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Visions of Chaos

Page 46

by Des Pensable

  He had had the usual sexual fantasy dreams that young men have, but this was like nothing he had ever experienced. Her emotion and bliss coupled with his swept his mind to another dimension. His bliss stimulated hers once again, which stimulated his and so it went on and on, with each triggering the other until she fell unconscious, sliding off his back and rolling over his stomach to end as a limp heap in a pool of white goo on the ground in front of his haunches.

  She awoke before him some moments later with a radiant glow about her that outshone the sun, and calmly wiped his ejaculate off her chest and stomach.

  ‘By the Lady, bears produce a lot of semen,’ she thought, as she dug a hole next to the pool and watched it seep in, then covered it with soil. She searched in the shaman’s hut for water to wash herself and cleanse his fur.

  She stretched and smiled, then kicked him in the rear.

  ‘Wake up, Tain! We’ve got work to do you lazy bear,’ she said vocally, as their mindlink had vanished.

  Rori stood hypnotised, then discreetly disappeared.

  Aquitain woke with a start and it took a few moments before his mind began working again. He looked around and saw Miranda radiating love, energy and vitality as if she was the Lady herself. He reformed a mindlink with her.

  ‘Oh God, Mandy, I never believed it could ever be like that. That was like nothing on this world!’ he said as she moved and hugged him around the neck.

  ‘Thank you, Tain my love. You made me feel like a goddess. I felt I was going to die in absolute ecstasy, and I couldn’t stop it. I didn’t want to stop it. I want you to do it again, but I’m afraid I will die if we do.’

  ‘You’re right Mandy, we will! You’ve totally drained me. I have no energy left at all. I need to sleep.’ And he fell asleep again.

  ‘Useless, damn bear. You’d think they’d have more stamina,’ she thought, changing to her eagle form to shoot off into the morning sky, flying up at an acute angle until her muscles ached and she was higher than she had ever flown before. Her mind finally calmed and she looked out serenely over the world and felt how beautiful it all was.

  She imagined that she was the Lady looking out over her domain. She now had someone to share it with. Someone wonderful, loving, strong, intelligent… and heaps of other superlatives. If only he could remove the tattoo, she could completely lose herself in him and he in her. They could be in perfect harmony in mind, spirit and body. They could die happily together in each other’s arms knowing they had fulfilled the most extreme dreams and desires of every young couple.

  She drifted lazily around the sky on the air currents for more than an hour, fantasizing on what it would be like when the tattoo was removed, then as some rain clouds approached she decided to return.

  Aquitain was awake and talking with Rori. As she glided in and changed shape to her newman form he created a mindlink with her.

  ‘I hope that you’ve cooled down a little, Mandy. We’ve got some work to do and problems to solve, and there’s no way I’ll be able to think about anything else if you’re like you were.’

  ‘You’re safe for the moment,’ She replied with a grin. ‘What’s the problem?’

  ‘There are a lot of Barra children held captive at the temple. We’re needed to help rescue them. Do you feel like a bit of action?’

  ‘Do I ever,’ she replied with a suggestive grin. ‘But I guess we’d better save the children,’ and she became a bit more serious.

  ‘What happened last night, it’s a bit fuzzy?’

  He filled in the missing information, telling her what had happened after they left the Barra ritual: the war council; the mutiny; the Crin; Zephira’s fight; and finally the capture of the mask and her near death. He wasn’t happy about the last bit, and she picked up on it straight away.

  ‘What’s wrong? You should be happy. We’ve captured the mask and I’ve recovered,’ she said.

  ‘I made a bad decision and almost got you killed. Maybe next time I will get you killed, and then I couldn’t live with myself. Maybe Alpha and your mother are right. I’m too dangerous to be with. Maybe you should stay here while I go and sort out the problems.’

  ‘No! I don’t want that!’ she objected loudly.

  ‘Do you expect me to sit around here every day wondering if you’re alive or dead? For the first time in my life I’m really alive and I’m helping people and doing something good, and keeping you alive is part of it. It’s a risk I want to take. It’s my choice, not yours or my mother’s or anyone else’s. It’s mine alone, and if I die doing it then I will have died doing what I wanted to do.’

