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Sing A Twist

Page 12

by Brooke T. Mays

  “Yeah. How ‘bout you? Sorry I fell asleep on you.” He sat up and rubbed at his eyes, still smiling.

  “I slept, too. I guess we both needed it. Sorry, again, that I kept you up last night.” She pulled out the sandwiches and drinks first. Phillip was standing and looking around. She Sensed he was uncomfortable. “What’s wrong?”

  “Well, at home in the bayou I would know what to do. Here with you, I’m not sure. I don’t want you to think I’m a heathen.” Elena laughed as she guessed at where he was going. His discomfort was physical.

  “Believe it or not, I’ve peed in the forest before. I will do it again today. I planned for it.” She tossed him a little bag for trash and the toilet paper. “Go.” Phillip gave the toilet paper a dubious look but apparently decided to take it anyway. He walked away looking back occasionally until she couldn’t see him anymore. She finished getting the food and used some of the hand sanitizer she brought.

  When he returned they ate. It was a simple meal. Phillip peeled an orange and handed alternating slices to Elena. “I miss the water. I know it’s not exactly dry here with the river so close to campus, but I am used to the swamp. The fog the other morning, it reminded me of home. You see, the fog will rise up off the water in these twisting columns. Riding out on it in our pirogue as a kid with my dad, it felt like goan back in time. It opened before you and closed behind you.” He went on to describe the sights, sounds, and smells. He was such a natural story teller. While he was painting the scene, Elena was moving things out of the way. She had almost stopped listening to his words, instead focusing on the sound of his voice, the cadence of his story.

  She pulled her shirt over her head and folded it before setting it aside. Phillip’s voice stopped mid-word. “Keep talking. I’m listening.” She encouraged him with a smile.

  Phillip looked around nervously. “I doan remember what I was saying. What ya doan, cher? That looks like an invitation I doan want to pass up.” His eyes were glued to her body as she stood and removed her hiking boots. “I like what I’m seeing but I doan want to share this sight.” He was looking around again. She pulled off her shorts and was standing in front of him in only her bra and underwear. “How come I’m the only one nervous ‘bout this? Is this your thing? You like it in public? You get excited risking getting caught?” He sounded so incredulous and disbelieving that she had to laugh. She could Sense they were completely alone. There was no risk involved.

  “No, I am not into sex in public. We’re alone. No one is out here. I’m certain.” She removed the last of her clothes. Phillip slowly began unlacing his shoes still looking around occasionally. He kept up a running commentary as he undressed as well. He really was nervous.

  When he repeated for the second time, “You sure you want to risk this?” Elena answered by slowly rubbing her hands over her breasts and stepping up to him. It was a warm day, but the air had felt cool on Elena’s naked skin. Their bodies met and the heat of Phillip sent a thrill through her. Together they sank to the blanket on the ground with Elena on top.

  The kiss was deep and Elena moved her hips around against Phillip. She didn’t want to stop kissing him, but she needed him inside her. Phillip must have felt the same way because he lifted her up into a sitting position on him. She braced herself on his strong chest and worked him into her body. Slowly, she began to ride him. Sliding up along his shaft and sinking back down, pressing herself against his body when she did. His concerns of their being out in the open faded away. He was only focused on her. She arched her back and held her hands out. Phillip brought his to hers and she used them to help her increase the pace. With her body more upright the angle changed and she began grinding herself on his body, sliding more forward and back than up and down. Her moans seem to echo off the trees as she threw back her head as she reached orgasm. Phillip let her slowly finish. When Elena met his eyes again, he quickly flipped her over, guiding her onto her knees. With a few hard pumps he emptied himself into her, holding her in place for a long while with him buried in her as deeply as he could be.

  “If I’m goan to have you naked in a public forest, I might as well do this right. I’m all in now.” She appreciated the poker reference but sighed as he slid out of her. When she went to move, Phillip’s hands again held her in place. “No, you started this, but you’re goan to stay till I finish it. Put your head down.” One hand pushed lightly on her back as the other began stroking her. She was still so highly sensitized that her body twitched with each stroke. Elena felt a moment of shyness overcome her. She felt so exposed with her head down and ass in the air. But Phillip added his other hand and slid his fingers slowly in and out of her and she forgot how to be embarrassed. She felt him move away from her some, and she turned to try to look behind her to see him.

