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Knocked Up by the Single Dad

Page 2

by Lilian Monroe

  “Alright, well I’m going to head out. We’ll be in touch later in the week for the launch.”

  “Have fun,” I say as Max turns around and walks out. I sigh in relief. I couldn’t think of anything worse than going out drinking tonight. His promise of ‘great women’ just makes me think of loud bars and loud women and people rubbing up against each other. I haven’t met any ‘great women’ since my wife died, and I’m not sure they exist anymore. I just want to sleep.

  I rub my eyes and run my fingers through my hair. My body is aching and I haven’t even been to the gym all week. It was supposed to be a short business trip, over and back in two days, but it’s stretched out to ten days, twelve to fourteen hours in the office every day.

  We’re launching my client’s new music album in a week, and Max’s advertising firm is the best in the country. I glance at the advertisement mockups and the schedules laid out in front of me and take a deep breath. The next few weeks will be completely manic, but they’re crucial if we want this album to top the charts.

  My phone buzzes and I smile as I see the name pop up.

  “Hey kiddo,” I say into the receiver.

  “Dad! I got 98% of my math quiz today!”

  “Wow!” I exclaim. “That’s amazing!” I mean it too. I lean back in my chair and listen to my daughter as she tells me about her day. I smile and close my eyes.

  “So you’re going to be back tomorrow?”

  “Yep, tomorrow afternoon. Can’t wait to give you a big hug, Allie.”

  “Me too!” Her voice is full of energy. “I have a surprise for you!”

  “A surprise!” I answer. “What is it?”

  “I can’t tell you, then it wouldn’t be a surprise!”

  I feel my shoulders relax and the smile spread from my face through my whole body. Ten days was far too long to be away from my little girl. She giggles and I feel that familiar warmth spreading in my chest whenever she makes me laugh.

  “Ok, I gotta go, kiddo. I have to pack and get ready for my flight. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “See you tomorrow, love you Dad!”

  “I love you too, Allie.”

  We hang up and I sigh. Hearing her voice was exactly what I needed. Whenever I feel like I’m too focused on work she always reminds me of what’s important, and tomorrow I get to see that little grin and kiss her cheeks. I stand up and start stacking my files. I slip them into my briefcase and then pack up my laptop.

  I flick off the lights and look back at my temporary office. Hopefully I won’t have to be back here for a long time. I’ll get this album off the ground and take a few weeks off to spend with Allie.

  When I step outside, the cool night air hits my face and I fill my lungs. I take a deep breath and smile. I’ll be back home tomorrow.

  I glance up and down the street and frown when I don’t see a cab. I turn towards the nearest main road and let my feet take me there as my mind wanders back to LA, to our little house in the suburbs and to Allie’s smiling face.

  Ninety-eight percent! I think as I shake my head. She’s smarter than her old man, that’s for sure. I smile and turn my head just as a cab turns down the street. Perfect. I extend my hand and watch as he puts his indicator on and starts to pull over.

  I glance down and see my shoe is untied. I wave at the cab until it starts to pull over and then bend over to tie my shoelace. I hum to myself as I tie my shoe, not paying attention to anything except the lightness in my heart. I’m going home, finally.

  I hear a car door slam and I glance at the cab. He’s still there, so I stand up and start jogging over to it. Just a few more hours and I’ll be with my little girl and out of the chaos of New York City.

  Chapter 4 - Rosie

  “See you in the morning for brunch!” I call out as Rosie and Harper head off in the opposite direction as me.

  “Definitely!” says Jess. “Maybe the waiter will be hot and you’ll have more luck getting laid tomorrow.” She winks and I roll my eyes, laughing. She’s relentless. I hope the waiters are all women and I won’t have to deal with her jokes all day tomorrow. One night interacting with strangers was more than enough.

  I turn back towards the street and wince as I take a step. My feet are aching from these ridiculous heels. My apartment is only a fifteen minute walk away but I might have to take a cab. It is my birthday, after all. I can be a little bit lazy tonight, of all nights.

