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Page 7

by Marta Brown

  “Oh yeah, sure, bud.” He pulls out his wallet and hands me twenty five bucks. “It’s all I got on me, man.”

  “No, it’s great. Thank you so much, I’ll pay you back tomorrow,” I say before running out of the garage. It won’t be a huge tip, but at least it’ll cover the bill.

  I jog up the stone path back toward the clubhouse, cash in hand, and come to an abrupt stop when I see Ashley standing outside clutching her purse and flowers as she scans the parking lot. Why is she outside? I haven’t been gone that long, have I?

  I straighten my tie and quickly walk the rest of the way up the path, hoping I’m not sweating.

  “Is everything okay?” I ask.

  “Everything is fine.” She smiles. “Ready?” she asks, wrapping what looks like a thin black scarf around her bare arms.

  “Okay. Sure. Let me just run in and take care of the bill real quick,” I say and head for the front door.

  She reaches out and grabs my hand as I walk by stopping me. “I took care of it already.”

  “But—” I start to say before she cuts me off.

  “Lane, I asked you out, remember?” she says softly. She looks down at our entwined hands and then back up into my eyes. “It’s my treat.”

  She took care of it? Her treat?

  I’m pretty confident she must know, or at least suspect I couldn’t cover the bill and that’s why she paid for dinner and not because she technically asked me out.

  “Uh, thanks,” I say, letting go of her hand and feeling like a complete fool standing there with a wad of crumpled bills in one hand and my pride figuratively crumpled on the ground.

  Great. First. Date.

  Chapter 10


  I glance at the clock on my car’s dashboard after pulling out of the club’s parking lot and head down the coast towards home. I switch off the music, too flustered to concentrate. I can’t believe it’s only eight and our date is already over, and worse, I can’t stop over analyzing what went wrong. Did I do something? Say something? I’m at a loss.

  I’d thought it was going so well, except for the small hiccup when we first arrived. But I’m pretty sure Lane didn’t realize I overheard Mr. Billings insinuate he was over dressed for washing dishes. Thankfully.

  Otherwise, the evening had been great. Our table had a beautiful view of the boats in the harbor, dotting the dark water with the warm light of their berths. But I hardly paid them any attention, too caught up in staring at Lane. He was wearing a gorgeous tie that brought out the gray in his crystal blue eyes and his hair was perfectly messy in that stylish I just fell out of bed kind of way. And our conversation had been effortless. I found myself laughing easier and more often than usual, and Lane seemed to be having as nice a time.

  As first dates go, it was wonderful. Or at least I’d thought so, until the end.

  I’m not sure what transpired in such a short amount of time, but when I met Lane outside after taking care of the bill, since I’d technically asked him out, everything that had felt so easy all night felt awkward and forced. Lane eventually thanked me for dinner before walking me to my car and giving me a handshake goodnight. A handshake? I didn’t know what else to do than to leave, quickly.

  “Great first date, Ash,” I say out loud, chastising myself for blowing it, but still not sure what had exactly gone so wrong. Maybe I’ll never know. I doubt Lane will be calling me again.

  A car horn breaks me from my thoughts. I glance in my rear-view mirror and see Lane flashing his headlights at me. Did I forget something? Like a pat on the back?

  I pull into the beach’s parking lot and unroll my window as Lane pulls his car into the spot next to mine. He jumps out of his car, not bothering to use the actual door, and I can’t help but swoon a little. He looks so effortlessly cool.

  “Is everything okay?” I ask, wondering why he’s flagged me down.

  “No, everything is not okay,” he says, opening my car door.

  “What’s wrong?”

  He takes my hand in his, a shy smile playing on his lips. “What’s wrong is that I don’t want our date to be over.”

  I take a deep breath returning his smile and reveling in the feel of his hand wrapped around mine. “Me either.”

  “I’m so sorry for before, I just…well…I just wanted to take you on a great date, but I think I failed.” Lane tightens his hands around mine and takes a step forward leaving only a small distance between our bodies. “Bad.”

