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A Bite of Magick

Page 18

by Rhyannon Byrd

  She blew out an edgy breath, trying to gain enough leverage with her elbows to where she could push herself up. Her eyes met his in a flash of anger, then shot to the side. “Yeah, he did.” Another breath, this one tight, and her deep blue eyes cut back to his. “Does that make a difference, Kieran? Lexi used to shove his face between my legs every chance he got. He was the first guy I ever let go down on me—and he said it was the sweetest cunt he’d ever eaten. Is that what you want to hear? You want all the dirty little details?”

  “Aye,” he gritted through his clenched teeth, even though it killed him to hear it. Angry emotions twisted his gut, but none of it was centered at Té. Hell, she was the only innocent in all of this. No—it was all self-directed, because he placed all the hateful blame on himself. Blamed his own jackass hide for not being there for her—for not protecting her from Maldari’s viciousness. For not going after her when he’d first suspected something was wrong. For wallowing in his own misery, instead of following his instincts and tracking her down.

  For not being the one to find her first.

  Damn it, she was his—and he’d been fucking his way through Scotland while she was left back in Chicago, unprotected, at the mercy of a vicious Gan Bhrí.

  “And what do I get, Kieran?” she sneered, the sound of her fury ripping him back to the moment. “An account of all the women you’ve eaten out?” Her heel pulled back quickly, and then struck out against his shoulder with all her strength, knocking him off balance for the flash of time it took her to scramble to her feet. She swayed and reached out to steady herself against the nearest wall, holding his dark stare, her expression daring him to take one step toward her as he rose to his feet. “I’m afraid I’ll have to say thanks, but no thanks.”

  No more than five feet separated them, and it wasn’t enough. She could feel the force of his need—his will—and knew there wasn’t enough ground in this entire freaking world to get her far enough away from this man. His hold over her was that strong—that complete. Where in God’s name was she going to run to when this was over?

  And why did the idea of leaving—of leaving him—put a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach? “You’re being a total ass,” she hissed. “And a crazy one at that.”

  “Aye,” he agreed with a sharp nod. “Maybe. I’ve felt a little mad ever since I set eyes on you. And I go a little more out o’ my bloody mind every time I think about Maldari fucking you. I’ve been searching for the bastard from one side of Edinburgh to the other, all damn night long, and all I could think about was him covering you…sinking inside of you. Damn it, Té, that alone is enough for me to want him dead.”

  “You can’t kill a man for fucking,” she snapped, though to be honest, she understood exactly why Lexi deserved to die.

  Kieran took two slow, stealthy steps toward her, his movements smooth with the kind of lethal grace that could only be attributed to a deadly predator. “I can if he fucks you. And Maldari does die, Té. Understand that now. I’ll no’ let him live for what he’s done to you. He’ll no’ harm you ever again.”

  She said nothing, simply stared back at him with those brilliant blue eyes that made him feel completely stripped of his shields, as if his demons were displayed on a rack for her to see in all their brutish glory. He lost count of how many minutes they spent frozen like that, gazes locked together, until he finally cleared his throat, searching for a civil tone he wasn’t altogether certain he could find. “It’s time to go home.”

  She arched one golden brow. “And where would that be?”

  He worked his jaw, eyes dark with intent. “With me.”

  A spark of challenge fired her gaze. “This should prove interesting,” she drawled, obviously still pissed at him, though he couldn’t blame her, considering he was being a complete dick. “If I decide to go.”

  “That’s one way of putting it, sweetheart,” he warned, the knowledge that she would soon be his pounding through his veins with the raging fury of a tempest, powerful and unstoppable, even if he had to get on his knees and grovel to get her there. “Let’s just hope it’s no’ more than we can handle.”

  * * * * *

  As Té made use of the downstairs bathroom to change into the clothes he’d collected for her from Evan’s, Kieran went in search of his father to tell him they were leaving—though Té was still arguing his high-handed tactics. He found the scholarly elder sitting before the fire in his private study, studying an ancient text that looked nearly as old as the gleaming amulet hanging from beneath his snowy white beard. Kieran stood in the doorway, his voice worn-through as he said, “I’ll have her back tonight, Da.”

