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A Bite of Magick

Page 15

by Rhyannon Byrd

  He may be more than a man—but he wasn’t the monster he believed.

  He wasn’t looking to hurt her.

  No, what he wanted was to consume her sexually, and she was more than ready to give him whatever he needed, even if it was a few drops of blood.

  “Do you know why it’s so dangerous for a mortal to fuck someone under a Lupine spell?” he rasped, a deeper roughness to his voice that stroked her skin like a tactile touch, teasing her senses.

  “N-no,” she whispered, her breath hitching with excitement, the scent of her creaming cunt filling the air, assaulting the predator within him just waiting to be unleashed. It was lusciously rich, like honey and cream, and his beast wanted to shove its muzzle between those silky, pussy-pink lips, burying its tongue up the tight, constricted channel of muscle, until those earthy juices flowed freely down his throat, sating his hunger. Sated it, at least for a time, until he craved her all over again.

  He might have been able to fight it—if only the man in him didn’t want the same damn thing.

  “Have you ever seen two wolves mate?” he asked, lifting his right hand to tuck a silky red lock of her hair behind the fragile shell of her ear. “It isna soft, and it sure as hell isna sweet, lass.”

  He moved one arm to wrap around her waist, using the other to lift the front of her dress, twisting the soft fabric around his big fist. The black material lifted higher as he twisted, revealing first the silky golden skin of her thighs, then the black scrap of her bikini panties, the fragile lace doing little to hide the seductive secrets nestled there between her trembling legs.

  “It’s dangerous,” he growled, leaning down to run his rasping tongue along the sensitive column of her throat, shuddering at her taste, an erotic mix of lust and innocence, “because you never know when the beast will finally break free, ready for his own turn to fuck. Have you ever seen an animal mate, Té? It’s raw, primal, hard. As hard as the cock I have shoved against your sweet little belly. Brutal. Rough. Violent.

  “The beast doesna wait to make sure you want it. He takes your cunt, packs it to its limit…and beyond…until you dinna know whether it’s pain or vicious pleasure, and then he pounds the hell out of it. He fucks it, and if it bleeds, if it hurts, he doesna apologize. He just licks it clean, savoring the sweet taste of your blood, and then he fucks it all over again.”

  Her chin lifted, expression mutinous. “You can threaten all you like, fuck me as hard as you dare, but you’ll never make me believe that you could actually harm me.” Holding his stare, she lifted her hands to cradle his ruggedly beautiful face, his skin fevered and scratchy against her sensitive palms. “I know you, Kieran. You may kill me with pleasure, but there’s too much good in you for you to ever actually hurt me. I’d be willing to bet my life on it.”

  His eyes blazed, like a gleaming flash of mercury caught in the blinding rays of the sun. The color began at the outer rims of his irises, slowly swirling its way inward, dizzying in its effect. “I hope you’re right, lass—for both our sakes.”

  A fine tremble danced through her limbs as she moved her hands to his shoulders, whether from fear or arousal, he wasn’t certain and was too damn far gone to care. He jerked her hips against him, pulling her up hard against his front, grinding the heavy weight of his cock into her stomach, watching her big eyes go round with shock at his now outrageous, inhuman dimensions. A cock so big, he had no idea how her tight little piece would ever take it. And yet, to take her—to do all that he ached for—was no longer something he could deny either of them…for long.

  When their time came, he’d fuck her so completely, she’d never again doubt the hold he had on her, or the undeniable fact that their lives were now so intricately woven together, they couldn’t ever be torn apart. And it was for damn sure she wouldn’t ever talk about leaving him again.

  But, Saephus, how he wished that time were now. The effing wait was killing him.

  “When an animal fucks, it bites. I bite. Just like I tried to warn you last night. But you didna listen, lass. Hell, you’re still no’ listening, and sooner or later I’m goin’ to give in. Do you know what that means, Té? Do you understand what it is I’ll do to you? Do you?”