  “No, it was great. I’m sorry if I did something…” I want to look down, worried he’ll confirm somehow I ruined the date, but I can’t break away from his gaze.

  “No, no, you didn’t do anything wrong. The club was nice…but to tell you the truth that’s not really me.” Lane shrugs and lets out a shaky laugh. “I’m more of a hamburger and milkshake kind of guy, but if you’ll give me another chance, I’d like to take you out again.”

  I can’t help but laugh. A burger and milkshake was exactly the kind of date I’d expected and actually hoped for. “I’d really like that,” I say, excited for another chance to spend time with him.

  Lane rubs his thumb across the back of my hand, wearing a smile on his face that reaches all the way to his eyes. “How’s now work for you?”

  I nod happily. “Now is good.”

  “One thing though.” He looks down at my heels and lets his eyes linger on my legs before looking back up at me. “You might want to change shoes.”

  “I have some sandals in my trunk.”

  Reluctantly, I let go of Lane’s hand to grab the pair of shoes from the back of my car when a cool breeze blows off the ocean, causing me to shiver.

  “You got a jacket in there too?” Lane asks as I pull off my heels and swap them with much more comfortable footwear.

  “I don’t, but I’m fine,” I say and then as if to contradict myself my skin explodes with goose bumps.

  Lane laughs then walks to his car and pulls out the light blue zip up hooded sweatshirt he was wearing on the bluffs from his back seat. He holds it open so I can stick my arms in and when I do his intoxicating smell surrounds me. Sea salt, sunshine and boy.

  “Better?” he asks, stepping in front of me again and rubbing his hands up and down my now covered arms to help warm me up.


  Lane’s hands stop moving but stay wrapped around my arms, and the way he’s looking at me makes another shiver go through my body.

  “So, where are we going?”

  “Now that’s a surprise,” he says with a wink before he takes off his tie and tosses it in the back seat of his car. He untucks his crisp white dress shirt then undoes the first few buttons revealing a baby blue tee shirt underneath that matches his eyes. After rolling up his sleeves he instantly looks more relaxed, and so hot I bite my lip.

  He opens the passenger side door and helps me in before making his way around to the driver’s side and leaping in with a wink. I’m not sure if he’s trying to kill me, or impress me, but either way, he’s doing a fine job at both.

  “One last thing.” He leans forward and cups my face in his hands with a playful grin on his face. I suck in a breath as my heart hammers in my chest. Is he going to kiss me? I let my eyes flutter closed when I feel his breath touch my skin. His soft lips press against my cheek and linger for a moment before he pulls away.

  “What was that for?” I ask quietly.

  “For giving me a do-over,” he says with a boyish smile.

  Yep. He’s trying to kill me.


  Oaks Bluff is only a short drive down the beach, but I haven’t been to this part of the island in years. Lane pulls into a parking spot on the boardwalk and quickly gets out, this time using his actual door, before opening mine.

  “Thank you,” I say as I step out. Lane reaches down and tucks a stray hair behind my ear that fell loose during the windy drive, causing goose bumps to spread up my arms and down my legs.

  “Still cold?”

“No.” I smile.

  “Are you hungry?” he asks, and I’m embarrassed to admit I am since we just had dinner, but like most fine restaurants, the food at the club is served in ridiculously small portions.

  “Starving,” I confess when my stomach growls as if on cue. This brings a huge smile to Lane’s face.

  “Good,” he says, taking my hand in his and leading me up the boardwalk to a small hot dog cart. “Me, too.”

  “Lane, my man,” the vendor tending the hotdog stand says as we approach.

  “Hey, Larry. Two dogs and two cokes please.” He pulls out his wallet and looks down at me smiling. “My treat.”

  “Thank you,” I say, grateful that whatever had made the end of our earlier date so awkward was clearly gone now. I slip my hand into his and lace our fingers together, feeling comfortable with Lane like I’ve never felt on a first date before, or I guess a second date to be precise, and I like the way it feels.

  We sit down in a small gazebo just off the boardwalk that overlooks the water and devour our hot dogs and sodas.