  He stopped her with his words, spoken low and gravelly. “Just be still and stay where you are, cher.” She realized he had moved back to get a better view. Elena couldn’t help the pleading whimpers coming out of her. She trembled but fought to stay in place to give him the best access to her. She didn’t want to move or do anything that might make him to stop doing exactly what he was doing. His entire focus was on her, and he used both hands to work her over. Rubbing her, sliding in and out of her. He added another finger and continued to slowly build the pace. Elena heard herself call his name. He kept up until she shuddered and came again. Breathing heavily, she could hold herself up no longer and collapsed onto her stomach.

  He was gentle as he rolled her over. He was gentle as he gathered both her legs and braced his arms behind her knees. But when he entered her, it was hard and fast, and his expression was anything but gentle. He looked possessive as he took her. She even Sensed some possession. Something in her couldn’t help but respond to that even as it frightened her a little. He collapsed onto her after his orgasm took him. She grunted a little at the weight of him but it felt so good to have him laying on her. She never wanted to move.

  He rolled slightly off of her. “I can’t move another inch, Elena. If someone comes up on us right now they’re goan to get a show.” She giggled some. He really was nervous about being caught. “You keep laughing. But I promise you, anyone else sees you naked like this, and I am goan to turn that pretty little ass of yours pink.”

  That only made her laugh more. “No you will not. And no one is out here but us.”

  “Doan you try me, cher. I already said I promise. So just keep that in mind in the future. I never knew you were a closet freak. I’ll do anythin’ to please my woman, true, but know this: we get busted, you’re getting busted. Later. After I cover you up and get you the hell out of there. That’s assuming we doan get arrested.”

  She laughed at him again. She actually couldn’t think of anything worse than having sex in a public place. Who knows what emotions she would pick up with her guard down so low? But she knew, even if Phillip didn’t, that there had been no danger of getting caught today. There were no other people within miles of them right now. Instead of trying to convince him of that, she said, “Ok. But I’m going to hold you to your promise.” The shock she Sensed was wholly rewarding.

  “And here I thought this day couldn’t have any more surprises left in it. You’re getting dressed first.” And with that, Phillip started handing her her clothes.

  When they were both dressed they decided to go for a walk. The scenery was nice, although the day was starting to get hot. Summer was trying to come a little early this year. They were lucky enough to spot some wildlife, a red-tailed hawk soaring through the air, and a couple of squirrels playing or fighting. It was hard to tell which. Unfortunately, there were also bugs out in force, especially the mosquitoes. They headed back to their blanket by the stream to gather their things and head back. They drank some water, resting for a bit in each other’s arms, quietly enjoying the time together. Phillip drained the ice that had melted in the cooler while Elena began folding up blankets and gathering their things, both sorry to see the day coming to an end.

sp; Almost back to the car, Phillip was not huffing as much since the cooler was a lot lighter now that they had eaten the food and drank most of the drinks. Elena could see the car ahead through the trees. In moments they would step out of the forest and back into the real world. Phillip looked around teasing he was going to miss the place where he discovered the freaky side of Elena and commenting on the heat. “Look at that,” he pointed to the grass around them at the edge where the pavement began. “The colors are changing into that deep summer green you know is goan to brown if we doan get some rain. Spring is coming to an end.”

  Elena missed a step as Phillip’s words seemed to echo her mother’s note. She stopped walking, one step away from the pavement. “What’s wrong, cher? You see a snake?” Phillip came up to stand right behind her, looking over her shoulder and around on the ground. It didn’t have to mean anything. She paused for a second and listened. There was no call.

