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Knocked Up by the Single Dad

Page 33

by Lilian Monroe

  My hands explore her body, traveling from her waist down to her hips. She shivers at my touch and then moans, letting her legs fall open. I hook my fingers into her panties and pull them slowly down her legs. She shivers as the air kisses her bare body.

  And then, I taste her. My mouth finds her most sensitive spot and I can’t help but groan when I taste the sweet, saltiness of her slit. I slide my tongue down and find her opening and she moans louder for me. Her sounds reverberate through her body and through mine until every movement sends a shock down to my cock.

  I can’t hear anything, can’t see anything, can’t taste anything except her. Her essence, her flavour, her body. I let my mouth travel up and down until her hips are bucking and her hands are woven into my hair.

  I breathe in deep, lapping up every drop of her as my tongue dances all over her slit. She is moaning and saying my name and all it does is spur me on and make my cock harder and ready to explode.

  I reach my hand up and grab her breast, pinching her nipple between my thumb and forefinger. Her hand covers mine and her back arches as I pinch it again, her moans becoming a guttural groan with every movement of my tongue.

  I can sense how close she is. I can feel the vibrations in her body. I lift my head up for a second and our eyes meet, hers clouded over, not seeing anything except me. I drop my head again, this time covering her bud entirely with my mouth. I lick, kiss, lap, twirl, do everything I can to taste her as much as possible. Her hips buck into me and her hand presses my head further into her.

  Each taste makes my cock harder, and every time she moves it makes me want to shove it inside her. I won’t, not until I feel her orgasm exploding through her.

  I take my other hand and slip a finger inside her. I find the spot of rough skin on the inside of her walls and I rub it, gently at first and then harder. I feel her walls contract around my finger, gripping it tightly. I move my fingers and my tongue in tandem and then I feel it.

  Her back arches, her arms grip at the carpet and her pussy contracts around my fingers violently. Her wetness is dripping out of her and I devour it. Her legs shake and I don’t stop until she pulls my head away and lays there, panting. Her skin is on fire and her eyes are dazed. The longer I look at her, collapsed back from the strength of her orgasm, the more I want to feel her, to feel myself inside her.

  Finally she opens her mouth and breathes out a few words.

  “Oh, Clay.”

  Chapter 49 - Valerie

  Clay lifts his head and looks at me. A smile is playing on his lips and in his eyes. My legs are jelly and I can’t feel my fingers. I can see my chest rising and falling as I breathe, still trying to regain control over my body. Shivers run through me as the aftershocks of my orgasm course through my veins.

  I can feel the wetness of my pleasure dripping out of me, even now. Clay crawls up my body and kisses me tenderly, letting me taste myself on his lips. I moan into our kiss and he wraps his arms around my body.

  Before I know it we’re standing, lips still interlocked and my legs wrapped around his chiseled body. He carries me straight to the bed and lays me down gently. I can feel the heat of his cock pressed against me and its hardness makes me yearn for it inside me.

  I feel like there’s an emptiness inside me and I’m desperate for him to fill it. I sink into the bed and feel the weight of his body on top of mine.

  Clay runs his fingers up my sides until they’re threading through my hair and gripping the back of my head. Pulling my hair, he tilts my head back to expose my neck. I feel his hot breath on my neck as he lowers his head to kiss me. The sensation sends shivers down my spine and my already wet slit gets even wetter.

  I reach down towards his cock, finding it with my hand. It feels so thick and hot in my hand and I can’t help but imagine what it’ll feel like inside of me. Our bodies melt together, hands exploring each other like inexperienced teenagers. My hunger for him is gnawing at me. I want him, I want him now.

  The loneliness and emptiness of the past three months has long since disappeared. My skin is warm against him, the chill of the rain completely evaporated from us. I tangle my fingers into his hair and crush my lips against him while I buck my hips towards his cock.

  “Fuck me,” I whisper breathlessly.