  “That was amazing,” I say taking another sip from my drink. “I haven’t had a hot dog and coke in years.”

  “Really?” Lane asks, looking at me like I’m an alien. I shrug. It’s embarrassing but true.

  “Really. The last time I had one we were visiting New York City and our nanny took Andrew and me to Chelsea pier for the day.”

  “Wow. I eat them at least once a week in the summer.”

  “Is that how the hot dog vendor knows you?”

  Lane laughs. “No, I actually grew up down the street. I kinda know everyone who lives around here.” Oh. Of course.

  “That must be nice. I’m not even sure my neighbors know my name, unless they voted for my dad.”

  “Yeah, most of the time.” He shrugs, shaking the ice in his cup around and around.

  “What do you mean?”

  “No. It’s great. It’s just everyone knows everyone’s business.” He gives me a tight laugh, peering over his shoulder and looking uncomfortable.

  “I know what you mean.” I give him a sympathetic smile because I know how it feels to live under a microscope.

  “Hey, how about dessert?” he says, changing the subject. “There’s an ice-cream parlor just up the way that’s amazing.”

  “Absolutely.” I smile.

  We walk further down the boardwalk to an old-fashioned soda shop that looks like it is right out of the 1950s. A bell rings as we go inside and the smell of fresh baked waffle cones wafts through the air and makes my mouth water. A cute girl behind the counter wearing a pink and white uniform with a matching hat gives Lane a wave.

  “Hey, Lane, I heard you were on a date,” she teases.

  I look up at Lane feeling my cheeks flush.

  “Hi, Megan. Let me guess, Larry was just here?” Lane says, rolling his eyes.

  “Yep.” She pops her gum. “Heard about the bluffs too. Tough break.”

  Lane finches as he glances down at me. “See what I mean?” I do. And I thought gossip traveled fast at the club.

  Lane places his hand on the small of my back, making my stomach flutter as he orders us two double scoop waffle cones; mine covered with sprinkles and Lane’s with chopped nuts.

  “It’s on the house,” the girl offers before waving us goodbye. “Have fun you two.”

  “You weren’t kidding, everyone really does know everything,” I say when we step outside. Lane reaches over and wraps his hand around mine again, making me feel warm all over despite the cool breeze coming off the ocean.

  “You have no idea.”

  We walk down the boardwalk hand in hand, our arms swinging between us, as we eat our ice-cream. I blush every time I catch Lane staring at me and giggle every time he catches me sneaking a glance at him. Both of us with silly grins on our faces.

  As we turn the corner, at the edge of the boardwalk, right in front of us is a perfectly preserved turn of the century carousel.

  I gasp at its beauty. How have I never been here before? Although, a community carousel is the last place that my parents would ever think to bring us. A ride on a schooner is more their speed.

  The carousel is covered in small bulbous lights that cast a warm glow over the richly colored horses each with a different face and intricate carvings on their saddles. The sounds of children and parents laughing intertwine with the carnival style music coming from the ride and I can’t stop myself from hopping up and down on the tips of my toes like a child. Lane chuckles.

  “Come on,” he says, gripping my hand tightly as we watch the ornate horses spin around and around and up and down until he points at a big brass ring when it spins by. “If you can grab the ring the ride’s free.” He gives me a smile and like a couple of kids we run along the side of the carousel until we both grab onto the ring and hoist ourselves up and onto the ride, laughing and out of breath.

  I move to a stationary white horse wearing a deep red saddle and without saying a word Lane lifts me up, in one swift motion, and sets me down so I’m face to face with him riding sidesaddle. He grips the horse’s gold post with one hand, and I can’t help but admire his sinewy arms, lean and strong.

  “You are so beautiful,” he says, looking into my eyes as he brushes his thumb against my cheek with his other hand. His sincerity takes my breath away.

  I wrap my arms around his neck drawing him closer until he’s standing between my legs. His soft smile fades into a smolder as he leans forward, his eyes never leaving mine, causing my breath to hitch with the anticipation of his lips on mine.