  “No snakes. Just reluctant to go forward.” She took that last step out of the forest. After loading their things, she asked Phillip if he minded driving again. He didn’t, and they settled in. Elena determinedly relaxed into the seat. As they pulled off onto the main highway, Elena’s phone pinged. It meant she had a message. It pinged again. Three times, and then four, by the time she got it out. They must have just moved back into an area that had cell service. She checked the numbers first. She recognized none of them. The first three were from the same number and the fourth was a different one. At least it wasn’t Monica or Jacob. Well, she hoped. She supposed it could be someone else calling about them.

  Phillip turned down the radio for her as she started punching numbers to check them. The first message was a hang up. Impatiently, she erased it. She sat up in her seat. The second was from Evenfall. It was from a different number than his previous call. She could barely make out his voice. He was mostly moaning and crying, she thought. She saved it just in case. Maybe she could listen again and hear something in the background. The third message was his voice again. Elena, please help me. That was all it said though she could hear his breathing, slow and ragged, until the message ended. She saved it as well, though she feared she would forever be able to replay it in her mind. The last was from the Speaker. It was short and to the point. We need to meet. Tonight at ten.

  She hadn’t even realized Phillip had pulled over. Or that she was crying. When Spring’s hue changes, heed the call. But which one?

  Chapter 16

  Elena finally convinced Phillip to get back on the road. She apologized again about ruining his shirt, then explained first about Evenfall’s phone calls. Phillip was not pleased that he had contacted her again. He was also certain Evenfall was in no danger now. He hadn’t argued with her about calling the police again, but she could tell he thought it unnecessary. He had pointed out that he had obviously survived the first time. She had countered that survival did not equal unharmed. At which point he had bluntly stated that he was not her responsibility. No, Phillip had not argued with her but she was doing her best to start an argument. Elena wanted to focus on Evenfall. She was desperately worried about him, but she couldn’t even pretend that avoidance of the whole Speaker thing wasn’t playing a large part in that. Her excuses ran dry, and then it was time to explain about the Speaker. Elena almost decided to tell him everything. And she meant absolutely everything. If the Speaker was about to take everyone in her life away from her, she could at least enjoy a few moments with him as herself. She could finally give him the honesty he deserved. Finally, not be separated and apart from those she cared for most. As he wanted, at last, no secrets. But she held on to some little bit of hope. The Speaker had not erased her life after the debacle with Jason. He had shown himself to her on campus. He had not just shown up at her door wielding Voice hammering away at the precious life she had built. So she wouldn’t tell Phillip her whole story just now. That might just tip the odds against her and cause exactly what she was trying to prevent. But she would explain to him as much as she dared. As much as she could force out of her mouth. Literally.

  “The last message was from an associate of my parents. I have to meet with him tonight. He left no details, but in the past he has definitely been the bearer of bad news. In truth, he frightens me.” She spent the next ten minutes trying to diffuse Phillip. Perhaps she should have chosen a different phrase. “I am in no physical danger from him. He doesn’t frighten me that way. I am afraid of why he is here.” She drew in a deep breath. “Phillip, I know that it is. . . odd. . . how my parents and I communicate. Their places in life keep them rather involved, and letters are the best way for them to communicate with me. Sometimes, though, my mother sends this associate.” Her voice was coming out strange. She kept trying to say a word only to have it refuse to leave her lips. She should no longer think of the Speaker of her mother’s henchman, she supposed, since she obviously believed it wasn’t true. Otherwise, she would have been able to say it. She also could not say that her parent’s work kept them away either, since that wasn’t strictly true. Being able to blame it on their work would have been much more convenient.

  Phillip questioned her, of course. “What do you mean they send him? What do you mean their places in life? They only send letters or associates? What are they, the Amish mafia?” He was only half joking. Despite all her worries, it brought a smile to Elena’s face.

  “We are not Amish and are not allied with any organized crime. If we want to see each other, traveling is involved, and sometimes it takes a really long time. Cell phones and emails are not always available or reliable everywhere in the world.” Monica had once come to the conclusion that her parents travelled extensively for their jobs. Elena had helped that along as much as she could. She could honestly say she was checking flights and getting a cab. That didn’t mean she was going to the airport and getting on a plane before she left to visit them. “Sometimes more than a letter is required. So he comes. Or another. They are rarely able to come to me in person.” That part he already knew.