  Rori noticed that Miranda looked unhappy and was concentrating on Aquitain and he on her. He guessed they were discussing something sensitive using their mindspeak, so left to find Kami.

  ‘Good,’ Aquitain said. ‘I just want to make sure you know what you’re getting yourself into.’

  ‘I do,’ she replied, then suddenly asked who had healed her.

  ‘I did,’ he said. ‘I used the healing song of the little people.’

  ‘I’m surprised that they agreed. They use empathic healing, and that’s terribly painful I’ve heard.’

  ‘It is, believe me it is! Please don’t try to focus power again. You survived it once. Next time you won’t.’

  Miranda hugged him tightly around the neck and whispered into his ear.

  ‘Thank you again Tain, my love. It hurts me to know that I caused you pain in healing me. I’ll try not to get badly hurt again.’

  ‘I deserved it for not looking after you properly,’ he said.

  Then her mood changed again.

  ‘There you are! The Lady is watching over us, even when you make bad decisions. Besides, no one can make the right decisions all the time. Under that furry rug you’re only a newman, and they make mistakes all the time. What’s one bad decision amongst many good ones? Think positively, we’re both alive, and we’ve caught the mask.’

  ‘I am happy about those things, but they have created another problem,’ Aquitain said.

  ‘I decided that the mask wasn’t a portal, and hence I disbelieved Xentos’ story about the Chaos Lord helping Erastius to dominate him. That’s where our problem started; he was right. All my training, knowledge and experience told me that I was right, but I was wrong. I’ve re-examined the information on how the mask was made. It can’t be a portal, yet it is. How can that be? Something fundamental is wrong!’

  ‘Perhaps there is another mask, or maybe someone has done something to it since it was originally made?’ offered Miranda.

  ‘Both of those things are unlikely,’ Aquitain replied. ‘There’s something unique about that mask that is breaking the rules.’

  ‘Ha. Ha. You’re upset because you were wrong. I don’t believe it. How could a mind wizard be wrong? This is serious. It just doesn’t make sense,’ she laughed, and began dancing around him singing that it just didn’t make sense.

  At first he was annoyed, but her contagious happiness and the absurdity of what she was singing changed his mood to one that was a lot lighter. It was good to see her well and happy.

  He wished he could be a normal newman and hug and kiss her and he wasn’t even game to think about the sex they would have. He was determined that it would come and that the Powers manipulating them were not going to get it all their own way. The first rule he had learnt as a merchant was to always charge what the client is prepared to pay. He would ensure they got well paid for anything the gods wanted them to do.

  ‘All right, you seem recovered enough. It’s time for some work,’ he said. ‘Let’s see how the villagers fared. With luck they might feed us. I’m hungry again. How about you?’

  ‘I’m hungry enough to eat a bear, growwwl,’ she said. And jumped on him and bit him on the neck.

  He winced a little at the pain, but knew his skin was too thick for her to draw blood; but it made him wonder if there was something in her head that was still wrong. Then she said suddenly,

m sorry. I got a little carried away again,’ and she kissed where she had bitten him to make it better. ‘I feel on top of the world. We’ve done it again. The Mighty Miranda and her furry sidekick have struck terror into all those that would ruin the world!’

  If he could have smiled he would have but bears can’t show any facial expressions. She was definitely in a playful mood, and it brought back memories of how passionate she had been after they had first found the mask at the shrine. These fights had really turned her on. Her near death had only made her worse. She must have inherited the passion from her nymph mother. What an extraordinary woman she was. She’s transformed from a prudent, introspective conservative to a fiery, chaotic risk taker, unafraid to express her feelings or to hold back her emotions, and all because of him.

  He thought about himself. She had transformed him as well. He now had something he wanted, something he really cared about, and something he would fight the gods for and use all his strength and power to protect. She was his and he hers.

