New Year's Eve. I knew exactly what she had on her mind-Son-in-Law in capital letters. She winked at me, and I rolled my eyes and shook my head. She pinched Josh's cheek and grinned like the Cheshire cat. "I like hearing you call me Mom."

  He looked directly into her eyes. "Well, you've been like a mom to me ever since I started working for your beautiful daughter, and I appreciate that" He looked around. "Is there anything I can do?"

  "You can take these dinner rolls and butter out to the table and help Michael finish setting the table if you want." Her face broke into a playful grin. "And by the way, you really ought to start calling him Dad. If he hears you calling me Mom, his feelings might get hurt. Know what I mean?"

  I gasped, smacking my forehead with my hand, and closed my eyes, afraid to open them. There was no mistaking it: Mom was in high gear, and she was tromping down on that pedal with all her might now that Allie was gone. I envisioned myself in a white gown, a rope tied around my neck, with Mom holding the reins and dragging me down the aisle toward the priest waiting at the altar. Fortunately, I'd already jumped that hurdle, so there'd be no dragging. Running maybe.

  Josh's grin was wider than Mom's. He winked at me and picked up the basket, whistling "You Drive Me Crazy" by Britney Spears as he turned and headed out of the kitchen.

  "Mom, seriously, why don't you just freakin' auction me off to the highest bidder? I mean, really, could you be any more obvious?"

  "What? I can't talk to him now?" She gave me the "gotcha" wink, while her mouth curled into the notorious devilish grin.

  Yep, that was my mama all right. She was never going to change, and quite frankly, now that I seemed to be winning the war, I wasn't sure I wanted her to.


  So, you've figured out a way to get the attention of this girl. It looks like you're saying all the right things to win her heart. And the woundedpuppy thing-clever you. Her mama would be so proud. Ignoring her worked out really well too, didn't it? And pretending to be involved with Allie was such a nice touch. Why, you sly little devil. And now, she's asking you out on a date. She called it lunch-we call it awesome. This is a good first step for her, and thank God for collaborative efforts. I see well-earned applause in your future for your cleverness. You may well be the envy of former boyfriends who tried to break the safe and never even came close, so sit back with a huge grin on your face, and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

  Wash the romaine lettuce and break into bite-size pieces. Allow the lettuce to air dry, or use a salad spinner. Place the broken leaves in a large salad bowl.

  To coddle an egg, place a room-temperature egg into a measuring cup and pour boiling water over it. Yeah, coddling is a good thing, and you're just the guy who needs some of that. Let the egg sit in the water for one minute while you think about your next step. Empty the water and refill the cup with cool water so you can handle it.

  In a food processor or blender, add the garlic, mustard, Worcestershire sauce, egg yolk, and anchovies. Blend to emulsify-that means to thicken it. With the motor running, pour the olive oil into the mixture in a slow, steady stream. If you add the oil too quickly, it will separate, and your dressing will taste oily. That's just what your heart is doing now that things are good between you two.

  Taste the dressing before adding salt and paper. The anchovies are pretty salty and may have provided just the right amount to balance out the dressing.

  Pour dressing over the leaves; add the croutons, lemon juice, and parmesan cheese. Toss to mix thoroughly. Serve with garlic crostini. Makes 4 servings.

  I inserted the key into the lock of the shop and heard the muffled sound of music playing in the distance. I figured Josh must have forgotten to turn off the radio before he left yesterday. I walked inside, excited to smell the new wood and sawdust and knowing it wouldn't be long before I could open the doors for business.

  I followed the sound of the music into the back room that had now been designated as the nursery. To my surprise, Josh was there, taking measurements.

  "What are you doing here on a Sunday?" I asked. He hadn't shaved, but the dark growth around his lips and chin made his sapphire-blue eyes stand out even more. He smiled, and my heart skipped a beat.

  "I could ask you the same thing."

  "Well, I came in to clean up a little and get ready for tomorrow. Besides, I didn't have anything else to do today, so I thought I'd hang out here. And you?"

  "I thought I'd get an early start on finishing up this room" He held up a paint chip. "How do you like this color?"

  "Uh, not so much. Do you have any other swatches with you?"

  "No, but we can take a ride over to Home Depot if you'd like."

  "And maybe Toys `R' Us too?"

  "Sure. Are you buying a gift for someone?"

  "No. I want to get a kids' table and chairs for in here, and maybe some toys, games, books-you know, the kind of stuff to keep kids occupied while Mom is learning to cook."

  "Do you have any idea how much money that will cost you?"

  "No, but I want to make sure I have enough stuff to keep them occupied. If I don't, the moms won't be able to concentrate on what they're learning and probably won't spread the word."

  "How about checking out some garage sales? They usually have a lot of kids' toys. Have you thou
ght of that?"

  "Actually, no" I raised my eyebrows in surprise. "What a fantastic idea. I guess we could buy the Sunday paper and see where they're being held. How would you feel about hitting a few?"

  "I don't mind at all. As a matter of fact, I love them. I always find neat things to buy for my niece and nephews."

  "I didn't know you had a niece and nephews."

  I bent over to pick up a piece of cardboard left behind from the boxes. When I stood, he was watching me, his gaze covering me from head to toe, a satisfied expression on his face. The pit of my stomach tingled.

  "You look absolutely adorable today," he said. "I've never seen you in jeans before"

  A nervous laugh escaped from my mouth, and an unwelcome blush worked its way up my cheeks, making me feel twice as embarrassed. Embarrassed or not, I loved every minute of it. My thoughts raced and had me wondering what it would be like to feel his lips on mine again, only this time it would be for real. I cleared my throat and pretended to be looking at something else.