  I close my eyes as he closes the short distance between us achingly slow. My heart skips a beat when I finally feel the warmth of his lips press against mine. He tastes like ice cream and smells like summertime, and I suddenly wonder if the swirling I feel is from the ride or from his kiss.

  He pulls away slightly before wrapping his hand around the base of my neck and pulling me into his lips again, making me certain of one thing.

  I’m swirling, and it’s definitely from his kisses.

  Chapter 11


  “Goodnight,” I say quietly, reluctant to get off the phone, but it’s a necessary evil if I want to function at work tomorrow.

  “Night,” Ashley whispers back, sending a chill up my spine, but neither of us hangs up.

  I roll onto my back, readjust my lumpy pillow, and stare at the living room ceiling. I listen to her breathe until it becomes quiet and even. “Sweet dreams,” I murmur before drifting off to sleep as well.

  “Rise and shine,” Mom says in my ear, waking me from what feels like barely an hour of sleep. I glance at my phone and see I’m not too far off. Three hours. Ouch.

  I rub my eyes then begrudgingly sit up. “Morning.” I yawn.

  “Up late? Again?” A knowing grin spreads across her face. “Whoever she is, I want to meet her.” And suddenly I’m wide awake.

  “What?” I say, playing dumb.

  “Don’t what me, mister.” She wags her finger like she’s laying down the law, but she’s smiling too big to be taken seriously. “Grandpa told me you were practically floating when you got home from your date last weekend. Her name’s Ashley, right?”

  I nod, running my hands through my hair. Of course I want to introduce Ashley to my family. I’m only hesitant because Mom doesn’t know Ashley’s a Stay. Considering the way my father, or sperm donor is more like it, and his family treated her, she’s always been a little standoffish of the summer residents. And the last thing I want her to think is that this is just some summer fling for Ashley because I think it’s becoming more than that. For both of us.

  “How about you bring her over tonight for dinner?”

  “Can’t. I’m pulling a double at the club tonight, what about tomorrow?” I pick up my phone. “But I’ll have to call and make sure she’s free,” I say even though I know she is. We already made plans to go to the movies, but I don’t want her to feel obligated to have dinner with
my family if she doesn’t want to.

  “Hi,” Ashley says when she answers, and I can hear the smile in her voice. “Did you get enough sleep?” I smile at her concern for me even though she obviously got just as little sleep as I did.

  I nod even though she can’t see me and then cut right to the chase. “Okay, you can say no if you want, I promise.”


  “So, my mom wants to have you over for dinner tomorrow, but if you don’t want to I totally understand. I mean, I know how much you were looking forward to the movies and all, so we can do dinner another time,” I ramble. “Whatever you want to do.”

  Ashley giggles. “Lane, I thought it was going to be something bad. Of course I’d love to come over for dinner.” Suddenly all my nervousness is gone, and I’m not exactly sure why I was nervous in the first place. My mother is going to love her because I’m finding it hard not to as well.

  “I’m working tomorrow until six. Do you want me to pick you up when I’m done?”

  “I actually have a tennis lesson, so I’ll just meet you at the club afterwards.”

  “Can’t wait. See ya tomorrow,” I say, wishing I could see her sooner.

  “Have a great day,” she says before hanging up and leaving me to my day full of dishes.


  Work goes by in a flash, and I wonder if Ashley spent as much of her day thinking about me as I did about her. It’s almost midnight when I finish the last of the dishes in preparation for tomorrow night’s silent auction.

  “Adios, Lane, see ya mañana,” Mario says as we walk out the staff entrance and into the almost empty parking lot.

  Thankfully I’m working the garage tomorrow and not the auction; it’s always a madhouse on special event nights in the kitchen.

  “See ya, man,” I say before I feel a pair of tiny hands wrap around my head and cover my eyes.

  “Guess who?”

  I can smell Ashley’s cotton candy body spritz wafting off her warm skin, and her voice is like musical notes to my ears, but I’ll play along.


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