Ursa Unearthed (Scourge Survivor Series Book 2)

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Ursa Unearthed (Scourge Survivor Series Book 2) Page 12

by JL Madore

  "I know, the resemblance is freaky, isn't it?" He chuckled and offered me a genuine smile. "We call ourselves the Shitstorm Survivors. I'm the runt of our litter. I leave the warrior stuff to Bruin and the girls."

  Kobi shook his head. "That's bullshit. Julian is the brain of this entire realm and more dangerous with a stroke of a keyboard than any one of us with a dagger."

  "Flattery will get you everywhere, my friend." Julian chuckled, winked and blew Kobi a kiss. "I love you man . . . deep, deep, man love."

  Kobi rubbed the platinum ring piercing his eyebrow with his middle finger.

  As they continued, I looked around. This Gatehouse was far more high-tech than the one we'd come from. On the charcoal wall across from Julian's console hung six full-definition, wraparound screens running DebianOS.

  Seriously wicked. "Is that the new AMD Phenom?"

  Julian's eyebrow shot up. "Actually, it has duel intel i7 980 quad cores with 48 gig."

  "Oh man. What have you got in the back?"

  Julian's smirk widened. "Oh, sister-mine, don't tease. Have I finally been blessed with another techno-geek to talk to?"

  "No. I'm a wannabe at best, but I'd give my right arm for a setup like this. Geez, it must have cost, what, sixty large?"

  Julian snorted. "Eighty, but don't tell anyone. I'm a very creative bookkeeper."

  Somewhere beyond the room a door opened and melodic male voices drifted up the hall. "We're in here, boys," Julian called out and resumed his seat.

  Galan glided gracefully around the corner, accompanied by another Elf and a silver wolf with ebony points. I stiffened the moment the wolf stalked closer. No one else paid any attention. I dropped my gaze and let her study me without meeting her eye to eye.

  Galan and his friend shared the same lithe build, but instead of Galan's poker-straight silver hair, his friend had waves of gold flowing behind his shoulders. He wore the same fitted suede pants and ivory tunic as Galan, but strangely, he also donned a pair of darkly mirrored Ray-Bans and a black embroidered choker around his throat.

  "Merry meet, Mika." Galan glided over and kissed my cheek. Yep. Still smelled great. He brushed gentle fingers over my blood matted hair and winced. "We heard about the attack in Africa. Blessed be, you are safe."

  "Thank you."

  Galan held out his arm and waved his friend closer. "Mika, this is Aust, my Highborne brother and the male who cared for your animal friend since he arrived."

  "Really? Oh, thanks. Did he behave for you?"

  "Yes. He is fed and rests in your chamber." Aust massaged his fingers through the wolf's ruff, and then, after Galan tipped his head in encouragement, he stepped up and offered his hand. "Merry meet, Mika. Welcome to Haven."

  "Thank you." I covered his hand with mine and held it until he raised his gaze. Something about him spoke to me, had my senses tingling. "Would you mind taking off your sunglasses?"

  His grip stiffened as a nervous energy built in the air between us.

  Galan placed a hand on his friend's shoulder. "Aust, the two of you will become fast friends. I am certain of it. The bond you both share for the natural world and your love of wildlife is remarkably similar. Trust me, brother mine."

  Aust seemed to gather himself and then turned toward me. "Most find my eyes unsettling. Apologies." He slid the glasses off his face, folded the arms, and with an agonizing hesitation raised his gaze.

  I gasped and moved closer. Stunning. Black pupils pierced ice-blue pools outlined the same black Kohl that the lions had. Cat's eyes—except not the eyes of a lion. Aust had the cool-blue eyes of a white tiger. "They're beautiful."

  Aust's jaw relaxed and the pain in his expression lessened. "Gratitude . . . I uh, I am honored by your praise."

  "Aust, mayhap you and Faolan would guide Mika this evening. Introduce her to the wolves and get her settled in the room adjacent to Bruin's." Galan waited for Aust to nod and then turned his charm on me. "Your things have been placed in your room and your grandfather is staying directly across the hall from you."

  "How is he?"