  Iain nodded, setting the book aside, then stood and closed the short distance between them, his hand heavy on his son’s shoulder, keeping Kieran from turning away. “You need to give in, boy. Stop fighting the inevitable. No good will ever come from it.”

  Kieran felt his breath heave within his chest, his eyes glued to the floor as his father’s words ran over and over through his weary head. “I want to, Da.” His voice was quiet, the words halting and soft. “I want to—but I’m afraid of what I’ll do to her.”

  “Och—I dinna think there’s any need for that,” Iain replied with a soft chuckle, patting his son’s powerful shoulder. “That lass fair eats you alive with those dark blue eyes every time she looks at you.”

  Kieran stiffened. “This is no’ something to laugh about, damn it. I’m in hell here thanks to your fucking meddling with my life.”

  Iain waited until Kieran’s black gaze met his own, then nodded with understanding. “Aye, you and Lach have always been the fighters. And Blu’s no better.” His mouth lifted with a proud smile. “We expected the three of you to give us a good struggle.”

  Kieran looked equal parts anger and stunned surprise. “You old fools actually think Mal and Dugan will take these bloody curses any easier?”

  “Well, Mal will just take what he wants, with no concern for the consequences, and Dugan—Saephus, we’ll all be in hell when his turn comes.”

  “And your point?”

  “We’ve only helped you to see what your heart would have already known, but your eyes may have been too blind to see. It’s time, son. She’s the one.”

  “I know that, damn it. Why do you think I’m so fucking terrified?” he admitted in a low rumble, walking away. He stopped at the end of the hallway, turning back to look at his father over his wide shoulders. “And dinna even think of pulling that crap you did on Lach. I should think getting ridden by a bloody wolf will be more than enough for her to handle, without the lot o’ you five dropping in.”

  “Aye, you’re probably right,” Iain agreed with a heavy sigh of disappointment.

  Kieran shook his head, a small smile twisting his lips. “You’re a dirty old man, Iain McKendrick.”

  His father’s black eyes twinkled with wicked mischief. “Aye, all the best ones are.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  As soon as Kieran had the Jag cruising smoothly down Wallace Avenue, Té could feel the force of his attention shift fully back to her. Huh, she thought to herself. So much for her wild woman streak. Instead of launching herself across the center console and jumping his gorgeous bones—as she’d promised herself she’d do the entire damn night, driving herself crazy with worry ‘til exhaustion had finally claimed her—here she was fuming in her seat, ready to strangle the gorgeous ass. “Damn you, Kieran, you cannot just whisk me off because you feel like it. Not after that little stunt you pulled back there.”

  “The hell I can’t, woman. You’re mine—that gives me the right to claim you. The right to do whatever I damn well please.”

  “I’m not a prize. I’m not something you just get. I don’t stay when I’m told.”

  “Nae, you’re definitely no prize, lass. No’ with that vicious little temper, but you are my mate.”

  “Yeah? Did I miss something? Because if you’ve fucked me, it must’ve slipped my mind.” Her hand motioned between them
. “We—you and me—we’ve never mated, you overgrown ape. What we’ve done, that isn’t mating, Kieran. That’s not even sex.” She turned on him, magnificent in her fury, glorious, stealing his breath. “You know what it’s been, Kieran? A sadistic little game. Pure freaking torture, and I don’t have to take it.”


  She shook her head at him. “What?”

  He scrubbed his hand down his face in frustration. “Overgrown wolf. If you’re going to call me names, make sure you get them right, sweetheart. And just because I’ve no’ claimed you doesna mean you’re no’ my mate.”

  “Well, I hate like hell to break it to you, but that’s exactly what it means in my book. And you don’t look very wolfie to me. That thing you did with your eyes and your teeth could just be some kind of spell, for all I know. In fact, I’m beginning to think this is just some lame-brained excuse you’ve got going for never following through on what you start.”

  He slanted a glittering look in her direction, before giving his attention back to the road. “Damn it, Té—what the fuck do you want from me?”