  He looks at me, dark eyes burning with lust. No, not lust. Desire. Passion. Something more. His eyes rake down my body until he sees my hand wrapped around his cock. I can sense a thrill through me as his eyes travel down my body.

  He adjusts his hips and places himself at my opening. My heart is pounding, my head is spinning. I can sense him, so close. I tilt my hips towards his cock but he moves imperceptibly away, tilting his head down to kiss my collarbone.

  My moans cut through the air. I want him. I inch my hips towards him and he inches away, just letting the tip of his cock kiss my opening.

  “Stop teasing me,” I tell him.

  The corners of his mouth lift up.

  “Don’t tell me what to do,” he says gruffly. The command sends a shiver through me, straight to my centre. I can feel the heat pooling between my legs when he speaks again.

  “I’m going to fuck you when I’m ready,” he continues. His voice is hard, harder than his cock. His eyes are ablaze. “You’re going to take every inch of my cock inside you and you’re going to love it.”

  “I will,” I respond, writhing against him, desperate for him to enter me.

  “Beg me. Beg me to fuck you.”

  My heartbeat is loud in my ears and my breath is quick. I’m lost in his eyes. My own eyes widen and the thought of begging him for his cock makes me drip with desire.

  “Clay, fuck me. Please,” I plead, my voice nothing but a hoarse whisper.

  “Ask me again,” he says, moving his cock up and down my slit, making me groan with pleasure. The teasing is almost too much. I feel like I’m on the edge, ready to go flying into another orgasm and he’s barely even touching me.

  I can feel my nipples, hard as diamonds, pressed against his chest. I grind myself towards him and ask him again:

  “Fuck me, Clay. Fuck m-“

  Before I can finish he plunges his cock into me, from the tip to the hilt. It sends my body into explosive shivers. I can feel him deep inside me, deeper than I’ve felt him before. My walls grip him, clamping onto his cock tightly and he groans.

  He drags himself out and then thrusts back into me with one smooth, hard stroke. Each thrust of his cock sends me closer and closer, feeling his cock throb and harden inside me.

  “I want you to come inside me,” I pant. “I want you to fill me with your cum.”

  Clay groans in response and thrusts into me harder. He pumps his cock into me, holding onto my shoulders for leverage until the electric sensation becomes too much. I go flying over the edge, my body outside of my control. I know my back is arching and my hands are gripping the sheets, but it’s almost like I'm watching it happen.

  The heat passes through my body like a tidal wave. My orgasm erupts inside me and sends tingles and shivers to every corner of my body. My vision goes black. Every nerve in my body is erupting at once and I’m sent flying through space, not knowing what is up or down. I’m screaming his name and then I feel it. I feel his cock throbbing and getting even thicker. His orgasm sends a new wave of pleasure exploding from my centre outwards.

  He pumps his seed into me, grabbing my body and trembling on top of me with every thrust. His cock is buried deep inside me when we both let the stillness take over, the only sound in the room being the sound of our heavy, laboured breathing.

  I relish the feeling of having him inside me. Each heartbeat sends more pleasure through my body. I feel him relax on top of me and know that he is definitely everything I want, everything I need. With him, I’m home.

  Chapter 50 - Clay

  Val has this little smile on her face that makes my heart swell. Her golden hair is around her on the pillow like a halo. Her cheeks are flus
hed and her eyes are clear blue like turquoise tropical water. I don’t want to look away from her. I want to drink her in, keep her in my sights and never let her go.

  I pull her in closer to me, letting my hands roam down her back. She nuzzles into me and moans in contentment.

  “I missed you,” I tell her quietly.

  She pulls her head back and strokes my cheek. Her touch is soft and tender, and I close my eyes to savour the sensation.

  “I missed you too,” she replies. “It’s been the worst three months of my life.”

  We stare at each other, trying to find the words to speak our hearts to each other. She starts.

  “I’m sorry I cut you off, Clay. It was a mistake. When I thought I lost you, I..” her words trail off and I can see her eyes welling up with tears.