  Galan chuckled. "The male has taken to this world with the vitality of a sapling. He is Castian's guest for dinner this evening, but I would expect he will return before too much longer. I confess, we did not mention today's shooting to him. Jade thought it best that he not fret over you when everything had been resolved."

  "Thank you. He worries about me as it is. He'd be frantic if he knew I was almost shot."

  "Oh, that reminds me, Mika." Kobi flicked his fingers and lit a cigarette with the flame that burst from thumb. The overhead light glinted off his rings as he inhaled and drew the thing to life. "Check that gun you confiscated into a locker. Reign doesn't allow firearms on Haven grounds. He says we are weapons enough by nature without corrupting our Realm."

  Julian walked around his desk, punched a code into a keypad and slid open a panel on the wall. I'd never been a fan of guns, and actually, when I took it out of my purse and handed it over, I breathed a little easier. Because of that gun, I had taken a life. Grandfather's words whispered in my head.

  "The power is in the path."

  When Hulk's Colt was emptied and tucked away in one of the steel cubbies, he closed the locker, twisted the key and handed it to me. "Safe and sound until your next adventure."

  I shook my head. "You keep it."

  The silver wolf trotted around to Aust's heel and whined.

  "She's ready to go, I take it?"

  Aust bowed his head looking sheepish. "Apologies, Faolan has yet to learn patience."

  Faolan's head dropped and her ebony ears folded back.

  I fought not to laugh. "That's okay, girl, being impatient is part of a female's charm."

  Golden eyes flashed from beneath frost tipped fur as Faolan's nose twitched and sniffed me up and down and in every private nook. Before I knew it, I was shielding myself from a barrage of sloppy kisses.

  "Faolan, enough." Aust offered me a handkerchief and once I'd wiped my face, he held his elbow out to me in an old-fashioned gesture of forgotten chivalry. "If you are ready, I would be honored to escort you."

  Crossing a cobblestone courtyard, Aust walked the two of us through the warm August night toward the main house. House was a laughable understatement; the place was a castle.

  "Good lord," I muttered looking up at the massive stone and iron structure. "And I worried about there not being enough room."

  Aust's grin grew into a genuine smile. "In truth, Castian would love nothing better than to have Jade and Galan live in the Palace of the Fae with him, but Jade won't hear of it. She refuses to leave this mountain even for her father."

  "Her father? I thought Reign was her father."

  "Verily he is as well. At the age of seven, Maximus Reign adopted her. He was the director of the Talon and governed Haven. Castian is her sire separate by circumstance, and though he involved himself in her life, Jade only recently learned of her true paternity."

  "So, she has two powerful fathers?"


  I imagined what that would be like as we took a meandering side path away from the main house and made our way beside a long, stone wall, toward the surrounding forest. Golden light from intermittent lanterns pooled in overlapping circles, lighting our path.

  Aust seemed content to let me set the pace. "The original castle is beyond this stand of forest. It is larger than Jade's home and houses an academy for those with affinities. I shall take you there tomorrow if you like."

  When I nodded, he lifted a low hanging branch and guided us toward a recessed section of the wall. When we reached an iron gate, he laid his hand flat on a small scanner. When the latch clicked, he led the way in and closed the gate behind us. "Castian wanted something more private for Jade and so created a home for her and her family."

  I gazed up at the sprawling stone manse and shook my head. "That's some wedding gift."

  Aust stopped walking and clasped his hands behind his back. "Mika, the last thing
I want is to frighten you, but it is important that I introduce you to the wolf packs which patrol and secure Jade's private grounds. Once they have your scent they will know you belong here and we will avoid any unpleasant attacks."

  I laughed. "Sure, let's avoid an unpleasant attack. That's a great idea."

  Aust walked us further into the forested grounds and stopped. "Are you ready? I shall have them come in twos, so you do not find yourself overwhelmed."

  Staring off into the darkness of the forest Aust's expression changed. He looked as though he was concentrating on something far away. His hand rose slightly, then he waved his fingers toward us. When the underbrush rustled, I focused on the shifting darkness before us.

  Dozens of golden eyes reflected the lantern light of our trail. Faolan stood to her full height at Aust's flank, ebony tail wagging, while the darkness came alive and wolves approached in an orderly procession.

