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Wilde Horses

Page 25

by Jannine Gallant

  “Sorry about that.” Roman’s white teeth flashed in the faint moonlight. “Did you need something?”

  “I came to get a level to use on the dance floor they’re building.” Blake pointed in the direction of the road. “I saw headlights, but they were turned off probably a quarter mile away from here. Strange, don’t you think?”

  “That is odd. I’m nearly positive no one is expected to arrive tonight. There’ll be a whole slew of people coming out tomorrow for the rehearsal dinner.” Roman shrugged. “Kids out joyriding, maybe. Or some teenage couple looking for a quiet spot to make out.” He turned. “I’ll get that level for you.”


  Blake followed the younger man through the barn. One of the cats strolled out from behind a stack of hay bales to rub against his ankles. He bent to pet it before taking the level Roman handed him.

  “I’m glad you could make it back for the weekend. I know Eden wanted you here.” His blue eyes narrowed. “I hope you intend to treat her right.”

  Blake’s hackles rose. “Of course, but what business is it of yours?”

  “She’s a friend, and I owe her.” Roman’s lips tightened. “I had a few problems last fall, and Eden stood in my corner and convinced her dad to give me my job back. The Wildes are good people.”

  “I agree.”

  “I said my piece, so I’ll drop it.” His smile held a hint of self-deprecation. “I’m not intimidated by your celebrity, and I have good reason to know being in the limelight can drag a person through the mud. I don’t want to see Eden get hurt if any of your secrets are exposed.”

  “I don’t have secrets, so you don’t need to worry about Eden.”

  “Good.” Roman turned away. “See you around, Blake.”


  The kid had a lot of nerve, but he had to respect his willingness to protect a friend. When Bramble poked his head over a stall gate and whickered softly, Blake stopped and stroked the horse’s nose. Was it possible Roman had a thing for Eden and had engineered the accidents to get him out of the picture? He dropped his hand to his side. The explanation didn’t feel right, and there was no way the younger man could have been in Malibu when the briquettes went up in flames. He touched the bandages under his shirt. The burns were healing, but the scars he’d have were a permanent reminder to be cautious.

  When his phone rang, he pulled it from his pocket and glanced at the display. With a sigh, he pressed the connect button as he left the barn and shut the door behind him. “Hey, Pris.”

  “Blake, I’m glad you answered. I’ve been going through Josie’s old things, and I found a few photos and other mementos I know you’ll want to have.”

  He closed his eyes for a moment and stood still. A cloud drifted across the moon, leaving the yard in darkness. “I have everything I need to remember Josie. She’ll always be in my heart, but I’ve moved on with my life, Pris.”

  “Oh.” Her voice was flat. “I just thought—”

  “You need to move on, too. How’s the new job?” He followed the sound of voices and laughter around the side of the house.

  “Fine. I am moving on, as you say, but I guess letting go of the past isn’t as easy for me as it is for you.”

  “I get that. Do you need anything?” When Sawyer approached, he handed him the level, gestured at the phone and grimaced.

  “No, I’m able to handle my own business.” She sneezed. “Excuse me, I think I might be getting a cold.”

  “Take care of yourself, then. I really need to go. Bye, Pris.”

  “I’ll do that. Good night, Blake.”

  He pocketed his phone and smiled at Sawyer. “Okay, I’m finally ready to help. Just put me to work.”

  Eden’s brother clamped a hand down on his shoulder. “That’s an offer no Wilde has ever refused. Right this way.”

  Chapter 22

  Eden flipped off the bathroom light and crossed the room to her bed. Moonlight filtered through the open window, casting a soft glow over Blake, stretched out beneath a thin blanket. She dropped her robe then lifted the edge of the sheet to slide in beside him. He tugged her close and wrapped her in his arms.

  She touched the bandage on his side. “How are your burns?”

  “Healing. The worst of the blisters have scabbed over, and they definitely won’t stop me from loving you tonight.”