  “Just that—a fuck,” she muttered, turning back in her seat to face forward. “Something to get you out of my system so that I can get on with my life.”

  He stopped at the next red light and grabbed a fistful of her shirt, pulling her closer, until she all but sprawled across the center console. His eyes drilled into her, piercing her skin, the muscles in his arm bulging. “It willna ever be just once,” he gritted through his teeth, his warm, sweet breath fanning her face. “Once my cock is packed up tight between your sweet little legs, it’s going to be staying there day and night. So you better be sure that’s what you want—because there willna be any going back. No other women—no other men. Just you and me and the rest of our lives together. Every damn day and year…forever. An eternity, Té. So you think about that.”

  She met his challenge—and raised him. “I don’t tolerate ‘other’ women.”

  He let go of her shirt and his beautiful mouth curved in that wicked way he had of grinning. God, she was such a sucker for that expression. Who was she kidding? Any expression on his sinful face and she was ready to strip down and do whatever he asked.

  But he wasn’t asking right now—he was telling.

  “Did you no’ just hear me, darlin’? I dinna want another woman. No’ today—no’ ever. I’ve no’ wanted one since I set eyes on you.” With the tip of his finger, he traced the outline of her mouth, the calloused skin rasping against her sensitive flesh. “Since you opened these little fuckable lips of yours and told me you dinna play with men.” The corner of his mouth kicked up and he admitted, “I never have been one to resist a challenge, lass.”

  Té slumped back into her seat and made a groaning noise that to Kieran sounded sweetly erotic, but then he was in such a bad way, he figured anything she did would turn him on. Her head fell back to thump against the headrest once, twice, three times.

  And when she turned her head to glare at him, he found himself getting lost in those soft eyes of hers all over again. Thank the gods they were still stopped at the red light or he’d have probably driven them right off the bloody road.

  “You expect me to believe you wouldn’t have had more than your share of women in the last few days if it weren’t for that curse? If that’s so, then I have some killer real estate in Florida to sell ya, babe.”

  He watched her with a small frown, realizing she didn’t believe him. Amazing. Just fucking amazing. “It doesna matter what women came before. All that matters is what comes after.”

  “I keep telling you, you arrogant ape, that there is no after!”

  Not unless he gave her what she needed, and Té still wasn’t sure he’d be able to do it. Wasn’t even exactly sure what it was that she wanted, the feelings unfolding in her heart still too new…too fragile in their budding development. And she was smart enough to know—no matter how hard she’d fallen for him—that nothing could be built upon a foundation lacking unconditional trust.

  “Well, I’m knowing differently,” he drawled. “And…if this asinine turn in the conversation is your ass backwards way of asking if I can be faithful, you should know that a mated Warlock is always faithful. Our bonds are permanent and everlasting—never to be broken, lass. And when I fuck you, it will be a mating, dinna be doubting that.”

  Her teeth snapped together with a distinct clink as the light changed and they moved forward. “I’m still finding that very hard to believe.”

  “Whatever,” he replied, skillfully maneuvering the sleek Jag through the crowded Edinburgh side streets. “At this point, it doesna really matter what you think, because it’s true. I just didna want it to be.”

  “Oh gee, thanks.” Her voice dripped with sarcasm. “Really, I’m just so flattered.”

  “Dinna give me that crap. You know what I mean. You’ve seen our power, and that was only a mild showing o’ what we’re capable of. I wouldna have wished this on you, Té—no’ with what I am. You deserve more, no’ someone more beast than man, but you’re going to have to bloody well settle for me, because I willna let you go.”

  “And what’s to say your rules should apply to me?”

  Ooh…he didn’t like that. Uh-uh. Not a bit. Té could already see the quiet heat in his eyes preparing to leap into a full blown, raging inferno—the slight, imperceptible tightening of his jaw as he slanted her a dangerous look.