  He was now dangerous, because he had something truly precious to lose. He pondered for a few moments on whether the bear body or the increased power in his source were affecting him as Alpha had suggested, and then concluded it didn’t really matter. That’s the way it was, and from now onwards their way would be as it would be.

  ‘Now, to planning!’ he thought.

  Chapter 35 The Temple Puzzle

  As the morning light shone down on her flaming hair Miranda knelt in meditation. She thanked the Lady for their success in the battle the previous night, for keeping her alive, and for blessing her with Aquitain’s love. She asked the goddess to watch over them both and guide them in their quest. She prayed for success in finding the children and for as many healing prayers as she could take, since she knew that if there was further fighting her healing abilities would be in great demand.

  She didn’t plead to have the cursed tattoo taken off. She now believed that it was there for a purpose, and had no doubt that Tain would remove it in due course. She knew Aquitain loved her and she loved him, and that would be enough for now. She went to him and cuddled him around the neck again, whispering in his ear how much she loved him, but he was much more interested in eating.

  The villagers brought him a load of food and he pleased them by eating it all. Rori was now a village hero. He supervised the food for the bear and even Kami had to admit he had the makings of an excellent shaman.

  Kami for his part apologised for being shot and not attending the big fight, but was really pleased with the way it had turned out. Not a single villager had been harmed. He wished to accompany Aquitain when they went to the temple, saying that he could help by getting the Barra people to sing. Aquitain agreed.

  Miranda had a quick light meal, and after he finally ran out of food she managed to capture his attention so that they could discuss their tactics. She felt that she should teleport to the Crin city to discuss with the Queen the use of the platoon of Crin fighters. She was worried that Xentos might have lost his nerve a little after being dominated, and might not be prepared to commit the Crin fighters to any serious battle if one broke out. Better to be safe than sorry.

  Aquitain concurred, and this gave him an idea. It was time to flex his muscles. After the pain of healing Miranda the previous night, he didn’t want to have to do that again soon. If they were going to have trouble then it was better to be thoroughly prepared, but he decided to keep it a surprise for the time being.

  They agreed to use Goth as the teleport marker and to meet wherever it was located at midday.

  Miranda gave him a loving hug told him to stay out of trouble until she was there to rescue him. She changed to an eagle and flew off. Aquitain teleported to Twin Towers with Kami. Rori was unhappy about missing out, but the Jeti chief was adamant that they couldn’t afford to lose both Kami and Rori. One would have to stay behind, and Rori was that one.

  On arrival Aquitain changed to his giant newman form and almost immediately discovered a problem. His steps were so large that Kami had to take ten for his one, and Kami was quite old. He didn’t want to wear the old shaman out before getting to the temple, so he offered Kami a ride on his shoulder. Kami at first refused, but after running to keep up with the giant for a few hundred paces he saw the virtue in it and accepted a ride.

  The sight greeting the six guards on the roadblock must have been quite humorous, for they all had smiles except for the sergeant in charge. He was quite sour and perhaps a little stupid, for he stopped Aquitain and wouldn’t let him pass.

  ‘I’m Wizard Captain Brown Bear. I wish to see the High Wizard or Druid Quab,’ boomed Aquitain.

  ‘I was told to let no one pass unless I know them or they are authorized.’

  ‘I am authorised to pass. I was here yesterday,’ said Aquitain.

  ‘You may have been authorised yesterday, but not today,’ said the sergeant, and it’s pointless in any case because both the High Wizard and Quab are unavailable at present.

  Aquitain lost his patience. He mind blasted the lot of them and continued onwards through the town to the wall gateway, where he was again stopped by the two guards on the gate.

  ‘I am Wizard Captain Brown Bear. I wish to see the High Wizard or Quab the druid.’

  ‘I’m sorry sir. We have been advised that they are unavailable today. Could you please come back tomorrow?’

  ‘I want to see whoever’s been left in charge,’ boomed Aquitain growing annoyed again.

  ‘That would be Lieutenant Black, sir, and he told us he’s not to be disturbed.’