  Pressing her nose to his bare chest, she breathed deep. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

  “I am, too. You were right about the chances of some freak getting close to you. With your whole family on the premises, any stranger would be spotted immediately. It’s not like when we were filming, and the crew and extras were coming and going in a steady stream.”

  “We’ll have even more people on the ranch tomorrow when Ainslee and Devin’s relatives arrive. They’re staying in Cody, but they’ll all be out here for the entire day.”

  His arms tightened. “I’m worried about the actual wedding. Griff mentioned well over a hundred guests are expected. No one will notice an uninvited stranger in a crowd like that.”

  “We’ll stay vigilant. I’m convinced you’re the target, which really pisses me off.” She pressed closer. “My guess is the person responsible is some psycho who hates your movies, or all rich actors, or who knows what. He could easily have been here on the ranch as an extra then headed back to Los Angeles when you left. Let’s hope the freak backed off when the police started actively investigating the accidents. Or maybe one of the threats in your fan mail will turn up a real lead.”

  Cupping her face in his hands, he kissed her then smiled in the dim light. “Tonight, I don’t care a whole hell of a lot. I have you beside me, and holding you in my arms is the only thing that matters.”

  Heat filled her along with a need that stole her breath, but fear niggled at the back of her mind that ultimately she’d have to tell this man good-bye. Nothing had been settled between them. Still, she was determined to push her worries aside for the weekend and let herself simply enjoy being with Blake.

  “Love is in the air.” She drew him down on top of her. “We might as well take advantage.”

  His quiet laugh slid over her senses. “We can’t possibly hold out against all those pheromones.” He threaded his fingers through her hair. “And I have no interest in trying.”

  When she wiggled beneath him, he drew in a sharp breath. Satisfaction surged. Knowing she had the power to make him forget everything but the two of them was a heady feeling. She kissed the side of his neck then ran her tongue along his collarbone. “I believe I owe you a proper thank you for convincing your buddy Kent to fly out here to perform on Saturday.”

  “You don’t owe me anything, but I’ll take whatever you want to give.”

  All my love. Forever. She forced back the words, needing to maintain a barrier around her heart, no matter how fragile. Instead, she let the moment dissolve in humor. “You can start at the top and work your way down to the good parts.”

  “Honey, every bit of you is perfect from the inside out. They’re all good parts.”

  He kissed her, a slow, drugging caress that tore away at her protective shield until she couldn’t resist any longer. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she held on tight. “I love you, Blake.”

  Pulling back a few inches, he traced the curve of her bottom lip with a finger. “I love you, too. We’ll make this work. Whatever it takes.”

  With a nod, she lost herself in loving him. Running her hands down his back, she touched the strength in his body, his character and his soul. When he slipped inside her, she let herself go, giving back stroke for stroke, kiss for kiss, until they came apart in each other’s arms.

  Flopping onto his back, he breathed deeply, his skin glistening with a layer of dampness. “That was…I’m not sure what it was. You’re amazing.”

  Happiness curled through her. “When two hearts collide, it makes quite an impact.”

  “I’ll say.”
Turning on his side, he fingered a strand of hair that lay across her breast. “You remind me of your wild horses.”

  “Furry with a raggedy mane and sharp hooves?”

  His teeth flashed in the moonlight. “Skittish and slow to trust at first, but so worth the effort.”

  She faced him, and when a chill shivered over her, she tugged up the covers they’d shoved to the foot of the bed. “You haven’t tamed me. I’m still my own person. No matter how much I love you, I have to live a life where I can make a difference.”

  “I know that.” He touched her cheek with a gentle hand. “How many groups of horses do you take in to train every year?”

  “It varies. I probably average four, and I generally have each small herd for a month or two. This last group was a fairly fast turnaround. Except for Apollo. I’m keeping him.”

  He smiled. “Good, I can still try to show him who’s boss.” He slid an arm around her and tugged her closer. “So, you generally have a break between groups?”

  “Not always, but most of the time I do. I can be flexible with my schedule. I work closely with the Bureau of Land Management and try to take horses whenever they have more than they can place through regular adoption programs.”

