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Brie's Montana Dreams (Submissive in Love, #4)

Page 6

by Red Phoenix

  Null obeyed, spreading her legs apart as she balanced on her six-inch heels. He looked up at her and said forcefully, “Do not come.”

  Mary nudged Brie, with a smile on her face, letting Brie know the girl was about to disobey that direct order.

  Null whimpered when Master Gannon began playing with her pussy. When he had enough natural lubricant covering his fingers, he forced three inside and began pumping inside her almost violently. The aggressiveness of his hand quickly produced wet sounds as her body unwillingly gave in to the stimulation. Null threw her head back and let out a low moan that quickly increased in pitch. She groaned against the cane in her mouth as her sex pulsated and a huge gush of water escaped from her slick pussy.

  Master Gannon stood up and walked over to the table, casually wiping his hand on a towel as he stared at her. She stood there squirming under his forceful gaze as he approached.


  She parted her lips and the cane fell into his hand.

  As he untied her wrists, he asked, “What did I tell you?”

  “That I would be punished if I came.”

  “Bend over the bed so that you are facing your Master. Lift your skirt and take your punishment.”

  Null looked at Razor briefly and then quickly lowered her eyes. He wore a slight smirk on his lips as she bent over and lifted her skirt for Master Gannon.

  He stood behind her, the cane cocked and ready. Gannon rubbed the soft swell of her ass. “I will be quick and thorough.” With that, he whipped the cane repeatedly across her ass. Null whimpered and squirmed, only crying out twice. Afterwards he rubbed the welts he had left appreciatively before commanding her to stand.

  Master Gannon cupped her chin and kissed her on the lips, telling her, “See that you learn your lesson well tonight, null.”

  He walked over to take a place in the crowd while another Dom took his place with null. This man was dressed in black jeans and a dark shirt with a breast pocket, the sleeves of which had been rolled up to show off his tattoos. Although Brie had not met him personally, she’d been told he was the resident blacksmith. He certainly fit the part, with his large arms and rough five o’clock shadow.

  He approached the sub with a serious look on his face that let her know he was not one to be trifled with. “You will call me Wayland. You are not allowed to orgasm. Disobedience will result in immediate and severe punishment. Do you understand, null?”

  She nodded, but her voice wasn’t as certain as it had been the first time when she answered. “I will obey, Wayland.”

  He pulled at her bodice to more fully expose her breasts to the crowd before ordering, “Move to the spanking bench.”

  She shuddered, her ass already red and painful from her first punishment, but dutifully walked over to the bench.

  “Mount it and bare your ass to me.”

  Null climbed onto the bench and pulled up her dress, showing off the marks left by the cane.

  “I like my submissives to feel helpless. To know there is nothing to stop me from taking my pleasure.” Wayland went to the table and returned with an anal hook. He smiled when he returned. “I made this one myself. I was told you are familiar with the tool.”

  Null answered, “I am, Wayland.”

  “Good.” He coated the metal tool with a liquid lubricant and stood beside her, separating her ass cheeks with his other hand. “I make the ball extra-large. Do you think you can take it?”

  She looked behind her at the round ball at the end of the large hook—the part that was to go inside her—and nodded.

  “Let’s see if you’re right. You may want to bear down for this one.” He used his strong arm muscles to force the large metal ball inside her ass. Null took it, purring as the huge ball slipped inside.

  “You do like these, don’t you?” Wayland complimented her. He twisted up her hair into a long rope with his hand and secured it with a leather strip. He tied the rope of her hair to the anal hook and tightened it so she had to keep her head back in the stretched position.

  He took out a cigar from his breast pocket and lit it, breathing in the smoke and slowly exhaling as he watched her strain in her bonds. He stared at her amorously for several minutes before moving to her head and squatting so his lips were level with hers, just inches from her face. “Breathe in.”

  Wayland slowly exhaled the smoke, the wisps seductively swirling between them and into null as she breathed in. Brie couldn’t believe how sensual the simple act was, and shifted where she stood.