  I glance towards the street and sigh as I see a cab turning down towards me. I raise my hand and smile as the cab puts his indicator on and slows towards me. Perfect timing. I open the door and sigh as I sit down, easing the pressure on my feet. They’re throbbing and I exhale as I slip my feet out of the heels. They definitely weren’t this tight when I put them on a couple hours ago.

  “Hi, can I go to - ”

  Before I can finish my sentence, the other back door opens and someone slips in. I immediately inhale his fresh, spicy scent and feel a warmth spreading in my core. The feeling surprises me and I can feel myself flushing as I realised what I’m feeling: the first stages of desire. That quickly turns to outrage as the man starts to speak to the driver.

  “Hi, the Hilton by the airport please.” His voice is deep and smooth. Before I can protest, the cab driver nods his head and starts moving.

  “Excuse me!” I start. “What are you doing!” The warmth inside me turns to anger and indignation as I realise he’s trying to steal my taxi.

  The man turns his eyes to me and I’m almost knocked back. His face is chiseled with just a hint of stubble over his strong jaw. His eyes are a piercing blue and he stares at me with a complete calm.

  “I’m going to my hotel. What are you doing in my cab?”

  “YOUR cab?! I was very clearly in it first.”

  I see the cab driver glance at us in his rearview mirror and frown.

  “You two don’t know each other?”

  “No!” We answer in unison. I almost yell it, and the stranger says it as if it’s a joke, as if the smile is playing just behind his lips. I shoot a glance at him sideways and feel something stir inside me when I see he’s still staring at me. I push the feeling down and focus on my anger. The cab driver slows to a stop.

  “So where am I goin’?”

  “As soon as this man gets out I’ll give you my address,” I respond, raising an eyebrow towards the door next to him. There’s no way I’m saying where I live with him in here. He keeps his eyes on me and lifts his eyebrow in response.

  “I’m not going anywhere. I was waiting for a cab on that street for ages. I have a flight to catch in the morning.”

  “Well you’re not staying here. You can’t just jump in a taxi that’s already been taken!”

  A smirk plays over his lips as his eyes travel down my body. I feel a shiver travel down my spine as his eyes take in every inch of me. Why do I like this feeling? I should be angry!

  “How about this,” he starts. “We drive to your place first, drop you off, and then I keep going towards the airport. We both get where we need to go, and I’ll cover the fare.”

  I desperately want to say yes. His smell is intoxicating and I can hardly think straight with those eyes all over me. Ok, I think. That sounds alright.


  He smirks again and I’m simultaneously annoyed and entranced.

  “Why not?” He asks almost innocently.

  “Yeah, why not?” The cab driver chimes in. We both ignore him, our eyes locked on each other. His question hangs in the air between us as the seconds tick by. I can’t look away. His blue eyes drill into me and all I want is for him to look at me again. He licks his lips and the warmth in my core blossoms.

  “Fine,” I concede. The man’s smirk spreads to a smile and he nods.

  “Great. Where to?”

  I sigh and give the cab driver my address. Sitting back in my seat, I stare straight ahead and try to ignore the pounding of my heart against my ribcage. M
y whole body is screaming at me to turn my head, to glance at him again. I can just see him in my peripheral vision, and it’s taking every ounce of willpower to stop myself from looking at him.

  He clears his throat and I close my eyes, trying to ignore the shiver that every sound and every move sends down my spine. I’ve definitely had one too many drinks. This feeling is not normal.

  “Sore?” He asks softly.

  I can’t help it. I turn my head towards him and frown. “What?”

  He nods to my feet. My shoes are off, my feet resting gently on top of them. I feel myself blush. I’m that typical drunk girl on her way home from the bar. I didn’t even have that much to drink!


  I can’t think of anything else to say. I can hardly think of anything except the throbbing between my legs growing to an ache whenever his eyes pass over me. Maybe Jess was right. I do need to get royally Fucked with a capital F if some stranger can have this effect on me.