  “Still, you have periods of time where you could leave the ranch?”

  She nodded then rested her head on his shoulder. “I want to work this out, but living in Southern California for extended periods of time would destroy me little by little.” She blinked back tears. “That’s not who I am, Blake.”

  He stroked her hair. “I know, but what if I cut back to making only one movie per year? I’d probably have a couple of months where I’d need to be in Hollywood, but no more than that other than short trips for events and endorsements. I was already planning to ease off my schedule, so don’t worry that I’m making some noble gesture or paying the ultimate price to be with you.”

  She rose up on one elbow to look down at him. “You’d really want to do that?”

  “I’m certainly willing to give it a shot. I’m burned out on making two or three movies a year, and I wouldn’t mind spending time on other activities.” He pulled her down for a kiss. “Namely, you.”

  “Uh, I don’t think we can hang out in bed twenty-four-seven.”

  “Sounds like fun, but probably not. I’ll need to find something to keep me busy. I also can’t live in your parents’ home indefinitely, although I’m fine with buying a place somewhere in the area. We’ll have to work out the details.”

  She let out a breath. “You talk about purchasing a house the same way I mention getting groceries. I guess making major life changes is easier when you’re rich.”

  “Most things are.” He cupped her chin. “Is my wealth a problem for you?”

  “No.” She hunched a shoulder. “I mean, I guess not, but it’s something I’ll have to get used to.”

  His smile was just visible in the dim light. “One more thing I love about you, Eden. You prickle at my millions instead of picturing yourself rolling in cash, tossing hundred dollar bills in the air.”

  “It might be fun if we were both rolling around naked.”

  “I’d be down with that.” He yawned. “But right now, maybe we should get some sleep. I seem to remember your whole family gets up at the crack of dawn.”

  “Fine, we’ll sleep.” She lay back down and curled up beside him. “Do you know how unbelievable you are? Kind and giving and willing to sacrifice for me.”

  “Only because it’s what I want. Don’t kid yourself we won’t clash now and then before we figure this out.”

  She pressed a kiss to his chest. “But we’ll find a way to compromise. Together.”

  * * * *

  Eden’s two oldest brothers stood beneath an arch of flowering vines beside the minister who would perform the ceremony. Both wore smiles and didn’t look nervous. Not much anyway. Blake wondered if he’d be as calm on his wedding day. Turning in his chair as the music changed, he let out a breath as Ainslee’s younger brother, Gabe, led his mother down the aisle to seat her in the front row then took a place near the grooms as an usher. Tripp followed with Devin’s mother before joining his brothers. Still no sign of Eden.

  A nudge to his side had Blake glancing toward the man occupying the seat next to him. Walton Hinsdale had come damn close to becoming the current president of the United States.

  “A hundred bucks says Tripp will be up there speaking his vows before the year is out.” Walton’s lips parted in a toothy grin.

  Blake kept his voice low. “Do I look like a sucker? I’ve seen the way he lights up every time Hannah walks into the room.”

  “Is it any wonder?” The ex-congressman nodded toward the back patio where Hannah posed for a moment in her deep blue bridesmaid dress before heading down the aisle. “The girl is a looker.”

  “Hush, Walton. Here comes Eden.” His wife shushed him.

  Blake focused his attention on the gorgeous woman gliding toward him. Her dress hugged her figure in a way that set his heart to racing. With her dark hair flowing down her back in silky waves, she was so beautiful it almost hurt to look at her. Eden met his gaze, and blue eyes that matched the color of her dress sparkled with happiness. His breath gusted out as she took her place next to Hannah beneath the arch.

  The harpist struck a chord as Ainslee walked into view on the arm of her father. Her long auburn curls were gathered into some sort of knot at the top of her head before cascading down over an off-the-shoulder dress. She was followed by Devin and her father. Her joy was clear to see in her shining blue eyes as she approached in a sleek dress trimmed in pearls that shimmered in the afternoon light. Both women were stunning, but Blake couldn’t take his gaze off Eden, who looked like she might cry as the brides neared their grooms.