  Elena was worried at what she was Sensing, but Phillip obviously decided to let her answer suffice. “Ok. So why do you think this guy is here now? What has you so worried, and what is his name, anyway?” All of those were good questions. She wished she knew the answers. She answered what she could.

  “His name is Aiden. I don’t know why he is here now. I wish I did. He has never shown up with happy news or just to say hello. But there is more. Do you remember the letter my mother sent? She was warning me. . . of something.” She was watching his face as she said it. He leveled a look at her. She supposed that was as clear as mud. “Well, the letter was a bit cryptic. If you read it, well, I don’t think it would make things much clearer.” Her voice became very small. “You might even think we are. . .” She trailed off, unable to finish. Crazy, she wanted to say. Weird. Just way too different, might fit too. Whatever the words, she was afraid her would reject her.

  “Cher, I doan much care who your parents are or whatever their work involves them in. I do care about you. And I doan want you hurt. By their actions or their lack of actions.” He was feeling angry and protective right now. “I doan want you goan to see this guy. This doan feel right or safe.”

  “I won’t be going to see Aiden. He will come to me. You can be at the house, but you can’t be with us as we talk. It won’t be my choice, Phillip. I would have you there if I could. I trust you implicitly. Please believe me that it will go best if you don’t push the subject. Meet him, and then excuse yourself. He will introduce himself as a friend of my parents. I will introduce you as my boyfriend, but if he says that we have business to discuss, and I am sure he will, please respect that and allow us to talk in private.” She was hoping that specifically mentioning that he was her boyfriend would help appease him, though unsure if it was working. She was Sensing so many conflicting emotions, but gold kept flashing through the car, warming her heart.

  “You can call me your boyfriend, Elena, but I am more. I am your lover, your man, but I a
m your friend first, and always will be. This secrecy, almost cloak and dagger stuff, makes me afraid for you. I know Monica feels this way sometimes, too. She’s said so. We all love you, Elena. We doan want you hurt. Is he putting you in danger?” His voice was hard when he said the last, but she leaned over as far as she could to kiss him, moved by his words, murmuring about her man, silencing him. Although, in truth, it was the friend part that turned her heart over in her chest. Phillip smiled, and his mood lightened a little. “I’m considering all possibilities here. Are they spies?”

  Elena laughed. “No. But I suppose I couldn’t tell you if they were.” There was a moment of silence. “I know that this whole situation is . . . different. It embarrasses me, truly. The-” she stopped herself. She had been about to say Speaker. She shook her head. “Sorry. Aiden, is not going to put me in danger.”

  By this time, they were actually getting close to home. “Alright. I will be there to help if you decide you need me, but I woan get in your business. Elena, you seem pretty sure of how this will all play out. How many times has this happened, anyway?”

  Elena sighed, “Enough to be pretty confident. I have known the guy my whole life. He is pretty consistent. I guess that’s one positive attribute he has.”

  “You doan like him. Am I about to meet an ex-boyfriend?” Phillip had started to feel jealous until Elena snorted and laughed all at the same time while shaking her head. The idea of that was unimaginable to her. “I guess not.” He grinned his should-be famous, should-be outlawed grin at her, and she smiled along with him. They spent the rest of the short ride listening to music, holding hands or with her head on his shoulder, but always touching. Elena never wanted to let go.

  When they got home and unpacked, Elena made another call to the police. She had learned from the last time not to call 911. The sheriff’s office sufficed for calls such as this. At least by their rule book. She related the whole story to the officer who took her call. She included the details of the first phone call and reiterated her fears. The officer suggested she block calls from his number, change her number, and then asked if she wished to petition for a restraining order. She tried to explain again that she was worried for Evenfall, not herself. She supposed having a name other than Evenfall to call him would have helped her case. The call went about as poorly as she expected, and even though she wasn’t surprised, she was disappointed. Some part of her had hoped for help for Evenfall.


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