  “Mmm, yes, I understand.” She reached between them and wrapped her fingers around him through the fabric of his pants, moaning when she realized they were far from long enough to enclose his wonderfully thick width. “God, you’re huge,” she whispered, the embarrassingly naïve words seeming to fit thickly in her throat. Massive. Monstrous. Nothing sounded quite right to describe the incredible beauty of Kieran McKendrick’s cock.

  “Is that a problem?” he gritted through his teeth, the feel of her little hands on him making him want to throw back his head and howl. “Did your other men no’ fill you up? Did they no’ make your little pussy ache when they fucked you?”

  The anger he was searching for wouldn’t come, though Té knew he was being a jerk on purpose, still trying to push her away, at least for now. But she was too far gone in want and need, drunk on the lust and irrefutable emotions this magnificent creature made her feel. “Problem?” she whispered stupidly, her thought processes, including the ability to make intelligent, or even coherent conversation, shot to hell. “No one’s ever made me ache before, but no…there’s no problem here.”

  Kieran felt the slow smile spread across his face, her obvious fascination hitting him with the crushing force of a tidal wave crashing down over his head. “I guess no’, then. Maybe those mighty Americans are no’ so mighty after all, eh?”

  “How can you be thinking of other men when I’ve finally got my hands on you?” she huffed, gripping him hard enough to make him jerk in her grasp.

  With a sharp sound of frustration, he ripped open the fly of his pants, shoving her eager little hand inside, needing to feel her touching his naked dick before he went out of his bloody head.

  Her breath came out in a low hiss that echoed his own, her cool hand exploring him with greedy fingers, and he almost lost it then and there. Probably would have, were it not for the effing curse that held him back.

  Hell, he loved it. Couldn’t get enough. Loved the feel of her soft palms on his burning skin. Loved the awe he could hear in her husky voice as she moaned beneath her breath. Male pride pumped like thunder—a mighty battle cry—through his veins, roaring through his cock, the satisfaction of knowing she was “impressed” with him burning ridiculously hot through his lust-filled body.

  Saephus, how the hell did she do this to him? He was a Magick, damn it, not some green boy needing reassurance about his manly dimensions. He was used to women, Cailleachs, oohing and ahhing over his imposing size. Hell, it’d grown so old, he knew what they’d moan down to the syllable. But there was a fresh, wonderful, bursting force of excitement at the sound of awe in Té’s voice, and maybe even that tiny edge of her fear….her uncertainty.

  The sound of it bloomed in his blood like a wickedly dangerous concoction, spreading with a wave of heat from his heart, centering in the throbbing head of his cock, the cum gathering hot and swift in his heavy balls. Shit, he knew it made him a monster, but there was no denying that feral part of his soul that loved, reveled, howled at the fact that she was just that little bit frightened of what he could to do her. It liked the fear. Liked the knowledge that he could dominate her and force her to submit with no more strain than it’d take him to snap a twig. Not that he’d ever hurt her. Hell, he’d sooner gnaw off one of his limbs than cause her even the simplest moment of discomfort, but that fine line of what could be and what would be, of action and intent, remained one that his beast trod with fine, hungering steps.

  If he wasn’t careful, he could rip her apart, and the animal inside of him loved that knowledge.

  The animal craved the taste of her fear.

  The man hated him for it.

  And the Warlock felt trapped between the two.

  She trembled in his arms, and he pulled her closer, trapping her hand between their bodies, h
is pulsing cock still clutched firmly in her small, possessive grip. And from the tightness of her hold, she didn’t seem to be thinking of releasing him anytime soon.

  Fighting the reins of his control, he leaned down and pressed his lips to her temple, his breath growing ragged, rough cheek rubbing against the silken heaven of her hair. “When the time comes, you’ll take me. All o’ me. You’ll be so hot and hungry, your sweet little hole so fucking empty…tight…you’ll be begging for it—for every goddamn inch.”

  And even as he said the words, he knew he was trying to convince himself, as much as her.

  She moaned, lost in his dark promise, fingers tightening, palm shifting so that she moved the hot, silky covering over the granite, blood-filled root buried within. “You really think you can make me beg?” her inner wild woman tossed back in challenge.