  “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today…”

  Blake tuned out as the ceremony progressed. He finally dragged his attention away from Eden to focus on the guests seated in rows of white folding chairs on the lawn behind the house. They faced the wedding party beneath the arch with the distant mountains as a backdrop. He had to admit the setting was stunning, and he imagined Eden would want something similar for her own wedding. Picturing himself at her side wasn’t difficult. Not since his youth, when he’d sincerely believed he’d marry Josie, had he thought about spending his life with any one woman. Not until he met Eden. His gaze returned to her rapt expression as her oldest brother exchanged vows with the woman he loved, and his heart clenched as he envisioned a future with this woman.

  A sneeze on the other side of the aisle jerked him out of the fantasy. The man tucking a handkerchief back into his pocket was an old friend and employee of Griff’s, Joe something. Blake had been introduced to the crew from Griff’s salvage boat when they’d arrived that morning. Behind them sat Sawyer’s rafting employees and the ranch hands. His gaze skimmed over a host of unfamiliar faces, and he couldn’t help wondering if the person who’d tried to burn him alive was among them. He sure as hell hoped not.

  Blake shifted slightly, and his gaze locked with the dark brown eyes of an extremely tall black man. When Parnell Jones gave him a subtle thumbs up, Blake grinned. Amazing. Between the basketball legend seated in the rear, the ex-congressman beside him and his buddy Kent waiting to sing at the reception, the place was crawling with celebrities.

  Turning to face forward, his brows lowered when his gaze landed on a blond woman in black pants and a white shirt standing alone near the pasture fence. From a distance, he couldn’t make out her features, but something in her stance seemed familiar as she hurried toward the area where the caterer’s van was parked beside the barn. Maybe she’d been one of the workers hired to help feed the cast and crew while they were filming.

  “Hey.” Walton nudged him as a cheer went up from the crowd.

  Blake rose to his feet when he realized everyone was standing to clap as the two newly married couples made their way down the aisle. He sought
out Eden, and their gazes locked as she followed behind Sawyer and Devin. When she drew even with him, she reached out to take his arm, and he fell into step beside her.

  “You’re so beautiful, you take my breath away.”

  “Thank you.” She smiled up at him. “How amazing was that ceremony? I can’t believe Sawyer got all choked up saying his vows. It was all I could do not to cry.”

  “You’re allowed.” He dropped a kiss on the top of her head as they moved toward the patio where waiters hovered with trays of appetizers. “It’s not every day your brothers get married.”

  “Tripp will be next.” She let out a long breath. “Let’s grab something to drink and then mingle. There are a lot of old friends and relatives here I’d like you to meet.”

  “Sure.” He followed her around from one group of people to another until his head spun with names and faces. Finally, they sat across from Tripp and Hannah when dinner was served.

  Tripp leaned back in his chair and grinned. “Well, it’s a done deal. Both my brothers bite the dust.”

  Eden eyed him steadily. “They look happier than I’ve ever seen them.”

  “True enough.” He picked up Hannah’s hand and squeezed it. “I guess there’s a lot to be said for marriage when it’s to the right woman.” He met Blake’s gaze. “How do you feel about the subject? If a person can believe what they see on TV, most celebrity couples are divorced practically before the ink dries on their marriage certificates.”

  “I’ve seen a lot of failed relationships, but every now and then there’s a success story. I don’t intend to be a negative statistic.” Under the table, he rested his hand on the silky dress covering Eden’s thigh. “The key is to work out the kinks before you tie the knot.”

  She gave him a quick grin. “The way I see it, the marriage is an added bonus. I’d be down with just the wedding so I can dress up. How beautiful do Devin and Ainslee look in those amazing gowns?”

  Hannah sighed. “I love them both, and the idea of sharing your wedding day with your best friend is pretty special. Neither seems to mind not being in the spotlight alone.”


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