  Still, when I look at him I can’t help but feel like he isn’t just ‘some stranger’. I haven’t felt this comfortable around a man since before the incident with Harper’s stalker. Usually I’d be nervous just being around a stranger, let alone saying my address in front of him. There’s just something about him that makes me feel at ease. Maybe it’s the way he’s looking at me. There’s a kindness in his eyes that makes me want to be near him.

  “Here,” he says in a low growl, holding out his hand. I don’t understand so I just stare at him. He smiles more softly this time. “Give me your foot.”

  “What? I…” my voice trails off as his eyes bore into me. As if out of my control, I watch my leg shift and my foot lift up towards his waiting hand.

  The instant my skin touches his hand it’s like an electric current travels straight up my leg towards my centre. The heat in my core intensifies and I feel my panties starting to soak through as his hand moves over my foot in slow circles.

  I want him. My head is spinning. It’s as if my body has a mind of its own and I’m just along for the ride.

  I close my eyes and lean back. His touch is gentle at first, rubbing my heel and the arch of my foot. He uses both hands, completely covering my foot as he rubs it in smooth, long motions. My whole body relaxes as he moves his fingers up my arch towards my toes. I let out a soft groan and he chuckles.

  The sound snaps me back to myself. I tense up and take my foot away, slipping it back into my shoes. I clear my throat and sit up, smoothing my dress down in front of me.

  “That’s ok, you can stop here,” I say quickly. “I’ll get out here.”

  “We’re still five minutes away,” the cabbie starts.

  “That’s ok, I’ll get out.”

  “Whatever, lady,” he says under his breath as he pulls over. I practically jump out of the cab and stumble towards the sidewalk, heart thumping and breath ragged. I vaguely hear the man yell out behind me but all I can do is rush down the street towards my apartment.

  What. Just. Happened.

  Chapter 5 - Lucas

  “Wait!” I call out right before she slams the door. “Wait!”

  I throw some money over the cab driver’s shoulder and dive out of the car, grabbing my bag and cursing how heavy it is. She’s just down the street, jogging as fast as her heels will take her. Her red hair is trailing behind her like a blaze and I can’t keep my eyes off her.

  “Wait! Hold on!”

  She stops and suddenly whips around to face me.

  “What!” She pants. “What do you want!”

  I come to a stop a few feet away from her. Her chest is heaving up and down and her eyes are bright green, shining brightly in the moonlight. I can’t help it, I’m drawn to her. I don’t just want to massage her foot, I want to touch every inch of her skin. I want to wrap myself around her and smell her, taste her, touch her until I know every detail of her body. The tiredness I felt just a few minutes ago has evaporated. I need to know who this woman is.

  “What do you want?” She asks again, more softly this time. Her eyes are still blazing. I open my mouth and close it back up again.

  “I… I don’t know,” I respond lamely. I hold my arms out and then let them drop to my sides. “Your name, for a start.”

  Her eyes narrow. “No.”


  “Why would I tell you my name? You jump in my cab and convince me to let you ride along. You somehow end up giving me a foot massage and now you’re following me down the street! I should be running away as fast as I can right now.”

  Her words are harsh but her voice has something else to it - amusement, or curiosity. Hope spreads through my chest. Maybe I have a chance with her.

  “So why aren’t you?” I ask, taking a step towards her. My body is vibrating, buzzing with anticipation. I’ve never seen a woman like this before. Her fiery red hair bounces in curls around her face when she shakes her head. She puts her hands on her hips and I can’t help but drag my eyes along the curve between her waist and her hips.

  She doesn’t answer my question, so I take another step towards her, flicking my eyes up towards hers. She doesn’t move.

  “Don’t you have a flight to catch?” Her voice is a breathy whisper and she’s completely still.

  “Not till the morning.” I take another step forward. I can feel the vibration of her body. She’s like a coiled spring, and she’s just as tense as I am. I take a deep breath in through my nose, keeping my eyes steady on her face. She bristles as I take a step forward but stands her ground. We’re inches apart.