  “Hey, hey,” I say gently, running my hands through her hair. “I’m here.” I pull back and look at her, staring intensely into her deep blue eyes. “I’m here, you hear me? I’m not going anywhere.”

  A tear rolls down her cheek and I brush it away gently. The sight of it makes my chest tighten.

  “Can you tell me what happened, Clay? I kept telling myself you were a bad person, a player but I don’t know… I just don’t believe myself.”

  Her voice is strained, like she has a lump in her throat. I can see the tears welling up again and I stroke her hair. “Tell me you’re not a bad person, Clay,” she whispers hoarsely.

  I take a deep breath. “I worked as a male entertainer when I was in med school,” I start. She frowns slightly and I feel the corner of my mouth tugging upwards. “A stripper.”

  “So it was true,” she says, eyes widening. I can feel her heartbeat next to me, getting faster as she processes what I’ve told her.

  “That part was. I met Caroline in my first year, at a bachelorette party.”

  “A bachelorette party… so.. she knew?”

  “She knew from the start. I tried to be clear with her, that I couldn’t stop doing it, not while I was in med school. The money was too good and the schedule worked with my crazy school hours.”

  The memories start tumbling back to me and my voice catches in my throat. I take a deep breath and continue.

  “I never cheated on her.” My voice is hard, strained. The emotion is making it hard to speak but I want to tell her. I have to tell her, she has to believe me. Val’s eyes are wide as she waits for me to keep talking.

  “Not once. I never touched another woman, never even considered it, but you can imagine the type of job it is. I couldn’t stop working though. It’s always been my dream to be a doctor and I wasn’t going to let something like money get in the way. She just… couldn’t handle it. She couldn’t handle me being surrounded by all those women all the time.” I take a deep breath and look at Val. She’s listening to every word, eyes wide, gaze intent on me. I can’t tell what she’s thinking but I have to continue.

  “I don’t blame her. Not for that. I know that I wouldn’t be able to handle it if my partner was working a job like that. But then..” I sigh. “I wish I’d broken it off with her. I knew she couldn’t handle it, but I was too weak. I didn’t want to be alone.”

  I’m quiet for a while and Val brings her hand up to my cheek.

  “What happened?” She asks quietly.

  I look at her. She’s not judging me, she’s just quietly listening, waiting for me to tell her my story. To speak the words I haven’t told anyone.

  “She told me she’d rat me out, tell the guidance counsellor at school that I was working as a male stripper and make sure I never got an internship unless I stopped dancing. Either way she was backing me into a corner, forcing me to give up being a doctor.”

  “Oh Clay,” Val breathes. “That’s awful.”

  “Then she cheated on me. I found her in bed with my best friend.”

  Hot tears roll down my cheeks and for the first time in almost five years, the betrayal I felt comes to the surface. Val holds me and lets me cry, cooing soft words into my ear. Her voice pierces through the sadness and the betrayal and lifts me up. I feel lighter until my throat opens up and I can speak again.

  “I have photos, Val. I can show you the bachelorette party where Caroline and I met. I swear on everything that is holy that she knew what I was.”

  “Clay, I believe you. I believe you.”

  “When I saw Emma at the restaurant, I… Val. You have to believe me. I know how it feels to find your partner with your best friend and I never meant to hurt you. I would never do that to you.”

  “Clay, stop. Emma is my best friend, and she told me to make up with you that day. I was mad and jealous, I hate the thought of you with anyone else. But I know it was before us and I believe you when you say you wouldn’t do that to me.”

  We both lay there in silence, letting the words we’ve been speaking sink in. Val opens her mouth and starts speaking softly.

  “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you, didn’t let you speak to me and explain everything.”

  I shake my head.

  “I should have tried harder,” I say. “After Caroline, I vowed to never let someone else in, to never compromise my plans for the sake of a relationship. So when you ignored my calls I just gave in. I gave up.”