  My mouth dropped open. "Are you communicating with them?"

  He dipped his chin, looking wary. "It is the affinity given to me by the Shalana, Goddess of the Woodlands."

  "That's the coolest thing I've ever heard. Do you actually speak to them? How does it work?" Distracted by our conversation, I almost forgot about the dozens of wolves sniffing me.

  "Imagine it as a series of images and instincts entering your mind. I feel how they see things and I, in turn, am able to think my impressions into their minds as well."

  Goosebumps rose on my skin. "That is so much cooler than my gift."

  Aust's hair blew in the night breeze as his pale gaze met mine. "What is your ability?"

  "It's not as impressive as mind-melding with animals." I was still numb over that one. "My grandfather is a wind-talker and I inherited a bit of that from him. Sometimes I hear things spoken on the breeze, or get feelings from nature, a person's energy whether it's good or bad, truths and lies, warnings of danger, I can sense disturbances in nature and energy."

  Aust's jaw fell slack. "Is it the Goddess herself who speaks to you on the breeze?"

  "I don't know. I suppose it could be. My people call her the Earth Mother."

  "What a fabulous honor."

  The velvet reverence in his voice made me realize that I'd never really given myself over to the marvel of it. "Grandfather says there's more that I've never embraced. He hates that I live in the city. He thinks if I surround myself with nature, my affinity will bloom."

  The last of the wolves trotted back into the forest and we were left alone. Faolan gave a low whine and brushed against Aust's thigh. "Very well, girl, enjoy your evening."

  With Aust's blessing, Faolan barrelled after the other wolves and melted into the night.

  As we resumed our walk, the serenity of the moment almost eclipsed the tightness in my chest. Aust covered my hand where it rested in the crook of his elbow. It felt perfectly right. Aust and I seemed to connect on a spiritual level. It wasn't attraction, it was . . . belonging.

  "Mika? May I ask you a personal question?"

  "Sure. What is it?"

  "I smell your confusion and your heartache. How may I aid you?"

  I squeezed his hand. "Do you know anything about Were mating?"

  He searched my expression and his smile faltered. "Apologies, nothing . . . but mayhap I know someone who does. I have a friend—"

  "That's all right." I looked up at Jade's house and my stomach growled long and low. "I think I'm done for tonight. Would you help me find a snack before showing me to my room?"

  "I would be delighted."


  Showered, fed and wearing my yoga pants and Hedley t-shirt, I laid sideways across the queen size bed. My suite was lovely, a small loveseat and club chair by a fireplace, an antique table with two ladder-back chairs and a third tucked under the desk against the bathroom wall. The rich plum of the velvet drapes accented the periwinkle blue walls and was repeated in the bedding and accessories. A ten-foot ceiling rose high over the dark, silky hardwood floor and two pale blue area rugs differentiated the space, one laying under the bed and the other under the sitting area.

  I snuggled Orville and wondered if I'd be able to get to sleep. My head spun. My palm burned. And far too much had happened today to just drift off. Orville wasn't afflicted with the same difficulty. His wiry grey fur rose and fell in a lazy rhythm. Down for the count.

  My binturong didn’t seem to notice the upheaval in our lives, but I still couldn't find anyone who knew where Bruin was. If I were in Vancouver, Meg, Paige and I could track down almost any lead. Stuck here at Haven . . . I didn’t even know where to begin.

  Where are you Bruin? Damn. My heart actually fluttered when I thought of him.

  Sometimes I was such a girl.

  His words haunted me. I never wanted to take your choice away. Forgive me. I was mated to a Were-bear king. What did that mean? He wasn't in control, granted, but damn him. He did this, then poofed off and left me to deal with it.

  Muffled voices across the hall had me scurrying over the silky hardwood and out my door. I met him and Jade in the hall as he was retiring into his suite.

  "Grandfather, you're back." I closed the distance and wrapped my arms around him. Grandfather's hugs had an almost magical effect on me. My safe place after my mom died. My calm harbour when life’s seas were seething. There wasn’t the same force or strength behind them like when I was a child, but they still enveloped me in the same sense of security as they always had. "How was your dinner? Are you all right? It’s late. Are you tired?"