  I move slowly, lifting my hand towards her waist. My fingers just brush the thin fabric of her dress and she closes her eyes, letting a soft breath out of her mouth. I put my hand on her waist and slide it around towards her back. Her spine dips in down the centre of her back and brush my fingers along it, down towards the curve right above her ass. My other hand finds her hip and she finally melts, trailing her fingers up my arms and opening her eyes.

  “Who are you?” she whispers.

  “I’m Lucas,” I respond just as her fingers find the nape of my neck. I shiver as her skin touches mine and I can’t wait any longer. My chin dips down and I crush my lips against hers. The tension in my body explodes. I pull her into me, sinking my fingers into her flesh and gripping her tightly. She tangles her fists into my hair and pulls me down for a deeper kiss.

  Calling it a kiss is wrong. It’s more than that. This is pure passion in physical form. She tastes sweeter, better, softer than I could ever imagine. My fingers find that curve in her spine and run up towards her neck, pressing her body against mine. Her breasts are pressed against my chest and I can feel my cock pulsing in my pants.

  My body is out of my control. I’ve never met a woman who has this effect on me. She drops her hands to my shoulders and digs her nails into me. The pain is sharp but it fades quickly and sends a thrill straight down my spine. My cock pulses in response and she presses herself against it. She makes that soft moaning sound again and the throbbing between my legs intensifies.

  I drop my hands towards her ass and she grinds herself against me, moaning into my lips again. I catch the moan with my mouth and it tastes just as sweet as her kiss.

  A voice pulls me out of my trance. Someone brushes past us and yells back at us in a typical New York accent.

  “Get a room!” The gruff, angry voice grates against my ears and jolts me back to the world around me.

  Rosie pulls away and glances back towards the man who keeps walking briskly away from us. She looks back at me and giggles, bringing her hand up to her lips. Her nose crinkles a little bit and she flicks those bright green eyes back up at me. I smile.

  “Oops,” I say. “Got a bit carried away there.”

  “Come on,” she says softly, slipping her hand into mine. “Let’s go to my place.”

  I can’t say anything in response, just let my footsteps fall in beside hers. My heart is thumping and I’m afraid sh
e’ll change her mind. I glance at her as she brushes a strand of hair and tucks it behind her ear. She looks over at me, catching me staring. She smiles and squeezes my hand gently.

  “I’m Rosie,” she says with a wink. “I guess you’re allowed to know that now.”

  I smile and nod. “Nice to meet you.”

  She smiles and I watch her dip her head down and then glance back up at me. All I can do is pray that this night never ends.

  Chapter 6 - Rosie

  The instant my door opens, we’re stumbling in, arms wrapped around each other and hands clawing at clothing, bodies, hair. It’s frantic. I can hardly breathe but I know that all I want is him. I’ve never felt anything like this before. It’s like my body knows him already, and knows that I need him. I’m drawn to him and every time he touches me it sets my body ablaze.

  I fall onto my sofa and he’s on top of me, kissing my lips, my chin, my neck, my ear. His lips are soft and I feel his tongue slide out and taste my skin. He groans.

  “You taste so good,” he breathes.

  “So do you,” I reply, staring down at his face. He smiles and shifts himself back up to kiss my lips. I tangle my fingers into his dark hair and pull him closer, grinding my hips up towards him. I can feel his hard cock trapped in his pants and it makes my body ache with desire. I’ve never wanted anyone, or anything, as much as I want him right now.

  The fear I felt at the bar has evaporated. The uneasiness that’s plagued me since I was attacked is gone, and all I feel is lust. I want him.

  I press my hips up towards him and Lucas groans again, sending yet another thrill straight through my centre. I love the noises he makes. His hand slips across my shoulder and finds my breast, squeezing it gently as he grinds his hips down towards me.

  I’m soaking wet, and I still have all my clothes on. As if he can sense my desire, he slips his hand down from my breast, trailing his fingers down my stomach and over my hip. He finds the hem of my dress and slides his hand underneath it. His touch is warm and heavy as he slides his hand back up my thigh.


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