  "I'm sorry," he stammered. "I didn't mean to embarrass you. All I meant was that chef's clothes aren't the most flattering to a woman's figure"

  "This is true. Thank you"

  "So where were we?" Now he cleared his throat, pausing slightly, trying to focus. "Oh, yeah, you asked about my nephews"

  "How many nephews do you have?"

  "My sister has three children. One adorable three-year-old girl who's spoiled to the core, named Brittany, and two sons, ages six and seven, named Dylan and Chase. I have the greatest time with them. I love kids. Do you like kids?"

  "I do" I grinned. "I actually do. When my cousins were toddlers, I was quite young myself and too interested in playing with my own friends to care" I laughed. "But my friend Megan is having her first baby soon, and I can't wait."

  "I'm looking forward to meeting your friend. Did I hear she's going to be working here?"

  "Yes, and that's another reason I wanted a nursery-so she could bring the baby here while she's working. She's going to be the manager, you know, to keep an eye on things."

  He checked the time on the wall clock. "Good. You'll need someone you can trust to look after things while you're teaching. The last thing you want is to be worrying" He offered his arm for me to hold on to. "Are you ready to pick out paint?"

  I slipped my arm through his. This felt different from the tight embrace we'd shared a few days ago. The strength of his biceps tightened his hold and radiated through me like a smoldering flame. A sense of contentment shot through me. I'd missed out on so much because I wouldn't allow myself the pleasure of committing my feelings to anyone for fear of being hurt.

  He leaned forward to open the door, and I released a long sigh. Josh grinned. Our eyes locked, and the intensity of his feelings came crashing through. Without a moment's hesitation, he pulled me toward him and pressed his mouth on mine in a tender kiss. I felt my knees weaken and drank in the sweetness of our embrace. My heart was pounding from the joy of being fully alive and in love. He stepped back and stared at me, undoubtedly surprised that I'd kissed him back.

  "Cassie, I-"

  My finger touched his lips. "Shush" I leaned in close and kissed him again. I could tell from his expression that he was shocked.

  "Does this mean .. "He swallowed hard, his eyes never leaving mine. I nodded in agreement. "Oh, God" He squeezed me tight. "If you only knew how many nights I've lain awake trying to figure out how I was going to get through to you" He kissed my fingertips, one at a time. "I've been crazy about you from the moment we met" He pulled me close again.

  "Me too," I said.

  "What made you change your mind?"

  "Everything. The way we brushed each other off, my jealousy at seeing another woman make moves on you before I'd had a chance to let you know I was ready for a relationship, but most of all, the way you look at me. It told me what I felt was real-we were real-something I've never felt with anyone else" Tears rolled down my cheeks. He wiped them with his thumb, kissing the tip of my nose in between. "When"my voice cracked-"when I thought you and Allie were a couple, I was devastated, kicking myself for not moving faster, and then when I saw you two kissing, I was beside myself. I didn't know what to do. When she pounded on my door yesterday and announced she was leaving, I knew exactly what I had to do. I won't say I wasn't scared, because I was, but something told me I had to take this chance. I came over here this morning to practice what I wanted to say to you, never expecting to see you, but here I am unrehearsed and telling you I need you in my life"

  "You know, there's no dress rehearsal when it comes to love"

  "No, this isn't a dress rehearsal" My arms hugged him tighter. "I've guarded myself against falling in love, believing I'd only wind up getting hurt, or blaming my parents for their overzealous desire to see me married. I've struggled with wanting to be the best at whatever I do. So much so that I've let my personal life take a backseat to happiness, but then you came along and swept me off my feet. For the first time in my life, I know what we have is real"

  "I never thought I'd hear those words from you" He looked at me tenderly. "Would you think I was crazy if I told you that I've fallen madly in love with you?"

  I swallowed hard, more tears spilling from my eyes, "Would you think I was crazy if I told you I'm in love with you too?"

  His embrace tightened as he looked down at me. He took a deep intake of air and blew it out. "I know we've only known each other a few months, but I already know what I want" My heart was so filled with love, I thought it might burst. He looked at me straight on, a slight grin curving the corners of his mouth. "Would you think I was crazy if I told you there isn't anyone I'd rather spend the rest of my life with than you?"

  I became silent for a moment, soaking in the beauty of his magical words. He waited for me to answer. "Would you think I was crazy if I agreed with you?"

  We stood for a long time entwined in each other's arms, savoring the closeness of the beginning to a wonderful love story.



  Combine ground beef, ground pork, garlic, bread, egg, salt, pepper, parsley, and 2 tablespoons of the parmesan cheese in a large bowl and mix thoroughly. Form meatballs into 1-inch rounds. Set aside.

  Saute the onion and celery in 2 tablespoons of melted butter in the stockpot and cook until translucent, approximately 5-8 minutes. Add both stocks and the orzo to the pan and stir. Bring to a boil and drop the meatballs into the stock. Lower the flame to medium and cover until the stock comes to a second boil. Add the spinach and cook until it's wilted, and be thankful you won't ever have to worry about another wilted romance.

  Serve in large bowls with the remaining parmesan cheese over top. Makes 4-6 servings.

  You really aced this one, Mama! Your interference worked without having to serve the wedding soup. Sort of gives you chills, don't it? So slip on those dancing shoes, strike up the band-the wedding is about to begin. Amen!




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