  He pulled back from our embrace and frowned. "I am fine. What happened here, Rabbit?"

  I probed the cuts and scratches on the side of my face and shrugged. "A little trouble this afternoon, but I was well taken care of. Don’t worry. Tell me about your evening."

  Grandfather kissed my sore cheek and smiled. "Tomorrow. I have much to tell but am too tired to even begin to put it to words. If you two beauties will excuse me, I’d like to turn in."

  I kissed him back and nodded. "Sweet dreams."

  The click of his bedroom door left me standing in the hall with Jade.

  Looking at her, I was struck dumb yet again. Knowing that she was at least half goddess made her otherworldly quality easier to comprehend. Standing in the hallway wearing worn jeans, a loose cashmere sweater and bare feet she exuded more beauty than any runway model I'd ever seen. More so, because she had a bit of weight to fill out her curves.

  "I'm glad you're still awake. May I come in for a moment and talk?"

  I scrubbed my face with my palms and gestured to the door. "Sure. Come on in."

  Inside my suite her expression grew deeply troubled. Something bad was coming.

  "What?" I asked. "Has something happened to Bruin?"

  "Yes . . . and no." Emerald eyes locked on me and a strange energy vibrated in the air. It prickled on my skin and squeezed my eardrums. It was the same invasive sensation I'd felt in the cave, but it was worse now. Stronger. I squirmed and pushed back. Jade was doing this.

  She was scanning me somehow. Probing.

  I clasped my hands over my ears and stepped away. "Stop that. What the hell do you think you're doing?"

  Jade looked at me with a mixture of shock and incredulity. "You felt that?"

  I nodded, thankful the throbbing had ceased. "I have a few gifts of my own. Now, why don't you tell me why you're really here because obviously, it wasn't to check on me."

  Jade stood, hands open. "Mika, I'm sorry. I had no idea reading your emotions would bother you. It's never affected anyone that way before. I'm worried about Bruin and trying to figure out what is going on."

  "Have you heard from him?"

  She moistened her lips. "He called an hour ago and asked how you were. I said I hadn't seen you and he made me promise I would check on you."

  "How did he sound?"

  "Like shit actually. What the hell happened between you two?"

  I turned toward the small sitting area and began to pace. Could I trust
her with what happened? Would she answer my questions if I told her? Was it my place to tell her anything about Bruin's private business? God, I wished I could call my girls for advice.

  "Mika?" Jade eased onto the loveseat, folded one leg beneath her and patted the second cushion. "I really would like to help. Bruin and I have no secrets. You can trust me."

  I opened my mouth. Closed it. Opened it again.

  She sighed. "I am truly sorry I tried to read your emotions. I had no idea it would make you uncomfortable and honestly, I wasn't thinking."

  "Of me," I said, more curtly than I intended. "You were thinking of Bruin."

  "I won't argue that. Bruin is one of the most important people in my life. I was thinking that something is terribly wrong with him and you're involved."

  "I'm not the enemy. I'm the one trying to hold on by my fingertips until the ride comes to a complete stop."

  A grim smile spread across her face and her eyes brightened with sympathetic warmth. "I know exactly how that feels. It sucks that things got away from the two of you. One thing you can be glad about is that you're bonded to Bruin. You won't find a better man in either realm."

  How could I explain so it made sense to her when it didn't even make sense to me? Everything in my head and heart had churned into one giant mash of mixed emotions. "There are moments—incendiary moments—when his touch on my skin, or the tone of his voice saying my name, or a look he gives me, makes the world disappear. In those moments, I wonder what Bruin and I could be together."

  "But then?"

  "But then something happens and the fun, sexy man disappears. He becomes this growling, overbearing brute who thinks he's the boss of me. He acts like I'm his property. He's controlling and dismissive and when I refuse to bow down, he just gets more aggressive."

  Jade patted my arm. "You're not his property. You're not. But understand—you are his." When I made to argue, she held up her hand. "Bruin's bear—his animal-self—has claimed you. When I healed him yesterday, every cell in his body burned with it. To his bear, you are his. You belong to him."


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