  Val’s eyes are watering again. “Why did you come back then?”

  I breathe deeply. Val’s skin is so soft next to mine, her heat is like a healing balm on my heart.

  “I came back because you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I was working my dream job in Seattle but I dreamt of you every night. Val, I love you.” My voice catches in my throat and I force myself to continue. “I need you. I’ve never been happier than when I’m with you.”

  Val puts her delicate fingers over my lips to silence me. Her voice is barely louder than a breath, and her eyes are sparkling like diamonds in the sunlight.

  “I love you too, Clay O’Neill,” she whispers, and then brings her lips to mine. My heart soars and I grip her tight against me. I’m never letting her go again.

  Epilogue - Valerie

  Eight months later…

  I’m pacing up and down the apartment, impatient for Clay to get home from work. He disappeared this morning, saying he had to go into the clinic. He didn’t listen to my protests about it being Sunday, just took off. Then he called me this morning saying he has a surprise for me, and to dress for dinner.

  Another one of his surprises.

  We’ve been living in New York, in his apartment in Soho. He decided not to go back to Seattle, saying it was too rainy. I’m not sure that’s true, I think maybe he just missed the buzz of NYC. They’ve been the happiest months of my life.

  I don’t know why - I’m jittery and excited, I can’t wait for him to get here. I keep checking the clock and then my watch and then my phone for the time, and they keep crawling by at a snail’s pace. I’m dressed in a silky long black dress that hugs my figure. My hair is down, and I’m wearing the simple diamond pendant Clay got me for my birthday a couple months ago.

  Finally I hear the elevator door ding, and I rush to the front door and swing it open wide before he can get to it. He’s wearing a suit and carrying a bouquet of flowers. Tiger lilies, my favourite.

  His shock at the door flying open turns to a tender smile. He scoops his arm around my waist and brings his lips to mine. He smells of musk and spice and his lips taste sweet. I melt into him and breathe in his scent. I could kiss him all night.

  Ignoring my insistent kisses, he pulls away and presents me with the bouquet of flowers.

  “These are for you,” he says with a smile.

  “They’re beautiful, Clay! What’s the occasion?”

  “It’s a surprise,” he says with a wink. “Now put those things in water and let’s go.”

  We head down onto the busy street. Clay has his arm around my waist, holding me tight to him. I love how our bodies just seem to fit together perfectly, like
all his crooks fit into my crannies.

  Clay sets the pace to an easy stroll, even when I try to speed us up. He lets out a deep, baritone laugh.

  “Are you impatient or something? You keep trying to drag me along.”

  “I’m just wanting to get to where we’re going! You know how I hate surprises.”

  “You love surprises. Don’t even pretend like you don’t.”

  He gives me a sidelong glance and my cheeks blush. I roll my eyes in an exaggerated motion but I know he’s right. I love his surprises. Almost as much as I love him.

  I resign myself to his slow stroll. His arm around me fills me with warmth, knowing that I’m walking next to the man I love. Next to the man who loves me.

  “Do you know what today is?” He asks me as we walk.

  “Umm.. Sunday?”

  “Very astute,” he says sarcastically. “No, it’s one year since you walked into my office. One year since you walked into my life.”

  My heart flutters. He’s right.

  “You remembered,” I breathe.

  “Remembered? It was the best day of my life.”

  We walk for ten minutes and then Clay pulls me down a street. Halfway down the block he slows to a stop.

  “We’re here!” He says with a smile.

  I look up at the building and my jaw drops. Gallant’s. It’s New York City’s most popular new restaurant. It’s booked up for months, you basically need to be an A-list celebrity to get a table.

  “Clay! How…?”

  “The owner was one of my patients. Owed me a favour. Doesn’t matter because tonight we have the best seat in the house.”

  He’s not wrong. The Maitre D sits us down at a table on a dais, away from most other people. There’s a small privacy screen halfway around the dais so it feels like we have our own little area of the restaurant.


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