  ‘Where is he?’ asked Aquitain.

  ‘At the Ugly Bear, Sir,’ said one of the guards.

  ‘Kami, do you have this trouble?’ asked Aquitain.

  ‘I am having these problems for all my life, Spirit Lord,’ replied Kami. ‘But is very good to see that the heads of the big people are being as thick as those of the small people.’

  Aquitain strolled down to the Ugly Bear Inn and banged on the roof.

  ‘Lieutenant Black come out!’ boomed Aquitain.

  The man raced out, sword in hand, followed by a stream of onlookers who, on seeing Aquitain, turned and ducked back inside.

  ‘What’s the meaning of this? Who are you?’ he said hesitantly.

  ‘I’m Wizard Captain Brown Bear I need to discuss some official business now, Lieutenant!’ he commanded.

  ‘Captain Brown Bear? Oh that Captain Brown Bear! The High Wizard and Quab are away at the moment. There’re at the trial of Senior Wizard Curbut. It’s being held at the Druid Council’s headquarters at Templegate. I’ve been left in charge.’

  ‘So I’ve been told. I wish to discuss some urgent business with you that can’t wait, and I don’t think that I can fit in the Inn,’ Aquitain said, patiently.

  ‘Oh. Of course! Let’s go for a walk in the camp,’ the Lieutenant suggested, and they moved off.

  ‘What’s that on your shoulder?’ he asked. Fortunately Kami didn’t understand the Lieutenant’s accent to well.

  ‘This is Shaman Kami of the Jeti tribe of little people. He is a powerful magic user and wise man.

  ‘I want a platoon of guards fully equipped for battle one hour before midday for a possible skirmish this afternoon, and I want enough wizards to transport them about fifty leagues. I also want some equipment from the armoury, and two wizards for magical defence.’

  ‘What! I can’t do that. Most of the men are off duty, and I’d need the High Wizard’s approval for that in any case.’

  ‘Listen carefully, Lieutenant. I had a battle yesterday with the person who attacked this town a few days ago, killing and injuring a lot of your people. I captured him, but nearly lost the Druid Princess Miranda in the fight. Had she died I can say without doubt that her mother Queen Snowbelle would have blamed this town and levelled it. I know where more of the villains are located, but I don’t yet know their numbers, and they could vanish quickly. I want a platoon of troops to bring them to justice. I’m
sure that this would go a long way to restoring the town’s confidence in the guards, and the High Wizard’s confidence in you.’

  ‘Ah since you put it that way, Captain Brown Bear. I will see what I can do. We needn’t use wizards to send them. I can authorize their transport via the commercial transporter.’

  ‘Good,’ said Aquitain. ‘Let’s get moving.’ The Lieutenant left and he and Kami sat in the shade chatting.

  An hour before midday the Lieutenant had assembled twenty-two men wearing chain mail and equipped with cross bows, short swords, water and one day of food rations. There were three files of seven each, commanded by a sergeant and one sub Lieutenant. The troops didn’t look happy, but Aquitain felt that this was understandable. They had had no warning to prepare themselves mentally, and were going with someone they didn’t know or trust.

  ‘Sub-Lieutenant Cross is equipped with a teleport marker and a communicator. We will have two healers standing by. Two wizards are on their way.’

  Aquitain had never commanded a platoon sized military group before, but he had been in charge of smaller groups or four and six of his grandfather’s guards on a number of occasions. He knew the procedure well, and he knew it was important for the men to know who was in charge from the beginning. They waited for five minutes before two wizards came strolling around the corner chatting. Aquitain hit them with a mind blast and they froze, stunned. Everyone present felt the surge of magic, and knew that he had done it.

  ‘Wizards that are slow will get people killed. I don’t want these two; get me two others that are prepared to move faster,’ said Aquitain so everyone could hear.

  ‘That was uncalled for,’ said Lieutenant Black reproachfully.

  ‘Immediately!’ Aquitain boomed.

  ‘Yes Sir,’ said the Lieutenant and sent sub-Lieutenant Cross running.


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