  “Aye,” he groaned, mouth open, lips moving desperately across her warm cheek, the feel and taste of her flushed, moist flesh making his head feel as thick as his cock, dizzy as the blood rushed out of his brain, gathering with a mounting force, ready to blast her with his seed.

  He’d never, in all his life, had it that way. No rubber. No latex. No barriers. Just her sopping little cunt clutching at him, pulling him into her humid warmth, soaking him in earthy juices and clinging flesh. “You’ll beg, angel. Beg me to go fast, to pound you open, but I’m going to make you pay for teasing me. I’m going to give it to you so damn slow when I go in, one aching inch at a time, so you can feel all of it. I want you to know who’s breaking you open, shoving that tight little cunt of yours so wide, forcing those sweet walls apart as I hold you down and make you take it. And when I’m in, I willna damage you, Té, but I willna hold back either. I want you too damn bad for anything but a hard, hammering, merciless ride.”

  She panted against his throat, taking a tentative lick of his skin above the collar of his shirt. “I’m not sure you’ll fit,” she sighed, measuring him with her hand, and he wondered almost wildly if she was pushing him again, daring him to prove his point here and now.

  “Oh, I’ll fit. When it’s time, I’m going to pack you full of this big, hot cock, sweetheart. Slow and sweet, so you’re there with me for every second of it, and then it’s going to get rough. I’m going to look into your beautiful eyes, and then I’m going to fuck you so goddamn hard—stuff you so bloody full—it breaks the blasted bed.”

  “That sure of yourself, huh?” She nipped the cord between his neck and shoulder, and a low growl erupted from his chest as a hot drop of pre-cum sizzled in the wet slit on his blunt cockhead. She found it with the thumb of her other hand, rubbing it in with excruciating, intoxicatingly delicious circles. Then she damn near killed him when she lifted her thumb to her mouth and sucked it between those bee-stung lips, making his breath hiss out between his teeth.

  Before he knew it, his big hand was bracketing her jaw, shocking her eyes wide, his tongue storming into her mouth, eager to taste the evidence of himself where he knew he’d find it. The hot pad of his tongue swept her own, forcing submission, which she gave—for the moment. Hot and salty, right there, and he wanted to die at the eroticism of it. Couldn’t wait to be holding her pretty face in his hands, her on her knees, while he pounded his dick between her lips and fucked the little hole of her mouth until he was spewing down her throat, filling her full with blasting spurts of cum.

  Filling her full of his seed.

  Sure of himself? “You bet your sweet little ass I am. I’m sure of the fact that fucking you is going to be the best damn thing to ever happen to me, and that I’m going to spend the rest of my life proving it to you.”

  “And when you go furry on me, Kieran? Will you run and hide—will you leave me wanting?” she taunted, throwing his reason for still not touching her here—now—in his sinful, sexy face.

  For a moment his look became so guarded she thought he’d push her away, as if she’d wounded him, but he shook it off as quickly as it came. “No, I’ll no’ be running,” he said with a quiet, unsettling calm. Her hand was pulled from his cock as he lifted her by her upper arms and carried her across the room, pushing her against the smooth opposite wall, pressing into her. He felt his teeth slip his gums with a sharp, piercing pain, mouth slightly transforming, her words nudging his tenuous control that fraction past the point of his hold, and he let them go with a wet hiss of sound.

  The long fangs gleamed as they reflected the bright, iridescent lights from the street through the open window, and he knew they looked deadly. Lethal. Terrifying. The challenging, possessive look in his eyes daring her to fight him.

  “You may have to go through life getting fucked by an animal,” he snarled, his deep voice more savage than she’d ever heard it before, as he breathed through the mouth of a monster. “But I’m going to make you fucking love it.”

  She jerked at the wicked promise in his words, and it was a shocking realization to feel her body respond with need rather than the horror he kept expecting.

  Hah! She wanted to rub the knowledge in his arrogant face, only she was too stunned with lust. But she’d known she was made of stronger stuff than he was giving her credit for.

  “I’m going to fuck you so good, you will be begging. Even if it kills me.”

  “Then bring it on, Kieran,” she panted, voice husky with the need to have him right then, at that very moment. Christ, this man really did it for her, no two ways about it.