  She didn’t take another breath until his eyes returned to the road, the Jag purring smoothly beneath them. “The mating rules will apply to you, but you’re right in that your past is your past,” he finally grunted, the words somewhat choked as they blasted from between his tight lips. “Though I may have to track them all down and kill them, just to save my bloody sanity. Exactly how many were there?”

  “Oh, you want a number?” she asked with wide-eyes, fighting to hold back the mischievous smile blooming deep within. She knew she was being evil, but the gorgeous guy was just too much fun to bait. All she had to do was cast out her line and she got him every time—hook, line, and sinker.

  His eyes became mere slits, nostrils flaring. “Aye, a number. Have there been so many you canna give me one off the top o’ your head, lass?”

  Té cocked her head to the side, careful to keep her tone and expression neutral. “Would it matter if there had?”

  A small tic developed above his left eye, just at the tip of his eyebrow, but to give the Scot credit, he didn’t scowl. Though Té could tell that was exactly what he wanted to do.

  But before she could tease him again, they’d pulled to a smooth stop at the curb in front of a beautiful three-story Victorian that quite simply took her breath away. Kieran turned the key, cutting the engine, and looked at her, his eyes moving over every detail of her face, as if seeing it for the first time. Seconds ticked by that felt like forever, like an eternity, and then he finally said, “Nothing matters but what happens now.”

  Té climbed the steps to his front door, her delicate hand trailing along the wrought iron railing, silver bands glinting on her narrow fingers, and Kieran thought he was going to lose it. It was taking a goddamn eternity and he couldn’t wait to touch her. Couldn’t wait to get his hands under all those layers of civilized clothes until he was touching cool, soft skin that he knew was going to taste as good as it smelled.

  He kept his eyes glued to the naturally sexy sway of her ass beneath her jeans, fighting the temptation to bend her over and shove his face into her cunt right there on the front steps for everyone to see. He’d never been so hungry for a woman in his life. Never wanted one so badly that he literally shook with the need to get inside of her. His dick was rock-hard, pumped so full of blood he should’ve been feeling lightheaded. It was all he could do not to push his hand between her legs, feeling her through the worn denim—but he knew it wouldn’t be enough. He wanted to cup her naked pussy and thrust his fingers deep inside, finger-fucking her ‘til she screamed in ecstasy.

sp; And damn it, he’d waited long enough already.

  With a harsh, rumbling sound, Kieran lifted her in his arms, holding her against his chest as she squealed in surprise, his long legs making short work of the few remaining steps.

  The world spun before Té’s eyes, all restless motion and heart-pounding adrenaline at the feel of being in his arms, pressed close against the heavy thudding of his heart. Before she could get her bearings, they’d made it through the front door, which was promptly kicked shut behind them, and he’d dumped her on the nearest available surface.

  She took a quick, wide-eyed look around what was obviously his dining room, and realized she was perched on the edge of a massive, gleaming rosewood table, while Kieran set to work on the systematic destruction of her clothes.

  He cursed low as he worked his way down the endless row of small buttons on her plain, white shirt—his nostrils flaring as her chest rose and fell beneath his fingers, her beautiful breasts heaving. He’d made it halfway down, only to see her nipples had hardened into two distinct little points beneath the soft cloth and knew he’d reached his limit.

  Taking the delicate fabric in each hand, he ripped, scattering buttons across the hardwood floor with a soft, wrenching cry of sound. But before he got lost in the sight of those magnificent tits under the pale pink satin of her bra, he did the same to the fly of her jeans, wrenching them over her hips and down her legs to be tossed aside with the tattered remnants of her shirt.

  And then his mouth was on hers, and he couldn’t think about anything but how delicious she tasted, her mouth a liquid-soft heaven of sensual pleasure. He held her jaw with trembling fingers, moving her head from one side to the other, changing the angle of deepening penetration into the moist, honey-flavored cavern.

  And Té was right there with him, gasping as his tongue tangled with her own, learning every surface and texture.

  She could feel the power riding him—that of his Magick and of the wolf. It was in his blood, prowling beneath the hot stretch of his skin, aching for release within the tensed length of his powerful muscles. It wanted to breathe and howl and be free—and it wanted to fuck.


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