  He stood back up and picked up a vibrator that looked suspiciously like a mini Hitachi wand from the table. He placed the buzzing vibrator on her clit. Null struggled, but the anal hook effectively kept her in place. He slowly moved it up and down on her clit, reminding her that the punishment would be great if she came. Null started whimpering and then cried out in fear when her body betrayed her and her pussy pulsed against the wicked toy.

  Wayland immediately turned it off, saying nothing as he put the vibrator down. Before he punished her, he meticulously cleaned all her exposed skin. Then he walked back to the table and put on a thick leather glove, sliding a white plastic container next to the bench with his foot. “As a blacksmith, I have a particular attraction to burning metal.” White mist rose out of the bucket when he opened the lid. He pulled out a metal rod with a brand on the end and approached her. “I will not leave a permanent mark, but you will experience the burn.”

  Null looked at him, her eyes wide with fear, but she was helpless to avoid her punishment.

  “Why are you being punished, null?”

  “I disobeyed your command and came, Wayland.”

  Wayland nodded. “Yes, you did, and now you must pay.” He branded her left ass cheek first, leaving the brand there for several seconds. The sizzling sound of cold metal meeting skin made Brie tingle with excitement and fear, remembering her own branding.

  Wayland picked up another brand from the bucket. Null looked at him wildly as he moved to face her, the brand inches from her face. “No, I would never mark that beautiful face,” he assured her.

  He placed the brand on her exposed breast, chuckling softly to himself when she whimpered. “It burns, doesn’t it?”

  Brie noticed that Wayland was careful to press the brand only lightly, leaving it there for just a few seconds so she would feel the burn but it would not permanently harm the skin. He moved around her, branding different areas, leaving her right buttock cheek for last. “Learn your lesson well tonight.” He pressed it against her ass, leaving it on a little longer so she would not forget.

  Brie noticed the woman’s increased breath, and understood that null was breathing through the discomfort. When he finished, he knelt and kissed her. “You received your punishment well, null.”

  While she was still quivering from her last orgasm and punishment, Faelan left Mary’s side and approached the spanking bench. “You will call me Faelan. You are not allowed to orgasm. Disobedience will result in immediate and severe punishment. Do you understand, null?”

  She looked up at him and swallowed hard. “I will obey, Falean.”

  He smiled at her charmingly as he undid her bindings and removed the hook. “I’m sure you will try.”

  The girl shuddered, but her eyes were locked on him. Brie could tell she was already under Faelan’s spell. Brie glanced over at Mary, surprised to see her staring at Razor instead of watching the scene. Brie bumped shoulders with her, and she jumped as if being caught doing something wrong. Brie gave her a questioning look, and Mary responded by mouthing the word, “bitch”.

  Brie shrugged it off, thinking, What the hell is your problem?

  She ignored Mary and focused her attention on Faelan. He’d freed null of her dress and laid her on the bed. He unbuttoned his shirt slowly before taking it off, making her wait patiently for him to begin. The boy had grown in confidence and skill since Brie had worked with him at the Center, but he still maintained that primal element that brought out the animal in a
woman. There was no doubt he still had it, as null growled and panted when he began playing with her body.

  The poor girl was completely captivated when Falean brought out the knife and began teasing her with it, pressing the edge of it against her most sensitive areas and dragging it across her skin with enough pressure to scratch but not to break the surface. Her eyes were wide and her breaths shallow, fearing his intent as she watched the knife caress her skin.

  “Are you scared?” he asked.

  She looked at him with trembling lips, and nodded.

  He brought the knife up to her neck, pressing the sharp edge against it. “You should be.”

  With the rush of adrenaline caused by the edge play, it wouldn’t take much to take null over the brink. He dragged the knife over her curvaceous body, ending at her swollen mound.

  “Do you know what I am about to do?” he asked her.

  She answered hesitantly, “Make me come?”