  Feeling the need to rock him as hard as he was rocking her—her life…her core…her foundation—Té leaned forward and curled her tongue around one elongated canine, then slipped it across the front of his teeth. She smiled as the powerful hands holding her upper arms shook with an uncontrollable tremor. Satisfaction pooled like thick syrup in her womb, warm and sweet, trickling to smooth its way down her cunt until she felt it slipping from her warm slit, drenching the black scrap of her panties. She pulled back, smiling at the stunned look of base, primitive need in his glittering gaze. Even with the mouth of something that was no longer quite human, he was decidedly deadly to her senses.

  The most wickedly beautiful thing she’d ever seen.

  And the sudden spasm of vulnerability she glimpsed in the swirling silver depths of his eyes made her ache to comfort him, to hold him to her chest and show him the acceptance that he longed for with every facet of his being. She couldn’t touch all of him with her arms pinned the way they were, but she could show him with her lips…her kiss. Pressing her open mouth to the corner of his, she licked a slow path across his stubbled cheek, nipping at the lobe of his ear. A heady sigh of desire escaped her lips, and she whispered, “I’m ready and aching, Kieran, wondering just what in the hell you’re waiting for.”

  The need in her blood was like an insatiable beast of her own, something that would slither past her control at any moment and transform her with a rabid, taking hunger. “I dare ya to sink these sexy teeth into me,” she taunted, dipping her tongue into the shell of his ear, loving the feel of his heavy cock grinding against the vulnerable flesh of her belly. “I wanna feel them break into me just as that big, beautiful cock is filling me up—and I’m ready to feel it now.”

  He growled a dark sound that could have been torn from hell, scraping and harsh, and she felt the blast of power blow through him, singeing her with its fury. The power in his hands altered, became a living thing she could feel just beneath the hot surface of his skin, and the expression on his face turned to a sudden look of horror mixed with indescribable emotion…lust…and carnal craving.

  Burning, uncontrollable appetite.

  She did everything she could to focus on the thread of emotion. That shining spark of want she’d never seen before—for her.

  All for her.

  This was her man, damn it. Warlock, wolf…whatever the fuck he was…he was hers.

  “I’m craving it, Kieran. Craving it—hungry for it—just like you. Don’t you think it’s time you did something about it?”

  “Christ, just tell me to stop,�
� he growled, the grating sound strangely pleading, his voice no longer human, but something roughly guttural, trapped between man and beast. “Now is no’ the time. No’ here. No’ like this, damn it!”

  Her head shook from side to side. “No…now. And don’t ever ask me for that, because I’ll never tell you to stop.”

  “I’m trying to protect you!” he all but roared, clearly losing his composure.

  “I’m not a child, Kieran. I don’t need your protection,” she argued, small hands tugging eagerly at his hips, desperate to pull him into her. “What I need is to have you inside of me. It’s time to make good on all the talk, gorgeous.”

  “Damn it, Té. You’re asking for something you willna be able to handle, no’ when I’m this on edge.”

  She glared up at him. “What in the hell do you know about what I can handle?”

  “I know your little cunt’s so bloody tight I nearly lose it just putting my fingers in you.”

  “How poetic,” she snapped.

  “You want poetry, beautiful, then you’re shit out o’ luck. When I look at you, I can barely remember my effing name, much less talk to you like a lover.”

  His forehead lowered to the vulnerable side of her neck and he breathed in huge lungfuls of air, his magnificent body held tight with tension. His muscles bulged, hardened, overwhelming in their weight and strength, but she didn’t panic. Instead, she felt safe…secure…protected—while at the same time experiencing the most terrifying rush of physical need. It was consuming, this desire for him—this hunger to have everything he could give her both as a lover and a man.

  Only…he wasn’t really a man at all, and she honestly didn’t give a crap. Whatever the hell he was, she wanted him.

  “Té,” he rumbled, his intoxicating voice spilling into her senses like the warm, decadent taste of sex, rough enough to warn her that this was going to be anything but easy. “Please…tell me to get the hell away from you. Tell me to fuck off…to get lost. Shit, tell me to leave you alone, Té, before I hurt you.”


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