  Faelan moved between her legs, grinning when he confirmed her answer. “Yes, null.” He pressed the point of the knife to the top of her mound. “If you move, you will cut yourself.”

  With that warning hanging in the air, Faelan began to eat her pussy, relentlessly applying that skilled tongue to her erect clit.

  The danger of the knife had null on such a subhigh that she came almost instantly.

  Faelan pulled back, a smirk on his lips. “Null, you disappoint me.”

  “I’m sorry, Faelan.”

  “Although I accept your apology, it is my duty to punish you.” He left the bed to get his chosen tool of punishment, a violet wand. The way null stared nervously at the instrument let Brie know she was very familiar with it.

  Null looked up at him repentantly, quietly accepting her fate.

  “Stand in front of your Master,” Faelan commanded.

  She followed his order but kept her head down as she faced Razor.

  “Look in him in the eye, null.”

  She slowly raised her head and stared bravely into the eyes of her intimidating Dom. Brie could only imagine what she was thinking.

  Faelan stood behind her and turned on the device to the highest setting. The crackling sound of the wand added an element of danger to the scene. “I can tell you are a dedicated sub, null,” Faelan growled into her ear, “even though you disobeyed my direct command.”

  Brie appreciated that Faelan was giving null words of empowerment, even though she had failed at the task—a task she was meant to fail.

  Faelan turned up the intensity of the wand before he first touched her with it. Null involuntarily flinched, but stayed in place. He dragged it down from her ribs to her hip, stating, “It feels like the edge of a knife cutting into you, doesn’t it?”

  She nodded, looking nervously to her left, anticipating the next pass. He did not disappoint, shocking her sensitive skin with the intense current. He held her to him as he did a pattern of concentric circles on her belly. Brie could see her muscles contracting as they came into contact with the stinging instrument.

  Faelan turned off the wand and a profound silence followed. He kissed her neck gently and murmured, “Your pussy looks neglected, null.”

  She stiffened in his arms when the buzzing started up again. Faelan wrapped his arm around her waist and slowly brought the wand to within an inch of her swollen mound. He waited several moments before he grazed it against her clit.

  Null let out a frightened gasp but made no more sound, gritting her teeth and accepting the sting of the instrument without complaint.

  “Good null…” he said, shutting off the device. Before he left her, he turned her chin towards him and kissed her deeply. Brie did not miss her whimper when he broke contact.

  Faelan returned to Mary, obviously turned on by the scene he’d just finished. He ran his hands over her and nibbled on her ear, whispering nasty things to her. Before long, Mary was dragging him through the crowd, towards the back door.

  Brie sighed in frustration, attracting the attention of Razor. He glanced up at her with those dangerous, steel-blue eyes and she stopped breathing for a moment. He was all kinds of scary.

  Without the reassuring presence of Mary and Faelan, Brie decided to leave the ceremony. She escaped to the bedroom, where she undressed and crawled into bed after performing her assigned nightly ritual.

  Sir’s presence seemed to remain in the room, tempting her. Brie was excited by the activities she’d witnessed and slipped her finger between her legs, stroking her clit jewelry. “Oh Sir, if only you were here.”

  The subtle throbbing of her clit was pleasing and she was tempted to let herself go and stop the terrible ache in her loins. Just a little more pressure…

  The creak of the door opening stopped her cold. With her heart pounding, she opened her eyes and saw the door ajar but no one standing in the doorway. She sighed in relief, but let out a squeal of terror when the black cat jumped on her bed.

  “Oh, thank goodness it’s just you!” she cried, holding out her hand to the cat. He sauntered slowly up to her, rubbing his cheek against her in a possessive manner. She gathered him in her arms, laughing at herself. “You scared me to death, you bad, bad boy.”

  He began purring, oblivious of the fright he’d just given her.

  Brie scratched him under the chin, grateful for the distraction. “I guess I should thank you. You just saved me from disobeying my Master.”

  Her Challenge

  Brie was surprised when Rajah came to her during breakfast and told her to meet with Master Gannon directly. She excused herself, giving Mary a confused look as she followed Rajah to Gannon’s office.

  “Miss Bennett, please sit down.”

  She sat, folding her hands in her lap to hide her nervousness. “What’s this about, Gannon?”

  “I normally do not allow phone calls, but Sir Davis has asked to speak to you. Because of the unusual circumstances, I have granted him the favor. You may call him on my private phone. Get me when you’re done.”

  It felt as if the ground was falling out from under her. Something bad had happened to Sir’s mother, she was sure of it. However, she kept her voice calm as she took the phone from him. “Thank you, Gannon.”

  He left the room, shutting the door quietly behind him.

  Brie stared at the cell phone, afraid to make the call to Sir but dutifully calling nonetheless. Her stomach fluttered on hearing his rich voice.

  “Hello, this is Thane Davis.”


  “Ah, Brie. It’s good to hear from you.”

  “Is everything all right?” she asked uneasily.

  “Yes, babygirl. Rest assured, there’s no need for you to be concerned.”

  “Then why the phone call, Sir?”

  “Master Gannon called a few days ago and made a suggestion that I have been mulling over. I’ve decided you would benefit from the experience and have given him my permission.”

  She felt a thrill of excitement. “Permission for what, Sir?”

  “I’ve been told they are having a dungeon event.”

  “Yes, it’s tonight! It’s a quarterly event at The Sanctuary. Quite the to-do, so I’ve been told.”

  “Tell me more.”

  She smiled, happy to share with him. “They transform their main room into a dungeon, and give each of the subs a role to play.”

  “What kind of roles?”

  “Some get to clean the equipment after each use, a few serve food and drink throughout the event, there’s even a group who act as toys, but the rest get to be dungeon playmates.”

  “It sounds like an interesting setup.”

  “I agree, Sir. I was afraid I’d have to miss out, because I hadn’t been invited to observe the event.”

  “Well, Master Gannon feels you cannot fully appreciate the importance of what The Sanctuary provides to its community unless you are a participating member, and he does not want you leaving there without getting a taste of his vision.”

  “Did he tell you how he
wanted me to participate tonight?”

  “He did, Brie.”

  She giggled nervously when he did not explain further. “And how am I to participate, Sir?”

  “It will be a challenge for you, téa.”

  Her heart raced when he used her sub name. “What is being asked of me, Master?”

  “You will act as a toy tonight.”

  She couldn’t breathe. It was the last thing she’d expected. “I’m not sure I can. I mean—”

  “Think of this the same way as a lesson at the Center. I want you to experience something you’ve never faced before.”

  “But Sir, the toys are open to all the Dominants of the commune.”

  “You should be aware that I have spoken to Gannon about Wallace and you will be off-limits to him.”

  Although Brie was relieved, she was still struggling. “Master…”

  “I believe you will gain valuable insight from this experience, téa. I am commanding you to present yourself tonight for the festivities. I want you to embrace it, to relish it for the once-in-a-lifetime encounter it is.”

  Brie swallowed, choking on the lump that had suddenly formed in her throat. This felt exactly like the time he’d asked her to serve under a new Master. She whispered into the phone, “What if I say no?”

  “I will be very disappointed.”

  His words cut her like a knife. She did not want to refuse him, but to give herself away like that…

  “Brie, you must trust me.”

  The use of her given name did not go unnoticed and it had great power over her. Sir was asking her to trust him on a deeper level, as her Master. Brie closed her eyes. Did she trust Sir to further her submissive journey—or not?

  While Brie did trust him, it was with great reservation. She answered Sir truthfully. “I will do as you ask, but only if it pleases you.”

  He laughed, knowing she was politely voicing her unwillingness. “It does please me, téa,” he assured her.

  “Then I will join the event, Sir, because that is what you have commanded of me.”

  “Don’t just do it, Brie. I want you to give yourself over fully to it, as if you were giving yourself to me. I want your pussy dripping with anticipation for any hand that touches you.”


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